First thing first. Disclaimer: All characters are copyrights of TOEI. I don't have any money, so don't try to sue me. Warning: This fic is a lemon. No I don't mean those yellow sour fruits, but lemon as in adult material, aka digimon having sex. Don't know what sex is? Then you are too young to be reading this fic. This fic is also a Yaoi, which means it contains male on male love. I look forward to your reviews, as long as they are not flames. I will not even pay attention to flamers. As I like to say, I will snuff flamers. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the fic.


NOTE: This is a fic that I did as a request


NOTE2: This fic is not related to any other fic I have done


NOTE3: This fic takes place in the second season, dealing with the last destiny stone



DNA Love

By Gabumatic


It seemed to be a regular day for the digi-destined, fighting against the evil forces that were trying to take control over both worlds. The control spire created creature known as Black War Greymon was after the destiny stones, and had destroyed all but one of them. Now the digi-destined were traveling, trying to find the last destiny stone, to protect it.


The hot sun was beating down on the digi-destined, as they made their way towards where they had heard where the last destiny stone was. The news was not all that good, as they also had heard that Black War Greymon was ahead of them. Frustration set in as they began to argue between each other, whenever a conversation was started.


"Can we stop? I'm tired." Yolei asked


"Come on Yolei, we stopped only an hour ago." Davis sighed.


"Well, I'm tired!" Yolei asserted herself.


"We have to keep going!" Davis semi-yelled at Yolei.


"I agree with Davis." Kari said, hoping to end the argument.


Davis seemed to floating on cloud nine. 'Maybe she really does like me.' He thought.


"Come on Yolei, we will walk for a while longer then we will rest. Okay?" TK proposed, hoping to make both parties happy.


"Okay." Yolei muttered.


Kari walked over to TK and wrapped her hand around his. "Good thinking." She quietly said into his ear.


"Thanks." TK whispered back, blushing a bit.


Davis felt his anger rising. There was TK and his girl, Kari, and they were holding hands. He had watched them, their love seeming to rise each day. He thought that he and Kari were destined to be together forever but now he wasn't so sure. He was about to intervene in their little conversation when a scent wafted past his nose.


"Mmm. That smells so delicious, I wonder what it is." Davis thought out loud.


Veemon took a deep breath. "I dunno but it is making me hungry."


The delicious aroma filled the air now as they all started to smell it. All of their stomachs began to growl, except for one. They started to head towards the source of the smell.


"Wait, where are all of you going?" Cody asked


They all looked back at Cody, kinda surprised. "We are going to get something to eat." Davis plainly stated


"But what about that argument a while ago? I thought we were going to find the last destiny stone?" Cody inquired


"We were, but now we are going to get something to eat." Davis said as he turned around and started to walk again.


"But..." was all that Cody could get out.


He could clearly see that they were interested in talking anymore.


"Come on Cody, aren't you a bit hungry? Besides, I'm hungry and I need food to digivolve." Armadillomon tried to convince Cody to go with the others, not only for the reason of being hungry.


"I guess." Cody sighed in defeat, as he followed the others.


As they walked towards the smell, they saw they were heading towards a town. An arch told them where they were.


"China Town?" Davis questioned as he read the sign. "I didn't know the digital world had a China Town."


The fact was that no one in the group had known about this China Town either. The rumble in their stomachs diverted their attentions from the questions as they began to head over to the source of the fragrant odor again. They soon found their way to a particular Chinese restaurant. As they opened the door, what seemed like an elephant floating greeted them.


"Welcome. Would you like a table?" The digimon, called Tapirmon, asked in a very polite manner.


They were about to respond when they saw another familiar pair of digimon at a table.


"Arukenimon!" Davis yelled out


"And Mummymon!" Takeru shouted out, right after Davis


"What are you two doing here?" Cody more demanded than asked.


"Well..." Mummymon began to say, as he drifted back into a flashback.




Mummymon and Arukenimon were walking almost along the same path the digi-destined were bound to take later that day. Their reason, however, was different from the digi-destined.


"Are you sure that he was heading this way?" Arukenimon asked, annoyance in her voice about having to find Black War Greymon.


"I'm sure of it. At least that is what some digimon told me." Mummymon replied, voice full of love for his Arukenimon.


"Then why haven't we found him yet?!?" The annoyance rose in Arukenimon voice, she was getting tired of having to chase the digimon she had created.


"I am sure we will find him soon." Mummymon tried to calm her down, trying to ease her of her worries.


"Be quiet you twit!" Arukenimon yelled at him.


Mummymon shrank back, taking the verbal abuse. He had gotten use to it. Suddenly the same scent the digi-destined had smelt drifted past Mummymon.


"Mmm. That is delicious. Do you smell it?" Mummymon asked Arukenimon.


She hit him hard over the head. "What did I tell you!?! Don't talk..." she began before the scent passed by her as well.


"Wow, that does smell good." She commented as Mummymon started to rub his head where he had been hit.


They followed the scent to the same restaurant, where the same digimon, Tapirmon, had greeted them. Since they were the only ones at the restaurant, they were quickly seated and waited on. Tapirmon had brought out their meals in only a few minutes, and they were in what seemed to be soup heaven at first taste.


"Excuse me, but can you tell me what is in this recipe?" Arukenimon asked, calling over the waiter.


"Noodles." Tapirmon plainly stated


"What else?" Annoyance filled Arukenimon's voice again at the digimon's ignorance.


"Even more noodles." Tapirmon repeated, smiling a bit.


Arukenimon snarled at the small digimon. "Get me the manager."


Tapirmon floated off to the kitchen, to get the egg-like digimon known as Digitamamon.


"Can I help you?" Digitamamon asked


"Yeah, you can tell me what is in this soup." Arukenimon replied, annoyance still in her voice from her previous conversation.


"Noodles." Digitamamon simply said


Anger immediately flared up in Arukenimon again. "I know that! What else!?!"


Digitamamon sighed. "It's a secret."


Mummymon stood up. "Do you know who we are? Now give us the recipe or else!"


Digitamamon was about to respond when the door opened, revealing the digi-destined

***********************************End Flashback********************************


Arukenimon hit Mummymon hard on the back of his head again. "You twit! You didn't have to tell them everything!"


Mummymon rubbed the bump on his head. "Sorry."


"Well, no matter, we will stop you right here right now." Davis said as he turned to Veemon. "Ready buddy?"


Veemon smiled. "Yup."


"Then let's do it." He said, his D3 glowing.


"Veemon digivolve to Exveemon!" Veemon yelled out as his body changed and grew until Exveemon stood where the small lizard digimon use to be.


All of the other digimon followed suit, all digivolving into their Champion forms.


"Time to DNA digivolve!" Davis screamed out, forgetting one important detail.


"Umm... Davis. Just one problem." Exveemon simply stated.


Davis was confused by his digimon. "What Exveemon?"


Exveemon reached a scaly hand behind his head, rubbing his head slightly. "Ken isn't here."


A blush spread across Davis's cheeks. "Oh yeah."


Kari stepped besides Davis. "Leave this to me and Yolei."


Both Angewomon and Aquilamon began to glow.


"Angewomon DNA digivolve to..." Angewomon began to say


"Aquilamon DNA digivolve to..." Aquilamon also said in unison


Both waited, but nothing happened.


"What happened?" Kari asked, worried about what could be wrong with both digimon.


"I have no idea but let's try it again." Yolei replied


Both digimon began to glow again, only to have the same result.


"Oh no, they must be too weak to DNA digivolve!" Cody yelled out, realizing what was going on.


Both Arukenimon and Mummymon began to change, going into their digimon form.


"Time to finish you off!" Arukenimon smirked at the thought of destroying them.


She tried to attack them, but she found she couldn't even attack. "What is going on!?! Can you attack them?"


Mummymon tried his own attacks, but nothing happened. "Ah! Let's get out of here!"


Both of them ran out of the restaurant. "Must have been the soup." Arukenimon stated as she got into the vehicle and Mummymon drove them off.


Digitamamon and Tapirmon ran out of the restaurant, following Arukenimon and Mummymon, yelling about the bill they hadn't paid. The digi-destined stared at the scene. Suddenly, another person headed through the door of the restaurant. It was Ken and Stingmon.


Ken looked at the scene of children and digimon. "Are we too late?"


Davis gave a subtle chuckle. "Yeah, a bit. Don't worry though, we were just about to head off to get them. Ready everyone?"


"Wait!" Cody cried out. "We can't leave yet!"


The group turned towards the small boy and Davis stepped forward. "Why not?"


"Because we have to build up our digimon's strength. You saw how they couldn't digivolve in the fight. So, the only logical thing to do is to eat." He ended with a smile.


"Let's eat!" All of the digi-destined yelled out, smiles on everyone's faces.


All of their digimon then de-digivolved, so they wouldn't get in the way.


"But wait, Digitamamon isn't here and we can't cook." Yolei argued.


"We can add our own special ingredients and make it better." Kari replied, smiling.


Yolei smirked a bit. "Kari and I will set the table while you guys prepare the food."


Without waiting for any argument Yolei grabbed Kari and headed off, their digimon following after them. The boys just stood there, dumbfounded for a bit before the realization set in.


Davis gave out a big sigh. "So, can anyone cook?"


Cody and Ken took a step forward.


"I can, somewhat." Cody said.


"So can I." Ken added.


Davis began to give out commands like a true leader. "Okay, Cody and Ken will cook. Me, TK, and our digimon will help."


The boys immediately got to work in the kitchen. Cody and Ken were standing at the pot, keeping it at the right temperatures and adding the necessary ingredients when needed, meanwhile Davis and TK were in charge of chopping up the vegetables. Their digimon also helped when needed.


"Hey Patamon, can you get some ingredients for me from the pantry?" Ken asked, handing a list of ingredients needed to Patamon.


Patamon smiled, happy to be given a job. "Sure."


Armadillomon also spoke up. "I'll help him."


Armadillomon smiled and bounded off with Patamon towards the pantry. Once they were inside of the pantry, Armadillomon slowly closed the pantry door. Patamon ignored the click of the door, as it closed, and flew up, starting to search for the ingredients needed.


Armadillomon gulped and blushed slightly, as he started a question. "Would you mind if I ask you a question?"


Patamon continued to search for the ingredients. "Nope, ask away."


Armadillomon's blushed deepened a bit. "Well, do you prefer the company of men?"


Patamon didn't bother looking down. "Of course, we can act like our natural selves without woman around."


Armadillomon looked up at the digimon. "No, I mean do you like men?"


Patamon was starting to get a bit confused about what Armadillomon was talking about. "Of course, I like TK, Veemon, Wormon, You, Cody, Ken and even Davis."


Armadillomon moaned, Patamon was obviously not getting what he was asking about. "No, I mean like like."


Patamon, sensing something different in Armadillomon's tone, flew down for a face to face with Armadillomon. "What are you talking about?"


Armadillomon wanted to curl back into his shell like a turtle would do as a deep blush was shown over his face. His mind raced for something to say, some way to explain this. The fact that Patamon was staring at him didn't help either, as his mind kept drawing a blank.


He reached out, grabbed Patamon, and planted a kiss on Patamon's lips. It felt like forever to Armadillomon, as each second seemed like hours. After a little bit, Armadillomon broke the kiss. Patamon stared at Armadillomon for a moment, not knowing what to think.


All that Patamon could utter out was an "Oh."


After a bit of silence, Armadillomon decided to break it. "I mean that I have loved you ever since I first saw you. The way you fly though the air, your voice, and everything else about you."


Armadillomon's heart raced a mile a minute as he stared at Patamon, waiting for an answer. When no expression was coming up, Armadillomon turned away figuring that Patamon hated him now. He was caught off guard as Patamon turned him around and kissed him deeply on the lips.


When the kiss was broken, Patamon smiled at Armadillomon. "I love you too." Patamon said, smiling.


"R...really?" Armadillomon asked nervously, believing this was all a dream.


Patamon lightly caressed Armadillomon's head with his paw. "Really."


Their faces met again and a deep passionate kissing ensued. This time their tongues entered each other's mouths and started to intertwine with each other's. Meanwhile, one of Patamon's paws traveled down Armadillomon's body, past his yellow, down until it reached the entrance to his sheathe. His paw went a bit further down, rubbing the outside of his sheathe. Armadillomon moaned into the kiss and then broke it.


"Wa...wait. Do you really want to do this?" Armadillomon asked, feeling the pleasure rise.


Patamon only nodded as continued his treatment. Soon, Armadillomon's yellow member started to poke out of his sheathe. As soon as he was fully extended, Patamon wrapped his paw around it and started to move his hand up and down slightly. Armadillomon moaned out loud as he began to buck into Patamon's hand. Patamon couldn't help but smile as his work.


Patamon began to kiss Armadillomon, kisses that started to track down his body. His first kisses landed on Armadillomon's neck, making him moan a bit more. His kisses then trailed down his yellow belly, making Armadillomon giggle somewhat. His mouth soon found its way down to replace his paw.


Patamon began to lick all over Armadillomon's pulsating rod, enjoying the taste slightly. He found the tip especially tasty. Armadillomon began to thrust into Patamon's mouth now, almost causing the portly digimon to choke. He fought back his choking reflex as he continued the treatment. Armadillomon, not being with another before, couldn't hold back as he shot his load into Patamon's mouth. Patamon wasn't ready as some starting to dripping down his face.


Armadillomon was breathing hard now, recovering from his first orgasm. He saw some of his seed on Patamon's face. He leaned forward and began to lick off his own seed, making his way back to Patamon's mouth. Their tongues intertwined yet again as Armadillomon tasted his own seed. Armadillomon felt something poking into him as he looked down and saw Patamon's own aching member. Armadillomon started to move a paw towards his meat, but Patamon batting the paw away.


Gently, Patamon laid Armadillomon down on his back, exposing his entrance. Patamon slowly positioned himself at Armadillomon's back door. He looked up at Armadillomon.


"Can I?" He simply asked.


Armadillomon only nodded and prepared himself. Slowly, Patamon began to push until he was buried to the hilt. Armadillomon gasped as he felt Patamon enter him. The pain was strong at first but soon pleasure overtook him. Slowly, Patamon began to pump. He had to hold back his orgasm with as much strength as possible as he felt the tight warmth of Armadillomon. Armadillomon was also lost in a world of pleasure as Patamon began to push against Armadillomon's prostrate with every pump. Armadillomon couldn't hold back any longer as he exploded over both of their chests. Patamon couldn't help but shoot his load into Armadillomon as he felt the armored digimon's hole grow even tighter. Both rested on the floor of the pantry for a while, recovering before pulling apart from each other. Their tongues traveled all over each other's bodies, cleaning each other off.


They smiled at each other and got the ingredients they first came for. They made their way back to the kitchen and helped to prepare the meal. They all enjoyed the meal and eventually made their way to the last destiny stone, where they fought to protect it and where ultimately Patamon and Armadillomon DNA digivolved. It was their love for their digi-destined, for both worlds, and for ultimately each other that allowed them to DNA digimon.


The End


I hope you all enjoyed this fic. I look forward to reading all of your reviews. To all of you who want to flame my fic, I suggest that you don't. I will ignore all of the reviews which are flames because I gave you enough warning before the story as to what was going to be involved and if you just skipped over the story just to flame it, then I would suggest that go back and read it, who knows you might actually like it. There is a difference between a flame and a critical review of a story. I would ask that if you do include anything you thought was wrong, like if I seemed to skip over something, because that can help me to become a better fanfic writer. For all of who would give this story a good review, I thank you in advance. Anyway, thank you for reading my story or at least looking it over.


See ya later