This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.


          The continuation of my on-going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, and the Tamers where transported before the start of the Deva saga. For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy. The alternate version of Matt Lillymon and Cody are Gamma-Matt, Epsilon-Lillymon, and Delta-Cody.





Chapter 26





          “You’ve got to be kidding.” TK looked over at Gatomon who stood perched on a branch a bit away. TK, Patamon, and Gatomon had been trying to pick up some sort of trail to where Emperor Izzy may have taken Kari, Ken, Gabumon and Armadillomon. They had had no luck, and it was getting late. TK convinced Gatomon to rest, and continued the search later.  Gatomon reluctantly agreed. She knew she needed her strength for the inevitable fight. “Veemon did that?”

          “It’s true. Veemon took advantage of Gatomon when she had one of those black gears in her.” Patamon rested on TK’s hat as he spoke in a muted whisper.

          “No wonder she looked so ticked. I thought it was just because of Kari being kidnapped.” TK spoke softly to Patamon as they sat around a campfire.

          “Well, can you blame her? The black gears do funky things to a digimon.” Patamon glanced over at Gatomon, who seemed to be a sleep.

          “Veemon should have known better.” TK reminded Patamon.

          “Can you blame the guy?” Patamon looked over at Gatomon. “I mean, the poor guy has had a crush on Gatomon for month, and then she goes and throws herself at him? What would you do if, oh, Kari came out of that forest naked and said take me?”

          “Okay, good point.” TK agreed as he looked over at Gatomon. “But Kari doesn’t have razor sharp claws and incredible strength.”

          “Yeah, but I wouldn’t want to get any girl that angry at me.” Patamon remembered the anger he saw in Gatomon’s face, and for a second, she was ready to kill Veemon. He could see that. Patamon looked up in the tree again, glad Gatomon was getting some rest. Maybe she would be calmer in the morning.

          Gatomon was awake however, though her eyes were closed. Her large purple tipped ears picked up every word Patamon and TK said, even though they spoke in a whisper. Patamon may have noticed the slight scowl she wore on her face, and the low growl every time the name Veemon mentioned, had he been closer. Gatomon had to much on her mind to sleep. Kari was gone, Blackgatomon violated her, and Veemon took advantage of her. She wanted to sleep, but her mind raced. And hearing Patamon tell the story… just angered her more.

          TK handed Patamon a rice ball from his bag, which Patamon gratefully accepted. Patamon was just about to take a big bite, when his large orange ears twitched. “Heads up!”

          Gatomon heard it to, and jumped down off the branch. "Digimon are coming." Gatomon listened again, hearing faint rustling. Gatomon turned to the direction of the sound. She hoped Blackgatomon, or Myotismon would come through that bush. Something that she could take her anger out on. She was disappointed when it was a trio of Floramon, and a couple of Gazimon, hardly a fair fight against a champion of her ability. She had hoped for a good fight, but this was something. Gatomon raised her claws as Patamon took flight. But before anything was said a sixth figure came limping out of the bush. One that even brought some joy to Gatomon right now.  “Armadillomon! Your alive!" Gatomon ran up and hugged the limping digimon.

          "Yeah, still kicking...well, sort of..." Armadillomon flexed his injured front left paw, which had a bandage over it.

          "What happened to you?" Patamon flew down to his DNA digivolving partner.

          "Me and Gabumon got jumped by that fake Cody." Armadillomon snarled, the look seeming unnatural on his normally cheerful face. "When I find him again, I'll make him pay for impersonating my Cody."

          "I'm just glad you are all right." TK bent down, and examined the wound. The Floramon did a good job of treating it, having a natural knowledge of herbs and medicines. "Where's Gabumon?"

          One of the Floramon trio decided to answer. "He went off with the Gazimon, but he got lost."

          "Yeah, he sent us two back." The two Gazimon pointed to one another. "To check on Armadillomon."

          "I got tired just sittin on my tail." Armadillomon replied as he sat down. "Sides, my leg is feeling much better." That was a bit of a lie, the trip was not easy. But he was determined to find some answers.

          “Well, good to have you back.” TK replied. “But it looks like you need some rest. We all could.”

          "Yeah, I guess you’re right." Armadillomon sat on his belly. “This leg is getting a might sore.”

          “We will make camp, and starting searching as soon as dawn breaks.” TK sat back down. “Thanks for watching him guys.”

          “No problem.” One of the Floramon yawned. “He was a great patient.” She joked, to which Armadillomon blushed slightly.

          “Well, good night all.” Patamon yawned, and wrapped his ears back as he settled on the ground. “See you in the morning.”




          Gatomon still couldn’t sleep. She was still angry, and every time she came close to dozing off, the thought of Veemon crept back up, and it brought bile to her throat. Every sound seemed amplified to her. She tried to sleep again, but then she heard a Floramon get up, and a Gazimon went with her. They where currently making out in the bushes. Floramon was already sucking the Gazimon’s dick, and he was moaning low. They were trying to be quiet, but Gatomon sighed and got up, moving away. (Maybe I’ll find some sleep over here…)  Gatomon moved to the edge of the cliff, a good ways away. What she saw shocked her. “Armadillomon? Are you still up?”  Gatomon moved close. “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”

          The yellow rookie was sort of half resting on a stump, looking up. “Yeah… too much on my mind.”

          Gatomon moved close to her friend. “Same. I can’t stop thinking about today.”

          "Me neither… I was just thinking..." Armadillomon looked up at the skies.

          "Worried about Cody?" Gatomon replied as she sat down next to him.

          "It shows?" Armadillomon nodded. "Yeah, of course I'd be worried about him. Heck, I'm worried about everyone." Armadillomon sighed as he looked over to Gatomon. "I hate to think that fake Cody was responsible for hurting Veemon and the others."

          Gatomon scowled suddenly at the mention of Veemon's name. Armadillomon caught that. "Gatomon? Did someone get hurt?"

          "No, it's not that..." Gatomon was still very angry with Veemon. He had taken advantage of her when she was at her most vulnerable. "I am just thinking about something else." That damn Blackgatomon as well. Forcing a black gear on her, making Gatomon throw herself to Veemon.

          "You worried bout Veemon?" Armadillomon asked. He knew Veemon had a crush on Gatomon. Hell, everyone did in some way, shape or form. Maybe Gatomon had a crush on him back.

          Gatomon's head snapped to the side. "No."

          "Something is wrong, ain’t there?" Armadillomon couldn’t figure out Gatomon's coldness towards Veemon. "Do ya want to talk about it?"

          "No." Gatomon turned back, into Armadillomon's concerned face. She couldn’t help but smile. Armadillomon had a cute concern to him. He was much more sincere than that back stabbing Veemon... A nasty thought came to Gatomon. Gatomon suddenly moved her head to the side, and licked Armadillomon up the side of the head.

          "Ga... Gatomon!" Armadillomon sweat dropped as the rough feline tongue went over his yellow ear next. "What're ya' doing?"

          "What does it look like?" Gatomon lightly bit on Armadillomon's ear.

Now Armadillomon was surprised. Gatomon had never showed any interest in him before. "But, I thought you may have had a crush on Ve..."

          Gatomon stopped Armadillomon in mid sentence, wrapping her tail around Armadillomon's mouth. "Hush. I think we both deserve a little fun." Besides, it would make Veemon jealous. He deserved that much at least.

Armadillomon actually had just recently had sex with three Floramon. But now, Gatomon was licking his face, and he was getting really turned on.          "MMmmmmppphhh...." Armadillomon got out, his mouth still entwined in the cat's tail.

          "I'll take that as a yes." Gatomon flipped Armadillomon over, Armadillomon landing on his back, exposing his purple belly to the air. Gatomon climbed up onto Armadillomon's chest. He was a bit wobbly, as his shell was rounded on the back, but Armadillomon used his back paws to steady himself. "MMmmmm this is an even bigger yes." Gatomon looked down. From his hidden sheath, Armadillomon’s cock was poking out. Armadillomon’s species of digimon had a yellow cock, which Gatomon just discovered as she wrapped her paws around it.

          "Ahhh!" Armadillomon gasped as he felt his cock seized in a tight embrace. Armadillomon just noticed now his mouth was free as he began to pant.

          "Mmmm, you are a big boy!" Gatomon rubbed harder as the cock hardened, more of it coming out of the pouch.

          "OOHhh!" Gatomon gasped as she felt Armadillomon’s tongue run up the length of her slit. "Do it again!"

          Armadillomon complied, and began to wet the full length of the kitten’s cunt, tasting her strong creamy flavor. "MMmmm Gatomon... you taste so good..." Armadillomon licked the pussy lips hard.

          "Mmmm!" Gatomon moaned again, before she want back down on Armadillomon, taking the head in her lips as she fondled his balls.

          "Wait!" Gatomon hopped off. "I don't want that erection to go to waste." Gatomon got on her paws and knees as Armadillomon twisted over on his belly, his cock rubbing on the ground. "Mount me!" Gatomon ordered.

          "You, um, sure..." Armadillomon started. This was an even bigger step then what they were doing before.

          "Come on, give it to me digi style!" Gatomon trash talked as she waved her ass back and forth seductively.

          "Oh yeah!" Gatomon panted as the large yellow cock slammed into her again and again. Armadillomon was really well endowed. The prick completely filled her tight cunt. Armadillomon obviously loved it as well. He began to lick the back of Gatomon’s head, matting the fur down as she moaned.

          Armadillomon began to tremble as he felt the cum boil in his balls.  “Gatomon… I’m a cumming!” Armadillomon shouted as he reached the point of no return. Jets of warm spunk filled the kitten, dripping out the sides. Armadillomon kept on fucking, hoping that the pleasure would last forever.

          Gatomon felt Armadillomon's cum fill her pussy, the warm soothing liquid coating her sensitive vaginal walls. It was all it took to set Gatomon off. “UHhhhhhh!” Gatomon groaned as she came a second time. Her eyes were closed as she arched her head back, enjoying the hormones as they filled her with unbridled bliss.

          “Uhhh…” Armadillomon gave the back of Gatomon’s neck one last lick as he slid off. His yellow dick slapped on the ground as he completely removed himself.

          “MMmmm…” Gatomon lay on her stomach, stretching her limbs.  “That felt good… I needed that.” Gatomon stood up on her back paws, seeing Armadillomon on his chest, his eyes already closed.

          “Snnrrrrxxx…” Armadillomon snored loudly.

          Gatomon smiled as she snuggled up close to him, leaning against his warm hard shell. She didn’t really blame him for falling asleep, he had not only had sex, but had trekked several miles, on a badly injured leg. “Poor Armadillomon…” Gatomon sighed as she closed her eyes. She felt sorry for him true, but something else gnawed at her as she leaned up against him.   For some reason, she didn't feel fulfilled. Gatomon thought about it for a second, then she realized why. The sex was meaningless, she had only really done it as some obscure way to get back at Veemon. Armadillomon deserved better than that. In a way… What she did to Armadillomon was no better than what Veemon did to her.




          And that's the next chapter of my on going epic! Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to

Blargged by: Madman