The Marionette

By: Chronos, a keeper of time



In case you haven't already guessed that is a lemon.  Let me explain to all those who aren't familiar with the term.  I'll put it in movie terms: the following is rated NC-17.  It contains adult and graphic content that maybe inappropriate to people under 17.  So if your underage and read this don't sue me cause you’re scarred for life cause I warned you.  But why am I bothering you with this, your probably not even reading this.  For all those who are old enough this is my forty-sixth lemon.  Ok, so lets get this started.

Disclaimer: Ok people, I just have to say I don’t own digimon or it’s characters, yeah I know your shocked from this news, but it’s true.  I just want to write about them…



Current arrangements, keep in mind that the name in ( ) are actual people/digimon and the names listed outside are just the bodies they inhabit:  If they have no ( ) next to them, that means nothing has happened to them.

Yolei (Hawkmon), Patamon (Matt), TK, Kari (Gatomon), Gatomon (Kari)

Tai (Agumon), Sora (Biyomon)

Agumon (Tai), Biyomon (Sora)

Hawkmon (Yolei)

Ken, Wormon, Davis (Veemon)

Veemon (Davis)


Frozen in terror, who could be approaching them?  Both Hawkmon and Gatomon weren’t in the best place to greet someone.  And what if it was an enemy digimon, what then?  Both of them are not really capable of fighting them off, not in this form that is.  They started to scramble to get off one another and prepare for what was coming.  However, nothing really could prepare them for what was really approaching them.


“Hand me my pants Hawkmon!” Gatomon order hastily


“Hold on, hold on, I’m still trying to find mine!” Hawkmon shouted back


But no matter how fast they searched for their things, something was about to appear.  In actuality there were two who were approaching, and little to them, things would get a little hectic.


They walked side by side, not to be separated.  They’ve been through a lot lately and being alone wouldn’t actually help their moral.  They held hands as they walk, holding tightly to one another.  They had been walking for a quite some time and it seems that they had heard something off in the distance.  “There!” one of the said, “There’s some movement.  Hah!  I knew I was just hearing things.”


“Yeah, but what if it’s an evil digimon, like Vilemon huh?  Show’s how smart you are.”


“Well, there’s only one way to figure that one out, eh Biyomon?”


“(Groan) You always did leap before you look don’t you Agumon?”


“Hey!  When things get in this condition, there’s only one way and that’s not to think things through.”


“I’m sure that will get you far in life eh?”


“Then just let me go in first, and if it’s safe or if I need help, I’ll just call on you?  That sounds ok?”


“Um…I guess that sounds ok.  Just don’t go acting all brave, if you need my help signal me all right?”


“Yeah of coarse!” Agumon said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

Biyomon was a little mad, “Hey I’m serious Agumon!  You’re not a digimon anymore, you could get seriously injured if your not careful.”  She grabbed hold of his hand; “I need you to come back to me, in one piece all right?”


“Uh huh…” Agumon said a little distracted as Biyomon squeezed harder.


Biyomon a bit confused on his tone of voice, adjusted her eyes gazing downward.  “Oh,” a little surprised on what had just suddenly caught her attention.  She looked back up, her eyebrows upward.  They continued their everlasting stare as they slowly inched closer and closer.  There breaths were almost synchronized as they felt their body temperature rise.  Eyes locked, hands still held, he closed his eyes.  Biyomon was about to do the same until she realized what would happen and quickly turned her head.  Agumon got a big smooch of clump of hair as he opened his eyes to see what had happened.


“Biyomon?” Agumon said curiously.


“Um…Agumon, I don’t think this is the best time…well to…y’know.  After all weren’t you going to investigate what’s over there?” Biyomon instructed.


“Oh yeah, sort of forgot about that.” Agumon replied.  In actuality he did forget what he had to do.  If Biyomon hadn’t stopped this small kiss, it would have probably leaded to a more “seductive” incident.  What was truly weird about this was that Agumon hadn’t really been so active.  Sure once in a while, when the timing was just right and everything seemed to fall into place, he and Biyomon would gently hold each other.  They’d be “one” so to speak, as Agumon was gentle as he was in her.  But now, with everything being far from normal, everything was so quick and habitual.  What was also weird was the fact that they seem to be more energized lately.  Active as well as energized, it wasn’t hard to notice something or someone was pulling the strings around here.


He looked deep into her eyes and once again he fell into her glamour.  He craved for her, the way her smooth skin felt underneath his human hand.  But he refrain from continuing to indulge in her passions, as he turned and headed to brave the peril.  He rushed in yelling, “ALL RIGHT! SHOW YOURSELF!”


However, he was most surprised as he gazed upon who were lying on the ground together.  He quickly turned away, smacking his face covering his eyes, “GEEZ!” he averted his eyes.  Biyomon had heard this and to her own regret she stepped in too.  She said as she walked in, “What?  What’s going on here…” and then she caught notice on what Agumon had seen, “Oh my god…”


“Sora?  Tai?” Gatomon replied as she reached for her pants on the ground.  On the floor as well, she too seemed to be scrambling around trying to find her garments and gather them.  Gatomon replied somewhat nervously as she avoided eye contact from either of them and concentrated trying to find her clothing.  She’ll have a difficult time explaining to Kari’s older brother especially when technically she is Kari for now.  “Listen Tai, I know this looks really bad right now, but you see…um….”


“Wait a second,” Biyomon had caught on to something.  “Say that again.”


Gatomon was a little confused at first, “What?  This looks bad right now?”  After she had said that, Biyomon quickly caught on.  It may have been her realization before when she was with Agumon, but she had noticed that that wasn’t Kari’s voice coming out of her.  She was a bit skeptic a first as she stared at her with uncertainty, but now it was certain.  “I knew it, that isn’t you at all isn’t it?”


Gatomon was a little jumpy when she had said this.  How could she know that, unless…the same thing had happened to her too.  She started to approach her, cautiously wavering a bit as she walked.  There they stood looking at each other in silence.  “Gatomon?”  Biyomon had broken the eerie silence as she nodded back to her question.  Indeed they had just figured out they weren’t talking to who they thought they were.


Hawkmon turned to look upon Tai, or whom she thought was Tai.  She now was a bit confused as she stared at him.  He stared at her with cautious eyes as he wasn’t too sure who it was.  He had to interrupt this moment though and judging by the eerie silence laid out before them, it would have to be him.  He said, “Hawkmon?  Can that be you?”  She nodded in agreement as responded, “So it is you Agumon…”


With all this wonder and awe floating about, it seemed that they had completely forgotten the fact that both Gatomon and Hawkmon were naked.  It wasn’t until a few more moments pass by, when Gatomon looked down gazing upon on her sweating and smooth human flesh.  She quickly tried to cover herself up as she tapped Hawkmon on the shoulder.  Both Agumon and Biyomon blushed a bit as they averted their gaze.


After Gatomon and Hawkmon covered themselves up, they both signaled Agumon and Biyomon to turn around.  They then continued in a normal conversation, at least a conversation that seemed most fitting for everything that was happening. 


Gatomon was quick to say something as she got up, “Ok, I know that what you just saw was pretty startling added the fact that it really wasn’t whom you thought it was.”


“Really?  No kidding.  The fact that you were both on the floor, butt naked and probably doing…wait hold on, we’ll just leave it like that.  And then we find out that we’re not alone and that both you and Hawkmon over here switched with Kari and Yolei.  Things just couldn’t get any weirder could it?” Agumon responded.


“Well, you’re not the only one that this happened to all right?  If that makes you feel any better.”


Biyomon turned to ask, “What do you mean Gatomon.  You mean there are others that this had happened to?”


She nodded as she suddenly jerked her head, “Oh yeah!  The others!  Here, I’ll explain on the way.”  Gatomon replied as she got up and began to make her way back to the others.  She would have never suspected a simple hunt in the woods would lead to a meeting with three of their lost friends.  She explained as she walked, retracing her steps back to the site.  She had explained that Veemon, Davis, Matt, Patamon, Kari and herself had undergone similar events.  Having waking up deep in the dark forest, their partner either with them only to be separated or just plain alone.  Agumon and Biyomon shared their twist of the story as well as they followed Gatomon.  Contributing there experiences as well, they learned at full force that what or rather whom they were dealing with is someone very powerful.


At last they had arrived as Gatomon entered the scene.  She greeted everyone as the rest of her guests entered the picture.  TK, Matt, as well as Kari were pretty surprised and shocked when they saw what Gatomon had stumbled upon.


Kari leaped for joy, “TAI!  You’re here!” she pounced onto him, knocking him down.  She was just a little over excited to see that her big brother had found her.  But she had also forgotten that she was in another body.  “Oh, I’m so sorry Tai.” She got off of him as he brought himself back up.


He smiled a bit, “Yeah, now I really know that you’re not Gatomon.” Agumon replied.  He simpered a bit, as Gatomon was a little confused with everything.  That is until, Gatomon intervene and settled everything.  She stopped anyone else from talking and started to explain everything.  Who was in who and what their current predicament was.  After she had done so though, Kari felt a little foolish with that little scene she did with Agumon.  She started to blush a bit as she tried to make herself unnoticed.


Agumon saw her shying away from the group, but he stuck out his hand.  “Hey listen Kari.  It wasn’t a big deal, I mean if it makes you feel any better, girls had tackled me before.  I mean, seeing Tai again, but have been really special to you, so I understand.”


She smiled a bit, removing the shame she had felt.  “Thanks Agumon.  But could you do something for me?”  Agumon looked a little curiously at her sudden proposition.  She continued on, “Well, I know I have Gatomon again, but it’d make me feel better if you’d also watch over me too.”


“Hey no problem Kari.  I mean, just cause I’m in Tai’s body doesn’t mean I have to stop watching out for you.”  She smiled at his response, and quickly jumped to him.  He was already sitting on the ground, Indian style as she jumped into his crossed legs and rested there, laying her head down on his thigh.  He was a little disturbed a bit, but then he understood he was doing this for Kari as well as Tai.  So, to make the best out of it, he started to pet her forehead, rubbing her white fur.  She purred a bit as they began to listen once again.


Gatomon had finally recapped everything as she sat back down to join the others.  Everyone was now fully informed on what Gatomon had learned.  They all began to chat now, on what or who could this mysterious being could be.  And most importantly, what was he if it really was a he, could be plotting?


Gatomon spoke out, “So that’s the only thing I don’t know.  It’s happened to me and Kari, Yolei and Hawkmon, Veemon and Davis, Tai and Agumon, Sora and Biyomon and Matt and Patamon.  And I there could be even more, but we haven’t found them yet.  (Sigh) I just don’t know, something tells me something big is going to happen.”


As everyone else pondered what was going on, suddenly a low gurgle could be heard from several people/digimon.  They were all a bit startled as each of them rubbed their stomachs.  Gatomon had then remembered the reason why she had gone out in the first place and that was to get food.  She replied, “Oh, I’m really you guys, I guess you were counting on me for food.”


“I guess you had taken on a little bit of Kari now huh?” Agumon jested as he pointed out Gatomon’s unexpected sign of kindness.  She sneered at Agumon’s remark retaliating back by saying, “Shut up, dino-boy, at least I didn’t inherited that brown mess you call hair.”


After she had said that, everyone knew it wasn’t completely true.  Being that as it may, she began to feel a little bit guilty that she hadn’t complete the task she had set for her.  But, just as she was about to volunteer again, Kari quickly spoke out, “Hey!  Why not me and Agumon go this time?” She turned to Gatomon, “If that’s ok Gatomon?  Cause it looks like your really tired?”


“Oh…ok, but Agumon…you better make sure she’s safe, or you’ll have to answer to me!” Gatomon shouted.  Feeling a little intimidated, despite she was in Kari’s body and he was in Tai’s he quickly nodded his head.  However, he was a little confused with the whole ordeal with Kari’s sudden eagerness to enter the woods.  He turned and started to head off as Kari started to follow him.  And just as she was about to fade away from their sight, Gatomon spoke out.

”Kari!” She paused as Kari turned around briefly, “Just be careful all right?”  Kari smiled a little as she felt like she was talking with her mother.  She nodded as she turned about to catch up with Agumon.  Then, she was gone and Gatomon sat back down to join the rest of the group.  TK glanced over to notice Gatomon’s concern and uneasy expression.  To show some care towards her, he rested his hand on her lap, “Don’t worry Gatomon, I’m sure she’ll be fine, so don’t worry so much ok?”

She turned to face him, “It’s not that…” She said, “I just have to sinking feeling something is out there.  But I just can’t place it.  Whoever this freak that’s doing this to us, it better stay away from Kari, or he or she will have to deal with me.”  She made a fist out of her hand and punched it in her open one.  TK noticing this, TK quickly removed his hand and placed it on his own, as he sat straight up.


Agumon marched on as he had seen Tai done at many times.  It was just how he pictured Tai before, except now he was in command.  He lead the way, as Kari caught up behind.  However as he began to slow down to let Kari catch up, she seemed to stay behind him, walking at a nice and slow pace.  He didn’t pay much attention to it, but it seemed he had other things to worry about.


It seemed that there was a certain, internal problem he had to get through.  It appeared that his little hard-on that he had when he and Biyomon were about to go through another “session” hadn’t completely gone away.  And when saying not completely, it means not at all.  He was a little nervous when Kari had suddenly jumped into his lap.  He was afraid she would brush up against his length, which he would have a little hard time explaining.  But because of Kari’s failure to mention anything, he thought that she hadn’t notice.  He kept to himself and continued on this usual walking pace.


Unknowing to Agumon though, Kari had a little scheme of her own.  She had been tagging behind him for a reason or two as she glanced up admiring him.  This time however, it wasn’t a simple admiration of older brother to the rescue, but something much more.  She walked, keeping her eyes fixed on the appearance of her brother.  She began to think, “How can I be turned on by Tai?  I mean…Agumon?  He’s so heroic right now, and just the way he walks seems to get me so excited.  What can be going on with me?  Are these really Gatomon’s feelings about my brother?” She walked confused more then ever, “Ok, time to draw the line here Kari.  Despite how good looking my Agumon may appear, I will NOT sleep with him!”


Another thing unknowing to both of them, a dark figure hid behind a couple of trees.  He/she appeared out of nowhere, as it felt the sudden resistance around him.  There seem to be someone trying to fight his/her power off, and it seems to be quite a nuisance to his/her plans.  “I can’t have you acting like the champion who opposes me, you will submit to my rule.  Your too far down the hole to fight my power…” with that mumbled its eyes began to glow a devastating red light.  “Do not resist me, my little marionette, this is truly what you want…” 


From afar this figure glared at Kari, focusing the influence he/she had obtained over her.  She was completely overruled by the dark entities effects and succumbed to his/her intentions.  She had paused a little as her walking speed slowed down.  Agumon noticed this as he turned around to look upon her.  “Kari?  Are you all right?”  Suddenly he felt it as well, a sudden urge too.  The being had entered his mind and began it’s twisted and diabolic scheme.  It staid they’re watching them and observing if it’s plans will follow through.


Kari’s suddenly started to breath very rapidly as she stared at Agumon.  A little confused himself Agumon felt a subtle feeling as well as he stared right back.  She started to walk right towards him as Agumon himself knelt down to greet her.  She approached swerving her hips slightly as their eyes remained locked.  They couldn’t quite explain the attraction they felt for one another just yet, but it seemed they could care less about now.  They were completely focused on one another, ignoring everything else.


Seeing that he/she had made the proper push off start.  The entity quickly faded away leaving them confused and dazed, but pretty willing on what their next move.  They were a little startled at first on account that they had no clue what they were just doing now.  And for the fact that the feeling for one another just suddenly stopped.  There wasn’t much sense to it as they were nearly about to touch one another.


They slightly backed away as it suddenly hit them both.  “Ok…what just happened here?” Kari replied.  Agumon shook his head, not knowing what to answer her.  He placed his hand on his forehead, “I’m not sure Kari.  But whatever it was, I just can’t feel it anymore.  Can you?”


“I’m not sure, what were you feeling exactly?”  Kari asked back.


He was a little startled by the question.  He didn’t really want to reveal the truth, which was that he wanted her.  Which in his case seemed pretty weird and slightly wrong.  First of all he was in Tai’s body, Kari’s older brother.  And secondly he was devoted to Biyomon.  What would she say if she found out he was cheating with Tai’s sister.  And even worst, what would Tai actually say if he found out.  He replied back, “Um…well, I just felt a little close to you,” he had to tone it down a bit to “close” with wanting. 


“Close?” Kari asked curiously.  Kari actually really wanted him, but she too could not admit it.  But she couldn’t cool down on the emotions she was feeling, and for now she just wanted to be held and touched.  She bowed her head down as she started to approach him once again.  She stood there as Agumon gazed down upon her.  She slowly lifted her head staring straight at him.  They seemed to be in another trance, but this one seemed only natural.  She extended her paws upward and Agumon did the same.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into her.  He held he close, holding her tight as their bodies touched upon each other.


A nice hug seemed a good time about now.  They remained like that for a little while longer in silence.  That is until Kari began to speak, “Tai…I mean Agumon…I have to tell you something…” Agumon listened quietly, awaiting her answer.  “When we were approaching each other the first time, I felt something strong.  Some feeling was making me want to be with you.  ‘Really’ be with you, and now that were this close I feel so safe and warm.”


Agumon was slightly moved with what she had said, but what she said later gave him a slight startle as well as a deep motivation.  She replied, “Agumon…remember when we were still with the others back there and I sat on your lap.”  Agumon got a little nervous as she mentioned it.  “Well, Agumon, I sorta felt your little surprise back there.”  He took a big gulp as she continued, “And I can still feel it now…”


There was no hiding it now.  Despite Agumon’s attempts, he could not deny what his feelings where telling him.  He also knew that what he was feeling was much more then just a simple hug.  He lowered his head nuzzling his face down upon her crown of her head.  His felt the soft white cat fur in his face as he smothered his face in it like a pillow.  Kari herself felt a little comfortable now as she did something similar.  She buried her face in his chest and mimicked Agumon’s movements.


The brush with Kari’s new enthusiasm was certainly a signal to delve deeper.  Agumon felt so controlled by passion now, he removed one of his hands and placed it on her back.  He began to rub her white cat fur, running his human hands through digimon flesh.  The warmth was exactly the same as with Biyomon, but the fact he could touch upon a digimon’s body, felt so erotic.  Slowly and steadily he adjusted his hands and moved down her back.


Kari didn’t seem to mind, as she was too preoccupied with what she was doing.  She just had that warm feeling of a brother holding her.  He went deeper, now caressing her curved furry buttocks.  She was a bit surprised to see Agumon’s advancing moves upon her, but she didn’t pay much attention to it.  Agumon then placed his other hand and placed it on her head.  He moved and touched upon her cheek.  She backed away from his chest and gazed into Agumon’s prying eyes.  It was a sight of peace and care as she placed cat ear against his chest.  She heard his heartbeat, which was surprisingly racing like crazy.


Then she backed away once again, and Agumon rested his hand on her cheek.  He then suddenly fondled the white fur on her cheek as his other hand continuously touched upon her smooth round ass.  Using the hand that was on his cheek, he eased on down under her arm.  It was now, when he made his move and adjusted her position.  He had lifted her and turned her around so that her back was to his chest.  The position was very awkward to her, until Agumon reached in front her and began to play with her hidden nipples.  He used his other hand and slid his fingers against her buried cunt.


It was now; that Kari finally realized how frisky and how willing Agumon was going with this.  She had was trying her best to suppress the hidden feelings she kept for Agumon, but the fact of the matter was, that Agumon was forcing her to contribute.  For now at least she enjoyed the physical actions, Agumon was making on her.  She reached above as she titled her head to stare upward.  She wrapped her paw at his neck and gently rubbed it.  Agumon persisted on the minor advances he was making.


“Agumon…I guess there’s no fighting this urge huh?” Kari replied.  Agumon nodded as began to really play with various parts of Kari’s physique.  Agumon finally took back his slightly moistened hand and reached into his pants.  He felt his hard on stiffen as he slightly jerked it around.  Kari felt the rapid movements underneath her as she used her paw and grabbed hold of the waistband of his pants.  She pulled on them slightly, until she reached the zipper of it.  She gradually pulled it down releasing his now throbbing member.


She stuck her black talon in her cunt, replacing Agumon’s fingers.  She continued to make slight and swift entries within her moisten clit while tending with other things.  Agumon had released his rod and retracted it back as he now rubbed Kari’s other nipple.  Kari skipped a breath, now she it was clear she was enjoying herself as it gradually sped up.  Kari, feeling she was up to it now, slowly lowered herself upon him.


She at first positioned her nice swelled snatch against his member and began to lift herself up and down.  She let her labia touch upon his length, mimicking a hand.  Then, after having her small games, she lifted herself completely out and sat on his rock hard tool.  Her fluids had coated his length, but she still had to go slowly.  She bit down hard on her teeth, seemingly helping her to get through the pain.  All this seemed all well and dandy for Agumon, but he wanted something a bit more upbeat.


Rather then to let Kari move herself upon him, he did most of the moving.  To respect how she would feel, he went slowly, but not as slow as she was going.  He inserted his length deep into her slowly hearing what her reactions were at first.  She definitely was feeling something, as she had slowly parted her mouth.  She couldn’t muster anything, not even a shout or moan.  What made up for that was her rapid breathing.


It was clear she was dealing with this as best as she could.  Agumon then, retracted back and pushed into her at greater speeds.  Letting his member slid into her, pushing into her ass faster and smoother.  Indeed, even though he was cheating on Biyomon with his partner’s sister, he does not want to harm her in anyway.  Still though, as anxious as he is when it comes to terms like this, there’s time for his needs. 


He slid his hands down to her buttocks, and squeezed them hard.  He now began his persisting actions without hesitation.  The squeeze just made it all change as he lost some of his control.  She had shut her eyes and bear down on her teeth.  It was definitely painful for her able to take it in, but in a way she wanted it.  The pain was definitely a mixture.  She was pleasuring herself with her paw as well as certain stimuli gave her an extra pain/pleasure in her ass.  She felt his head enter here just to be backed off and re-entered.


After a few moments passed, he was literally slamming into her.  However, she had grown accustomed to his violent rage and let him continue.  In order to gain a better access to her body, he unfolded his legs and got up into a kneeling position.  Kari now was on her fours, head towards the ground.  She rubbed it towards the dirty ground, to try and find something to comfort her.  She was moaning out of control now, and occasionally screamed when he had slammed in and paused.


“Agumon!  (Pant) Agumon…you’re…ugh…” she couldn’t think straight right now.  But she was signaling him to try and be gentler with her.  But in actuality, this little session was about over.  Instead of submitting to Kari’s request he shoved his entire prick into her.  She was biting as hard as she could now.


But Agumon still had his morals; he did not wish to leave a little piece in her.  He forced himself off, resting his swelling cock on her ass cheeks.  He let out a loud moan himself, releasing his seed onto her.  He stroked his rod a few more times, gaining a few outburst of his semen.  It tainted Kari’s ass as he gave in a few more pumps with his dick still out of her.  Kari reached behind her, smearing his cum all over her ass. 


He fell back sitting on his feet as he wiped his forehead.  He was covered in his own sweat his length was certainly far from being on the dry side.  Kari herself fell to the floor; she lied there on the ground getting a few more deep breaths.  It truly was a time for long silence between both of them.  Sort of like a rest period after the exhausting session.  Unknowing to both of them, a pair of red devious eyes gazed upon them from a far.


Care to tell me something?  You can reach me at; I'll be able to pick up what your saying.  And/or if you have AOL or AIM the name is ShadowWalker157.  Peace till then.