This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations involving characters from the TV show Digimon.  Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.


The continuation of my on- going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, twenty-five years in the future.



 End Game:

Fated Circle


 Chapter 1


 The Dark Side




           48 hours ago...


          "You will die!" Mysticmon, a green version of Wizardmon shouted at the top of his lungs.

           "You’re the one who is going down!" Chan announced back.

          "Oh yeah?!" Mysticmon charged a bolt of energy, flinging it at his opponent.

          "Like I didn't see that coming?!" Chan dodged, then leapt forward. His blade swung like lightning, passing threw the target.

          "Ah nuts!" Mysticmon shook his head as his character died. "Man you are so good at these fighting games."

          Chan put down his controller as he watched his fighter strike a victory pose. "It's four to nine, not bad."

          "Want to go again?" Mysticmon asked.

          Chan got up from the desk. "Nah, it's time to do our rounds. Care to join me? "

          "You know it partner." Mysticmon picked up his sun staff as he followed Chan down the halls. Mysticmon was Chan's partner, one of countless in the world today. The digital world was common knowledge, and many people had digimon partners like Chan here.

          "I don't know why they need a security guard here." Chan walked up to the electronic station, looking it over as he took notes on his palm pilot. "This is one of the securest labs in the world."

          "Well, you know Mr. Izzy Izumi's research is highly sensitive."    Mysticmon remarked. Izzy Izumi, one of the first digidestined, was now a scientist of unparalleled ideas. And potentially dangerous. Which is why this lab had all the state of the art security precautions. Voice recognition, retinal scans, password access.

          "But I feel so useless." Chan replied as he moved down the halls.

          "Oh, come on." Mysticmon comforted.  "You are a highly skilled electronic expert, as well as a top notch martial artist. Not to mention you are probably only one of maybe twenty people in the world with access to this lab."

          "But the thing I can't figure is why this is so important." Chan had learned a lot, and even as a security guard here, he was responsible for the entire facility.  He was the head of security, and was one of only three security guards with clearance to this lab. And it was his turn for night shift. "I mean, this is Izzy’s pet project, time travel." Chan mulled, the idea sounding ridiculous as he said it.

          "That sounds important." Mysticmon replied as the walked around the corner.

          "But here's the kicker, it's to prevent time travel." Chan stopped and looked out the window. "What's the point of preventing something that can't be done?"

          "I am sure Mr. Izumi has some reason." Mysticmon looked at the next security monitor. A red light activated. "Huh?"

          Chan looked over Mysticmon's shoulder. "Someone's coming? This late?"

          "Must be some late experiment " Mysticmon shrugged. "You know how these geniuses can be sometimes. They get an idea, and they have to act on it. "

          "But they usually call first, or tell me. It's required." Chan didn't like this.  "Let's pull up the security monitor. See who it is."

          Mysticmon typed up the security code for the entrance. There was only one way in or out, for security purposes. There was an elaborate fire system, so only one exit was necessary. "Hey that's odd." The security monitors were filled with static.

          “We better get down to the door." Chan was now worried.

           "It must just be a glitch." Mysticmon assured. "Besides, there's all sorts of safe guards, no one unauthorized can get through." The lights suddenly shut off.  There was momentary darkness, followed by dim emergency lightening.

           "Damn it!" Chan shouted as he grabbed his flashlight off his hip. "How the hell could they get this far? And where are the alarms?"

           "I don't know." Mysticmon's staff burned with light. "But we better get help!"

           Chan grabbed the phone on the wall. Dead. He slammed the fire alarm down. Nothing. "Who could bypass the security system so quickly?"

           There was a flash off movement down the halls. "There!" Mysticmon leapt off, taking flight.

           "Mysticmon!" Chan quickly followed. Mysticmon was always a little headstrong. Chan turned the corner. The lights were out, the only source of illumination was Mysticmon’s staff. It looked like Mysticmon was fighting a shadow, his rod glistening with electricity. Mysticmon struck again on the black, but nothing seemed to happen. Then the shadow struck. Mysticmon screamed in pain as he flew back, his hat and rod flying from him. Mysticmon came to a stop at Chan's feet, a sickening hole in his body. Even in the darkness, Chan could see the atoms of Mysticmon break away, floating around the hall. Chan stood there speechless, shortly before a homicidal rage filled him. "KILLER!"

           Chan leap full force at the shadow, bringing down his flashlight hard. The black metal bent as Chan swung with enough force to crush a human skull. Chan brought back his weapon to strike again, but he didn't have time. A powerful blow slapped his across the face, throwing him ten feet. Chan hit the wall hard, hearing the sickening sound of his own bones breaking. Chan looked up weakly, seeing red eyes appear in the dark aura. Then blackness swallowed him.




 40 hours ago...


           A large straight hair detective wearing a long trench coat named Ken was in the hospital emergency ward, his digimon ally Wormon on his shoulder. Ken had a pad, taking notes as he was talking to the doctor. "You think a digimon is responsible?" Ken stared.

           "But digimon are peaceful." Wormon replied.

           "Sorry." The doctor apologized. "But I examined the wounds on his arms." The doctor showed Ken the x-rays. "But no human could ever cause this sort of damage. This was clearly something with incredible strength. So it must be a digimon. "

           Ken looked over the photographs of the security guard's Chan broken arm. "But these look like human hand marks." Ken had seen enough injuries to be able to tell the general cause, being a top-notch detective.

           "Yes, but take a look at these lateral breaks. I would assume that it was mechanical if not for the bruises." The doctor sighed. "It must be a digimon with human type hands."

           Ken rubbed his head. "Not to many like that. But I still have trouble believing a digimon would just go on a rampage like that. Can I talk to the patient?"

           "You can, but it won't be much help. He has swelling in his brain, and we have to wait till he is stable until we can operate." The doctor looked at a lateral section of Chan's skull. "He’s only semi conscious, and delirious." Suddenly a new arrival came running up, followed by a flying insect digimon.

           "I got here as soon as possible." Izzy was sweating and out of breath.  Izzy turned to the doctor. Tentomon flew over his shoulder. "How is he?” Izzy asked.
           "Critical but stable." The doctor summarized, referring to his patient.

           "I’m glad you came." Ken comforted.

           "I’ll do anything to help.” Izzy stood straight. "I just had to call his family... they should be here shortly. "

           "That must have been tough." Ken sighed. "But we have to find out who did this."

           "Any clues?" Tentomon questioned.

           "None." Ken shook his head. "There are no finger prints or DNA besides those of all registered scientists."

           "But how could they get past all the security systems?" Izzy questioned.  They were state of the art, and supposed to be completely foolproof. One wrong command should set off a dozen alarms.

           "That’s what I wanted to see you about. " Ken went on. "You see... the computer registered you."

           "But that's impossible!" Izzy exclaimed. “I was with Mimi all night!”

           "I know. But the password, retinal scan, voice recognition, all said you came in the lab last night." Ken went over his notes.

           "You can't possibly think Izzy..." Tentomon gaped.

           "Not for a second! I suspected my wife Yolei before you Izzy." Ken went on. "But this was the work of some twisted... and very powerful genius."

           Izzy looked nervous. (My DNA.... powerful genius... it can't be. But those were dreams!) Izzy looked over to the room. "Can we see Chan?”

           "Of course, friends can be a calming influence." The doctor motioned to the room.

           Izzy and Ken stepped inside. Chan was strapped down, his eyelids fluttering. "Red eyes....  red eyes...."

           Ken bent down. "Sir?"

           Chan's eyes opened a little. "Not from here....wrong time....time....  killed....deleted.."

           Ken shook his head. "Maybe you should try.You two worked together."

           Izzy nodded and walked over; Chan was a co-worker, and a friend.     "Chan?"

           Chan looked up at Izzy. His eyes opened wide, and he screamed.  "YOU!" Izzy jumped back. Chan's eyes were wild with fury. "You don't BELONG! Not HUMAN! Not DIGIMON!" Chan strained at his restraints, his eyes bulging under the bandages.  

           "Chan, calm down!" Ken placed his hands on Chan’s shoulders, surprised at the strength.

           "Monster! FREAK!" Chan screamed. The doctor was quickly preparing a syringe. Chan continued, his veins bulging. "False FACE! False LIFE!" The eyes of Chan suddenly glazed over, and he fell back down on his bed.

          "I told you it wouldn't do any good." The doctor removed the needle from Chan's arm. "He's delirious."

          "Yeah delirious...." Ken wasn't as concerned with Chan now, but as with Izzy. Izzy looked shaken up, more so then the fact that one of his friends and co-workers was now badly injured and sprouting gibberish. "You okay, Izzy?" To be frank, Ken realized the anguish Izzy was going through. He had gone through it twice, once at the loss of Wormon, and once... with Sam.

          "Fine, I am fine." Izzy said, almost too quickly. "I’ve got to go." Izzy all but ran too the door.

          "Izzy wait up!" Tentomon flew after him as Izzy walked briskly down the halls.

          Wormon crawled up on to Ken's shoulder. "What’s up with Izzy?"

          "He knows something." Ken replied cautiously so the doctor wouldn't hear.

          "You can't possibly think Izzy is responsible." Wormon's eyes were wide with surprise.

          "Not for the slightest. I'd suspect Yolei over Izzy as I said." Ken replied  matter-of-factly. "But there is something about this that is making Izzy anxious."  Ken considered confronting Izzy, but decided against it. Izzy was entitled to his secrets. And if he needed to know, Izzy would tell him.

          Tentomon caught up with Izzy in the stairwell. Izzy was sitting on the stairs with his head between his legs. "Izzy?"

          "He knew. Chan knew." Izzy lifted his head.

          "Chan was badly injured, the doctor said so." Tentomon answered as he landed beside Izzy.

          "By a powerful creature with human like hands." Izzy turned his hands over. "But it was dream.... the Digimon Emperor Izzy...."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   




          32 hours ago...


          "What a beautiful day!" TK hauled out the basket over the grass.

          "It's nice to get some time to ourselves." Kari spread out the checker blanket over the ground. They were on a cliff over looking the Digital World.

          "Yeah, I almost thought I'd have to tie Patamon up and throw him in a closet." TK sat down cross-legged.

          "I know it, Gatomon is the same way." Kari opened the basket, and pulled out a bottle of champagne. "They think the minute we're left alone, something is going to happen."

          Suddenly Kari was tackled, and fell flat on her back. TK smiled as he lay on top of her. "Well, they might be right."

          "Oh, you are incredible." Kari laughed as she playfully pushed back at TK as he began groping her.

          "Hello?" A voice called from the bushes.

          TK jumped off, and straightened himself up. "It's time like these I wish fewer people knew about the Digital World."

          Kari sat up. "Oh come on, just see who it is."

          "Don't you go anywhere." TK got up and walked to the bushes. "Hey kid, what are you doing here?" TK walked deeper in, following the sound of rustling.

          "Playing...." The young voice laughed.

          "Well, you shouldn't be out here alone, where are you parents?" TK called into the foliage.

          "Dead." Surprisingly, the voice laughed again.

          Now TK was anxious. "Kid?"

          "Would you like to play?" The voice with a haunting familiar ring replied.

          "Kid I am in no mood for games!" TK was growing angry.

          "But I am. Say hi to your charming wife for me if you ever see her again, that is." The voice began to laugh.

          TK face went pale, and he turned. He fell to the ground roughly. He looked back, and found his feet entangled with vines. He quickly tore them off, and hurried back to the picnic spot. The bottle of champagne was tipped, making a dark stain on the blanket. "Kari?!" TK ran up, a soft wind blowing through his blond hair. "KARI!!"




          29 hours ago....


          "Mmmm... Gabumon!" Floramon moaned as the long tongue tasted her insides.

          Gabumon smiled as he continued oralling Floramon, his partner for many years. Gabumon was glad to be back on Earth. Truth be told space travel always made him uneasy, but he enjoyed the adventure. But he was glad to be back here in the Digital World, especially here in Floramon's grass hut. One would have thought him and Biyomon would have been a couple like their Digidestined Sora and Matt, and it was true he and Biyomon were intimate for a while, but it never lasted. Then Gabumon met Floramon on one of his trips to the Digital World.   The talked.... and talked.... and clicked. Gabumon was ramming one finger into Floramon's cunt and another in her ass, and licking her bulb. Floramon was in a world of ecstasy as she came, her entire green body spasming as she ran her leafy hands up and down Gabumon's horn. "You like that?" Gabumon panted as he removed his mouth.

          Floramon breathed heavily. "Always, but why don't you have some fun?"

          "We both can." Gabumon picked up Floramon and sat her on his face. He took a moment to sniff her cunt, her juices smelling slightly of perfume, a sexual trait of Floramon. Then he began to oralling her again.

          "Oh...." Floramon felt the long tongue lick her. Gabumon had one of the most powerful tongues she ever felt, and he was a sensation at cunt licking.  Floramon realized however that she was neglecting Gabumon, as his cock was sticking straight up between his legs. Floramon slid down, taking the cock in her leafy hands, before taking the head in her mouth. Gabumon gasped slightly, but went straight back to work. Five minutes went by as the two licked and sucked one another’s privates before Floramon came, and some how Gabumon ending up on top. She let out a squeal of pleasure as she climaxed, but Gabumon didn't stop for a second. Floramon never took Gabumon's cock out of her mouth the whole time, Gabumon's dick just starting to turn cold between her lips. Another ten minutes went by, now Floramon was on top. Her entire body spasming as she came a second time, Gabumon lapping up her juices greedily.

          Floramon finally took Gabumon out of her mouth. He had not yet cum, which wasn't surprising. Gabumon took an extremely long time to climax, which is why their dicks were so cold, in order to prolong pleasure in their partners.   But Floramon could tell he was ready to blow. "How about we finish you off...." Floramon slid off Gabumon's face, dragging her cunt all down his chest, the dick sliding between her legs as she went on the mattress. "Digi style?" Floramon finished as she got on her hands and knees.

          Gabumon salivated at the sight. Floramon was ready for him, waving her green ass ever so slightly. Her cunt was plainly visible, glistening wet from him oralling her. "MMmmm you're so good to me Floramon...." Gabumon got up, his dick ripe at attention. Gabumon grabbed Floramon's butt, and began to push his member inside Floramon. Gabumon groaned as Floramon's tight pussy swallowed him up. Floramon shivered as the icy cock filed her. "Mmmmm... you feel so good!” Gabumon panted as began to hump her. Gabumon always liked the tightness of Floramon's cunt. She was probably the tightest fuck he ever had, even more than Biyomon and Gatomon, his other two former lovers. He never screwed Palmon, so he couldn't say about her.

          "And you feel so cold..." Floramon moaned, as she was being fucked digi style. Floramon had had several past lovers; one of the benefits of the Digital World was that there were rather few female digimon in comparison to males.  She originally lost her virginity to a rocky Gotsumon a long time ago, and found it disappointing. Then there was that kinky threesome with a pair of Gazimon, next was the frog type Gizamon, a green Betamon, the white dinosaur Snowagumon, Gomamon (She was still surprised Gabumon wasn't jealous over that, even though she met Gomamon, than she and Gabumon met), the pumpkin headed Pumpkinmon and a few in training forms as well, Bukamon, Koromon. But Floramon never enjoyed sex; it was okay, but nothing special. Then she met Gabumon. And it became incredible. She considered herself a virgin before meeting him. They would fuck for hours sometimes, Gabumon's stamina keeping him going. They had already been at it for a good thirty minutes, not including the original foreplay before Gabumon went down on her.

          "UGH!" Gabumon thrust forward one more time, Floramon losing her balance and falling on her head when her arms slipped. Gabumon finally came, filling Floramon with ice-cold spunk.

          "Ohhhh...." Floramon shivered as Gabumon removed himself. His icy cum dripping down her pussy lips.   

          Gabumon fell back on the head of the bed, sitting down. "How did you get so good at that?" Gabumon's semi limp cock rested between his legs.

          Floramon placed her head on Gabumon's lap and began to fondle him. "A great boy friend." Floramon gave his head a playful lick. "Let's see if we can get you ready for another round."

          "I think that can be arranged." Gabumon thrust his hips forward a little more, and Floramon took him in his mouth. Just then, there was a rapping at the door of the hut.

          Floramon spit out Gabumon's cock, a thin drop of cum on her lips. "I've got to go get that Gabumon." Floramon began to get up.

          "Aww, can't you ignore it?" Gabumon grabbed Floramon from behind, pulling her back on top.

          "Gabumon..." Floramon felt Gabumon's tongue drag up the side of her face. "You know that would be rude."

          "Okay, ok." Gabumon released his grip. "Just don't expect me to be too happy to see whoever it is."

          "I could never see you being rude to anybody." Floramon straightened herself up briefly in the nearby sink, carved out of stone, before she walked to the door. "Who is it?" Floramon opened the door to the grass hut.

          "Death." Gabumon barely heard the voice from the other room as he finished cleaning up in the basin. He did however hear Floramon's pain filled scream clearly.  

          Gabumon ran top speed, and found Floramon on the ground, black energy crackling from her body. "Gabumon..." She cried weakly. This was followed by another scream, as she was awashed with another pulse of black energy.  Gabumon watched in horror as the energy disappeared, leaving nothing but a few stray atoms of green.

          "NO!!!" Gabumon roared as his eyes filled with tears. "I'll make you wish you were never BORN!!" Gabumon leapt at the figure at the door with an unbridled fury.

          "I never was." Another pulse of black energy, much less powerful, hit Gabumon in the chest. It was more than enough to shut down Gabumon's nervous system as he went sailing into the wall. "At least not in this world." The figure walked in the hut, and picked Gabumon up effortlessly. "The second piece of the puzzle. I just need one more thing before I leave this dismal time."




6 hours ago...


          Ken was on his desk. He had not slept in over a day. He had more important things to worry about. Kari and Gabumon, two of his oldest friends, have gone missing. Gabumon's girlfriend Floramon was missing as well, and Ken feared the worst. And then there was Chan's assault. Ken couldn't help but feel all three were related.

          "You've reached the desk of Ken Ijijobi.Wormon speaking."

          Ken looked up; he hadn't even heard the phone ring. Luckily his partner Wormon got it for him. Although his secretary was supposed to stop all phone calls. This must have been important. "I'll take it Wormon."

          Wormon handed the phone to Ken. "Hello?"

          "Hello, do I have the pleasure of speaking to the Digimon Emperor?'

          Ken scowled. He hated that title more than anything. "Who is this?"

          "The newest model." The dark voice answered.

          "I don't have time for games." Ken's patience was short as he began to hang up.

          "I know you don't. You are probably annoyed at the fact that the other digidestined are keeping secrets form you."

          "How...." Ken placed the receiver back on to his ear. He knew the original digidestined were hiding something, he just didn't know what. Tai, Sora, TK, Joe, Mimi, Matt, and Izzy.... all seemed to be holding back something. TK didn't seem surprised when he had told him that Gabumon was missing, as well as Kari. Nor was Matt when he discovered Gabumon was missing. And Izzy seemed more worried about Chan's beating then Kari and Gabumon's disappearance.

          "Do I have your attention?"

          "Yes." Ken scowled.

          "Good. Now here's the plan. You are to come alone to the abandoned hotel on Kopenom Avenue on the far side of town. I'll see you there. As will Gabumon and Kari." The line suddenly clicked.

          Ken got up off the desk. "Where are you going?" Wormon asked, surprised at the sudden anger Ken was showing.



5 hours ago...


          Ken walked into the old abandoned hotel, followed closely by the massive form of Stingmon. "All right, I am here!" Ken shouted as he walked into one of the rooms, following the footprints in the dust.

          "Hello, Kenneth." A youth of around fifteen walked out from one of the doors. A long black cape with red trim adorned his black outfit with red spikes from the shoulders. A skull shaped buckle was on his waist, under a red bat insignia. "I am glad you could make it."

          "What... what is this?" Ken's voice showed a little strain.

          "Allow me to introduce myself." The boy placed a hand on his chest. "I am the Digimon Emperor."

          Stingmon looked at Ken. Ken's face showed the anguish of the memory.  His past always haunted him. When TK wrote his novels, he asked Ken if he wanted to change is name, even omit the parts of him being the Digimon Emperor. But Ken insisted the full story be told, so he may be judged accordingly. Ken hoped maybe even someone could learn from his mistakes. This kid obviously hadn't. Stingmon took a step forward. "Listen, whoever you are."

          "Ha, you truly are an idiot." The self-proclaimed Digimon Emperor laughed. "I'd kill you for coming, but you are not even worth my effort. Do you not recognize me?" The kid tapped his chin. "How about if I use words like prodigious?"

          "Izzy?" Ken's eyes grew. He had always been an observant one. Now he saw this kid bore a striking, no uncanny resemblance to Izzy. At least when Izzy was fifteen. His personality was way off though. "Listen you, you may resemble Izzy, but that doesn't make you him. And that certainly doesn't make you the Digimon Emperor. Listen..." Ken bowed his head. "I went down that path once, and it nearly destroyed me. You don't want that life."

          "Ah, but I do!" Emperor Izzy twirled around. "Imagine the entire world under your control! Any wish or desire was yours. And then there's the power."  Suddenly Emperor Izzy grabbed a chair and threw it across the room, not aiming at anybody in particular. "But you and those other digidestined! You had to go and ruin it for me! My entire world gone! Reduced to this..." Emperor Izzy looked around. "Sugar coated monstrosity."

          "Okay, kid, I think it's time to get you to your parents..." (Or maybe a nut house.) Stingmon couldn't help but think.

          "To have it all, and then to lose it all..." Emperor Izzy stomped around. "I never saw it coming. Who would have thought your brother Sam would sacrifice himself like that?"

          "Sam?" Ken lost his breath for a bit. Not a day goes by where he didn't remember his brother.

          "Yes, that goddamn idiot!" Emperor Izzy clenched his fist. "The only comforting fact is he is dead."

          Ken moved without realizing it, and had this fake Izzy by his collar up against the wall. "How DARE you?!" Ken's eyes flashed with anger. "Don't you EVER talk about Sam like that! EVER!"

          Emperor Izzy began to smile. "I see there's still a spark of that Digimon Emperor inside you. Good. I'm even willing to over look the fact you are touching the uniform."

          Ken began to grow even angrier, until Stingmon placed a hand on his arm.  "Ken calm down."

          Ken looked at Stingmon's comforting face, and forced his demons back down. "You... you're right." Ken dropped Emperor Izzy. "We still have to find Gabumon and Kari."

          "Don't worry about Kari and Gabumon. I had my associates drop them off at the near by hospital. Gabumon's fine, thou a bit spacey from the drugs we used in order to remove his pelt. I am afraid poor Kari did not fair as well." The young Izzy placed a hand on his chest. "I am afraid I drained just a touch too much energy from her. I do hope she recovers. Such a sweet girl. But they served their purpose, including luring you here."

          "That's enough of that." Stingmon got between Ken and Emperor Izzy.  Ken had walked to the door, doing his best to keep his cool. "Now come with me." Stingmon placed a massive hand on Izzy's shoulder. His claws were as long as Izzy's head.

          Izzy looked down at his shoulder. "That was such a bad idea."

          Ken had walked out of the halls, and took a handkerchief to his neck. This fake Izzy had taken a lot out of him mentally. "Sam..." A day didn't go by without thinking about his brother. It's a good thing Stingmon had taken over. He may have done something he would have regretted.

          WHOOM! Ken fell back as the wall exploded outwards, showering him with debris. Stingmon slammed into the next wall, cracking the plaster.  "STINGMON!" Ken shouted as he ran up. Stingmon merely groaned as he slowly shrunk back down to Wormon. Ken picked Wormon up. "Are you all right?"

          "Never." Izzy walked through the hole. "Ever. Touch the uniform." Izzy straightened his cape, brushing off some dust.

          "How?!" Ken stood up and grabbed Izzy by his shoulders.

          "You don't learn very quick!" Izzy's eyes flashed red, followed by a crackling black aura of energy wrapping around his body. 

          Ken's arms flew off. "What the hell?!"

          "Well put." Ken felt the air leave him as he was nailed in the stomach by a powerful blow. He crumbled to his knees as he was smacked across the face by something hard as tempered steel.

          Ken wasn't sure what happened next. He felt his head being pulled off the ground, and then something cold jammed in his neck.  He heard the young Izzy say something like. "Not what I want.... too many years..." Before he passed out.






          "Uhhh..." Ken's head swam, not knowing where he was.

          "Ken honey?" Ken blinked his eyes, focusing on the soft female voice.   Yolei, his wife of many years, was sitting at the end of his bed.

          "Where am I?" Ken sat up, finding the answer himself. He was in the hospital; the same one Chan was in.

          "Ken be careful." Yolei pleaded as she moved to the head of the bed.  "You have a cracked rib and a minor concussion."

          "Where’s Wormon?" Ken suddenly thought with horror.

          "Right here Ken." Ken looked to his side. Wormon was nestled beside him. He too looked like he had taken quite a beating.

          "Thank goodness you are all right." Ken smiled as he rubbed his head, finding a sizeable bump. "How'd we get here?"

          "Your secretary was worried about that call. So she overheard your conversation and saw you leave suddenly." Hawkmon flew up next to Yolei. "So she called us and told us where you were headed. We found you and Wormon unconscious."

          "I must remember to give her a raise." Ken lay back down, fighting the wave of nausea.

          "What happened to you two?" Yolei now asked the questions.

          "I wish I could tell you." Ken shook his head, finding that was a bad idea.  "There was this kid, who said he was the Digimon Emperor." Ken scowled at the title. "He also said he was Izzy."

          "He even looked like Izzy." Wormon continued. "When Izzy was fifteen."

          "But how could a kid to this to you and stingmon?" Hawkmon was agasp.  Stingmon was a tough customer, so was Ken as a matter a fact. A fifteen year old should be no threat.

          "That was the strangest thing." Ken went on. "The next thing I know, Stingmon goes flying through the wall."

          "He took me out without batting an eye." Wormon apologized. "I had no idea he was that powerful."

          "How could you?" Ken placed a hand on Wormon's head. "I would like to know what that was."

          "I can answer that." For the first time, Ken realized someone as at the door. Izzy, the real father, scientist, friend Izzy, was there, Tentomon hovering over his head.

          "Izzy." Ken smiled. "You would not believe what has happened. This kid called himself the Digimon Emperor and he also said he was you. He had this black aura of energy and."

          "Glowing red eyes." Izzy finished.

          "How... how did you know?" Ken stuttered.

          "I think..." Izzy sat down on a chair. "It's time to tell you the whole story."




          And the start of my newest epic lemon, End Game: The Prophet. A quick, (Very quick), summary of my first two epic lemons, which you need to read to get a lot of the plot.   In the first epic lemon End Game: The first Ladydevimon, Piedmon's servant, faked her death and attacked the digidestined.  We discover that Izzy is Ladydevimon and Devimon’s son, and has the power of a Mega digimon.   The digidestined managed to defeat Ladydevimon, but she escaped in a time portal, formed using Gabumon's code hidden under his fur, Izzy's password prodigious, and Kari's power.

          In the second epic lemon End Game: Destiny's End: The six second generation of digidestined were ripped out of their time line by their D3's, into alternate reality.  Ladydevimon had rewritten history, travelling back to when the original digidestined received their digivices, and then stealing them.   Ladydevimon had a Council of Five working for, Piedmon, who was later killed and replaced with the alternate version of Gatomon, Myotismon, Matt, Cody, and Lillymon.  It later turned out that Izzy was in charge not Ladydevimon, who still had his Mega digimon powers.  He killed all the digidestined, except for Kari, Ken, and Sam (who was alive in this reality).  They manage to escape back in time, using the same time portal, and stopped Ladydevimon from stealing the digivices, returning history to normal.  But Izzy managed to escape, using a D3 to save himself.  It's more in-depth than that, but that is the general idea.  Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to

Proofread by(still!): Madman