A teaser from me. Bwa ha ha ha! I hope yall enjoy it. At this point, romantic, m/m, slightly feet. If that offends you, I’m amazed your on this site. No one under 18 allowed to read.


Burning Passion

Davis and Demiveemon feel out of the monitor at the school along with the rest of the digidestined. They all untangled themselves and stood up. TK started the conversation.

“We all did a great job. I’m glad we beat that Devimon.” Patamon looked at Demiveemon sheepishly. “Thanks for taking that hit for me.” Veemon replied, “It’s ok. That’s what buddies are for!” He elbowed Patamon lightly. Patamon blushed and looked down. “I guess your right.” There was an awkward pause, and then Davis put his hand on the back of his head. “Well, I guess it’s time we all went home!” They all agreed, and left the school in their separate ways.

Once they were around the corner from Davis’s building Demiveemon went in Davis’s backpack. As he zipped the bag up, Davis took one last look at the chibi digimon… he was so cute, like a little baby. Devimon sighed from relief when the backpack closed. He had been so worried about when he was hit… what if he would never see his freinds again? He couldn’t stand that. He was glad it all turned out okay. He curled into a little ball and started to snooze till the got into Davis’s room. Davis entered the room and then set his backpack down and opened it. He looked at Demiveemon. He was so cute sleeping there. Davis gently reached down and pulled him out. As he set the chibi digimon on the bed, he woke up. Demiveemon looked up at Davis. “Guess it took longer to get up here than we both thought.” Davis put his hand on the back of his head and did his signature smile. “I had to talk to my parents. I had to make up an excuse to bring my food up here.” Davis pointed to a plate heaped with food. “And why I am so incredibly starving I needed about half the dinner for my self.” Demiveemon gave out a yelp of joy and leaped onto the table and started eating. Dais took the fork and the plate was soon gone. Both of the engorged being sat back and patted their belly. Davis left for a few minutes to take out the dishes. When he came back he had a sad look on his face.

“What’s the matter, Davis?” Davis looked around the room. “My parents said it’s okay that I went to bed early but that I have to clean my room first…” He looked to the piles of laundry, dishes, and assorted things that couldn’t be put in a category, let alone be recognized. Davis tear dropped and groaned. Demiveemon looked at him. “Well, if you digivolve me to Flamedramon I could help.” Davis looked down at the little blue digimon. “That would be great!!” So there was a flash of light and there was Flamedramon, and between the two the whole job was done in thirty minutes. Davis yelled down to his parents that he was done and going to bed, and after a small argument with his parents about how it better actually be done and something about in the morning if it wasn’t done, then they finally exchanged goodnights.

Davis turned around to see Flamedramon on his bed, all his armor off. Half was in a pile on one side of Flamedramon, and the other half was in a pile on his other side. Flamedramon was examining his chest piece. Davis stammered, “Fla… Flamedramon? What are you doing?” Flamedramon looked up. “Oh, I forgot. I usually do this when all of you are looking and it’s my turn to keep watch. After I take a direct blow like that I check my armor. It has always repaired in the past, but I’d rather be safe and check.” Davis looked at the bare blue and white digimon; well, except for the black straps over his arm. He felt something weird deep in his body… he thought it was probably that he had eaten too fast. He sat next to the pile of unchecked armor. He looked at it. “You want some help there, buddy?” Flamedramon looked to him. “Sure, that would be great.” Davis picked up a piece of the armor and started to look at it. It was one of Flamedramon’s armor slippers. He couldn’t see anything wrong, so he ran his fingers over it, making sure. It was very weird… Davis looked close at it. It was incredibly light. It wouldn’t seem that strong… Davis tried to bend it, and got no result, no matter how much he tried. It must be some sort of strange digital material. He sniffed it lightly, and for some reason got the same feeling back in his stomach. He just shrugged it off. But the smell lingered… it was quite pleasant. Davis shook his head a little and came back to reality. The piece seemed fine, and he got the next one and examined it in the same way, minus the smelling and bending.

Flamedramon watched Davis go through each piece of armor and smiled. Davis was an idiot some times, but he was still cute… well, more than cute… Flamedramon found Davis… well, attractive. In all actuality… Flamedramon loved Davis. He knew it wasn’t right and that others probably would hate him- Davis one of them if he knew –but Flamedramon loved Davis with all of his heart. Flamedramon set down the last piece of armor. He looked up at Davis. “Looks like were all done. *yawn*. You think we could go to bed?” Davis returned the yawn. “That sounds like a good idea.” Davis was shivering lightly. “I forgot to tell you. The heat is out.” Flamedramon looked at his cold digidestined. “Well, I’m a fire element in this form. I can stay in this form tonight and we’ll both stay nice and warm.” Davis looked at him. “You’re a genius!” Flamedramon smiled. “Thanks! I know I am!”

The two laid down on the bed, after Davis stripped to his pokemon boxer’s with a Charizard roaring on the front, and Flamedramon pulled the blanket up over them. Davis looked back to Flamedramon after a minute. “Your right! It is nice and warm!” they shared a semi-long pillow, each on their side, their heads at either end, Flamedramon’s muzzle a few inches from Davis’s face. Davis got the same feeling in his tummy… he wanted to do something, but he wasn’t sure what or why. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. He looked over Flamedramon’s face. There was just something about it. He scooted a little closer, then didn’t know why. He felt something emitting heat near his chest. He reached out with his hand, and felt Flamedramon’s lightly scaled hand. He lightly placed his hand on Flamedramon’s then jerked it away. He knew what the feeling was… he was in love with Flamedramon!

Davis started to think about it and realized he had been in love with Flamedramon sense… well, just about sense the first time Veemon digivolved to Flamedramon. There was just something about him. Davis remembered that he had gotten an erection, especially after looking at Flamedramon’s foot paws… at the time he didn’t know why. But now he knew… and he was ready to admit it. He lightly placed his hand on Flamedramon’s unconscious one… then he felt it move a little. He looked to Flamedramon’s face, and his beautiful amber eyes slowly opened. Davis looked deep into them. Davis started, “Flamedramon… I uh… you… I” Flamedramon placed a finger over his lips. “it’s okay. *smile* I uh you too.” Davis looked deep into Flamedramon’s eyes. He could see it there… Flamedramon did love him. He slowly traced his hand up Flamedramon’s arm, then over his back, and he lightly pulled himself to Flamedramon. His lips met Flamedramon’s soft scaled ones and the feeling in his stomach practically exploded. He felt joy he never knew was possible. He kissed Flamedramon how he thought he should. He had never done it before… he felt Flamedramon’s tongue pressing lightly at his lips and he allowed it into his mouth… it felt so different, yet good and right.



Davis lightly thrust his hips forward involuntarily, and they pressed against something bulging there… so, there's the teaser!!!! Email ( Dreamous_dragon@hotmail.com ) me if you want the rest to come faster... he he he. I need some convincing...