This is an Author of the Month winner, and should be classified as such. Yaoi with Koushiro/Daisuke, and Takeru/Hikari with some Patamon/Gatomon, too.

Sitting in a Tree



The gentlemen stood. One was very merry, his party hat at a tilt, his brandy in hand. The other was permitting himself a small grin, a tiny glass of orange juice held at chest height. His party hat was very straight.
            "Jyou," said Herr Mullen, "Remember the days we chased that 9.0 on the Soniscale, before the DHZ went bottom-up?"
            "Of course."
            "Well, we haven't done that, but can you guess what we have done?"
            Jyou's smile cracked as it restrained itself from become an outright beam. "Have we won the Author of the Month, Herr Mullen?"
            Herr Mullen, his teeth happily showing off against the red and ruddy backdrop of his flushed face. "Exactly, Jyou! Exactly! How ever did you guess?"
            Jyou pointed to the framed front page of the Front Page Update broadsheet newspaper hanging on the wall, it's bold headline reading "Nate And Mullen Draw For Author Of The Month!", and then at the huge golden cup on the brown mantle of the fireplace Mullen's desk faced, a shining plaque reading "Herr Mullen, Nate Hunter: August 2006", along with a list of previous owners. He then indicated the framed headline in a place that held a slightly higher place of honour on the wall, which read "Nate Hunter Mystified At Disappearance Of AOTM Cup From His Home".
            "And then there was the way you thrust this party hat and drink at me as soon as I came in this morning."
            "Ah. I wondered what tipped you off. Don't worry: I'll return the thing when I'm done looking at it."
            Jyou jovially overlooked the criminality of the possession and let himself laugh. "Which one won?"
            "Sitting In A Tree."
            "Ah? Well, here's some paper. Fancy writing the disclaimer?"
            "Thank you, Jyou," Herr Mullen boomed, taking a gulp of his brandy as he reached for the high quality typing paper. He threaded it into the typewriter, and adjusted his pince de nez. "It should be noted that this award-winning story is property of Herr Mullen, and that Digimon itself is property of Toei and Fox Kids, apparently. Contains scenes of a naughty nature, so no under-aged people under local law are allowed to read this. Also contains literary gold-dust, meaning those of a cybernetic nature should probably be weary as well. Onto the award-winning tale!"

~goggles ** has joined channel #Digital_World. 
goggles: whose online 
goggles: iz 
goggles: r u there 
goggles: hello 
goggles: fine ill sit here and sulk until u talk 2 me 
*Iz gives Voice to goggles.   
@Iz: Hi. 
@Iz: Are you there, or have you gone away? 
@Iz: Damn. I've missed you haven't I? 
+goggles: nah im here. 
+goggles: hello 
+goggles: hello? 
+goggles: youve gone again havent u 
@Iz: Back. 
@Iz: Are you here? 
@Iz: Hello? 
+goggles: yeah im here 
@Iz: Got you at last! 
+goggles: yeah 
*goggles does a happy dance 
+goggles: :) 
@Iz: lol. 
@Iz: 'Sup? 
+goggles: nm 
+goggles: lying around the flat w/ vee   
@Iz: Ah. 
+goggles: u? 
@Iz: I've been looking into the Digital World. Nothing much happening there either. 
@Iz: Did catch a Digiport open in Cape Town, though. 
+goggles: cool 
+goggles: so ur bored 2 
  @Iz: Yeah.   
~imperial_warrior ** has joined channel #Digital_World. 
imperial_warrior: dai and koushi sitting in a tree... 
+goggles: stfu vee 
imperial_warrior:...k i s s i n g!  
@Iz: lol 
+goggles: NOT FUNNY!  
@Iz: Why? It's true, right? 
imperial_warrior: lol! 
*Iz wraps his slender arms around Goggle's neck, and pulls him into a tight loving embrace from the back. 
+goggles: @_@ 
@Iz: lol 
*Iz gives Voice to imperial_warrior.  
+imperial_warrior: XD 
+goggles: Koushiro! 
*DaWolfe_drinking changes name to DaEolfe. 
+goggles: hey yama 
*DaEolfe kicks Iz ** from channel #Digital_World.  
*DaEolfe kicks imperial_warrior ** from channel #Digital_World. 
~Iz has joined channel #Digital_World. 
~imperial_warrior has joined channel #Digital_World. 
Iz: lol 
*TentoBot gives Admin to Iz.  
+goggles: brb 
+imperial_warrior: lol  
@DaEolfe: OK. 
*DaElofe changes name to DaWPlfe. 
@Iz: 'Kay. 
+imperial_warrior: @_@ 
*imperial_warrior has left channel #Digital_World. 
@Iz: lol! 
+goggles: back 
*DaWPlfe changes name to DaWolfe 
@DaWolfe:  X@D 
@DaWolfe: Sup?  
+goggles: nm 
@Iz: Nothing, really. 
*angry_goggles ** has joined channel #Digital_World. 
angry_goggles: whose using my name? 
*TentoBot kicks goggles ** from channel #Digital_World.  
*angry_goggles changes name to goggles. 
*TentoBot gives Admin to goggles. 
@goggles: that's better. 
~yuukinoodle ** has joined channel #Digital_World. 
yuukinoodle: lol XD  
*TentoBot gives Voice to yuukinoodle.  
+yuukinoodle: hi goggles 
@goggles:hey Dai. 
@goggles: 'sup? 
+yuukinoodle: nm 
@googles: same. 
@DaWolfe: hOw about instead of moaning we go the dihital wrld and do something?  
@goggles: i can go now: Angel_of_Light's just in the kitchen. 
@DaWolfe: Il'l call Tqkeru,
@Iz: I can't get there. 
+yuukinoodle: you can come 2 mine iz 
@Iz: Can I? 
+yuukinoodle: yeah 
@Iz: Cool, I'll be over in five miuintues.  
@Iz: *minutes 
+yuukinoodle: lol you do make mistakes!  
@DaWolfe: lol. 
@DaWolfe: Catch you in the Digital World. 
@goggles: me, too. 
@Iz: 'Kay, see you. 
+yuukinoodle: k cya 
*DaWolfe has left channel #Digital_World (Teenaged Wolves sold out for Sunday. Woo!).   
@Iz: I'll be over in a second, okay? 
@goggles: has yama been drinking? 
@Iz: Yeah. 
@goggles: 'kay. 
*goggles has left channel #Digital_World (koromon gives good oral). 
+yuukinoodle: k 
+yuukinoodle: @_@  
@Iz: I'll make him change that. 
@Iz: It's just not appropriate. 
+yuukinoodle: mr i put my arms round dai! 
@Iz: I'll see in you in a second, 'kay? 
*Iz has left channel #Digital_World (Aliens: how could I have been so wrong!).  
+yuukinoodle: ? 
*imperial_warrior ** has joined channel #Digital_World. 
imperial_warrior: first comes love then comes marriage then comes jun in a babys carriage! 
+yuukinoodle: >:( 
A city is full of buildings. Some tall, some short, some wide, and some narrow. The buildings are flats and houses, and factories, and shops. They're built in streets. The streets have cars, and buses, and lorries driving along them. The cars, the buses, and the streets, are full of people. In fact, there are a lot of people in a city.  
           Do you live in a city? 
           Koushiro, Daisuke, and Veemon live in this city. 
           Let's see what they're doing. 
Koushiro made his way through the streets. They were full of people, and he had to dodge several of the more careless ones on their mobiles. The fact that there were so many people definitely did nothing for the heat: the sun was just beginning to descend after its peek, and Koushiro was certain the temperature was in excess of forty degrees. It was so hot, he'd taken off his tie. He hurried over the road before the lights could change, which would mean that the cars, buses, and lorries would probably make it very difficult to cross indeed. He took a moment to look up at Daisuke's flat and sustained shoulder to shoulder contact. He was pushed 'round at an awkward angle by a guy in sunglasses on his mobile who was looking back to glare at him. He pressed onward.  
Veemon put down the flute he'd found on the windowsill and rejoined Daisuke in staring out the window. 
           He looked up at Daisuke, who was looking over the flower box and down into the streets below, which were very full indeed. Beads of sweat rolled down the side of his head, making the strands of hair that fell by his ears very damp.  
           "Maybe you should take those goggles off," said Veemon, "You'd be cooler." 
           "Nah, that's not cool." 
           "Well, I'm boiling. I'm cold blooded, you know."  
           "Then you should be fine." 
           "That's not what I meant! Can I have a drink? Please?" 
           "Sure," Daisuke got up, leaving his position of palms under chin and leaning on the windowsill with a faraway look in his eyes, and went into the kitchen. "We've got orange juice, Tango, sake... you're not having that... And Jun's put some water in here to cool."  
           From the bathroom, Jun yelled "Keep your hands off my water, Daisuke!" 
           Daisuke stuck his tongue in her general direction and poured himself a glass of the water. "I'll have the juice," said Veemon. "Thanks!"  
           The doorbell rang, like a telephone would ring if it wanted you to answer it, but with a bit more lyrical sound than a telephone, which just drills on a little bell, or plays a synthesized version of drilling on a bell. Or, at least, this doorbell's more lyrical. There are doorbells that just buzz, but this one was lyrical, yes, like a song.  
           Veemon interrupted a train of thought in Daisuke's head that was headed to "St. Music-Upon-Doorbell". "Aren't you going to get that? I can barely reach the latch." 
           "Oh, yeah, right." Daisuke shook himself from his trance, and opened the door.  
           There was a man in black on the other side. Short black hair, black thin tie, smart black suit, little black book. "Are you afraid of death?" 
           "Excuse me," said Koushiro as he tried to move past the man. "Hey, Daisuke."  
           "Hey, Koushiro. We'll go in just a sec, okay? Go sit with Veemon; I'm just going to talk to this guy for a second." Koushiro pushed past the man in black into the flat, as Daisuke began "It's rather hard for me to fear death, as I and my friends have faced to down so often. I remember, when I was still  a kid there was this monster attack on the city..."  
           "Hey, Veemon." 
           "Hey, Koushiro! 'Sup?" 
           "Nothing much. You?" 
           "Nothing much. Just lying around the flat with Dai." 
           "...And then there was the time when The Kaizer almost killed Gomamon, that was fun..."  
           Koushiro looked around the flat. The washing basket was adorned with bras and boxers flung carelessly onto its rim, last night's Chinese lay on the table, bound by the fluffy handcuffs of dry stickiness that noodles get after being left out all night, and mumbling "Help me!" through the leather gag of egg-fried odour. Videos and DVDs littered the floor in front of the telly, their cases lying open and empty around them. Koushiro winced at the poor care for data storage. He could see a scratch right along a copy of... what was that? Koushiro got up and examined the other side. Ah, Bambi.  
           He put the disc in its proper box. "So, Veemon. What were you doing on chat? Does Daisuke have a network?" 
           "Yeah, there's a computer in Jun's room. Listen, after that chat, Daisuke was a little..." he furrowed his brow and motioned with his hands as he looked for the right word "...Quiet."  
           "...And, of course, we can't forget the time when all the insects went mad and started chasing us..." 
           "Yeah, like, staring out the window at the busy streets full of cars, buses, and lorries and stuff."  
           "...You don't think I've upset him, do you? I don't want Daisuke to be mad at me: I was just joking about the whole tree thing. Jun told me it'd be funny." 
           "Jun's home?"  
           "Yeah, she's in the bathroom, shaving her legs." 
           "...Do I look attractive to you?" 
           "No! Why?" 
           "Not like that!" he lowered his voice and leaned in close to Veemon, "I just don't want to be her next target. I heard she decided Jyou's brother was a "Male Buffy Wannabe"."  
           "Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it: it's Sora who should be afraid." 
           "Yeah, Jun decided all men are pigs and after Sora broke up with both Yamato and Taichi, Jun thought perhaps she's having trouble with her... you know."  
           Veemon grinned. "You said a dirty word." 
           The man at the door really lost his temper. "Look, do you want the bloody life insurance or not!?" he yelled at Daisuke.  
           "Yo, calm down, man. Just give me a leaflet, alright?" the insurance salesman shoved the leaflet into his hands and stormed off muttering something along the lines of time-wasting kids, and how they should all be shot at birth.  
           "Could be helpful," said Daisuke, "Never know when." 
           "That's not something to joke about, Daisuke," Koushiro said as the leaflet was discarded on the kitchen counter.  
           "I guess." He took a sip of his water, which had thousands of tiny beads of condensation dribbling on the glass, having warmed to room temperature. "Do you want a drink, or shall we go?"  
           "I'm fine, thanks." 
           "Great!" Daisuke put down his tumbler, "The computer's in my room." 
           "Hold your breath!" shouted Jun from the bathroom. 
Daisuke's room was... messy. It had been described to him by Iori, once, and he hadn't quite believed it, but... Goodness. Koushiro should have known better than to expect Iori to exaggerate. He was certain, if he took the time, that he could find an extinct species of fungus somewhere. Maybe under the bed?  
            Daisuke booted up the computer and ignored the "6 pieces of spyware detected" message that popped up, making Koushiro wince. "You know, you really shouldn't ignore those. I can sort it out, if you move out of the way for a second..."  
            "Sure, that message's been bugging me for a while." 
            And so that's how Koushiro ended up sitting at a computer screen sorting out more errors and viruses than he could shake a stick at, in a slightly wiffy room and with a guy asking relentless questions over his shoulder.  
            "What's that do?" 
            "It's a browser: use this one to surf the Internet." 
            "What was wrong with my old one?" 
            "It was a bigger security hole than a Mammothmon in a Very Delicate And Easily Breakable Glass Antiques Worth Millions shop."  
            "What's that mean?" 
            As Koushiro was answering these questions, he couldn't help noticing that whenever Daisuke stretched, he'd show off a very nice midriff: what was the word for it... tuned? He had a tuned midriff, as shapely as a grand piano, and as taught as guitar strings, or something. In the background, Veemon was jumping on the bed out of boredom.  
            Damn, thought Koushiro. Trust me to fall for a guy who's nothing like me. He's brash, he's loud, he... doesn't understand the things I do, and to top it all, he's messy. 
            Maybe that's why I like him? ...Maybe he reminds of the youth I had before I found out I was adopted. Is that it? No, don't be stupid Koushiro; it's because he has a great body.  
            Damn, damn, damn, Koushiro! Stop thinking like this: it'd never work, you'd just be taking advantage of him for his shapely thighs, his perfect abdominals, and those well done biceps... 
            "Koushiro?" Daisuke snapped his fingers in front of Koushiro's face, "Koushiro? Wake up, back to the world of my bedroom, now. What's up? You just sorta zoned out on me there."  
            "What? Oh, nothing. Shall we go? I daresay they're all waiting on us." 
            "Yeah, we were meant to be there ages ago!" 
            "Only twenty minutes. Got your Digivice?"  
            "Yeah, let's go!" 
It is impossible to describe transition between the real and Digital worlds, but it involves a lot of flying with your arms stretched out, some soft electric guitar and a nasal guy in the background going "Woah!"  
It was awkward. Awkward like an unwanted visitor wandering around your house wearing nothing but your pants. Awkward like a lap dancer at your five year old's birthday party. Awkward as hell. 
            Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. 
            The group sat on small cliff in a forest clearing, down which a stream fed a small lake via a glittering waterfall. Takeru and Hikari held hands behind their brothers, as Yamato coloured the water below a little more brown. Crushed empty cans were gathered in a nook where one rock met underneath another, and two full six packs joined them. Gabumon and Agumon had both gathered 'round their partners, helping to look after their stricken friend.  
            "How many has he had?" asked Taichi, patting his friend on the back. 
            "Well, I counted three in his bedroom, and he's had three more here, so..." 
            "Okay," Taichi said, as Yamato brought up further cruelties. "I'll take care of him. You two probably shouldn't be here, he wouldn't want you to see him like this, 'kay?"  
            Takeru and Hikari nodded. "We'll go see if we can find Gatomon and Patamon. We'll be back later, okay?" 
            "Yeah, okay." Taichi turned his attention back to his friend. "You alright?"  
            "I'll never drink again..." Yamato mumbled. "An', an', I'll never trust wimmin again, either..." 
            "Oh, did Sora..?" 
            "So, Piyomon..?" mumbled Agumon.  
            "Yeah." said Gabumon, "Sorry I didn't tell you, but... I just didn't feel like being open, yet, you know?" 
            "It's okay... I understand." 
"Tentomon!" cried Koushiro, as the electric beetle flew into his arms. "It's been a while... I missed you!" 
            "Me, too, Koushiro! It's been a while! Hello, Daisuke, hi Veemon. What's up?"  
            "Nothing much. Where're the others?" 
            "They're just over there, in the woods." 
            "Well, then, let's go. We're late enough as it is," said Koushiro, headed after Tentomon. He began to put his tie back on. It was cooler today in the Digital World.  

A forest is full of trees. Some tall, some short, some wide, and some narrow. Under these trees, a creek and two boys sat. Taichi was saying nice things whilst Yamato poured his guts out to the sympathetic pool beneath him. 
            "Hey, guys," said Koushiro, climbing up the rocks up to the higher boulders to former comrades. 
            "Hey, Koushiro." Taichi stroked Yamato's curved back. 
            "Hey, it's, it's... it's ma bes' mate." 
            Daisuke frowned at Yamato, who he'd always thought of as slightly more straight laced than that. "What did he drink all that for?" 
            "Sora dumped him." Taichi shrugged. "Can't say I'm suprised. I thought it wouldn't last long." He leaned away from Yamato to give Koushiro a sly wink. "Once they've had Tai, you know?" 
            "I don't think that's very nice, Taichi." 
            "...Yeah, I guess. Come on, now... bring it all up..." he said as Yamato heaved things over the cliff. He looked up at Daisuke's slightly uncomfortable expression. "You know, Takeru and Hikari are in the forest, somewhere. Why don't you and Veemon go look for them?" 
            "You coming, Daisuke?" asked Veemon. 
            "Yeah, I'm coming." 
            Veemon and Daisuke wandered through the trees, tall, short, narrow and wide. Light filtered through the canopy and dotted bright sparks in Daisuke's mahogany hair. Veemon glanced up at Daisuke. "...Yamato's pretty down, huh?" 
            "Yeah... I dunno what's up with Sora. Taichi's taking care of him, though." 
            Twigs creaked and snapped under their feet as they looked about the wood. "Where are they?" 
            Somewhere above, Veemon heard a purr. He looked up, and let his jaw slack as an emotional atrium crumbled and collapsed on itself, effectively breaking his heart.. On a branch above him a cat grinned a cheek splitting smile as Patamon gyred and gimbled in her wabe. 
            "Uhh..." Veemon stood as Daisuke kept walking. "I don't think now is the best time..?" He stood, transfixed in uffish thought as he watched the above jabberwockery. 
            Daisuke pushed his way through a small shrubbery. "What makes you say..?" His speech dribbled away into oblivion. He suddenly felt very small, as if he'd just eaten half a mushroom in this wacked out wonderland. He found himself confronted by Hikari's bare, turned back. He admired the curves of her bottom as it met and parted from Takeru's legs as she impaled herself on his hips. His mouth went dry, and as if he was slowly consuming the other half of the fungus he began to feel himself grow again. His persona expanded like the sceptre down his trouser leg, as he reached down a groped himself. His mouth went dry as Hikari exhaled loudly with each move and as Takeru huffed, his torso writhing, his eyes closed as he experienced sensations Daisuke had yearned to feel for a long time. Daisuke rubbed his palm on his crotch, his eyes glazing over as they stared at Hikari's smooth and silky skin. He looked at the movement of her shoulder blades as she twiddled with Takeru's nipples (Daisuke assumed). Her soft peel moved like water in a canal as a rudder curved under it. Her shoulders were magnificent and delicate, not like the broad, majestic and sturdy collar under Takeru's neck; his upper torso was entirely different. Daisuke could make out... what was the word, tuned? He could make out tuned lines where pecks were evolving underneath his absent chest hair. His collar bones stretched out from his firm skin, and the tops of his muscle toned arms were as shapely as a grand piano, which was entirely in tune, like his voice as it uttered "Ah, ah..!" in that almost lyrical sound he talked with. 
            Veemon snapped out it first, concerned that he wasn't wearing clothes to cover his expanding vorpal sword, should it make an appearance. He tore his gaze away from the branch that served as a nest for the pair who definitely weren't jubjub birds and moved to quietly return Daisuke to his other senses. "Dai!" he hissed, tugging on the arm that wasn't fondling his beamish boy. "Dai! We have to go!" 
            "Hmm?" Daisuke turned his head, and then awareness dawned on him. "Oh! Right! ...Come on, let's get back to Taichi." 
            The pair tried to sneak away as best they could. Behind them, they heard the unmistakable grunts of a boy as he galumphed his way through climax. 
Takeru panted and thrusted through his orgasm, gasping for breath as low rumblings curled and spun in his throat. He opened his eyes as he stirred into afterglow and saw... was that Daisuke? 

They sat in silence. Koushiro has switched places with Taichi, and rubbed Yamato's back as he groaned, having spent everything in his up-chuck bag. 
            "...What're you thinking about?" 
            "You're troubled by something, Koushiro." Taichi looked at him seriously over the beer he'd nabbed from Yamato's packs. "You're frowning, and looking down in that focused way you do when something's bothering you."  
            "I'm that obvious?" 
            "Yeah! Come on, what's up?" 
            Koushiro shifted, and looked over the pool. Light danced in the water where overhanging trees had cut their canopy bags of electromagnetism. 
            "...You can't tell anyone, okay?" 
            "Sure, cross my heart, Scout's honour." 
            "No, really: you can't tell anyone, understand?" 
            Taichi looked alarmed and concerned about his younger friend. "Okay, what's up?"  
            "...I'm gay, Taichi."
            "You can be my gay friend," Yamato burbled drunkenly. 
            Tai looked alarmed, at first, and then leaned in. "We're by a lake. You don't fancy me, do you?" 
            "What? No, Tai, I don't!"  
            "Okay, sorry. Just making sure." 
            "I like Daisuke." 
            "Keep it down!" hissed Koushiro. "I like Daisuke, alright? I just... I just can't approach him." Over the in the pool, Koushiro thought he saw some fish. This is what a mind does when it's uncomfortable: it seeks solace in the smaller things, in the world around itself. Koushiro was very uncomfortable right now, as if he'd been sitting on a rock for the past half hour. He had been sitting on a rock for the past half hour, he realised, and he shifted his protesting legs into a more comfortable position. 
            "Well, I think you'll be alright. From what Yamato told me after we found the Digiegg of Friendship, Daisuke's bi." 
            "What? Dai?" Koushiro looked up at Taichi's face. His eyes were as serious, cool and sensitive as they ever were with these matters. Koushiro remembered that time when he'd been pouring his feelings about Sora onto him. They were the same eyes. 
            "Yeah! And I think so too: have you seen the way he looks at Takeru, sometimes? He totally swings both ways. It's the same way he looks at my sister." 
            "That look creeps me out..." mumbled Yamato. "'S, 's like, he really wants to just grab Take- Take... niichan, and just rape him." 
            "I've seen it, too." said Gabumon. 
            Koushiro fell silent for a moment. "You don't think I should tell him?"  
            "I think he likes Hikari and Takeru, but if you want to..." 
            Koushiro looked down at the pool again. He sighed. "I've got to. I can't live with these feelings, but... I can't help but think I'm just going after him for his body."  
            Taichi looked into the pool. "Yeah, I guess he's an attractive kind of guy, and you are pretty different... just go for it, man," he said, turning back to Koushiro. "You'll never know if it'll work if you don't try. But be careful," Taichi gave him a deadly serious look. "He could hurt you." 
            "I guess." Koushiro thought for a moment or two. Daisuke probably didn't want to, but… could he live with himself? "…I'll tell him. I've got to talk to him, anyway: Veemon thinks he might be mad at him."  
            "What? Why?" 
            "Apparently he was ignoring him, earlier. Staring out the window, just watching the cars, buses and lorries and things." 
            "That sounds more like an infatuation than anger."  
            "Yeah," sighed Koushiro, "That's what I figured." 
            "Don't worry. When was this?" 
            "After our chat, earlier... oh!" 
            "What? What?"  
            "...I put my arms 'round him in that chat." 
            "Veemon was singing that silly "k-i-s-s-i-n-g" rhyme in chat about me and Dai, so I played off it and put my arms 'round him."  
            "...And you're thinking...?" 
            "Well, it's hopeful, but... maybe he's infatuated with me, too?" 
God, I'm messed up. Takeru and Hikari... I want them both. I can't believe they're together... without me. We'd always be a trio before: Takeru and Hikari and me, acting goofy. I made them laugh, they both liked me. But then that whole "Ocean of Darkness" thing happened, and slowly I lost her... and him. They just lost interest in me. They stopped liking me: they just went off without me, sometimes, like when they went to attack Ken's base. What's wrong with me? Aren't I funny, anymore? I've gotta get their interest, again, somehow... I've gotta make them jealous. That'll do it.  
            It was a short journey, and quickly the trees began to change and give way to weeping willows as the pair found themselves back at the rocky creek, vomit marking a short streak down a rock below Yamato into a calm pool that stretched shortly into the forest. Taichi waved from the boulder he was sitting on where the higher stream began to tumble into the lower waters. "Hey! Dai! Veemon!"  
            "Hey, guys!" called Agumon, leaping to his feet, slipping, and falling into the stream. He paddled alarmedly against the flow, desperate not to roll down into the pool Yamato had polluted. Daisuke laughed as he rushed over to help as Agumon thrust his head out of the surface. "Not funny!" he yelled, and splashed him.  
            "I'll get you for that!" Daisuke laughed, as Veemon joined in the fray, and Tentomon followed saying something about making sure it didn't get too out of hand.

            "Look, man, now's your chance." Taichi whispered. "Hey! Dai!" he called, standing up. 
            "What're you doing!?" hissed Koushiro. 
            "Come talk to Koushiro for a bit, will you? He has to ask you about something!" Taichi lowered his voice and turned back to Koushiro "Calm down, just take it easy, okay?"

           "Easy for you to say, Tai, you're not doing it." 
            "Hey, I've been through break-ups," Taichi said as Daisuke came over, trying to wring out a wet sleeve. 
            "Whatcha wanna talk about, Koushiro?" Daisuke asked, sitting down, as Taichi headed to the Digimon hoping to get Gabumon completely drenched. 
            "Umm... are you mad at Veemon?"  
            "What? No, I can't be mad at Veemon. Why, what's he said?" 
            "Well, he was saying that you were staring out the window and ignoring him and stuff after our chat. He thought maybe you were mad at him for that whole children's taunt Jun told him to do." 
            "That's all? Nah, I was just thinking 'bout stuff. Lemmie just go talk to Veemon and I'll-"  
            "I think I like you!" Koushiro blurted. Instantly, his face turned red, his head recoiled and his arm came up as if to shield him from rejection. Daisuke stared at him, about to get up, his wet hair slowly drying in the sun hanging just over his forehead and goggles, the drips cascading down the lenses and dripping off onto his collar. Koushiro bit his lip.  
            "...What did you say?" 
            "Daisuke, I... I think I like you." 
            This was it: this would make Takeru and Hikari jealous. He'd just been thinking about this, and, bang, here opportunity fell into his lap like a drugged whore! He threw his arms 'round Koushiro and kissed him deeply. Koushiro's eyes widened in shock: he was right! He was right! His little stunt in chat had awakened Daisuke to the possibility that he liked him! And now he'd... Koushiro stopped thinking as his breathing became more rapid, and his heart started going faster and faster, beating like a snare drum in his ears. He began to kiss Daisuke back, harder, faster, deeper. 
            "...I don't think I should be here," mumbled Yamato. 
~Iz ** has joined channel #Digital World. 
*TentoBot gives Admin to Iz.  
@Iz: Hey. 
@Iz: Yuukinoodle, you there? 
@goggles: i'm here. 
@Iz: Hey. 
+Angel_Of_Light: Hi Koushiro. 
+Cute_Author: Hey, Koushiro.  
@Iz: I'll be back in a second, okay? 
Iz: Yo. 
goggles: a private room? what's up? 
Iz: I just want to talk about Daisuke. 
goggles: oh? something wrong? 
Iz: I'm not sure. 
goggles: meaning? 
Iz: Well, we've been going out for three days now, and, it's great.  
goggles: so what's up? 
Iz: Well, where ever we go, Hikari and Takeru always seem to be there. 
goggles: oh. 
Iz: Yeah, and whenever I turn around, I'm certain I catch Daisuke sending glances their way out of the corner of my eye.  
goggles: that's no good. 
Iz: What do you think? 
goggles: well, he does fancy them. 
Iz: Yeah, but does he fancy me? 
goggles: i dunno. 
goggles: what does Tentomon think? 
Iz: Veemon and him haven't started going out, yet.  
goggles: yet? 
Iz: Due to the bond between us, the Digimon seem to like the partners of our partners. You know? 
goggles: like Agumon and Piyomon? 
Iz: Yeah. 
goggles: do you think Veemon's nervous? 
Iz: Possibly. Tentomon hasn't had the chance to speak with him since we got together, though. We haven't been back to the Digital World/  
goggles: lol, you do make mistakes 
Iz: Yeah, I'm typing fast/ 
Iz: Damn it. 
goggles: lol. 
goggles: anyway 
Iz: Yeah? 
goggles: i don't know. maybe Daisuke likes you, but he's still harbouring some feelings.  
Iz: YEah, but everywhere we go? 
*goggles shrugs. 
goggles: hang on, he's in the channel. 
+yuukinoodle: yeah well me and Koushiro are gonna have a romantic meal round mine tonight 
+Angel_Of_Light: Good for you.  
+Cute_Author: Yeah, great. 
@Iz: Hey Dai. 
+yuukinoodle: KOUSHI! 
*yuukinoodle glomps iz. 
@Iz: Yeah, good to see you, too. 
*yuukinoodle kisses iz passionately 
*The_Doctor's_Away changes his name to The_Doctor.  
@The_Doctor: Koushiro's gay? 
@Iz: Hey Jyou. 
@Iz: Yeah. Sorry for not telling you sooner. 
+yuukinoodle: youre not suprised about me 
@DaWolfe_brb: everyone knows you like Takeru, it's no secret. 
*DaWolfe_brb changes his name to DaWolfe  
+yuukinoodle: i do not  
+Cute_Author: Don't worry, Dai, it's natural to want a hot piece of this. 
+yuukinoodle: eeew! 
@Iz: lol, Daisuke only has eyes for me, right Dai? 
+yuukinoodle: right 
*yuukinoodle snogs Iz  
DaWolfe: eyes for you, Takeru and Hikari, more like.  
Iz: Hey, Yama. 
Iz: Yeah. 
DaWolfe: and even then, i didn't see him make eyes at you like he does for Takeru or Hikari. 
Iz: Really? 
DaWolfe: yeah.  
Iz: Well, thanks for your concern, Yamato, but if I wanted your input, I'd ask for it.  
DaWolfe: i'm just saying, he could be using you. 
Iz: Using me? How? 
DaWolfe: he could be tryingto make Hikari and Takeru jelous.  
Iz: Jealous. 
DaWolfe: thanks. 
Iz: Listen, Yama, thanks, but I can take care of myself, alright?  
DaWolfe: just looking out for you. 
+yuukinoodle: Iz? 
@Iz: Sorry, back. 
+yuukinoodle: yay! 
@The_Doctor: How long's this been going on for?  
@Iz: Three days. 
@The_Doctor: I've been studying, I haven't been on in a while.  
@The_Doctor: Ah. 
+Angel_Of_Light: brb 
+Cute_Author: Me, too. 
@Iz: 'Kay, 
+yuukinoodle: good riddence! 
+yuukinoodle: lol  
*Angel_Of_Light rolls her eyes. 
Cute_Author: Hey. 
Angel_Of_Light: Hi. 
Cute_Author: Can I come 'round tonight? 
Angel_Of_Light: Sure. Bring Patamon. 
Cute_Author: 'Kay. 
And so it was that Cute_Author ended up in Angel_Of_Light's bedroom, lying on her bed, his head in her lap, his Digimon in the bathroom with hers. We'll go into that later.  
           "So, what do think?" 
           "Of what?" 
           "Daisuke and Koushiro." 
           "I think they make a cute couple," said Hikari, "How about you?"  
           "It won't last." 
           Hikari looked shocked, "Why don't you think it'll last? They look cute together!" 
           "Yeah, but that doesn't ensure a successful coupling." He shifted. "He keeps looking at me in that way."  
           "Waddaya mean, Takeru?" 
           "Haven't you noticed? They're always where we are. They go to dates in the same place." 
           "Well, it's a popular restaurant." 
           Takeru sat up, and gave Hikari one of those serious looks he got. "Yeah, but I've seen him looking at us. It's like death rays. He makes me very uncomfortable!"  
           "Woah, there. You're just paranoid." 
           Takeru stood up. "I'm not paranoid! He's always there!" 
           "Come on, calm down: sit here." Hikari pulled him back onto her bed. "How does he look at you?"  
           "Haven't you seen it? He looks at you in the same way. That kind of leer... where he looks like he's trying to tell you "I wanna just lay you down and molest you"." 
           Hikari stood up this time, totally shocked. "Takeru! That's a horrible thing to say!"  
           "Not when it's true! Yama agrees, he's seen him, too. He says he looks at us both in exactly the same way, and all the time I've seen Daisuke and Koushiro together, I've never seen him look that way at Koushiro once."  
           Hikari sat down. "Are you sure? Has your brother told him this?" 
           "Yeah, but Koushiro just said "I can look after myself, alright?" and didn't speak to my brother the rest of the time I was on."  
           Hikari got up and looked at the computer screen. "Actually," she said, scrolling through the chat messages, "He hasn't talked directly to him at all. He's off, now." she told Takeru, who had risen to look.  
           "Poor guy: he's gonna be so hurt." 
           "Don't say that, maybe it'll work." 
           "It won't." 
           There was a short silence. "Where're the Digimon?"  
Patamon glared at Taichi, who stood at the bathroom door in shocked silence. 
           "Do you mind? I'm trying to treat my lady right, here!" 
           Taichi closed the door and resolved to always knock before entering in future.  
           Patamon turned back to Tailmon. "Now, where was I?" 
           "About to bring me to orgasm, as I recall," Tailmon purred seductively. 
           "Ah, yes, of course..." He pulled out of her, and made his way down to the lips that were difficult to make purr. He opened his mouth, wide, covered her opening over, and pushed his tongue deep into her.  
           "Ah, you wonderful hamster!" 
"I have no idea," said Takeru. 
           "I bloody do," said Taichi, entering the room, rubbing his poor, abused eyes.  
Koushiro, dressed in a bowtie and a black suit his mother got him in the January sales, rung the doorbell of Daisuke's flat. Of all the many buildings that filled the city, he was nervous to be in this one. Uncertainty clouded his mind. What was Daisuke's intention?  
           The door opened and drew a gasp from Koushiro. Daisuke stood before him in a pair of black trousers and a white tuxedo shirt that peered over his buttoned up red velvet jacket. 
           "Wow," Koushiro gasped. Inside, he could see a solitary candle in the centre of Daisuke's dining table, which was draped with a white cloth and decorated with white napkins.  
           "Hey," said Daisuke softly. He kissed Koushiro lightly on the lips, but both kept their eyes half open. Daisuke led Koushiro in by the hand and seated him in a proper gentleman fashion. When Koushiro tells everyone about this romantic evening, thought Daisuke, Takeru and Hikari are going to be so jealous it'll... it'll... something good will happen for me!  
           The beginning of the meal was spent in silence: neither had anything to talk about. They just smiled awkwardly at each other across the table, until Daisuke brought out the lobster, which he insisted on feeding Koushiro with himself. "Come on: I didn't get all dressed up and get all this food just to let it be wasted in an unromantic way!" he'd said.  
The meal had was over. Empty bowls of rice (Daisuke had third helpings, and managed to persuade Koushiro to have at least two helpings of every dish he'd made), Udon, tempura, karaage and kare pan had all disappeared from the table, leaving only hints that they were ever there.. Koushiro nursed his incredibly full stomach. "How do you manage to stay so trim when you eat like that?"  
           "Lots of football with Taichi and Ken. You have to be trim if you want to play those two!" 
           Koushiro sighed contentedly and patted his stomach. "Did you know," he said casually, "That tempura isn't actually Japanese?"  
           "What?" asked Daisuke, "Of course it's Japanese! It's totally washoku!"

           "Ah, most people think it is, but actually we got it from Portugal in the sixteenth century." 
           "I didn't know that!" 
           "Ah, but it's true." 
           "Wow." Daisuke stretched, and yawned. "I had no idea."  
           "Well, I'm stuffed." 
           "Shall we go to bed?" 
           Koushiro's heart stopped for a brief moment. "Um... where?" 
           "Well, how about you share my bed?"  
           There are a very many people who, when common sense, doubt, and lust come together on the battlefield, will let common sense win. And, indeed, in Koushiro's case, it would be true that common sense and reasonable action trumps all. Usually. Unfortunately, fascination, lust and curiosity had joined forces. If alcohol had been there, he'd have had the entire collection of The Four Horsemen Of One Night Stands. He looked to his left at his empty sake bowl. Ah, right. 
           In such circumstances, many people would have gone to bed with Daisuke. Koushiro was one of these people. 
           Koushiro pushed Daisuke past the door to the bedroom, the boys kissing each other furiously. He began to undo the buttons of the red jacket, breaking the action for a moment. "Where did you get this suit?" 
           "I got it for a school production: I'm actually on the inside of the cover of the CD they released of it." 
           "Fantastic," Koushiro growled and pushed back into the furor of the kiss, unbuttoning the jacket completely. Daisuke undid Koushiro's buttons, grinning though the tango of tongues. Their breathing was heavy, their cocks were erect and they could feel each other's warm huffs of air on each other's cheeks. Koushiro gasped as Daisuke groped his backside. He felt his warm, wide hands slip down the seat of his trousers, under the elastic that held his boxers up, and stroke, mound and fondle the two firm muscles under his clothing. Koushiro grinned, tasting the sake on both his and Daisuke's breath. His hands reached up, unbuttoning Daisuke's shirt and opening it so his could caress and stroke his chest as he was roughly handled under his pants. 
           Daisuke slipped his hands 'round the front, stroking the two firm lumps where Koushiro's pelvis moulded his hips as he went. His tender touching drove Koushiro hands to move 'round Daisuke's back, and start tracing patterns between his shoulder blades. Then Koushiro felt his bollocks being cupped by hot and long digits. "Cough," Daisuke joked. Koushiro, amongst his gasps, grinned, pushing back into the kiss as his hands moved back down and around, fiddling with Daisuke's fly: he grasped the small stump of metal, feeling the large lump that was Daisuke's large cock. 
           "Big fellow, aren't you," Koushiro hissed through the rough snog. Daisuke grinned as his trousers were slowly opened. Koushiro slipped one hand inside, cupping what he imagined was around eighteen centimetres: his other hand moved back up to completely unfasten the cotton tubes that adorned firm, muscular legs: shaped calves and a chiselled backside: if Daisuke were a statue, then the craftsman that made him would be Michelangelo, but with a greater expectation in the way of length and muscle. The trousers fell around Daisuke's ankles as Daisuke reluctantly took his hand off a fine steak of meat with accompanying vegetables to eagerly take his hand out of Koushiro's trousers and undo his flies. He undid the button with ease despite using one hand whilst the other dragged down the prison guard depriving his from entering his Bastille, which contained a lot more than seven men (one of whom who thought he was Julius Cesar) and a couple of barrels of gunpowder. His Bastille contained Koushiro, and his splendid array of biological weaponry. 
           The kiss was only broken when Koushiro pulled back to look Daisuke in the eye. What Daisuke saw in Koushiro was an echoed lust, mounted on his horse of hormones. Koushiro slowly lowered himself. He licked Daisuke's nipples, generating gasps as Daisuke grabbed the back of Koushiro's head and ran his fingers through his red hair. Daisuke's nipples erected under Koushiro's tongue, and occasionally teeth. The Chosen of Knowledge headed further down, curiosity driving him to taste the entire trail leading down to Daisuke's navel with butterfly kisses. Butterfly was right: soft, tender, gentle. He felt Daisuke's warm, strong and tight muscles under his tongue and the grooves of his abs, where they pronounced themselves. He reached the navel. He kissed and licked around it, as both boys panted, hard. Koushiro's hands fluttered from Daisuke's shoulders, feeling their way down muscular arms, squeezing his biceps when he met them. His hands moved onto his stomach, level with his head, and stroked Daisuke's sides, gently, softly, feeling them firm and fine. He enjoyed the cool, breezy feel of the high-quality cotton on the back of his duke. They went lower, his thumbs catching into the knicker elastic, and pulling them slowly down, as he pushed Daisuke onto the bed into a sitting position. 
           Koushiro's head found itself level with a monolith. His estimations were correct, certainly. The boys breathed deeply, as Koushiro cupped the upper halves of Daisuke's smooth and tuned cheeks. 
           "...Do you want to go on," asked Daisuke. He felt Koushiro's warm, damp breath against his penis creating powerful stirs in his senses, coupled with the gentle feel of fingers on his flesh. 
           "...Yes..." breathed Koushiro, leaning over, and smelling the musky sent of Daisuke's bare, hard endowment. "You're going to be huge when you're older, you know." 
           "I know," Daisuke grinned as Koushiro lowered his head and opened his mouth. His tongue reached the head before his lips, and he licked it before kissing it, and then taking as much as he could in on cheek, moving it over his tongue as Daisuke's breathing increased. Daisuke could feel his head racing. The bottom of his stomach had disappeared, dissolved, vanished, and his cock throbbed as he began to pant again, gulping down airs as fast as he could, his hands driving Koushiro's head into his crotch. Koushiro's stomach was also strangely absent (rather inconvenient considering he'd just eaten quite a meal), and he could feel every movement of his chest's internals. He sucked hard on Daisuke's Goliath of a Richard. Daisuke grunted as he ran his tongue along the underside, closed his lips as tight as he could and moved slowly up it then forced himself back down. Daisuke's hands followed the motions of Koushiro's bobbings, grasping his head and rubbing his red mop. Daisuke groaned as his cock screamed satisfaction and demanded release. "Koushiro! Koushiro I'm... I'm..." He couldn't finish his sentence as Koushiro pulled off, and Daisuke sent ejaculatory fluids all over his face, and even into his hair. Daisuke stretched back on his hands, his back and neck arching as he let out a soft, low moan. He shivered when Koushiro tentatively licked the semen from his cockatrice. He rubbed his hands over Koushiro's head, and came in contact with some of his own, warm, wet cum. "Koushiro... you're fantastic..." he breathed.  
           "It's not quite over, yet..." Koushiro pushed Daisuke back onto the bed completely, and stood up. He pulled off his shoes, got rid of his trousers, and finally, liberated the Bastille. His arrogant and brash length stood over Daisuke, casting a lengthy shadow from the light outside the window. He climbed onto Daisuke, sitting over his chest, his genitals directly over the other boy's face.  
           Daisuke licked Koushiro's bollocks, which were salty with sweat due to the oppressive heat of the night. He toyed with a testicle in his mouth, lapping and pushing it with his tongue. Koushiro yelped when he pushed it against his teeth and grimaced with pain. Daisuke grunted an apology, allowing both balls to slip into his mouth. He began a juggling act with his tongue running over the smooth and baggy scrotum. His tongue left his mouth, cupping Koushiro's tender satchel as it reached for that bump between the separation and split of your backside and your dangling bits. He licked it, pushed up, and followed it's path through the testicles, parting the pair to either side of his tongue, and then over the underside of Koushiro's cock. Koushiro gave a throaty moan, building it up by his Adam's apple and letting it escape past his teeth. Daisuke raised his arms and stroked Koushiro's sides, bringing his hands slowly down to his hips and then moving them back up again to his chest. He cupped Koushiro's nipples as his tongue dragged his penis into his mouth, sucking and lapping at it, as if it were going to extend his lifespan by a year or two. His hands stroked Koushiro's chest, moved back and played about his shoulder blades.  
           "I want... to change position..." 
           He climbed off Daisuke and lay beside him. Daisuke flipped himself up and lay sidelong on the bed so his head met Koushiro's crotch. He pecked the end of Koushiro's cock, ran his tongue over it, and then took all over in, straight to the back of his throat. He sucked, his tongue swam over the flesh, over the top of it, underneath it, to the base of it; nowhere was off limits to Daisuke. Koushiro laid his hands on his head. "Harder, Dai..." He began to increase the pressure and move up and down on the stiff screwdriver. His head dragged up to the top then, like some fantastical fairground ride, thrust down again and then drew up, as he emitted a low moan which extracted a deep groan from Koushiro. He kissed the head, went back down to the base and with one final tug of pressure, Koushiro went rigid as his totem spasmed inside Daisuke's mouth, ejaculating into the back of his throat as Daisuke swallowed. Daisuke and Koushiro, panting and sweating in the hot night air, spread themselves across the bed. Daisuke turned his grinning head, his smile as large as a Cheshire Cat's, to look at Koushiro's panting form. Koushiro looked back into Daisuke's eyes and smiled, as he pulled him into a deep embrace. 
           It was a low and quiet moan that first woke Koushiro. 
           He frowned as he looked down on his boyfriend of three days. 
           "...Hikari... Takeru...."  
           He cuddled Daisuke close and rolled him off him, so as to not wake him up. He stood, his heart slowly shattering and gathered his clothes as he wept. He changed back into his fitting black suit, stood at the door and looked down on Daisuke as tears ran down his cheeks. He didn't say anything. There was nothing he needed to say. He just left, colder, lonelier, and missing two very important things.  
           His heart, 
           And his virginity. 
Author's Notes. 
That was so very, very long. In fact, it's the longest thing I've written, with the most well thought out plot. So many things going on. It's also a bit of a change, style wise: I'm usually very anal when it comes to grammar and spelling, but this time I've allowed for it in the chat room, which is based on IRC, as it shows characterisation. I've also allowed myself to go lax when trying to put across dialect, like with Hikari, for example. The moral at the end of the story is fitting, I think, as so many of the lemon's I've reviewed have the characters buggering each other after a few hours, and in some cases, minutes. The plot's a lot more in depth than usual as well, with many different things happening in the background: the Sora, Yamato, Taichi Triangle... and that's about it, actually.  
           Daisuke's name "yuukinoodle" is a homage to "What Makes You Sparkle", by Lavender Feline, the finest author on TaiDaied Love, who can make me smile. Daisuke himself is a bit of a stalker character, isn't he? It's taking that infatuation from the series a step further. The coupling comes of one of his schemes, though, which is fantastic character. Daisuke is one of my favourites, but even they aren't immune from my character twists. I open after the chat with traditional Mullen: the reference to a children's television show from way back when (which includes Veemon's flute), a descriptive passage about Koushiro's journey, and something unexpected, like the insurance man. Then we go to the Digital World, and everything becomes darker. The use of the chat room reflects the shift in social meetings: less and less people are meeting outside school, and more and more are going onto MSN and AIM and other things. Besides, it's easier to put people in their own private conversations in chat.  
           Big build up to them actually getting anything out in the lemon scene. And I've actually given them something in excess of fifteen centimetres, which is unusual for me as I always like to put everyone in the area of around twelve.  
           I originally wanted a big sex scene with Patamon and Tailmon, as a small nod of the head to Lord Patamon. The fiction itself is born out of a request by Zakuyoe. When I first read it I thought "Oh, interesting choice!" and said "Yeah, I'll take it." Then I thought about how to do it. It was very hard. Eventually, I reached the conclusion that I could not let them live happily ever after.  
           And don't say his virginity wasn't lost: oral sex is sex by name. Koushiro would have felt that he had been robbed of something special. 
           I'm afraid I have a thing for people getting dressed up, so I hope you don't mind that I used a suits scene for a third time. Daisuke's is actually one big reference to the "Digimon Adventure 02 Single Hit Parade" CD.  I thought that was quite clever.  
           I do feel sorry for Koushiro. Lust makes us do and believe silly, silly things. 
           Comments and reviews are welcome, especially considering I'm entering this for The Contest: it would be jolly silly not to have reviews and comments. 
           Extra special thanks go to Circeus, who proofread and reviewed this story for me, the result being that I re-wrote what I considered to be the entire first part of the story. I inserted that Takeru and Hikari sex episode and various references to Lewis Carroll. I don't think he ever thought "Galumph" would be used in that context. The Digital World is a kind of Wonderland, though. Just dye Gatomon purple and give Piedmon a crown.  

I am delighted to have drawn in this Author Of The Month with Nate Hunter, whose entery I am suprised that I have managed to rival, concidering the sheer mastery poured into his work, Tenderness. I would like to thank Nate, Marine, Dragon Master, and Knight of the New Moon for their marks and reveiws which collectively won this for me.