This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is my ninth lemon. I can't believe no one has done this combination yet. It takes place when Izzy and Tentomon are separated from the rest of the group while he's looking for Tai, before he meets up with Betamon in the episode and takes place after my lemon "What's Love Got To Do With It?" I figure that Sora must have met up with Izzy as well, since she met everyone else in secret.

The Birds and the Beatles


Tentomon was not having much luck in his hunt for food. This entire mountain was barren and devoid of any source of nourishment. He also did not like leaving Izzy alone and unprotected. Even with his assurances he would be safe, he knew Izzy would be no match for even a rookie digimon. Tentomon was about to turn back when he saw a speck flying up from the mountain range towards him. He flew up higher, and braced himself for attack. The speck grew larger until he finally recognized the shape.
"Biyomon! Is that you?" Tentomon shouted happily, it has been weeks since he seen a friendly familiar face.
"Tentomon, long time no see!" Biyomon flew up and met Tentomon in mid air. They ended up hovering several hundred feet in the air.
Tentomon looked at Biyomon, and noticed she had a worried across her face. "Are you ok? Where's Sora? How come she's not with you?' Tentomon began to fear for the worse.
"Sora fine, she with Izzy right now." Biyomon replied.
"Well that's good then! Let's go meet them; Lead the way!" Tentomon was anxious to get back to their respective digi-destines. He did not like leaving them unguarded for any length of time.
"Not quite yet, Izzy and Sora need to talk for a bit. Let's give them a little time. Izzy's going to try to help Sora sort out through some stuff." Biyomon said,
"Well, ok then. What are we going to do in the mean time?" Tentomon still wanted to go back.
"How bout die?"
A huge screech came from the sun as Biyomon and Tentomon looked up blinded. A split second later, a huge figure came rushing towards them, missing them by inches.
"Kuwagomon!" Biyomon shrieked. Tentomon cursed himself for being so careless. He let his guard down, and it allowed Kuwagomon to get close to them.
"Tentomon digivolve to…..oh right! Izzy's not here!" Tentomon couldn't digivlove without Izzy in danger. Kuwagomon took on all seven of them in their rookie form, him and Biyomon couldn't possibly hope to defeat them on their own.
"Biyomon! Let's get out of here! Get down in the valley!" He started to fly down, but realized Biyomon wasn't with him. He looked up and saw her, in one of Kuwagomon's claws.
"Wings or drumsticks? Ah, let's go for the whole thing." Kuwagomon laughed.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" A surge of pure energy went through Tentomon. "SUPER SHOCKER!" And the strongest blast Tentomon ever released nailed Kuwagomon in his gaping jaw. Kuwagomon released Biyomon as he was rocket half was across Server. Tentomon was pleased with himself, right before he realized he used up all his energy. He couldn't even fly, and began plummeting towards the ground below.
Tentomon thought he was done for as the earth came rushing up to meet him, but just before he hit, something stopped his decent. He looked up, and saw Biyomon's claws wrapped around his back. She gently placed him on the ground in the cavern.
"Thank you Biyomon, you saved my life." Tentomon breathed out in between gasp.
Biyomon looked at him in amazement. "How did you defeat Kuwagomon? That blast looked like it could take out an entire army? Where did it come from?"
Tentomon didn't know the answer to the either. "I really don't know, I just saw you in danger, and I realized I had to save you no matter what happened to me."
A surprised look first crossed Biyomon's face, and then a weird smile crept across her beak. "That's so sweet!" She wrapped her wings around Tentomon and brought him close. Then, almost unknown to her she licked Tentomon across the face. Tentomon was shocked by the hug, and the tongue treatment almost caused him to pass out. "Biyomon?" he asked puzzled.
Biyomon just continued licking his face. She took her wings and began rubbing them against Tentomon's hard chest. She moved her tongue from his face and began to lick his chest, while her wings moved to his lower belly. Tentomon fell to his back as Biyomon climbed on top of him. She gently coaxed his penis of its hidden sack, and began rubbing it with her feathered fingertips. Tentomon laughed slightly as the feathers tickled his sensitive prick. Biyomon's lips had left his chest and moved to the tip of his hard shaft. She began to lick the tip of his penis while rubbing his balls with one wing and the base of the shaft with the other. Tentomon groaned under the multiple treatments his long dick was getting. Biyomon began jacking him of hard as Tentomon felt his orgasm near. After a few minutes of Biyomon's rapid pumping and licking, Tentomon climaxed, shooting wads of his seed all over Biyomon's face. Biyomon long slender tongue licked the drops of cum from her face while Tentomon lay panting on the floor.
Biyomon realized that she wasn't having as much fun as Tentomon had, so she flew up slightly with her wings. Tentomon's prick was still standing fully erect as he lay on his back. She slowly lowered herself on his hard shaft, and was only able to get half in her tiny cunt. This was more that enough for both Tentomon and Biyomon as Biyomon began to fly up down on Tentomon's dick. Tentomon started moaning Biyomon's name as she used her wings to rapidly hump Tentomon's bughood. Biyomon started to coo loudly as she felt her orgasm near. Suddenly, a small jolt of electricity ran through her cunt. She let out a small yipe of pain first, but after the second than third jolt of voltage when through her sensitive vagina, she began to enjoy it immensely. Every shock sent a shiver of enjoyment through her body, causing her to shiver. Biyomon moved her wings as rapidly as she could now, the jolts coming at an almost continuos pace. Biyomon came first, her pussy juices leaking from her all the way down Tentomon's dick. Biyomon kept up her pace until she felt one long jolt of electricity run through her, causing a third orgasm to run through her. She felt her cunt fill up with his cum and drip down his prick, mixed with her own pubic juices. Biyomon flew up one more time and landed beside the nearly unconscious Tentomon.
Tentomon spoke first. "Why did you do that Biyomon, not that I'm complaining."
"I don't know why really, I just really wanted to be with you right then." Biyomon and Tentomon both blushed at the same time. "We should get going, Izzy and Sora are waiting for us." Biyomon kissed Tentomon once on the cheek. "This'll be our little secret."
The two flew off and shortly found the cave where Izzy and Sora here. They spotted Izzy outside the cave and landed next to him.
"Are you two all right? Did you run into a bad digimon?" Izzy questioned the returning digimon.
Tentomon stuttered nervously, "Ah yeah, It's ok, we handled him"
Izzy was to tired to notice Tentomon and Biyomon looking at each other nervously. He turned to Tentomon, "I need to talk to Biyomon alone for a bit, Tentomon, can you meet me up on that rock where we were at before?"
Tentomon nodded, and flew off.
Izzy sat down beside Biyomon. "I'm sorry Biyomon, I made it worse." And began to tell Biyomon his whole story.

That's the end of this lemon. My new epic lemon END GAME has been started, which I will start releasing after I finish releasing the lemons I've previously written. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic for this, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at