This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon.  Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.



The continuation of my on- going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, and the Tamers where transported before the start of the Deva saga.  For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy. The alternate version of Matt Lillymon and Cody are Gamma-Matt, Epsilon-Lillymon, and Delta-Cody.





Chapter 13





          Tai pushed a branch from his path. “How you holding up?”

          Henry ducked effortlessly under the branch. “I’m doing fine Tai.”

          Tentomon flew overhead; Wormon was riding on his head. “We are almost to the desert.” Tentomon exclaimed.

          “I know it’s a long shot.” Tai mulled as the forest began to clear. “But Maybe Izzy decided to set up shot in Ken’s old base.”

          “Not that there was much left.” Agumon reminded as he followed Tai.

          “It was a mess.” Wormon replied       

          “But I am worried, what if we do meet Izzy? I mean, he is so much more powerful…” Henry replied quietly.

          “Momintai!” Terriermon jumped on Henry’s back. “You worry to much!”

          “Besides, this is strict reconnaissance. We see if Izzy is there than we get the others. Besides, even at full force, we might not be a strong as Izzy.’ Tai replied with an air of caution.

          “He’s really that strong?” Henry asked worriedly.

          “You’ve seen us on that TV show you keep talking about. Think about how formidable Ken was when he was the Digimon Emperor. Now imagine Ken with the power of a Mega digimon.” Tai went on.

          Henry paused for a second.  “That IS bad.”

          “Izzy must be under some sort of control, he would never hurt anybody…” Tentomon paused.

          “Tentomon?” Tai looked up, Tentomon and Wormon seemed to be spacing out.

          “Do you hear that?” Tentomon’s antennae twitched.

          Wormon perked up. “Yes. It’s so beautiful…”

          “Guys?” Terriermon looked down at the two insects.

          Tentomon didn’t answer, staring in space. Suddenly, he was off, moving with an inhuman zealous. Tai stamped his foot. “I can’t get a BREAK!” Tai, Henry and Terriermon took off in the forest, moving slower since Tentomon had the advantage of flight.

          The two boys along with Terriermon ran after Wormon and Tentomon. “Hey guys stop!” Terriermon begged as the trees thinned out.

          Tai and Henry burst on to a large open half dome stage. Tentomon and Wormon were there in the first row, staring hypnotically at the stage. A red-cloaked woman sat on the stage, playing a flute into a microphone, which amplified the song a thousand times. Tai, Henry and Terriermon seemed unaffected by this simple song, but Tentomon and Wormon were obviously spell bound. “Hey lady!” Terriermon shouted as he jumped off Henry’s shoulders. “Give it a rest already!”

          The cloaked lady removed the flute from her lips. “My dear digimon, why should I do that? You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

          Henry and Tai looked at one another, and smirked. Henry looked back to the stage. “Give it up.” Henry replied.

          “You aren’t fooling anybody Arukenimon.” Tai answered.

          The lady in the red cloak sighed. “You two boys do know how to ruin an entrance.” The red cloak was thrown off, revealing a shapely woman with long white hair. Arukenimon smiled as she tapped the flute to her arm. 

          “Man, do all our enemies have to keep coming back from the dead?”  Agumon gasped. “Myotismon has been bad enough.”

          “Tai and Agumon.” Arukenimon turned to the other two arrivals.  “And who do we have here?”

          “Henry.” Henry answered without hesitating.

          “And his partner, Terriermon!” Terriermon’s ears floated up slightly.

          “Ah, yes, the Digimon Tamers.” Arukenimon smirked as she walked past the enthralled Tentomon and Wormon. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

          “How?” Henry stood his ground.

          “A friend of yours, Impmon, has joined us.” Arukenimon nodded slightly.

          “He’s here?” Terriermon looked up at Henry. “Man, is he stalking us or something?”

          “Who’s Impmon?” Tai asked Henry.

          “Just some little black rookie who likes to cause trouble.” Henry scowled slightly.

          “Looks like he found the right crowd to do that.” Tai sighed.

          “Anyway, Emperor Izzy wants these two bugs.” Arukenimon bent down and patted Wormon on the head. “So if you don’t mind, I am going to bring them back now.”

          “You and what army?” Terriermon threatened.

          Arukenimon brought her flute to her lips. “This one.” Arukenimon blew into her instrument again.

          All of a sudden the ground started to rumble. The air burst into a high-pitched screech. “What the?!” Agumon stumbled.

          “RE-ARRRR!!” The ground shot out, as several massive red four armed insect Kuwagumon came spewing out of the ground.

          “Brrzzzzz!!!” The air suddenly became thick with the yellow hornet insect Flymon, and the massive Snimon.

          Agumon took a defensive position as he was surrounded. “Tai…”

          “We can’t hurt them, they are under Arukenimon’s control!” Tai looked around him.

          “Hurting them doesn’t look like it is going to be a problem.”  Terriermon looked from digimon to digimon.

          “Now normally my spell keeps digimon under my control for hours, but last time, Yolei came up with the idea of interrupting my song with a reverse copy of my song. Smart child.” Arukenimon turned around. “But she isn’t here now is she? Come on Tentomon, Wormon. Let’s go. The other insects can have fun with their new playmates.”

          Arukenimon disappeared into the trees, with the insect horde closing in behind her, snarling and growling. Terriermon looked around, and nervously asked. “Momintai guys?” Shortly before the bug army attacked.




          “Well done Arukenimon.” Emperor Izzy patted Tentomon on the head.   “Completely out of it.”

          “As you wished. But they may be coming out of the trance soon.”  Arukenimon reminded. Mummymon sat on a chair, tapping his cane against his leg.

          “Then Mummymon, why don’t you make yourself useful and take them and place them in a cell.” Emperor Izzy dismissed them. “I still have some preparations that need to done before I require Tentomon's 'assistance'.”




          Tentomon and Wormon were halfway down the darkened hall. Almost at the same instant, the enthralled insects stopped. “Wormon?” Tentomon looked to his side.

          “What happened?” Wormon blinked in surprise.

          “March.” A familiar voice ordered behind him.

          Tentomon and Wormon turned around. “Mummymon?” Wormon looked the ultimate up and down, the large barrel gun held in his arm.

          “I thought Malomyotismon killed you?” Tentomon flew off the ground.

          “I get that a lot.” Mummymon aimed his gun at the flying Tentomon.  “Now come on.” Mummymon opened a cell door beside him. “Get inside.”

          Tentomon wanted to escape of course, but he had no idea where he was, how to get out, and he was a rookie staring down an ultimate with a large barreled rifle aimed at him. He dejectedly flew inside the room, Wormon crawling on the ground after him. The metallic door slammed shut, sealing them inside. Tentomon looked over to Wormon. “Now what?”

          “I’m not sure…” Wormon rubbed his first two appendages together.  “Oh, I wish Ken was here.” Wormon sniffed. Then sniffed gain. “Do you smell something?” Wormon turned around, and gasped.

          On the floor in the corner, was their green friend Palmon. She was asleep, but she was sniffling softly. Her body was tied tightly with black leather straps, exposing her normally hard to see breasts. Two leather strapped around her shoulders, down in between her legs, and into her cunt. There was an odd blue discoloration over her skin around her breasts and legs.

          Tentomon and Wormon each gasped. “Palmon?” Tentomon flew next to Palmon. “Oh my- Palmon!”

          Palmon whimpered softly and opened her eye. “Te… Tentomon?  Wormon?”

          “Palmon, what happened to you?” Wormon crawled up to Palmon.  She looked absolutely ragged.

          “Me… it was me…” Palmon panted. “She kidnapped me from Mimi’s house, threw me in here… and… and…” Palmon cried.

          “Palmon, it’s okay.” Tentomon tried to reassure.

          “Mimi!” Palmon sat up with some difficulty, using her legs to brace herself. “Is she ok?! I, me, the other Palmon didn’t hurt her?”

          Wormon’s gaze went down to between Palmon’s legs; the leather straps snug tightly in between her pussy lips. Wormon head snapped up when he realized his inappropriateness. “Uh, yes. She digivolved and attacked us and tried to hurt Mimi, but Tentomon knocked her out of harm’s way.” Wormon tried to keep his gaze from shifting down.

          “Really? You did that for Mimi?” Palmon looked over at Tentomon.

          “Yes!” Tentomon’s head snapped up, he had been staring at her breasts. Tentomon had a bit of a breast fetish, and Palmon’s breasts were now rather pronounced with squeezing leather straps. Tentomon noticed that the weird colour was some sort of wax. “Palmon are you okay?”

          Palmon sniffled again. “Just get these leather straps off me, please.”

          "Uh…" Tentomon looked down at his talons. He and Wormon didn’t possess fingers or anything that would be useful for untying the tight knots on the leather straps. “Uh Palmon… Me and Wormon don’t have fingers… I am going to have to bite them off.”

          “Anything, just please get them off.” Palmon begged. She had tried to use her poison ivy to take them off herself, but the knots were just too tight.      (Okay Tentomon, concentrate.) Tentomon went over and placed his face by Palmon’s back. Tentomon did not have a very good sense of smell, but even he could smell Palmon’s minty aroma. (She’s not Palmon in bondage. You are freeing Izzy from a trap.) Tentomon kept telling himself. He opened his eyes just enough to see where he was going to bite.  Tentomon’s mouth opened sideways, so he had to twisted his head slightly to clamp down. (Do not get an erection…) Tentomon chewed through the first strap, his teeth were rather sharp. Tentomon moved to the second one as Palmon breathed a sigh of relief. (Keep going, you are not a pervert.)   Another strap snapped. (One more, come on, keep those hormones down.)  Tentomon began to chew through the final strap.

          “WORMON!” Palmon finally shouted. Tentomon’s head snapped up as the strap broke. He hadn’t even heard Palmon calling Wormon’s name at first as he turned to eye the green bug, but now he could see why Palmon was calling at him.

          Wormon snapped his head up. “UH Uh uh… Sorry Palmon.. I just… well I’ve never… Seen…” Wormon blushed a deep shade of green. His dick had protruded from his segmented body, in clear view since he was sitting up to get a better view.  “I just never seen… I mean… I know I shouldn’t have looked, but but but…” Wormon began to stutter nervously.

          Palmon looked over Wormon's awkwardness. She had snapped at him; she had been put through a lot. But she couldn't blame Wormon, she must have looked like something off some bondage film. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” Palmon looked at Wormon.

          “Well, yes…” Wormon blushed.

          “Well, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We were all virgins once.”  Palmon admitted. “I guess you couldn’t help yourself.”

          “But it was wrong, I mean you were taken advantage of.” Wormon blushed again.

          “Well to be honest, it is kind of nice. It always seem the guys stare at Gatomon or Biyomon more.” Palmon grimaced as she grabbed the blue wax on her left nipple and pulled. “Uhh…” Palmon pulled the wax off, very happy she had no hair or fur. Then again, hair and fur would have offered some protection.

          “How did that get on you?” Tentomon looked at the wax, which had the distinct outline of Palmon’s nipple on it.

          Palmon pulled off the wax over her right breast. “She used a candle on me- She is evil.” Palmon moved to her cunt, where a big piece of wax coated her. Palmon bit her lip, and pulled once. It hurt, not nearly as much as it did though when Epsilon-Lillymon first dropped it on her. “Ahhhhh!” Palmon threw the wax down. “I am just lucky you were there to save Mimi, Tentomon.” Palmon moved forward, and hugged Tentomon. “Thank you for saving her.”

          Tentomon fell back, as Palmon embraced him a little to tightly. Tentomon gasped as he felt a sudden sensation of pleasure. (Oh no…)  Tentomon thought as Palmon’s leg rubbed against his erection.

          Palmon moaned softly as she felt the ribbed cock rub against her outer pussy lips. Tentomon species had a ribbed cock, to increase pleasure in their partner. Palmon found the sensation rather pleasant on her sore pussy. “Oh that feels nice.” Palmon sighed. She could still taste Lillymon on her lips, and it was bitter. She wanted to get rid of the taste.

          Tentomon was still gasping in surprise as Palmon moved down. Tentomon was standing on his back legs, causing his rather substantial semi-erect cock to show. Palmon moved down, and took the ribbed member in her mouth. Tentomon gasped, and instantly became a notch harder. “Mmmm…” Tentomon buzzed. He hadn’t had release in such a long time. He couldn’t even masturbate with his claws, so getting himself off was often something of an effort.

          Wormon now had an raging erection watching Tentomon get a blow job. He so wanted to join in, but felt it would be rude. Finally, after two tortuous minutes of watching Tentomon being sucked off, he spoke. “Umm,  Palmon…” Wormon blushed a deep shade of green as he spoke.

          Palmon looked over, removing Tentomon’s cock from her mouth. “It's okay Wormon, you can join.” Palmon twisted on her back so Wormon would have access to her. Palmon just wanted to try to erase the memory of the rape form her mind.

          Tentomon moved to accommodate Palmon’s new position. He went over and straddled Palmon’s face, his very hard dick bobbing over Palmon’s lips. Tentomon stroked it with her long fingers on her left hand, before taking it in her mouth. Tentomon gasped again, his moan a weird buzz. Tentomon held himself, wanting this to last.

          Wormon crawled over to Palmon, unsure how to proceed. Tentomon and Palmon looked like they had done this before. Wormon sniffed, smelling Palmon’s natural perfume. (Man she smells good…I wonder how she tastes.) Wormon was surprised at the thought, but looked at Tentomon. Palmon enjoyed Tentomon’s dick in her mouth, and Tentomon really enjoyed it.  Wormon decided to go for it, crawling on top of Palmon, his little feet running over Palmon’s green skin. Wormon opened his mouth, and extended his tongue.

          “Mmm that does feel good.” Palmon moaned softly. “Please Wormon, keep it up.” Wormon kept licking over Palmon sore nipples, which had been burned by the candle. It was incredibly smoothing, a welcome relief Palmon discovered as she blew Tentomon off. Tentomon began to lightly hump her face in order to increase the pleasure. Palmon’s pointy tongue worked all around and in his piss hole, putting Tentomon in a flurry of pleasure. Wormon began to hump Palmon, his dick on top of her pussy. Wormon had a ribbed cock like Tentomon, except his dick had bigger segments and was a shade of green. Wormon also wasn’t as well hung as Tentomon was. “Mmm Wormon…” Palmon moaned, her voice muffled by the large cock in-between her green lips. The ripples going over pussy lips felt really good. She wanted to feel them inside her. “Wormon please, put it inside me!” Palmon begged.

          “Uh?” Wormon replied very confused. He kept humping Palmon, because it felt so good, but he wasn’t sure what she meant. Wormon took a step back, trying not to look like a complete fool. He was a virgin, they already knew that, but he was very naïve when it even came to sex.  Wormon’s dick fell down between Palmon’s legs. He had seen a hole of sorts here when Palmon removed the wax, he just hoped he wouldn’t screw this up, or hurt Palmon. Wormon took a deep breath, and entered.

          “OHHhhhh!” Palmon groaned as Tentomon’s dick flopped out of her mouth. She quickly grabbed Tentomon and began to jerk him off, which Tentomon liked just as much. “Keep it up Wormon!”

          Wormon felt a buzz of pleasure go through him when he entered. It was like nothing he had ever felt before, losing his virginity to Palmon’s tight green cunt. He began to hump, each thrust increasing the pleasure more so.  Palmon moaned as she jerked Tentomon off, licking Tentomon’s head all over. Tentomon lost his voice, buzzing with enjoyment. "Uh uh uh!" Wormon panted as he rapidly moved his butt forward, jamming his cock in and out of Palmon at a break neck speed. He wasn’t trying to hold back, he just wanted the pleasure to increase.

          “Mmmm Wormon, you feel so good inside me!” Palmon exclaimed as she squeezed Tentomon’s cock tight. “Oh keep going…” Palmon begged as she squeezed Tentomon with her knees. “I am going… to CUM!” Palmon squealed as she came, hormones shooting through her. “Ohh oh oh!” Palmon stopped licking Tentomon, but still jacked him off as she came.

          Tentomon buzzed once more as he thrust forward once, shooting off year’s worth of tension built up in him. Palmon’s face was bombarded with Tentomon’s sticky bug cum, dripping down her face and on to the floor.  Palmon licked her lips, enjoying the salty taste in her mouth, trying to get the taste of Epsilon-Lillymon out of her mouth. “Mmmmmm…” Palmon sighed as her orgasm passed through her.

          Wormon was still going strong, he had gotten a late start, but he was almost there. He was afraid Palmon would kick him off now that he was done, so he went full force. A bead of sweat dripped down his head as he slammed into Palmon so hard her entire body shifted forward. “UH!” Wormon grunted as he came. Warm sticky bug cum filled Palmon’s cunt, causing Palmon to moan softly, enjoying the feeling.

          “Ohh you two…” Palmon moaned as she slowly stroked Tentomon’s cock, keeping it semi erect. Wormon slowly humped Palmon, just enjoying the feel of her. Palmon breathed deeply. It hadn’t really worked, the memory of Epsilon-Lillymon raping her was still there. But at least they had some enjoyment.

          Suddenly the group heard a large thud at the outside door. Palmon jumped up, wiping the cum from her face and legs. Tentomon used his talons to shove his semi erect dick back into his pouch. Wormon just crouched low to the ground in order to hide himself. The door swung open, and the hourglass figure of Arukenimon walked in. “You!” Wormon looked up.

          “Wormon. It’s been ages.” Arukenimon smiled as she surveyed the room.

          “What have you done with Ken?” Wormon actually scowled.

          “Oh, I would never harm Ken.” Arukenimon smiled. “I mean he is being so helpful.”

          “What do you mean?” Wormon looked confused.

          “You will find out shortly. But for now, Tentomon, you are coming with me.” Arukenimon tapped her flute to her arm. “Any problems with that?”




          “Tentomon.” Emperor Izzy sat back in his throne. Tentomon just hovered in front of him. “Welcome.” Emperor Izzy sat back in his chair.  “Surprised to see me like this?”

          Tentomon;s eyes narrowed. “I may not be as smart as my digidestined, but I know you are not my Izzy.”

          Emperor Izzy stood up. “Very astute. How perchance did you arrive at such a solution?”

          “Palmon told us about her 'twin'.” Tentomon hovered still in mid air.  “So what did you do with my friend Izzy?!”

          “I locked that fool up.” Emperor Izzy shook his head. “He dared to strike me. He’s lucky that he is beneath my notice right now. But you, Tentomon, you can still be of service.”

          “I would never ever do anything to help you!” Tentomon buzzed, wanting to fire but knowing he hadn’t a chance. A charged blast might take a human down, but Emperor Izzy wasn’t human.  And besides, Tentomon didn’t think he could kill a human.       

          “It is amazing how history repeats itself. Oh wait, it is not history here.” Izzy smirked. “So tell me Tentomon, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Mega?” Emperor Izzy’s eyes flashed red.

          Tentomon thought for a moment. He always wondered what it would be like to fight on equal terms with Wargreymon, Metalgurumon, and Imperialdramon. Tentomon would fight for what he believed in no matter what, but he always had a longing to be a mega. All digimon did, on one level or another. “Yes. But you are not Izzy, so you can’t do it.”

          "You’d be surprised what I can do." Emperor Izzy stood up. A screen flashed on behind him. A tall creature that looked like Kabuterimon stood on the screen, his face in anguish between the metal wires. His left arms and torso were now a solid black metal. “Meet Cyberkabuterimon. And guess what Tentomon?” Emperor Izzy stepped forward. “He’s your soon to be new form.”



And the start of my newest epic lemon, End Game: The Prophet.  A quick, (Very quick), summary of my first two epic lemons, which you need to read to get a lot of the plot.   In the first epic lemon End Game: The first Ladydevimon, Piedmon's servant, faked her death and attacked the digidestined.  We discover that Izzy is Ladydevimon and Devimon’s son, and has the power of a Mega digimon.   The digidestined managed to defeat Ladydevimon, but she escaped in a time portal, formed using Gabumon's code hidden under his fur, Izzy's password prodigious, and Kari's power.

          In the second epic lemon End Game: Destiny's End: The six second generation of digidestined were ripped out of their time line by their D3's, into alternate reality.  Ladydevimon had rewritten history, traveling back to when the original digidestined received their digivices, and then stealing them.   Ladydevimon had a Council of Five working for, Piedmon, who was later killed and replaced with the alternate version of Gatomon, Myotismon, Matt, Cody, and Lillymon.  It later turned out that Izzy was in charge not Ladydevimon, who still had his Mega digimon powers.  He killed all the digidestined, except for Kari, Ken, and Sam (who was alive in this reality).  They manage to escape back in time, using the same time portal, and stopped Ladydevimon from stealing the digivices, returning history to normal.  But Izzy managed to escape, using a D3 to save himself.  It's more in-depth than that, but that is the general idea.  Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to mrredrover@hotmail

Proofread by: Madman