This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

A requested lemon by a personal favourite artist of mine, Acchan. This lemon involves made up characters, Succubamon, Akuji, and Kuzuhamon.

The Akuji Series #1



The Digital World. The Digidestined have defeated Myotismon's mega form Malomyotismon. Now the Digital World is a place where serene beauty and peace can be seen for miles around. However, one thing about he Digital World, is that peace never seems to last...

The roar echoed through the forested valley, which was followed by two explosions, sending up a cloud of dirt and debris. The battlefield became obscured for a moment, as a large creature rolled out of the smoke. He was several stories tall, and his entire body was made of metal. Two huge cannons lay strap to his back, and he spoke with a cold calculating voice. "So the Digidestined managed to defeat Piedmon. The Dark Masters lost." Machinedramon, one of the Dark Masters surveyed the battlefield. "The Dark Masters would have been wise to listen to me, and kill all the children from the start." Machinedramon looked down. Like I plan on doing."
A tall boy in a Japanese fighting gi stood up, using his sleeve to cover his face from the smoke. "One of the Dark Masters huh? So how did you come back?" Akuji removed the cloth from his face.
"Simple." Machinedramon charged his blasters. "Being mechanical, I merely download the essence of my code into my computer shortly before I was killed. Then I used my other Numemon slave factory to construct a new body. That Kari girl only found one of my slave factories. Building a massive body, especially one this complex, merely took time. Simplistic, but highly effective."
"You are a real piece of work, you know that?" Akuji shouted up.
"I am." Machinedramon replied as he took aim.
"But you still talk to much!" Akuji looked to the side as two digimon swooped in for the kill.
On Machinedramon’s left, a pale skinned digimon charged her hands with red energy. Two large bat wings grew from her head, and she was dressed in tight blue and yellow garb, with a bat embroidered over her breasts. Black wings flew behind her as she screamed her attack. "VENOM SMASH!" Succubamon called out as she fired two balls of burning green and yellow energy. The balls of energy slashed into Machinedramon's face, as a counter attack came from the side.
This was another beautiful female digimon carrying a large staff. She looked like the Mega Sakuyamon, except she was the viral form, with purple armour instead of yellow. Kuzuhamon charged her staff with energy as she fired. "SPIRIT STRIKE!"
A second bolt of energy smashed on the other side of Machinedramon's face, smashing his head over to the side. But Machinedramon moved his head back up. "Did you think two weak digimon could harm me?" Machinedramon turned his cannons to the side. "GIGA CANNON!"
Succubamon threw her self to the side, the force of the energy shaking her. "UH!"
Kuzuhamon moved in for another attack, but Machinedramon, despite his bulk, moved faster, swinging up an enormous metallic hand. "GAH!" Kuzuhamon went flying back.
"SUCCUBAMON!" Akuji cried out. Succubamon was only an ultimate, and he knew Kuzuhamon could handle herself better.
Kuzuhamon regained herself in mid air. (Why did he call out her name? She did not even get hit!) Kuzuhamon felt a pang of something. Anger? Jealousy?
The feeling passed as Machinedramon looked down at Akuji. "I realize my mistake last time. I wasted to much energy fighting the digimon." Machinedramon bent down. "When I should have been going after the weakest link!"
"Oh crap!" Akuji realized what he was talking about and leapt to the side.
"GIGA CANNON!" Another blast sheered a path clear through the forest where Akuji just was.
Akuji jumped on a tree branch, hoping the trees would slow Machinedramon down as the metallic mega came rolling after him. "I think we are out classed." Akuji leapt to another branch, trying to stay hidden from Machinedramon, and hoping his digimon could hold him off. Akuji rapidly typed into his terminal as he thought he had a spare second. "Machinedramon is back in the Green Valley! Send help Fast!" Akuji hit send as felt the ground rumble.
"Thought you could hide from my sensors!" Akuji leapt to another branch as the tree he was just in was flatten to the ground by Machinedramon.
"That was the plan!" Akuji jumped to another tree as Succubamon and Kuzuhamon came from behind for yet another attack.
"GIGA CANNON!" Machinedramon fired, this time aiming at the trunk of the tree.
Akuji wasn't ready for this. The branch at his feet suddenly disappeared, and he found himself falling twenty feet in the air, with the ground rising fast. The D-terminal went flying from his grasp, smashing at Machinedramon's feet in a flurry of sparks. KE-REACK! Akuji landed one he ground, hearing a loud snap coming from his left ankle. "ARGH!" Akuji cried out, instantly knowing his ankle was broken.
"AKUJI!" Kuzuhamon instantly forgot her self, and went flying to his rescue.
"GIGA CANNON!" The lapse cost Kuzuhamon dearly, and she took a blast in the back.
"AHH!" Kuzuhamon went flying down, Akuji actually having to duck to avoid her. Kuzuhamon smashed into the ground, the staff flying from her hand.
"Humans are so weak. Almost as much as their digimon." Machinedramon observed the badly injured Akuji, now virtually immobile with his broken ankle.
Succubamon flew in front of Machinedramon. "SEDUCTIVE WING!" Succubamon spin in a circle as dark bats appeared out of nowhere, turning the sky around Machinedramon black. "Kuzuhamon!" Succubamon cried. "Help Akuji out of there! I'll hold him off!"
"Succubamon! Be careful!" Akuji cried as Kuzuhamon got up, fighting down a wave of nausea.
(Succubamon be careful.) Kuzuhamon thought as she tried to regain herself. (Does he not even worry about my condition?) Kuzuhamon leapt over to Akuji, but instantly fell down, her injuries where too great.
Succubamon had conjured up as many bats as she could, hoping that it would slow Machinedramon down at least. But she could not even see him now amidst the black tempest. Suddenly four wires came shooting out from the bats. "UGH!" Succubamon cried as her lower torso was intertwined.
"I have every type of sensor available to me, from infrared to motion detectors." Machinedramon waved his free arm, disintegrating the majority of the bats. His other hand had four wires shooting out from it, latched on the mega. "Did you think that puny trick would hold me off for long?" Machinedramon's wires began to glow blue, then sparked.
"EYARGGHH!" Succubamon's entire body shook as raw voltage was pumped through her body, causing her to spasm uncontrollably.
"SUCCUBAMON!" Akuji cried half standing up, seeing his digimon in extreme pain.
"You want her? Catch." Machinedramon whipped his wires down, throwing the now motionless Succubamon down.
Akuji had to dodge again, but put some weight on his injured ankle. "GAH!" Akuji went down again, feeling extreme pain as Succubamon landed beside him.
"Pathetic." Machinedramon lowered his two cannons. "You have the nerve to call yourself a digidestined? You were hardly a challenge, unlike the original eight."
"What?" Machinedramon looked up, as a bolt of light smashed in his left eye. "Greaahh!"
Angewomon floated in front of Machinedramon. "What is it with you evil digimon? Can't you stay dead?"
"As a matter a fact, no." Machinedramon brought up his cannons yet again. "GIGA!"
"HAND OF FATE!" A blast of golden energy smashed into the back of Machinedramon’s head, throwing him off balance.
"You angels again!" Machinedramon roared as he regained himself.
"Glad to see you remember us!" Angemon cried from the heavens.
"You still can't stop me from destroying your friends!" Machinedramon looked back down, but Akuji, Succubamon, and Kuzuhamon where gone. "WHAT?!" Machinedramon looked up, seeing Weregurumon bound in the distance, seemingly unhindered carrying three passengers.
"Surrender Dark Master." Angemon held out his golden staff at the now infuriated mega. "Our power is far greater now. And you fell to us once already."
"I will not surrender to the likes of YOU!" Machinedramon rolled forwards, as the trees in front of him burst apart. Machinedramon froze dead in his tracks. "No..."
Wargreymon came in low, to avoid being seen. Angewomon and Angemon where distractions, to save the digidestined, and to put him in an attacking position. His metallic claws shone in the light as he swooped down. "GIGA CLAW!"
The sound of metal scraping against metal was heard for miles around. Wargreymon landed behind Machinedramon. Machinedramon just hung there for a second. Then his head began to slide off his body, a perfect killing stroke across his neck. "Uhhhhh..." Machinedramon's head fell off, smashing to the ground. This was followed by an explosion of grey molecules as Machinedramon's body lost its cohesion, Machinedramon's death cry being lost in the sky.
Wargreymon got up, Angemon and Angewomon flying to his side. "Isn't that the same thing you did last time?" Angewomon shrunk back down to Gatomon, no longer needing her ultimate form.
"Hey..." Agumon's form took place as the massive tower of Wargreymon disappeared. "If it worked once, why can't it work again?"
"Good point." Angemon's body burned with light, as the smaller winger form of Patamon took place. "Now we should get back, those three look pretty injured."
"Yeah, it was lucky our families where taking a vacation in the Digital World." Gatomon replied as the three began to walk back. "I did not look forward to having to face Machinedramon by myself."

"How’s that?" Kari asked as she finished tying the splint.
"Better, still hurts like hell." Akuji looked down at his ankle, a nasty shade of purple. Kari had bandaged it up as best as she could.
"I can imagine." Tai looked overhead in the log cabin. "But it's the best we can do right now."
"Right normally we would open a digiport where we came in and get you to a hospital." TK looked out of the window. A smouldering crater rested where the port they had taken in was. "But that is a bit of a problem."
"Yeah, Machinedramon sure dose make a mess." Gatomon replied as she sat on Kari's head.
"I still can't believe you mange to dodge him for that long." Kari sat up, admiring her handiwork.
"Well it's not something I look forward to doing again" Akuji winced as he moved his ankle. "Not that I will be physically able to for a while."
"Well, anyway, we need to find another port." Tai took charge. "The best thing we an do is split up and look for a TV, or at least a digimon who knows where one is."
"Good idea." Matt nodded, Gabumon by his side. "Best you rest her Akuji."
"Sounds like a plan to me." Akuji lay back down. "Hiking is definitely off for the timing being."
"You better stay here Kari." TK looked at the young girl.
"I should be good. Succubamon and Kuzuhamon are right outside." Akuji reminded.
"Yeah but your D-terminal got trashed." Patamon reminded the injured boy. "So we need someway of keeping contact with you."
"True." Akuji looked to his side. "But I couldn’t ask for a better nurse."
Kari blushed, but looked over to TK. "Well you three better best get going. Just promise me if any other evil digimon crawl out from under a rock, you won't try and take them on?"
"Promise." TK smiled out and made the peace sign as he walked out the door.
"Like we are going to go look for them." Matt smirked as he followed his brother, Gabumon hot on his heels.
"Just you be careful" Tai reminded his sister as he and Agumon walked out.
"Oh yeah, babysitting an injured human. Really dangerous." Kari reminded as everyone left.

Kuzuhamon was out in the forest, sitting up against a tree. (Not once did he ask about how I was. And he called out Succubamon's name in battle. Perhaps Akuji only needs one digimon.) Kuzuhamon sighed to herself. (I did foolishly get shot in the back; perhaps Akuji knows that Succubamon may be a better warrior.)
"Why the long face?"
Kuzuhamon looked up. Succubamon was there, looking at her through those red goggles she had on her face. "I am just resting."
"More like pouting." Succubamon stretched her arms up. "So we lost against Machinedramon. It's not for lack of trying." Succubamon stretched her neck around. "I am going to be stiff for a week. I really wished these evil digimon would allow you to stretch first before they attack."
Kuzuhamon shook her head. "I should have been able to defeat him, but I allowed Akuji to get hurt."
Succubamon suddenly sat down besides Kuzuhamon. "Oh come on now. We didn't let Akuji get hurt. Besides, you where the one who took a giga cannon to the back." Succubamon reached behind Kuzuhamon's back, and patted it lightly. Kuzuhamon winced in pain. "Remember?"
"Another mistake of mine, only showing how careless I was." Kuzuhamon went on. She did not even notice Succubamon had stopped rubbing her back, but had her hand rested on top of her firm ass.
"What is with the my mistake bit?" Succubamon sat up, looking down at Kuzuhamon now. "Ohh I see... you are just angry that Succubamon here is Akuji's favourite digimon."
"..." Kuzuhamon just grinded her teeth.
"Well it's your own fault." Succubamon reminded. "You can be such a boring, whiny stick in the mud sometimes."
"I am in no mood to talk." Kuzuhamon didn't look up.
"Oh yes you are." Succubamon reached down, and help Kuzuhamon up. "You have to learn to lighten up, be more friendly. For example, look at this get up." Succubamon ran he hands down Kuzuhamon's body. "Look at you. All I can see is your chin."
"So?" Kuzuhamon was annoyed.
"Lighten up. Akuji is a lucky boy, he has to beautiful digimon girls to ogle over, but you act like some stiff statue. Here." Succubamon reached up, grabbing the cloth around her Kuzuhamon's neck.
"What the?!" Kuzuhamon pulled back as she heard the material rip. "What are you doing?"
"Much better." Succubamon held a piece of black cloth. "Now that's some cleavage."
Kuzuhamon looked down. The entire front of her uniform was ripped off right to the breasts, showing about the top third of her breasts. "Akuji likes this?"
Succubamon threw the cloth to the ground, and grabbed her own breasts. "Oh of course. Look at me." Succubamon's outfit had a bat emblem across her chest, which hid the nipples form view, but the majority of her rack was quite visible. "You notice how whenever I bend over like this..." Succubamon bent way over, so that Kuzuhamon could see right between her breasts. "You can see a clear view of my tits?" Succubamon smiled, noticing Kuzuhamon was staring intently at her.
"But why would you do that?" Kuzuhamon replied confused. She already felt odd, the wind going across her breasts. Even in her Vulpamon form, when she had on a full layer of fur, she could not feel the cold wind. Her tits where becoming quite hard now.
"To give Akuji a cheap thrill. That's what boys live for." Succubamon smiled and looked forward. 'They like to see a little skin, a panty line or this..." Succubamon ran her finger on Kuzuhamon's chest.
Kuzuhamon gasped as Succubamon got to the nipple. She looked down. Her tits were now hard, and plainly visible under the black outfit. "Akuji... would like this?"
Succubamon smiled, seeing Kuzuhamon's interest. "Oh defiantly. You to spare when you are in your Vulpamon form right?"
Kuzuhamon nodded. Akuji loved martial arts, and Vulpamon, her purple furred Renamon look alike rookie form, was a perfect sparring partner. They would train together almost everyday. "Yes you know that."
"And have you ever copped a feel?" Succubamon smiled as she moved close.
"What?" Kuzuhamon did not understand that. "We do connect, if that is what you mean."
"No... I mean when you are sparring, does your hand squeeze here..." Succubamon ran her hand down Kuzuhamon's leg, grabbing her left ass cheek. "Or do you accidentally brush up against his crotch, like this?" Succubamon ran the back of her hand across Kuzuhamon's crotch.
Kuzuhamon moaned slightly, almost not knowing why. "Only by accident..."
"Then there's your problem. Be fun, flirt a little. If you where to say pin him..." Kuzuhamon suddenly felt her feet fly from under her as Succubamon leg swept her. Kuzuhamon was taken completely by surprise as Succubamon’s landed on top of her, pinning down her arms. "Would you ever consider kissing him?" Succubamon talked low as she bent down, talking low. "Like... this?" Kuzuhamon's eyes went wide ender her mask as Succubamon kissed her on the lips, tilting her head slightly. Kuzuhamon did nothing to break the kiss as Succubamon's tongue slide in, touching her own. Succubamon moaned deeply as she bend over, and Kuzuhamon ended up groaning to as she began to kiss back, lost in the moment. Succubamon pulled her head back smiling. "Well?"
Kuzuhamon paused for breath than shook her head. "N... never..."
"You should." Succubamon began to move up and down slightly on Kuzuhamon. "Tell me this... when you do spar..."Succubamon placed her hands on Kuzuhamon's chest. "Do his hands seem to connect here more often than not? Perhaps he gives them the tiniest of squeezes..." Succubamon squeezed Kuzuhamon breasts, and began to move them around.
Kuzuhamon gasped at the sensation, but even then realized that Akuji did do that, very rarely. And he almost immediately turned red afterwards. 'Yes... yes he does..."
"And does he do the same... here?" Succubamon's hands drifted downwards, and moved under Kuzuhamon's body, squeezing the tight ass.
"Yes..." Kuzuhamon admitted, enjoying the sensation.
"One more question." Succubamon moved her hands to Kuzuhamon's front. "When ever you fight, do you ever notice a little bulge in his gi?" Succubamon moved one hand, and placed in on Kuzuhamon's pussy. "Right around here?" Succubamon began to rub.
"Uh!" Kuzuhamon gasped, feeling that through the black cloth. Kuzuhamon thought of all the times Akuji need to 'reposition' his gi, pulling the top down over his pants. "Yes... Yes I've seen."
Succubamon continued to rub, increasing the pleasure. "Then I will let you in on a little secret." Succubamon brought her head up to Kuzuhamon's face, still rubbing her pussy. "Akuji wants you."
"Wants me? As a partner?" Kuzuhamon answered as the pleasure got better.
"No no..." Succubamon opened her mouth, and licked the side of Kuzuhamon's face. "Wants you. He wants to touch you in all the right places..." Succubamon stopped rubbing her cunt, noticing that the material was wet from the stimulation. She pinched the material between her strong fingers, and pulled, making a small ripping sound. "He wants to run his hands all over your body, feeling every curve..." Succubamon pulled up, increasing the rip, until it reached Kuzuhamon's breasts. There was now a long rip in Kuzuhamon's outfit, leaving her naked chest, torso and cunt open to the world. Succubamon moved down and placed her moth at Kuzuhamon's left breasts. "He wants to taste you..." Succubamon licked Kuzuhamon's hard nipple.
"UH!" Kuzuhamon gasped as the wet touch made circles around her areola.
"Wants to feel your warm body pressed against his mouth..." Succubamon placed the nipple on her mouth, and began to suck it as if she was a new born.
"Ohhhhh..." Kuzuhamon let out a long groan as a new sensation filled her body.
Succubamon removed her lips from the nipple and moved downwards, tracing a long stream of saliva across her belly button, and down to her crotch. Kuzuhamon was already wet from being rubbed. Succubamon got down between Kuzuhamon's legs, and placed her fingers on the pussy lips. "He wants to see inside you, see every nook and cranny." Succubamon was spread wide.
Kuzuhamon moaned. She had never felt this before, her pussy being spread open to the world. "Oh Succuba...." She moaned as Succubamon moved close, blowing hot air into her.
"And he wants to taste you..." Succubamon placed her tongue on insides, and ran a circle around her love hole.
"OH OH OH!" Kuzuhamon groaned in ecstasy, she had never felt this before, and it was incredible.
Succubamon got up on her knees, licking her lips. "Don’t you see? Akuji wants you. He wants to do all the naughty things to you that he could only dream about." Succubamon reached behind her, and undid a near invisible clasp. Her bat shaped breastplate slid off, and she slid out of the arms of her out fit, so she was naked from the waist up. "He wants you as bad as I want you." Succubamon leaned over Kuzuhamon again.
"Succubamon..." Kuzuhamon felt Succubamon slowly lower herself on her body. Their naked chest rubbed up against one another, the smooth skin sliding easily. Succubamon bent down, and embraced Kuzuhamon in a deep and passionate kiss. Kuzuhamon was completely in to it now, as their two tongues wrestled for dominance. They hugged tightly, moans of pleasure escaping from their lips as they rolled on the ground. The kiss was a passionate one, each one not wanting to break the embrace.
Succubamon stood up, desperately needing release. "I want you Kuzuhamon." Succubamon grabbed her pants as she looked down at Kuzuhamon, who was half sitting up.
Kuzuhamon watched as the skin-tight blue pants slid down, revealing one of the most beautiful sites she had every seen. Succubamon had pale skin, with not a mark on it. Her form was a perfect hourglass figure. "I want you to Succubamon..."Kuzuhamon moaned as she lay back down, Succubamon positioning herself sot she was standing over Kuzuhamon's head. "Then lick me. Do all the things that Akuji wants to do to you." Succubamon began to kneel down, so she was facing Kuzuhamon's legs. Even before she was half ay down, she felt Kuzuhamon's tongue lick over pussy lips. "Ohhhh yes... do me...." Succubamon moaned as she knelt complete down, her cunt completely buried in Kuzuhamon's face.
Kuzuhamon placed her hand on Succubamon's ass, feeling the shaped buttocks under her fingertips. She ran her tongue up the length of the slit, tasting Succubamon’s strong flavour. "MMmm you taste so good..." Kuzuhamon moaned as she licked, her voice muffled by the pussy.
"Ohhhh and it feels soooo wonderful..." Succubamon's hands slid over Kuzuhamon's breasts as she began to bend down. The hands went over Kuzuhamon's stomach, and then down over her strong hips. "I want you to feel this wonderful to." Succubamon placed her head betweens Kuzuhamon's knees.
Kuzuhamon felt the lips press on to her clitoris, instantly sending a wave of pleasure into her body. "Oh yes it does!" Kuzuhamon moaned as she licked harder, kneading Succubamon’s buttocks as she ate Succubamon out.
"MMMmmm!" Succubamon began to furiously lick Kuzuhamon's cunt hole. Succubamon then place her right thumb on Kuzuhamon's clitoris, and began to massage it. The response was immediate.
"OOOHH!" Kuzuhamon's whole body arched in enjoyment. "Don’t stop, oh please Succubamon don't stop!" Kuzuhamon squeezed Succubamon's ass cheeks tightly.
Succubamon had no plans on doing so, thumping her clit as she licked the private regions. Succubamon reached behind Kuzuhamon's ass wither free left hand, and began to work her index finger up into Kuzuhamon's ass hole.
"YES, oh yes!" Kuzuhamon's felt the intrude push into her rectum, and it only seemed to further increase the already intense pleasure. Kuzuhamon had to concentrate in order to keep pleasuring Succubamon. Getting the idea, she placed her own right finger at Succubamon’s backdoor, and began to apply pressure.
"Oh Kuzuhamon!" Succubamon gasped, licking Kuzuhamon's cunt between words. "Finger my asshole! Make me cum!” Succubamon moaned as her own orgasm built inside her.
"OH, it feels!" Kuzuhamon's body began to spasm as orgasmic hormones began to fill inside her. "It feels..." Kuzuhamon began to shake. "It feels... UUHHHHH!"
Kuzuhamon came with a scream, cumming hard. Succubamon licked harder, so that Kuzuhamon's pleasure was extended almost torturously long. "Oh yeah Kuzuhamon.... I know how it feels..." Succubamon moaned as she wiggled her cunt. Kuzuhamon licked through the entire orgasm, her finger still up her ass hole. "It feels... GREAT!" Succubamon threw her head back and came as well, her wet cunt grinding into Kuzuhamon's face, knocking off the mask as she came. "OH OH OHhhhhhhh Kuzuha...." Succubamon panted as she placed her head back down, letting it rest on Kuzuhamon's hips for a second.
Kuzuhamon just panted, Succubamon's knees still wrapped around her head. "That was... incredible..." She panted.
Succubamon turned around, still lying on top of Kuzuhamon. "Wasn't it though?" Succubamon positioned her self so she was looking down at Kuzuhamon's face.
Kuzuhamon could feel Succubamon's sweaty body rubbing against her, their breasts mashed together in one solid mass. "Do you really think Akuji wants me like.... this?" Kuzuhamon panted as they lay in a naked heap.
"I'd bet my code on it." Succubamon smiled as she bent down. "And even if he doesn't.... I will always be there for you." Succubamon placed her lips on Kuzuhamon's mouth, and kissed her passionately once more, the two lying together under the night sky.

I rather enjoyed this lemon, these characters where fun to write. I am going to do a Akuji/Vulpamon next I think. Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to