Disclaimer: This is a lemon, no not one of those yellow fruits you squeeze the juice out of on fish *mmmm fish* I mean a story involving characters in *ahem* adult situations. However now of these situations occur in this fic, so you don't need to worry about that scarring you fagile very little minds, but there is some bloody battles here so they may fill in that requirement. In anyeven enjoy this next installment in my Islander series

An Ugly Thing Called War

Shogongeckomon heafted the axe above his head ready to end the life of his best friend...he couldn't do it, but he had to. As youthful kings the two had made a pact, one proclaiming that one's kingdom would be the other's if one was killed.

And as they say united we stand divided we fall

The Mighty frog digimon swung the axe, severing the head of his oldest friend, his tears of sorrow never ending as cotton covered the floor of the Geckomon palace.

"It has been done" Shogingeckomon roared so loudly everyone could hear even over the sounds of battle "Monzemon is dead, I control both kingdoms, and I order you all to stop this pointless battle!"

The red horn wearing frog bellowed, and everything went sighlent. Every Digimon stopped, laid down their arms, and lowered their heads in quite solice for Monzemon.

"What barberism, I can't beleve this, he killed his best friend" Togashi said in a very melonchaly way, almost muddering the words. "He had to, to stop the war, one life to save millions" Chistine muddered to Togashi, in a very similar tone "Just like Gennai"

The heros paused, and remembered their old friend and rushed into the great hall.


"WHAT!?!?!?!? What do you mean he got away!?!?!?! You don't realize his importance in my master plan!!" Analog Man was roaring and bellowing at Myotismon, who unbelivably, was trembeling. "What else should I excpect from organic flesh? Failure, that's all you fleshies are cabable of, FAILURE!!" In one terrible instant Myotismon was slain, Analog Man's claw dug right through his chest. As Myotismon's eyes went wide his form disipated the atoms straling about everywere.

"That's a lesson to the rest of you, don't screw up" The deformed man scanned the scared faces of the old digidestined and new ones that were under his control, was well as the various evil digimon they've fought in the past.

"Digidestined, scour the land for those other writers, and evil digimon" He turned and looked at them with digust "Find MetalMikemon" All but two figures left the room. Analog Man looked them over "As for you two, keep an eye on your comrades, if they fail, delete them" He said with great joy as the one giant figure and the one small one bowed and left.

MetalMikemon continued to travel and a great look of joy finally spread across his face. 
"Finally I made it, the Shogongeckomon kingdom" He dashed full tilt into the palace and saw his friends, along with a few new faces.

All the introductions said and done with and Mike's situation explained Shogongeckomon began to exit the palace to rally the troops to head to the Digimon Stonehedge. Mike looked up and saw something shining in the sky and gasped in horror.

"INCOMING!!" He yelled as the rain of digimon attacks blazed the sky obliterating hordes of geck and numemon in a single swipe. 

Tai, Matt, Izzy, Joe, Sora, Mimi, TK, Kari, Davis, Yolei, Cody and Ken (as the DE) struted in a lineup of evil as their digimon (or reasonable repalcements) landed behind them. Our heros lined up in a simular fashion. Digimon digivolved to the max and attacks went wild. BlackWargreymon and Wargreymon locked claws sparks flying from the metalic sliding. Mike Cameron and Anabmaster took on Zudomon and Weregarurumon. Megakabuterimon was horded by a throng of Geckmon while Garudamon was groped by even more Numemon. MetalMikemon was getting spun around in a flower lasso by Lillymon. Piddomon and Piddowomon battled Angemon, the battle to stay alive almost looked bleak for him, but Gatomon sprang out of the murky alleyway of the city and jumped onto Piddowomon sinking her teeth into her evil counterpart's neck. Togashi whiped his fibre optic tentacles at Flamedramon and Shurimon as SonimodB lashed his mighty blade at Digmon and Stingmon.

The battle raged on, Mike Cameron fired daggers at Lillymon getting MetalMikemon free, but he was still in motion flinging him into Garudamon's neck. As he wrapped around the giant fire bird's neck his weight smashed something. Garudamon blinked slowly and looked around, she flew high shaking off MetalMikemon and the Numemons.

"The Black circuts, they have my friends I have to shut them down" 

WING BLADE! Her attack soared through the battle field charring everything in sight, black circuts popping like blisters. After a short period of confusion the coverted digimon began to fight the few that were not yet on the side of good and those who served Analog Man faithfully. 

Piddowomon was deleted and Piddomon ran away, the digidestined were restored to proper age and proper side and in the end the only villian left was BlackWargreymon.

He started at the assembly of heros, and snorted "You think you can defeat me?!?!?" Blackness surged around him and his attack poured between his hands. "Terraaaaaa DESTROYER!" He fired the enormus blast at the heros excpecting to anhilate them, but the holy arrow of Angewomon (charged by everyone elses attacks) blew it away and ran into the black heart of the evil digimon.

He convulsed in pain and agony as the holy arrow ripped apart his flesh, his black blood oozed from the wound spraying in an evil rain. His body began to explode and shatter, his armor falling off and his body degenerating. As the evil digimon was deleted he looked at the group of heros and said very shor of breath "Defeat him...defeat Analog Man, he's causing this, stop him ....pleas...." He never finished that sentance as he was completly and udderly destroyed and put to rest....

The End