Author: Felixman
Genre(s): Lemon (duh) and comedy.
This is a lemon (Hentai to those Americans that only read things in Japanese). There will be no action, drama, or confession of
true feelings. Once the hostile take-over goes through, the characters will be mine.

Please read on if you want to see how my favorite Digies clean house.

Please stop if you expect Biyomon or TK to get any.

I would just like to say that this is the first hentai I have ever written. I probably stink at it, but at least it should be funny. Now
for your amusment I, Felixmon.... I mean MAN, presents....

The Best of the Digi-Best

 "What in the world is going on!?!" Tai demanded as he walked into the theater. He, along with all the digidestined, had
received letters to come here, only to find all the females but Yolie and Biyomon missing.
 "Beats me, man. I showed up, Gabumon became Weregarurumon, and then he locked the door." Matt said. Sure enough,
there was the clank of a dead bolt being engaged.
 "This is very strange. Who would lead us here, but only take the girls?" Cody said.
 "Someone with a real sex drive?" Gommamon suggested. That's when the lights dimmed and a spotlight appeared on the stage. Gatomon stepped out of the curtain wearing a top hat and a plush red coat. She signaled for everyone to sit and, lacking
anything better to do, they complied.
 "Welcome friends, to the first annual Digidestined charity fund!" Gatomon said into the mike. Everyone blinked.
 "Is this tax deductible?" Joe asked. Gatomon ignored him.
 "As you may know...."
 "I doubt it." Hawkmon whispered.
 "The female members of the group..."
 "Isn't that like saying 'The Enemy of men?'" TK asked Davis.
 "Have certain needs..."
 "No, it's more like saying 'Your lords and masters.'" Davis replied.
 "That we can't fulfill..."
 "Take it off!" Agumon cried. Gatomon glared at him, then looked at Weregarurumon.
 "Get that trouble maker out of here!" she snapped. He saluted.
 "Yes ma'am!" he plucked Agumon out of his seat and tossed him out the open window. The conveniently placed, 165th floor
open window which just happens to defy all federal codes for a building that size.
 But I digress.
 "Sooooooooorrrrrrrr..........." the lizard wailed as it plummeted to what would most likely be it's death. Weregarurumon
brushed his hands clean and gave Gatomon a thumbs up.
 "Good boy! Now, as I was saying, we girls need money. Lots of money. INSANE sums of money that can't be gotten by
normal means."
 "What for?" Patamon asked.
 "Bet they all want breast implants." Tentomon whispered to Veemon, who snickered.
 "They need breast implants." Gatomon said evenly. Everyone stared at Tentomon.
 "You knew something like that and didn't tell us!?!" all his fellow males roared.
 "I swear! I really didn't know!!!!" he cried, waving his arms. He was pummeled for not freely sharing any available information
about the resident females.
 "That's what you get for whispering too loudly." Gatomon growled. "Actually, the girls and I want to go to to Jamaica for a
week, but we're all a bit short."
 "Why weren't I included in this plan!?!" Yolie wailed.
 "Same here!" Biyomon added. Gatomon leaned forward, squinted, and her ears lowered as she concentrated.
 "Your girls?" she said. Yolie and Biyomon hissed in rage as Gommamon whooped in joy and leapt onto TK.
 "I TOLD you she didn't know! Pay up, buddy boy!" the seal said. TK growled, but pushed some bills into the waiting flipper.
 "I thought she'd be able to smell it..." TK murmured to himself.
 "I look like a dog to you, hat boy?" Gatomon hissed. TK shook his head meekly and sank down in his seat. Tai stood up, his
fist curled in anger.
 "What does any of this have to do with us!?!" he demanded. Gatomon grinned.
 "Why, you nice boys... and Yolie... will be paying for the trip."
 "Never!!!!" they shouted as one. Gatomon shivered in delight.
 "Ohhh... I love it when they doubt me." she purred. She then pulled a small remote control out of her pocket and pressed a
button, causing the curtains to part revealing...
 "KARI!?!" Tai bellowed in rage. His kid sister was dressed in a pair of tight short-shorts and the top half of a string bikini. She
was leaning against a pole.
 "Hey boys." she said, grinning. Davis, TK and Cody's jaws hit the pavement, soon followed by Gommamon's and
 "This is just a small preview. If you want the main attraction, you'll fork over some cash after each showing. Sound fair?"
 "Yep." the drooling ones stated. Tai was now glowing red.
 "But Tai, I wanna go to Jamaica with the others!" she cried back. Tai was going to continue screaming until heavy hands
pushed him back into his chair.
 "Shut up or I'll take your money, THEN toss you out the window!" Weregarurumon growled. Tai looked to his sister.
 "You'd let him KILL me!?!" he wailed. She shrugged.
 "Not normally. But Gatomon doesn't feel like fighting today and... well, you know... Jamaica." she answered with a shrug. Tai's head fell onto his chest in defeat.
 "How much are they paying you for this?" Izzy asked the large Digimon. He smiled in a feral way.
 "Who said I was getting money?"
 "Knock it off! I have money to make!" Gatomon screeched. She smoothed her coat, then plastered her grin back onto her
face. "And now...." she pressed another button and music blared through the speakers. Kari's face brightened at her cue and
she did something no one expected.
 Well, we did since I mentioned the pole. But they didn't.
 She pole danced. The sacred dance lost some of it's flair since she was over dressed, but it was enough to add Veemon and
Tentomon to the list of drooling derelicts as she swung, clung to, and fondled the bar in ways too numerous to comprehend.
 "Go Kari..." Matt whispered in awe. Tai slugged him. Gatomon jumped off the stage with a big basket.
 "10 dollar minimum to continue watching, please. Except for the Digimon of course." she stated. Joe, not impressed, paid the
ten as did Izzy. TK dished out a twenty and  Davis poured the contents of his pockets out. Gatomon paused to count.
 "Wow! 75 dollars, a comb, three pens, two breath mints and...." she smirked as she held up a small orange package, "One
large condom. My, don't we have a high opinion of ourselves?"
 "Just...." he started, then remembered WHY he had emptied everything out. "Just tell me it's enough to stay for the rest of the
night." she stopped and did some quick calculations.
 "Sorry, your twenty short."
 "Damn it!" he wailed.
 "Here." Veemon said, forking over forty dollars to the cat.
 "That'll do it! Thanks Vee!"
 "No sweat!" he chirped as she walked off.
 "Where did you get the money?" Davis whispered as Gatomon got 15 from Cody, who was all but brain-dead.
 "I stole it from the Digimon Emperor on our way in." he said smugly.


 "I'd like a Number 3, please." Ken muttered. He was still trying to think of a good plan to destroy the digidestined.
 "That'll be $5.37." he reached into his pocket. Nothing.
 "What!?!" he searched himself, but was unable to find his wallet. "I've been robbed!!!!" he cried. The lady behind the counter
suddenly became the reincarnation of evil.
 "Be gone, feeble, penniless mortal!" and she send the Digimon Emperor sprawling out the door with one backhand.
 "Who... who could have done this to me!?!" he demanded of anyone that cared to answer.
 No one did.


 The list has grown. The drooling syndrome has infected Tai, Izzy and Joe. The Reason?
 Sora was sunbathing. Wearing a black bikini, she was slowly spreading suntan lotion over every inch of her body as a sun
lamp made her glow. When she spread it on her chest and emitted a soft moan, everything went silent for a moment. Then there was the sound of ripping cloth.
 "Wha... whats everyone staring at?" Tai asked, crossing his legs as best he could. This time, Gatomon got him to fork over fifty bucks. Everyone else (Except Davis) had upped their usual fee to about twenty dollars.
 "This is sooooo puuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrfect." Gatomon cooed, curling up inside the basket full of money. Suddenly, she was hit by
a blast of red lightning and she shrieked in pain and surprise. When it was over, she was charred black and breathed a puff of
 "Get on with the show!" Tentomon screamed.
 "And now.... ughhhh...." she nearly fainted, finding that holding quarters while being shocked was a bad thing. "Mimi......." and
she collapsed inside her bed. Sora evacuated her beach chair and Weregarurumon moved the tanning lamp. Mimi, wearing a
disappointingly large sum of clothing, came on stage.
 "Hi!" she said, waving. She flatten her knee high pink skirt at  her thighs and straightened her tight black shirt before plopping
down onto the chair. Mimi watched her friends faces for a moment, then snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground next to
her. Weregarurumon came rushing out, placed a glass jar next to her, then dashed off stage as fast as Digimonly possible.
 Which, by the way, is a lot faster than Humanly possible.
 With a wide grin, Mimi reached into the jar, wiggled her fingers about for effect and extracted something that had the boys
gasping in surprise.
 "Gatomon! This isn't fair!" Matt bellowed.
 "All's fair in... uh.... lucky charms?" she replied, still a little crispy. Matt growled and turned back to Mimi who was waving her
prize around.
 A Pickle. But not just any pickle.
 A sleek, dark green, juicy, prime piece of dil that was all but begging to be sucked and gnawed at.
 My God... it was beautiful...
 Mimi put the dil in her mouth and sucked, long, hard, and loud. All the boys were groaning with need and even Biyomon and
Yolie were starting to rub their legs together rapidly. Mimi's tongue darted out and she started licking the pickle like an ice
cream cone, earning yet more groans.
 "Oh yeah..... oh baby.... that's the way...." someone said, a little louder than a whisper. Everyone looked around for the
source. They stopped when Mimi gasped, which brought their attention back to the stage.
 "OOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." they all said, eyes wide. Mimi had pulled her skirt up and was now rubbing the pickle against the crotch of her panties. A wet spot soon appeared, which grew bigger and bigger as her gasps and moans became
slightly louder.
 "It.... it's probably just pickle juice..." Matt said, staring at the spot.
 "Sure doesn't smell like it." Gommamon informed. Armadillomon, driven mad with lust,  lunged at the stage.
 "I want to taste it!" he cried, only to be restrained by Joe.
 "No! They might stop the show!" he said. Veemon's eyes flashed a golden color. He lifted Armadillomon and Hawkmon up by their throats and started to shake them.
 "NOOO!! The show MUSTN'T STOP! IT CAN NEVER STOP!!!!" he roared.
 "Okay! I get the picture!" Armadillomon said.
 "Why are you beating ME up!?!" Hawkmon wailed. Veemon snorted in disgust and tossed them back into their seats.
 "Oh yeah! YES! Oh, it feels gooooooood!!!!" came the voice again.
 "Who keeps doing that!" Davis demanded.
 "Yeah, I'm getting jealous." Tentomon added. Finally, they spotted Patamon sitting on top of the chair back, tugging almost
cutely at his small brownish wang.
 "That's the stuff, hot lips!" he said, still watching Mimi.
 "Lightning Paw!" Gatomon cried. She drove her fist right into Patamon's... well, his happy button. You know, cock, penis,
Spike, money maker.
 With a squeak so soft even Gatomon couldn't make it out, Patamon's eyes rolled into his head and he fell backwards off the
chair, hitting the floor with a sound similar to a brick. Tentomon made a loud noise of pain and also toppled over, mentally
feeling his friends agony.
 Which is exactly why my friends and I aren't too close.
 Izzy and TK looked at each other, shrugged, and turned back to the stage just in time to see Mimi getting ushered off the stage by Gatomon as Weregarurumon cleared off the props.
 "I'm outta here." Yolie said once the guard dog was gone.
 "Me too!" Biyomon said in disgust. They went to the doors and opened them to see Metalgarurumon's huge snapping jaws
inches away from their faces. They slammed the doors closed and braced them with their backs.
 On stage, Weregarurumon ran back, grabbed the pickle jar and ran off stage. Biyomon blinked and opened her half of the
double doors.
 "Metal Wolf..." she slammed the doors before the Mega level Digimon could finish announcing it's attack.
 "How is he doing that!?!" she asked.


 ".........rrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Agumon finished, smashing into a dumpster, which exploded on impact.
"Life... equals... suffering... I wonder if Izzy would agree..." he managed while pulling himself to his feet. Dazed, the little
Digimon started zigzagging his was towards the front of the building and the elevator within.
 He would make them all pay dearly for this.
 Yes. He would kill Weregarurumon, then Tai. Then he would get Gatomon into a dark alley and then... and then... and... and...
 "AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL!?!" he demanded as he walked, a large piece of used toilet paper clinging to his foot.


 "Next comes our final act before the finally!" Gatomon said. There were no cheers, just the dead quiet of a group of overly
stimulated men waiting for some new sensory input. "Put your cocks into the air for..... Lillymon!"
 Said Digimon flew onto stage looking quite normal. She smiled, waved hello and blushed. Davis blinked and broke some of
the strangle hold his hormones had on him.
 "I think she's too shy." he said.
 "Never, EVER doubt that woman." Weregarurumon said, appearing suddenly. That was when she sprang into action. She
grabbed her dress and, with a flick of her arm, tore it clear off.
 She stood before her friends naked. Stark... Raving.... Nnnnnnnnneeeeekkkkkiiiiiid.
 Oh, she had a whip. Sorry, small details are easy to miss.
 "Ohhhh boy." Izzy wheezed. Lillymon's gaze locked onto him like a hawk seeing a trout. She flicked her wrist and her whip
lanced out, wrapping itself around his erection.
 How it's holding on while he still has pants on is beyond me. But hey, I'm new.
 "You spoke without orders. Now what do you say?" Lillymon said with a sadistic grin.
 "Uh... sorry?" Izzy said weakly. She pulled on the whip, making him scream. By then, the men were covering their privates,
some going a far as making promises of protection.
 "THAT wasn't a very convincing apology." she sneered.
 "I'm very sorry! Please forgive me!" he wailed. Lillymon laughed for a second, then pulled harder. Armadillomon leaned over
the side of his chair and emptied his stomach.
 "GOD DAMNIT!!!" Veemon screamed, then tackled and pounded the offending mammal.
 "Your forgetting a very, very important word, Izzy." the Ultimate level Digimon informed. Swallowing what small shreds of
pride he had left, Izzy just started talking.
 "I'm sorry, Mistress! Please, don't hurt me! I.... I won't do it again I swear! PLEASE... please no more, Mistress.... please...."
 "*cough* WUSS *cough*" Tai said, covering his mouth. Matt smacked him and pointed at Lillymon who was now staring at
him. "I am SO sorry, Mistress!" he screamed, covering his crotch. Lillymon smiled and pulled the whip free of Izzy, who
slumped in relief.
 "Good boy." She said happily, then flew out of sight. Gatomon, who was licking herself in boredom off to the side, jumped
back on stage and addressed her crowd.
 "We need a few minutes to get ready. Why don't you all go to the bathroom and..."
 "MASTURBATE!" they cried, dashing for the rest rooms.
 "....piss. Oh well, close enough."


 "This is so much fun!" Sora said.
 "I know! Did you see Tai when he saw you, Sora? His eyes and his crotch where the same size... HUGE!" Kari said. Both
girls giggled.
 "How about Matt? 'Oh..... maybe it's pickle juice?' Ha! What a laugh!" Mimi said.
 "I loved the look on Izzy's face when Lillymon made him call her Mistress." Gatomon added as she entered.
 "What can I say? Some girls have it, some girls don't...." she then cracked her whip menacingly. "And some girls TELL other
people that she has it!" the plant Digimon cackled madly.
 "Well, do we have enough?" Kari asked her Digimon. Gatomon looked up sadly.
 "Sorry. We have everything they had and we don't have enough for a week in Jamaica." she said.
 "What!?!" Mimi screamed.
 "Not after all that work!" Sora moaned.
 "I wouldn't call it work." Lillymon said. That's when Gatomon's face lit up.
 "We have enough for one week and two days!" she said.
 "You lied to me, Gatomon!" Kari said.
 "No I didn't. I said we didn't have enough for a week in Jamaica. And I was right. We have MORE then enough." she said
smugly. Kari growled.
 "Bitch." the girl said curtly.
 "Ah, go grow a pubic hair." the cat said off handedly. Kari turned beet red as everyone else chuckled at her. "Come, my stars! TO THE WHEEL!!!" Everyone, even the disgruntled Kari, followed Gatomon to a large wheel set up on the wall. It was
divided into four section, each with something different written on it.
 "The Wheel of Immorality..." the girls said in awe.
 "Yep. Four different fun things to do with our friends out there. But only one shall come to pass." she moved the wheel so the
first section was up. "First is a set of possible spankings and Blowjobs for those fine young men."
 "Ohhh, we get to wear all the leather in that one!" Mimi cooed.
 "Next," Gatomon turned the wheel a bit "We have One-on-one sex. Pick a partner and do it till they're raw!"
 "Ohhhh... Tai...." Kari sighed. Everyone (even the guys still squatting in the bathroom) stared at Kari (or in her direction) "I
 "Oh thank you..." Tai's voice rang through the building. The ladies blinked in shock.
 "Oooookay. Moving along we have..." again, the wheel turns "The Them Versus Us orgy contest. Last group with someone
who hasn't gotten off wins." Gatomon said.
 "THAT sounds like fun." Sora said, rubbing her hands together.
 "Big time." Lillymon agreed.
 "And finally... we sit on stage and play with ourselves until they either rape us or lose consciousness from trying to control
 "That sounds interesting too." Kari admitted. She wondered what Tai would be like...
 "STOP THAT, KARI!!!!" Tai bellowed.
 "HOW CAN HE HEAR MY THOUGHTS!?!" she wailed.
 "Why are you thinking about him?" Mimi asked. She shrugged.
 "He has a nice ass."
 "This is true." Gatomon conceded. She turned back to the wheel and rubbed her paws together. "Okay girls! Here.... we....
go!" she spun it as fast as she could, waiting to see what they would do.
 "Orgy! Orgy!" The others chanted.
 Perhaps it was fate.
 Perhaps a God answered their silent prayers.
 Perhaps it was when Gatomon pulled out the remote and hit the large button labeled 'ORGY' when no one was looking.
 Or perhaps the writer wanted to write the damn contest. How or why it happened isn't as important as the fact that the wheel
stopped spinning on the words...
 'Stage Play'
 "Awwwwww." the girls said in disappointment.
 Then it went backwards a space and pointed at 'Team Orgy'
 "Hurray!!!!" they cheered. In record time they were stripped naked and running onto the stage.


 "Ye GOD!" TK cried. The entire cast of the lovely show they had all witnessed was now on stage in their birthday suits.
Gatomon had even Digivolved to Angewomon and stripped down.
 "Listen well, boys. We have a little came to play." Angewomon said with a smirk.
 "What kinda game?" Matt wondered aloud.
 "I'm ready to play anything!" Veemon cried.
 "Please let it be Twister! Oh please, oh God please...." Cody said softly.
 "We're challenging you fine youngins to an Orgy contest. Two of you fellows can come up here at a time and try to pleasure
us. The last team to have someone who hasn't gotten off wins." Sora informed.
 "And WHAT do we win?" Tai asked. Kari smirked.
 "Well, if WE win, we keep your money without listening to you guys whine." she said in a condescending tone to her brother.
 "And in the highly unlikely event that you boys win... we'll just have another contest after the trip!" Lillymon said.
 "I can live with that." Davis said.
 "Same here." Matt, Armadillomon, Hawkmon, Gommamon, Weregarurumon, Joe, Patamon, TK and Yolie said.
 "Yolie!?!" they cried. She shrugged.
 "I surrendered to your raging machosisum." She glared at the females that had abandoned her to this den of derelicts. "Lets go
teach those bitches a thing or two about gettin' it on!"  Tai looked to Izzy.
 "What's your opinion, computer whiz?"
 "I say we bop 'em till their ears bleed!"
 "That was uncalled for." Tentomon sighed. They all huddled, whispering about this idea. With a cry of 'break' they split apart
and faced the girls.
 "We accept." Joe said.
 "Excellent." Sora replied happily. The guys removed all their clothing, then stood in awkward silence. They gave short, quick
glances to each other until Tai sighed.
 "Okay, huddle." their leader commanded. The group of males... and Yolie and Biyomon... crammed back into the circle. There was no noise save for Angewomon's foot tapping impatiently until...
 "Yes!! I knew it!!" TK said, raising his arms in victory.
 "Ah, shit." the others said. Yolie and the hideous pink bird looked at each other and shrugged. After TK was sedated (read as: 'Beat up till he couldn't talk anymore' ) the boys were good to go.
 "I call first dibs!" Izzy and Armadillomon cheered as one. They leapt onto stage, ready to get things rolling.
 " 'Bout time." Lillymon snorted.
 "Oh good, rookies." Mimi said.
 "Hey! We can take it!" Armadillomon shouted. Lillymon went over, kicked him onto his back and straddled him.
 "Well let's see if you can back your claim, partner." she drawled in a phony accent. She spit in both her hands, rubbed them
together, and started to rub his exposed member. She twisted and turned, nearly breaking the rod off with her treatment. "Like
it, city slicker?"
 "YEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" Armadillomon cried, letting himself blast off.
 "Lightweight." Lillymon sighed before kicking him off stage. "You guys are down by Ooooneeee!" She announced in a
sing-song voice.
 Meanwhile, Izzy had his lips sealed tight over Mimi's lower regions, his tongue delving in as quickly as it could.
 "Ohhhh, Izzy! That tingles!" Mimi cooed. Sora kneeled behind the active computer nerd and grabbed his manhood in one hand and his balls in another, kneading them gently. He moaned softly, muffled by Mimi's specialist of places. Kari walked over and
started sucking on his neck and rubbing his chest.
 "Allow me." Angewomon announced. She slide her head between Sora's legs until she could reach Izzy's throbbing erection.
She smiled evilly as she bit down on it.
 "AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhoooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....Ahhhhhhhhhh." Were Izzy's exact
words. He slumped forward, resting on Mimi's wet sex. "Me feel gooooooood." he stated. Then Kari pushed him off stage.
 "NEXT!" she called, tapping a foot impatiently. TK and Davis dashed (or slowly limped in TK's case) at the stage, but Tai
held Davis back.
 "But I wanna go to KARIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!" He wailed.
 "I know. But we need to wait." Tai whispered to his young protégé. "If we go last, we can win this thing."
 "Ohhh... okay." Davis sulked.
 "Hey! I need some help here!" TK cried as the woman closed on him, all wielding handcuffs. "I'm not into bondage! At least I
don't think I am..."
 "Don't worry TK, I'll send help!" Patamon called. he searched frantically and saw Biyomon playing with herself. "Boom
Bubble!" he cried. With an indignant squawk, she was launched at the stage by the attack, and knocked TK and herself
unconscious by using her Spiral Twister while she was so disoriented.
 "Good. I didn't want TK touching me anyway. He looked nasty." Kari, Angewomon and Lillymon proclaimed as one.
 "I'm glad Biyomon is finally done touching herself." Sora proclaimed. She felt an unknown pair of hands caress her breasts
from behind and reached up to cup the hands. "I mean, has she no shame?"  someone was kissing her shoulders now. "HAS
SHE NO DIGNITY!" she wailed. She turned and spoke softly over her shoulder. "I prefer it up the ass."
 "Thanks." Cody said, and then he started driving his young penis into her tight anus. Joe was less elegant as he tripped and
landed on Angewomon.
 "Well, at least I found a girl!" he said.
 "Not that you'll have a clue what to do with me." Angewomon deadpanned.
 "Not true! I've studied anatomy!" he pressed his finger to her clit and watched as she... yawned?
 "Hey, Einstein. Digimon have different pleasure points than humans." she informed. Not willing to believe it, he pushed her lips
apart, driving his fingers into her while frantically crying 'It HAS to be here somewhere!!!'
 "Uhhh... your kinda.... good... Cody" Sora complimented. She was on her knees (Were a woman belongs in Cody's opinion)
and taking it like the bitch she was. Lillymon laid on Sora's back as Kari and Mimi help hold her up. With a coy smile, she
wrapped her legs around Cody's neck and pulled him into her crotch.
 "Come now, surely you lick!" she said.
 "That made no sense." Kari whispered.
 "Who cares? This feellssssssssss goooooooddddd!" Sora wailed.
 "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!" Cody wailed. He unloaded himself in her arse, groaning in relief. Since he did
such a nice job of prepping Sora, he was allowed to stagger of stage rather than getting tossed.
 "Almost?" Mimi asked. Sora nodded feverishly as she rubbed her breasts in an attempt to stay stimulated.
 "I think I found it!" Joe said. He jammed his finger in the strange shape he had found.
 "That's my belly button, Joe." Angewomon said sternly. Tired of this mockery of lovin', she reached down and flicked the tip of his crotch. He spewed an amazing amount of cum onto her chest as he moaned in ecstasy. "Good work, Joe! Now I'm turned
on." she said huskily.
 "You are!?!"
 "Oh, yeah. Too bad for you that your turns over." She lifted him up and tossed him back into the stands. As if it was a signal,
Hawkmon and Gommamon leapt into the fray.
 "All hail the wielder of... THE Grand-Master Digi Pimp Cane!" Gommamon cried, holding the sacred cane that was passed
from one Digi-fuck master to another. Angewomon and Lillymon knelt and crawled away.
 "Please not us!" they cried. Mimi raised an eyebrow in confusion.
 "I don't get it. This is just Gommamon with a stick."
 "You doubt my mad skillz?" he said. The cane whirled around his flipper for a second, then stopped, pointing at her wet sex.
With a smirk, he pressed the golden knob on the top of it to her exposed clit. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she was
rocked by an orgasm the likes of which she had never known.
 "That's..... im.... pos... i.... ble....." She gasped. As he walked passed, Gommamon pressed the tip of the cane against her
asshole, causing her to fall to the ground in a masturbating, breast fondling, salivating heap.
 "Never doubt the wielder of... THE CANE." Gommamon said in an overly serious tone. The Grand-Master Digi Pimp Cane
glowed golden with the power and knowledge of countless Digimon that had used it before. Drawing on unknown courage,
Angewomon stood.
 "You'll face ME, Gommamon." she said. He looked her up and down, staring at her large chest and dry sex.
 "Goody." he said with a smirk. The seal lunged and tackled the angel to the dirt. She gritted her teeth and braced herself as he
lowered the cane towards her body. But just before the magic stick made contact, it stopped glowing. "NO! I can't believe
this! No one has EVER pleasured an Angewomon before! The cane is stumped!" she grinned slightly.
 "That means it's just you..."
 "OH SWEEEEEEEET JESUSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Hawkmon wailed as he unleashed his seed deep into
Lillymon's waiting cunt. She sighed contentedly, then drop kicked the bird away.
 "...And me." Angewomon finished with a vicious smile.
 "Eep." Gommamon managed before she grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. Even as he was crying
out in pain, Gommamon's mouth was filled with her tongue as it danced like a drunken mexican. He groaned in pleasure, and
slid the claw on one of his flippers into her amazingly loose opening, pumping it slowly. She showed no reaction. "What are
you? The sexual version of the Terminator?" he asked when she broke the kiss.
 "No. I'm more like the Borg." she bared her teeth and nearly crushed his genitals in her grip. "Resistance is futile."
 "Ooh." he replied, raising an eyebrow. "Assimilate me, bitch."


 Agumon closed his eyes, trying to block out the annoying music filtering through the speaker in the corner of the elevator.
 Dundundundun-dundun-dundun...dun dun  DUN DUN DUN DUN
 "I can't take it anymore!!!!" he roared. His body started to glow. "Agumon, warp Digivolve to....." the elevator screeched as
the weight within it increased dramatically. "Wargreymon!" the mega level Digimon cried as it stooped to avid smashing through
the top of the elevator.
 "Terra Force!"

 "What the fuck!?!" Veemon cried as the building rocked from an unseen force. Soon, the ground was steady again and
everyone forgot about the incident.
 "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeee, SHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!" Gommamon screeched as his orgasm
finally over ran his restraint.
 "Gotcha'." Angewomon said with a smirk. "Celestial Arrow!" the Ultimate-level Digimon cried, and soon Gommamon was
bouncing off the walls like a pinball.
 "Next!" Lillymon cried.
 "Here I go!" Tentomon said excitedly.
 "Patamon Digivolve to.... Angemon!" the flying pot-roast declared. "Prepare for heaven." He lifted Sora clear off the ground
and impaled her ass on his raging hardon. He began humping frantically as Sora screamed for more.
 Meanwhile, Tentomon was having less luck...
 "Let me go!" the insect cried. Kari had handcuffed him to the pole she was once dancing on. The young girl was slowly
fingering herself just an inch away from Tentomon's face. "Kari, this is evil!"
 "I like being a bad girl." she said coyly. She extracted her finger from herself and spread the sweet liquid all over Tentomon's
face. "And other people like it too."
 "Harder! I said HARDER, damn you!" Sora screamed.
 "I...j ust... can't ....hold it........" Angemon grunted, his burning manhood demanding release.
 "This is it!" The Digimon cried, launching his semen deep into her rectum. Sora screamed defiantly and finally had her own
 "Oh thank you....." she sighed. Angemon just de-digivolved and lost consciousness. Sora scooped the unconscious Patamon
up and left the stage to join Mimi in the dressing room to recover.
 "Kari! LET ME GO NOW!!" Tentomon wailed. She simply smirked and inserted a second finger into herself and began
fondling her small breasts with her free hand.
 "Mmmmmm... this feels so good..." she cooed. Tentomon released an animalistic roar of anger before he started to glow with
unrestrained power.
 "Tentomon, Warp Digivolve to....... Hercules-Kabuterimon." The massive insect smashed through the ceiling, but destroyed all
the debris with it's Giga Scissor Claw attack.
 "......That'll never fit." Kari declared as the nearly six foot long by 7 inch think wang protruded from the Mega Digimon's
protective sack.
 "Tough shit." Hercules-Kabuterimon growled. He easily pinned Kari to the floor with his immense penis. "Try this!" and he
started to jerk off.
 "That is soooo cool." Lillymon stated.
 "Get him off of me!!!" Kari cried.
 "But it's soooooo big." Angewomon replied, some drool trickling down her chin.
 "Actually, it's small for a Digimon that size." Yolie said as she walked onto the stage. The massive beetle glared at her.
 "Small, huh?" he twisted his hips and soon, Yolie was the one jammed under the huge member. "Seems big enough. Now open wide!"
 "Why....." and then she was completely covered in cum as Hercules-Kabuterimon unleashed his love load. With a shutter of
pleasure, he went all the way back down to Montimon. Yolie stood up, brushed herself off as well as she could, and walked of
 "Wait, Yolie!" Kari said. "You never had your turn."
 "Sorry, but getting coated in all that semen sent me over the top. No lesbian action today, Kari."


 "Ughhhhhhhh....." Wargreymon moaned from the bottom of the elevator shaft. The long drop, coupled with the elevators roof
smashing into him, was a lot of pain even through his protective armor and thick hide. He groaned again as he forced himself to
his feet, brushing off his hands and shoulders. His gaze finally went to the massive space above him. 165 floors up lay his
 And the elevator was now a casualty of war.
 "No problem." he whispered to himself. He jumped and started to fly, only to realize he was going about 67 MPH too fast.
 He smashed into the roof, through it, went up another mile or so, and then wound up back in the bottom of the elevator shaft
once more. This time, with a pounding headache and a huge dent on the shield attached to his back.
 "Ouuuuuuuch." he said pathetically. Again, the Mega Digimon convinced his body to obey his commands and rise to it's feet.
This time he had a fool-proof plan to get up there.
 He grabbed the nearest rung on the emergency ladder and started his ascent.


 Kari moaned as Davis drove his finger deeper into her wet sex. The new leader of the Digidestined had lost his patience and
had lunged onto the stage after Herculers-Kabuterimon's little stunt, with Tai hot on his heels.
 "That's it... yesss..." Kari moaned when Davis moved his mouth to her small but pert breasts. He added a second finger to her
insides as her sucked her nipple, his free hand squeezing her tight little ass. She slowly moved her hips in rhythm with his thrusts, softly calling his name.

 "Rock, paper, scissor... shoot!" Angewomon and Lillymon cried. Lillymon won, cried out in joy, and tackled Tai to the
 "Hey, not so rough... AHHH!!!" Tai exclaimed, getting bitten for his trouble.
 "I've been playing nice all day. I like it rough and that's how your gonna give it to me!" she grabbed his exposed member and
squoze it for all it was worth. Tai opened his mouth to cry out, but one of Lillymon's ample breasts was forced into his maw to
muffle his voice. "Suck, boy." she ordered.
 He bit her instead.
 "Now your learning." Lillymon said with a grin as Tai twisted on top of her and plunged himself in while holding her down. He
humped her frantically, finally releasing her wrists and pinching her erect nipples. She moaned and screamed, earning her a hard slap across the face.
 "Shut up!" Tai roared, filing his roll as the dominant male to a key.
 "Yes, sir." Lillymon said softly.
 "Master." Tai corrected, grinning. Lillymon's smile faded.
 "Hey, don't get too carried away. I'm the one..." Tai slapped her again and nearly crushed her breasts in his hands.
 "Say it!"
 "No!" he started biting her neck.

 "Kari?" Davis said softly after he stopped planting small kisses along her neck.
 "Hmm?" she replied, slowly rubbing his chest. She was looking forward to having him enter her, she was positive it was time to get off this ride.
 "I can't do this." he whispered. She stared at him in shock. 'He's joking.' she thought. Davis slowly inched away, widening the
gap between his rock-hard cock and her dripping temple. 'He's not joking.'
 "Why not?" she said, reaching for his manhood. He grabbed her wrist firmly.
 "You know why." he answered, giving her the most meaningful look she had ever seen.
 "No, Davis. Don't start this now." she groaned. He growled in anger as he stood. Davis tried his best to glare at her, but his
heart didn't allow him to feel any anger towards Kari.
 "YOU might not take any of this seriously, but I do." and he started walking away.
 "But a second ago...."
 "That wasn't my brain thinking." and he was behind the curtain.

 "SAY IT!!!" Tai roared. He then latched his mouth onto her breast and bit down harder than ever, finally drawing blood.
Lillymon screamed in ecstasy.
 "Yes! Yes, master! I'll do whatever you what!" she cried, finally releasing control. Tai laid on his back and pointed to his prick.
 "Suck, bitch."
 "Yes master." and she lunged onto his member like a starving man dives for a Happy Meal. In seconds, she was deep throating Tai's cock as he came dangerously close to crushing her skull with his fingers.
 "Harder...." her grunted. She sucked harder, her tongue traveling faster along his length as she fondled his testicles. "Come
on.... come on...." Finally, Lillymon started to gnaw at his dick with her molars, sending Tai into happy land. Once he finished
unloading, he pulled Lillymon to him in a tight hug. "I am SOOOOO sorry I hit you." he gasped. She smirked and pinched his
 "I told you. I like it rough. Thanks for the warm-up, Tai." she tossed him off stage and back to the seats.
 "Where's Kari?" Angewomon asked, now that the 'entertainment' seemed over with.
 "I dunno, but.... Waaaaaaa!!!!" and Lillymon was tackled by Matt.
 "Your mine, cutie." Matt said with a devilish grin. He was leaning towards her when he was lifted by the back of the neck.
 "No. Your mine." Weregarurumon said as he eyed Matt's hardened prick with delight.
 "No. There is no way I raised a gay Digimon." Matt said. He kept telling himself this as Weregarurumon tucked him under an
arm and strolled backstage.
 "Well, guess we win." Angewomon said with a sigh. The others off stage just groaned in exhaustion.
 "It's not over yet." Veemon said as he leapt onto the stage. He held up the Digi-egg of courage. "Digi-armor Energize!" he
 "I thought only Davis could use that?" Lillymon said.
 "Technically, it IS Veemon's Digi-egg." Izzy said as he jerked himself off.
 "Veemon, armor Digivolve to....." there was an outwards blast of hot air and flame as a new Digimon took Veemon's place.
"Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage." He was about to leap at the females when the doors to the theater where smashed to
 Wargreymon had arrived.
 "You traitorous bastards! I will...." he just let the sentence trail off as he stared at Angewomon and Lillymon. Flamedramon
smiled evilly.
 "Wargreymon! Just the Mon I wanted to see. Could you lend me a hand? Two Digi-femmes is more than I can handle and
your..." Flamedramon raised an eyebrow as he continued to smirk, " 'prowess', is legendary."
 "Well, I suppose I could help out a friend. We ARE both Digimon of Courage after all." Wargreymon said as he strutted
towards the stage. He unceremoniously ripped his chest armor off as he went, then his shoulder guards, the weapons on his
arms, his shin guards, and the metal that protected his crotch. Clad in only his helmet and black undies, Wargreymon leapt onto the stage next to Flamedramon.
 "I feel over dressed." Flamedramon stated. He tossed his gloves off, then removed his chest armor and the metal protecting his thighs. A quick flick of his ankles got his shoes off as well.
 Both digi-men then removed their helmets revealing the handsome (by Digimon standards, of course) faces beneath.
 "Pick your pleasure." Flamedramon said. Wargreymon chuckled, then walked to Lillymon, sinking his long tongue down her
slender throat. Flamedramon strolled to Angewomon and bowed politely. "May I have this session, madame?" he asked. She
smiled as he stood up and started to kiss him, her hands playing with the base of his tail.


 Kari walked out onto the roof of the towering skyscraper. She still had no clue how Gatomon had booked this place, but if it
wasn't broken...
 She spotted Davis sitting on the cold concrete, his back braced against a ventilation duct. He was gazing at the sky, a frown
clouding his normally cheery face. Kari sighed and walked over, shivering as the cold air washed over her still nude form. She
was soon standing next to him, looking down at him as he continued to stare at the moon.
 "Hey." he whispered softly, recognizing her presence.
 "Hey." she replied, just as softly. They were silent a while, then Kari started talking again. "Why did you stop?"
 "You know why."
 "It was a long time ago, Davis. I never even blamed you."
 "Bullshit. It was all my fault." he then buried his face in his hands. "I was such a fool!" he wailed. She sat next to him and
wrapped her arms around him, rocking slowly.
 "Don't get upset. I'm not angry with you, I never was."
 "Yes. I mean, I was upset at first... shocked more than anything. But it passed really quickly. I knew you'd never do that to
me, not on purpose." he finally looked at her, hope glistening in his eye.
 "So does this mean..."
 "Yes Davis, we can fuck now."
 "All right!" and he dove on top of her.


 Lillymon moaned as Wargreymon's practiced hands traveled over her body, his razor sharp claws leaving tiny scratches that
only enhanced her pleasure. His long, thick tongue was cupping her left breast, it's tip flicking the red nipple. Lillymon shuttered
as a clawed finger poked into her ass, then going into a steady rhythm. She leaned forward and started to suck on his neck, her hands sliding down the front of his black underwear. She grasped his member, which felt like granite in her grip, and smiled as
she kissed him. It was one of the largest cock's she had ever been around.
 Across the stage, Flamedramon was in the same boat as his predecessors: He didn't know how to get Angewomon excited.
He tried every trick he new, but she had no pleasure points in those places.
 "Give it up. I was used, abused, raped, molested and prostituted by Myotismon's army before you were even locked under
your egg. I've felt everything and there's nothing that pleases me." she said. He was about ready to agree when an idea struck
him. It was unusual, but maybe...
 "I have a better idea." the male replied. He placed his palm over her slit and smirked. "Fire Rocket." he chanted. His
flame-based attack roared into her insides, smashing against the top of her vagina. Angewomon threw her head back and
screamed in glee.
 "Yes!!! Oh GOD yes!!" she cried. Flamedramon repeated the procedure, getting the same result.
 "This is insane." Flamedramon muttered with a chuckle. He kept going, however, using a steady stream of the flames to keep
her pleasure rising. His other hand reached behind her and ignited as well, then he rubbed it against her wings. Angewomon
whimpered and moaned, clinging to him as a child clings to their mother. Her hips started to buck into his hand and
Flamedramon came up with yet another brilliant idea...


 "Ahhh... no, not.... not there... uhhh...." Kari said. Despite her small protect, Davis slid his wet shaft up her ass, taking her
virginity from that area. She panted and twisted, both annoyed and excited by the strange intrusion. Davis grinned sadistically as he pressed two fingers deep into Kari's soaking sex. He withdrew them, glistening with her juice and held them to Kari's lips.
 "Open up, Kari." he whispered softly. In her state, the simple, gentle request was a direct order. She immediately pulled the
fingers into her mouth and sucked her own cum off them, then continued to lick and suck, pretending it was another man's hot
penis. Davis kept giving it to her up the ass, then started to finger-fuck her and play with her clit with his free hand.
 Kari groaned from deep in her throat. She sucked harder on his fingers as she twisted her nipples and moved in time with
Davis' thrusts. Finally, she opened her mouth wide and cried out her lovers name as she orgasmed, spilling her cum onto the
 "Sorry. We aren't done." Davis informed her as she lay down. Kari nodded and spread her legs wide, allowing Davis to sink
his Titanic deep into the damp recesses of her private ocean. Kari bit her lip to keep from screaming any loader and wrapped her legs around his waist. The
young man pulled her up to his face and she wrapped her arms around his neck for support as they ground into each other.
Kari drove her tongue into Davis' mouth and they kissed, Kari playing with his ass and Davis tweaking her nipples until they
both came.
 "Life is good." Kari declared weakly. She was so tired, the cold ground she was sprawled on felt like a large bed.
 "Wish I had a cigarette." Davis added. They snuggled together, sharing their body heat, as they waited for their strength to


    "Yes... oh yes...." Angewomon cooed. Flamedramon, in a flash of brilliance, had surrounded himself in his flaming sheild. Now every inch of his body was a limitless supply of sensual experiences for the female, who cried out constantly as he rammed his flamming cock as deep into her womb as possible.
    Wargreymon was also batting a thousand. He bucked and swung his powerful hips as Lillymon tried to hold on for the ride. He wasn't sure where she had gotten the cowboy hat, but swinging it around while screaming 'YEEEEEEE-HAW!!!' seemed to entertain her.
    Hell, it's entertaining me.
    With a deafaning roar and a high shreik, Wargreymon and Lillymon both unleashed a powerful orgasm, leaving them so weak, they returned to their In-training forms. Koromon and Tanemon just sort of rolled off the stage to watch the last couple and see which gender would achieve victory.
    As if there are doubts?
    "This contest is ours, Angewomon." Flamedramon declared. Then, he glowed and shrank down to Demi-veemon. "Oh no. I used up all my power on the sheild." he said in his small voice. Angewomon threw her head back and cackled madly.
    "I... knew... we'd win." she panted. She planned to take a moment of two to reover, the give the little tike a blowjob he'd never forget.
    Demi-veemon had other plans as he latched his mouth onto her swollen passage and started to blow bubbles.
    "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" She roared as she had her very first orgasm, a tidal wave of her sex-sauce pouring from her and drenching everyone present.
    Told ya it was a tidal wave.
    "The winners, and proud recipiants of a free fuck-session at a later date... THE MEN!!!" Tai said, his fist raised in the air. The entire cast of men, including Davis whom had walked down as Angewomon screeched and the almost forgotten Yolie and Biyomon, lifted Demi-veemon up and chanted his name. The females gathered and watched the festivites, smirking.
    "We're still going to Jamaica." Mimi declared.
    "It'll be so much fun!" Tanemon added.
    "We're's Matt?" Kari asked. The air was split by Weregarurumon's howl of victory.
    "Oh YES!!! I love you Weregarurumon!!!" Came Matt's cry shortly there after. The other digidestined and their Digimon looked at eachother, and shrugged as one.
    "Who want's to head back to my place and watch some movies?" Davis offered.
    "We move!" Tai cried. The group cheered in excitment and they slowly shuffled to the theater exit, still pretty much wiped out after the night of sex and masturbation.
    "DEEPER!!!" was Matt's final cry as the doors were slammed shut.

The End... for now.

Well, that sum's up my first stab at a sex story. Not too bad, I'd say. Anyway, feel free to E-mail question, comments, flames, Mobile Suits, virus Digimon, and thermo-nuclear warheads to:

You can also visit my Pokemon fanficiton archive, affectionatly reffered to as Crossroads Downunder at:

Hope you liked the story! 'Cause Felixman shall write again!