The continuation of my on- going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two.  For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy.






Chapter 8


The Search



          "No sign of her!" Hawkmon shouted from the air.

          "She's not here either." Biyomon shouted from the other side.

          "Digimon are close." Guilmon walked forward sniffing, followed by Takato, Sora, and Yolei. Guilmon proved to be the best tracker out of the lot of them. TK and Davis were searching another part of the city.

          "I still can't believe it." Sora watched Guilmon run down the street, stop and sniff. "We're on a TV show?"

          "Yup." Takato answered as they followed their digimon, searching for Gatomon. The Digidestined and Digitamers had split up, each with a specific task. Joe decided to check out Izzy's, Matt's, and Cody's place, maybe he could find a clue to what happened to them to make them go stir crazy. Tai went to the Digital world as well, to try and spot Emperor Izzy's base and try to find Gennai.  Tentomon decided to go with him and Agumon, the bug needing to find Izzy, to see why his digidestined tried to kill him. Wormon went with Tai also. Without Ken, he couldn't digivolve, so he needed Agumon’s protection in searching for Ken. Henry joined Tai as well. Mimi insisted on going to the Digital World to look for Palmon, along with a reluctant Rika. Mimi was convinced that that Lillymon that attacked them just hours before wasn't her partner. Takato wished she was right. "A very popular TV show I might add. Watched by kids all over the globe."

          "I am never taking a shower again." Yolei answered, placing her hands on her chest.

          "Don't worry, it's not like a camera is running twenty four seven." Takato reassured. "First off, you guys are a cartoon."

          Sora laughed. "Oh, that's funny. Cartoons?"

          "Well come on Sora." Yolei nudged Sora. "Do huge digital creatures sound like a drama?" Yolei held up her digivice. "Is this a digivice I see before me?"

          "To digivolve, or not to digivolve?" Sora giggled.

          Takato laughed as well. "Well it was good. Too bad it ended." Takato answered. "We saw how you guys all end up in twenty years, who you married, what you do..." Suddenly Takato was yanked backward. "Hey!"

          "Now wait a minute." Yolei and Sora each had Takato by an arm. "You know who we're going to marry?"

          "Um... yes?" Takato realized he had said too much.

          "Oh, an opportunity like this doesn't come along very often." Sora smiled and squeezed Takato's arm. "Come on Takato, spill." 

          "I don't think I should, I mean every sci fi show tells you...." Takato felt very uncomfortable now.

          "Oh come on, just a hint." Yolei squeezed. "Michael? Ken? Someone else?  Come on, tell me his hair colour at least!"

          "Over here!" Guilmon shouted and suddenly took off.

          (Phew, saved.) Takato felt his arms released. "Come on!" Takato ran down the street into an alley where Biyomon and Hawkmon were landing.

          Soft sobbing was heard behind a dumpster. Biyomon moved first, she had known Gatomon the longest. "Gatomon?"

          Gatomon's shape was barely visible in the shadow of the dark alley. "Go away."

          "Gatomon, it is not your fault." Sora bent down and moved closer. "What ever that Blackgatomon was, it wasn't you."

          "You're wrong." This was followed by more sobbing.

          Hawkmon landed and moved close. "I know you better than that. It will all be all right now."

          "Nope, not in the slightest. Bada-BOOM!" A small burst of fire came from the heavens.

          "Awk!" Biyomon took the attack in her back, the strength leaving her body.

          "Biyomon!" Sora screamed, catching the pink bird as she fell.

          Takato looked up. A small black creature smiled down on him from a balcony. "Impmon?! How on earth did you get here?!"

          "Same way you did." Impmon laughed as he sparked another fireball on his finger. "And I just signed up on the winning side. Bada-BOOM!"

          Guilmon leapt forward. "Pyro-sphere!" Guilmon fired, his attack stopping Impmon's.

          "A friend of yours?" Yolei looked up at the black imp.

          "Yeah he is from my world." Takato grabbed his digivice off his belt. 

          "Well that was the stupidest thing you could do." Yolei looked at Hawkmon. "Digi armor energize!"

          "Hawkmon armor digivolve to.... SHURIMON! Samurai of Sincerity!"  Shurimon, the cloaked ninja's form, took place.

          "You're toast!" Takato shouted as Impmon found himself surrounded.  "We outnumber you! Three to one!"

          "Nope." Gatomon's darkened form stood up from the shadow, and sprung forward. 

           CRACK! A loud sound filled the air. "Uhhh..." Shurimon stumbled back, before falling forward. His face made a dull thud as he landed on the pavement.

          "Two to two." Blackgatomon looked down, at Shurimon under her feet.  "Oops two to one now." Blackgatomon stood there laughing. "Told you were wrong. I am responsible for Gatomon's snapping."

          "Hey, you tricked us!" Yolei yelled, stamping her foot.

          "And you figured it out all by yourself." Impmon laughed up from the ledge, as he jumped off.

          Guilmon growled and moved in front of the girls and Takato. He was now outnumbered two to one. "Stay back."

          "Or what?" Impmon sparked another fireball. Blackgatomon merely held up her claws as everything seemed to pause. "I mean, come on Guilmon. Even someone with your limited brainpower must realize that Emperor Izzy is the one to hook up with."

          "Takato my partner." Guilmon replied, holding his claws high.

          "Ah well, let's have a little fun!" Blackgatomon's claws glistened in the light.

          "Cala cala." All eyes turned as they saw a new tiny character. Calumon was hoping down the street, he turned, and his ears expanded to three times their size.  "Hi!" He shouted cheerfully.

          "Man." Impmon shook his head. "They'll let anyone into this dimension."

          Blackgatomon half turned. "Who's the shrimp?"

          "Calumon?" Takato looked forward. "How did you get here?"

          "Well I was playing in the park, looking for Guilmon, and then there was this crazy light show." Calumon hopped around. "And now I am here! It's fun!  The humans here are much nicer!"

          "Phhhhh." Blackgatomon rolled her eyes. "Calumon and Guilmon."  Blackgatomon looked at Takato. "Are all digimon from your world retarded?"

          "Hey!" Takato pointed at Blackgatomon. "Watch your tongue!"

          Blackgatomon merely stuck out her tongue, before attacking without warning. Takato was taken by surprise as Blackgatomon leapt on his head.  Takato fell down as Blackgatomon pushed down, and landed on Guilmon's chest. "So, what do you want to lose first?!" Blackgatomon effortlessly held Guilmon down.

          "No!" Takato leapt up, as he wrestled with a card. "Digimodify! Digi-evolution!"

          Blackgatomon’s head snapped back as Takato swiped the card. But then her gaze shifted slightly to the right. Calumon's crystal was glowing. (Huh?)  Blackgatomon thought to herself as she leapt off. (That white squirt...)  Blackgatomon raised an eyebrow, but turned back to the expanding Guilmon.

          "Guilmon digivolve to...." Guilmon grew to several times his normal size, filling up the alleyway. "GROWLMON!" Growlmon snorted hot steam.

          "All right, show him what you're made of!" Yolei cheered as she cradled Shurimon's head.

          Blackgatomon smirked when she suddenly leapt to the side, hitting the wall.  The bricks cracked as she rebounded off, and careened off of Growlmon's head.  "Looks like he's made of play dough!" Blackgatomon back flipped off as Growlmon stumbled back. Blackgatomon considered using a black gear, but why bother? Growlmon was not a threat to her.

          Growlmon welled up fire in his mouth. "Pyro Blaster!"

          Blackgatomon effortlessly dodged the blast, which sailed to the heavens.  "Cat Punch!" Blackgatomon hit him hard in his white stomach.

          Growlmon's air left him as he fell to his knees. "Groannnn..."

          "Hehe!" Impmon welled up a fireball in his palm. "Sorry pal. Picked the wrong side!"

          "Excuse me?" Impmon felt a taping on his shoulder.

          "Huh?" He turned around, into Biyomon's angry face.

          Biyomon had her wing pulled back. "You are such a jerk!" THWACK!

          Impmon's head snapped around as Biyomon slapped him as hard as she could across the face. He lost his balance as he stumbled backwards. "Whoa!"  Impmon regained his balance and held his hands in front of him. Impmon tried to fumble for a black gear in the satchel around his neck. "Can't we talk this over?"  He asked before Biyomon leapt at him again.

          Growlmon meanwhile was losing. Blackgatomon was too small to hit, the confines of the alley where too narrow, and Growlmon still had to watch out for Takato, Sora, and Yolei. Blackgatomon landed on the ground, and sprung up again, catching Growlmon under the jaw. Growlmon's head snapped back, hanging there for a second as Blackgatomon landed.

          "Growlmon NO!" Takato shouted as he fumbled with his cards. Suddenly his eyes picked one that stood out from the others. A blue card. (Will it work?)  Takato looked up as Blackgatomon started smacking Growlmon under his chin.  (Please let it work!). Takato swiped the card and his digivice glowed. "Digi Modify!"

          "Here we go!" Calumon's crystal burst into red light.

          Blackgatomon's head swirled. All other eyes were on Growlmon, who was expanding. A red light was beaming from Calumon's head. (Could it be?) 

          Blackgatomon turned back to Growlmon as metallic armor covered his body. "Growlmon digivolve to...." Metallic blades sprouted from his wrists.  Growlmon now took up the entire alley, dwarfing the already tiny black cat.  "WARGROWLMON!"

          Takato raised his hand. "Yeah! Looking good!' Sora and Yolei cheered as well. Hawkmon had just devolved, and was standing up weakly, and Biyomon was battling Impmon on the side.

          The only one that wasn't watching Wargrowlmon's new form was Blackgatomon. She was watching Calumon, whose red crystal stopped glowing.  Calumon fell to the ground, exhausted. (You mean that little in training has the power to make other digimon digivolve? How sweet!) Blackgatomon turned her head around, and looked up at Wargrowlmon and raised her voice. "Couldn't take me on even terms, so we needed to cheat."  Blackgatomon's neck hurt as she looked up straight.

          "You are mine!" Wargrowlmon opened his clawed hand.

          Blackgatomon smirked. A black gear would turn Wargrowlmon into a rampaging machine, but he would probably come straight after her, and wreck half the city in the process, something Emperor Izzy did not want. Besides, all these chosen digimon had one weakness. She leapt straight back suddenly, guided by her astute senses. Takato was taken by surprise, and Blackgatomon was on his shoulders, her claws pressed against his neck. "Urk!" Takato choked out.

          "Takato!" Wargrowlmon roared, his eyes flashing.

          "Nuh uh!" Blackgatomon smiled. "Now just back off slowly dragon boy."  Hawkmon flew behind Blackgatomon, but Blackgatomon's tail snapped up, without her even looking back. Hawkmon went sprawling into the wall behind her.  "Before someone gets hurt."

          Biyomon looked up as she held Impmon pinned. Impmon slapped Biyomon across the face, knocking her off. "Way to go kitty cat!" Impmon leapt backwards behind Takato, wanting the protection of the mammoth digimon.

          "You hurt Takato...." Wargrowlmon breathed hot air.

          "You got it." Blackgatomon pushed off with her feet, and Takato went flying forward.

          Wargrowlmon, even with his immense size, managed to place a gigantic claw in front of Takato, stopping him. Wargrowlmon's head snapped up, now that Takato was safe. But Blackgatomon's distraction had worked.  Blackgatomon and Impmon were gone.




          "Whoa, you are a smart pussy!" Impmon sat down on the rooftop. "I mean, when Growlmon digivolved, I thought our biscuits were fried!" Impmon went on, but Blackgatomon mulled over to herself. (That Calumon... You mean to tell me that these new digimon are incapable of digivolving without him?  What a glaring weakness! And the ability to make other digimon digivolve..... How perfect.) Impmon was still talking. "I mean the way you move girl..."

          "Impmon shut up." Blackgatomon looked at him. "We've got to find that Calumon."

          "That weakling?" Impmon raised a hand and dismissed the suggestion.  "He's not worth the data to absorb."

          Suddenly Impmon was yanked off the ground by his red bandanna.    "You know, I appreciate you keeping your trap shut, but I have become accustomed to having my orders followed. So why don't we track down that big eared digimon now?"

          Impmon nodded with a sly smile. "Hey toots, whatever you want."



          “Here Calumon….” Blackgatomon jumped effortlessly from rooftop to rooftop. “Come and help Blackgatomon get her Ultimate form back.”  Blackgatomon didn’t have the ability to obtain her Ultimate form. (I miss my ultimate from. So powerful, so deadly. The fear people had when they saw my face. I will become powerful once again.) Blackgatomon thought as she searched. Impmon was searching a block down. (God... surrounded by idiots. I mean, my options aren't exactly good, but Impmon being my best ally? Geeze, even Demidevimon was more capable then he is. But Calumon may just help me out a little. I do not have the ability to digivolve to ultimate, but that will soon change.) Blackgatomon's ears twitched. A high-pitched giggling hit her.  Blackgatomon luckily had very astute hearing, and she recognized the voice.  "MMMmmm I thought it would be harder to find Calumon than that." Calumon looked down into a nearby park. Sure enough, her eyes spotted a tiny white in-training digimon, playing with a stray dog.

          Calumon was throwing a stick to this dog, who immediately retrieved it, and dropped it at Calumon's feet. "Yay!" Calumon cheered, and threw the stick again. He was so involved in this game that he didn't notice someone sneaking up on him.  

          "That looks like a fun game." Blackgatomon landed next to Calumon. The dog wandered up to the cat snarling slightly. Blackgatomon turned in the dog’s direction, and let out a small hiss. There was such power in this cat; even this dumb mongrel realized that. The stray gave one last growl, before turning tail and running away.

          Calumon's ears shrunk back down. "Hey, you were attacking Guilmon!"

          "Oh please, Calumon, it was a simple misunderstanding." Blackgatomon placed a paw on her chest. She decided to go for trust over kidnapping. She didn't want Calumon hurt, and she was still unsure of his powers. While she was reasonably certain he was an in training, she may be mistaken. She had never seen this digimon type before. Also, the ability to cause digimon to digivolve, hardly seems like a trait for a mere in training. Maybe.... Calumon was a Mega in disguise? Blackgatomon had to be careful. She considered using a black gear, but if he was a Mega, it may prove to be a bad mistake. "Entirely my fault. I already apologized to Guilmon and Takato."

          "Really?!" Calumon's eyes picked up.

          "Cross my heart, hope to die." Blackgatomon made an X mark on her black fur.

          "Great!" Calumon's ears expanded. "So do you want to play?"

          "Actually I am more interested in that crystal in your head." 

Blackgatomon ran the her paw over the crystal triangle in his forehead. "I saw it flashing when Guilmon digivolved. What does it do exactly?"

          "Come on, talking is boring." Calumon started jumping in circles around Blackgatomon. "Let's play!"

          (This retarded, infantile digimon may be the best tool for me. How ironic.) Blackgatomon snickered. "Okay we can play, but can I pick the game? I have one you will like."

          "All right!" Calumon began jumping up and down in front of Blackgatomon. "So what are we going to play?"

          "Well first lie on your back." Blackgatomon put a single claw on Calumon's head, and pushed him gently over.

          "Okay." Calumon laid down, always eager to play a new game.

          "Now close your eyes." Blackgatomon ordered.

          "This doesn't seem like a very fun game, just lying here and all." Calumon whined, shifting uncomfortably.

          "It will get better. Now the challenge is to keep still, keep yours eyes shut, and be quiet." Blackgatomon whispered. "Trust me, it will be harder than it looks."

          Calumon sighed. This was a boring game, especially considering all the fun stuff he could be doing. Calumon sighed softly, and shifted. An odd feeling was coming over him. It was getting warm between his legs.  alumon realized that it was fur, rubbing over his chest and on his crotch. Calumon realized this was relaxing, but hardly a game. Then it changed. His penis had come out of his little tiny pouch, he could feel it. Yet he didn’t need to go the bathroom. This confused Calumon. He could also tell something was wrong with his dick.  Usually it was soft and hung down as he went to the washroom. But he could feel it standing straight up, still brushing against something long and furry. Calumon guessed it must have been Blackgatomon’s tail. Suddenly the furry sensation ceased. Calumon thought that the game was over. He was a little disappointed, because it was kind of nice. But before he could get up, something wet engulfed his prick. Calumon's breathing increased, but he kept his mouth shut. But he did succumb to curiousity, opened his left eye a crack. He saw Blackgatomon's face in his crotch. He wondered where his penis was, then realized, it must be inside her mouth! Calumon gasped at the sudden realization. He was sort of disgusted.  The only time he ever saw his dick was when he went to the washroom, and now Blackgatomon had her lips wrapped around it. But the feeling... Calumon never felt anything like it before. He was terrified he might make a noise, because the game would be over, and Blackgatomon would stop. 

          Blackgatomon furiously sucked on Calumon's dick. She could tell that the digimon was about ready to blow. Calumon’s breathing rate has greatly increased. Suddenly, Calumon lost the game, shouting "OOHHH!!!"

          Blackgatomon smiled, when suddenly the dick in her mouth expanded to three times its size. Calumon's digimon type dick triples in size similar to his ears when it hits a climax, before shrinking down as it shoots out its load.  "MMMMMMM!!!" Blackgatomon's lips were stretched to the limits, to the point of hurting. She couldn't even move, because her sharp side teeth would cut into Calumon's member. Her jaw hurt, but suddenly Calumon began to shoot his load.

          "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Calumon kept jerking his hips forward. Each ‘Oh!’ would shoot another stream of cum into Blackgatomon's mouth.

          Blackgatomon was forced to swallow, not that she particularly minded.  Calumon's squeals of joy began to slow down. Finally, Calumon's dick began to shrink. Blackgatomon spit out the penis, her jaw cracking as she shut it.  "Whoa!" Blackgatomon panted. "I can't believe how big you got!"

          "Was it supposed to be that big?" Calumon tilted his head, confused.

          "No, that was impressive." Blackgatomon assured. "Heck I know champions that aren't as well endowed as you." Blackgatomon ran a paw over his back.

          "I guess I lost." Calumon smiled and hopped up. His semi-flaccid member bounced as he did so. "But it was fun! Can we play some more?!”  

          "Of course." Blackgatomon smiled. (Forgot his stomach. The best way to a man's heart is through his dick.) "Next game." Blackgatomon grabbed the back of Calumon's head, and shoved it into her chest. "Feed the baby."

          "Huh?" Calumon replied with a curious look in his eyes as he looked up.

          "Have you ever seen a human baby feed before?" Blackgatomon reached down and massaged Calumon's ass as she spoke.

          "Yeah.…” Calumon saw that a few times in the park. A tiny human, which the older humans called babies, would place their lips on the woman's breast.  Calumon looked back down. Blackgatomon didn't have breasts nearly as big as most humans; Calumon could feel them in her fur. Slight mounds buried in the fur. Calumon placed his mouth on one of the mounds. "Like this?"

          "Up a little more." Blackgatomon was still rubbing Calumon's butt. With her other paw as she guided Calumon's head up, until he reached the nipple. "Oh yeah, right there. Now suck it. Suck it like a straw."

          Calumon shrugged, and sucked the hardened nipple. Blackgatomon suddenly moaned, surprising the tiny white digimon. “Huh?” He pulled his mouth away.

          Blackgatomon grabbed the back of Calumon’s head, and shoved it into her furry chest. “Keep going!” Blackgatomon ordered.

          Calumon kept going, not particularly enjoying this game as much as the first one, but liking it none the less. At the very least, Blackgatomon seemed to be enjoying it. “MMMmmmm nice….” Blackgatomon felt her tits hardening as Calumon sucked as hard as he could. This only succeeded in getting Blackgatomon hornier. “MMmm good baby.” Blackgatomon ran her hand down Calumon’s back.
          "That isn't as fun as the first game." Calumon whined as he pulled his face away from Blackgatomon’s saliva ridden tit.

          "You're right." Blackgatomon ran her rough tongue over Calumon's face.  "It was more of a game for my enjoyment. Like the first one for you."  Blackgatomon reminded. "So I'll tell you what. The next game will be something we both can enjoy. Now come here." Blackgatomon sat down against a tree, and opened her legs wide. She placed her claws in between her outer pussy lips, and slowly spread herself wide. Pink vaginal walls stood out sharply against midnight black fur. Calumon was unsure why, but seeing this was an incredible turn on.  He had never seen a female's pussy before. He knew about boys and girls, he just never really understood the differences. He looked down, and his prick was all-hard again. He placed his hands on his dick, and began stroking it. "Oh!"

          "No, come here!" Blackgatomon ordered and moved her legs slowly.

          "Okay, I'm coming!" Calumon hoped over, his dick bouncing.

          "Now fuck me!" Blackgatomon ordered.

          "Huh?!" Calumon had only heard that word a few times before. He assumed it mean 'Please be careful when you are driving.'

          "Sigh..." Blackgatomon groaned. "Put your dick in this pink hole here, and move it in and out as fast as your little body can."

          That was the strangest thing that Calumon ever heard. But Calumon trusted Blackgatomon. She showed him all these great games. He placed his member at the head of her pussy lips. “Am I doing this right?” He pressed the head of his white cock against the pink innards. It felt surprisingly good.

          “All the way!” Blackgatomon moved her hands down to Calumon’s ass, and pulled him forward.

          "OHHH!" Calumon’s dick completely disappeared inside Blackgatomon. It surprised him just as much as when it disappeared into Blackgatomon’s mouth.  He realized it was there, he could feel a wet sensation wrapping around it, and it felt incredible.

          Blackgatomon got a firm grip on Calumon's butt; just enough so she could move him, but not hurting him. She slowly pulled him out, until he was halfway freed.  Then she pushed him back in hard, burying the entire shaft in her. “Now you’re doing it right!”

          “Oh!” Calumon pulled out again, and slammed back into Blackgatomon.  Instinct took over, spurned on by Blackgatomon’s teachings. The enthusiastic digimon pumped as fast as he could. Blackgatomon was a little big for him, but he was getting off anyway. Blackgatomon placed a claw carefully on her clit, and began to rub it vigorously as Calumon fucked her.

          “That’s the way…” Blackgatomon panted. “I am going… to… AHHhhhhh!” Blackgatomon came with a moan, lubricating herself with pussy cum.

          Calumon still wasn't quite off as he furiously pumped into the climaxing kitty. He increased his tempo, sensing the same feeling come over him. "Oh boy, oh boy!" Calumon's ears suddenly expanded. At the same time, Calumon’s dick tripled in size and thickness.

          "UGH!" Blackgatomon's pussy was completely filled and then some.   Calumon couldn't even remove his dick it was so tight. But a split second later, he came. Calumon's cum filled Blackgatomon's pussy, giving her a warm feeling inside her stretched cunt. Calumon’s dick slowly shrank and slipped out of Blackgatomon’s cunt. Blackgatomon panted slowly as she leaned back. “That trick of yours... Is impressive...” Blackgatomon looked down at Calumon. The excitement proved too much for him. He had fallen fast asleep; his head nestled on Blackgatomon’s stomach. “Ahhh how cute." Blackgatomon laid Calumon down on the grass, regarding Calumon's cum soaked flaccid member. She bent down, licking Calumon clean. Calumon moaned in his sleep, but didn't wake.  Blackgatomon shoved his member back into his hidden pouch. "Sleep my little friend." Blackgatomon ran a hand over Calumon's forehead, taking a moment to admire herself in the jewel. "Soon you will make me powerful once again."  Blackgatomon was now left to wonder what to do about Calumon as she watched him sleep in the grass. (Well he’s obviously not a Mega. But leaving on his own is not smart, but if I bring him back, I have to explain to Emperor Izzy why I need him.) Blackgatomon mulled it over. (I suppose the smartest thing to do is to sneak him into the base, lock him in a hidden cell until I need him.  Yes, that will be the best.)

          Blackgatomon felt a heavy hand clamp on her shoulder. She turned around quickly. Veemon's normally happy and cheerful face was in a scowl. His other hand was drawn back. "Bitch!"

          Blackgatomon was very strong, but so was Veemon for a rookie. His blow was enough to send Blackgatomon flying into the stone water fountain's base, cracking it. "Why you blue!"

          "Boom Bubble!" Blackgatomon's face took a blast of compressed air, and she was sent head over heals, into the fountain behind her. There was an enormous splash, the water falling back on the pool, filling the fountains with ripples. 

          Blackgatomon leapt out of the water, an enraged look in her eyes, as water dripped down her face. "Do you know how much I HATE getting my fur wet?!"  Blackgatomon shook herself. "I mean, it takes forever to get dry!"

          Patamon flew over Veemon's head. He had a look of anger that rivaled Veemon's. "What you did to Gatomon was unforgivable!"

          "And to Kari!" TK and Davis were behind their digimon allies.

          Davis took a step forward, holding up a fist. "So tell us what you did with Kari and the others, before we really get mad!"




          And the start of my newest epic lemon, End Game: Fated Circle.  A quick, (Very quick), summary of my first two epic lemons, which you need to read to get a lot of the plot.   In the first epic lemon End Game: The first Ladydevimon, Piedmon's servant, faked her death and attacked the digidestined.  We discover that Izzy is Ladydevimon and Devimon’s son, and has the power of a Mega digimon.   The digidestined managed to defeat Ladydevimon, but she escaped in a time portal, formed using Gabumon's code hidden under his fur, Izzy's password prodigious, and Kari's power.

          In the second epic lemon End Game: Destiny's End: The six second generation of digidestined were ripped out of their time line by their D3's, into alternate reality.  Ladydevimon had rewritten history, travelling back to when the original digidestined received their digivices, and then stealing them.   Ladydevimon had a Council of Five working for, Piedmon, who was later killed and replaced with the alternate version of Gatomon, Myotismon, Matt, Cody, and Lillymon.  It later turned out that Izzy was in charge not Ladydevimon, who still had his Mega digimon powers.  He killed all the digidestined, except for Kari, Ken, and Sam (who was alive in this reality).  They manage to escape back in time, using the same time portal, and stopped Ladydevimon from stealing the digivices, returning history to normal.  But Izzy managed to escape, using a D3 to save himself.  It's more in-depth than that, but that is the general idea.  Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to

Proofread by: Madman