This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations involving characters from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

The continuation of my on-going epic lemon. It takes place during season 2, after my END GAME epic lemon and before the Chimeramon saga. This chapter is a prologue to Destiny's End.


Chapter 55

Lesser of Two Evils

4 years ago…

The invasion of Earth was a complete success. Izzy's Apocalymon virus was utterly effective. He had used Apocalymon's own code to write the virus, thus eliminating any chance of Apocalymon rising and attacking the Earth. Izzy didn't want the Earth destroyed, merely conquered. The virus disabled every single computer on Earth, rendering the vast human armies useless. Also, deleting Apocalymon's code slowed the Digital World's time to the same as Earth, making the invasion easier. A brief instant after the Apocalymon virus paralyzed the world, portals to the digital world opened up, flooding every major city and military instillation with Izzy's forces. Shortly after the humans were crushed, Ladydevimon made her grand debut. Izzy wished he could have seen the look on Piedmon's face when he found out Ladydevimon was in charge, or supposedly. Now, no matter how hard he searched, he would never find Ladydevimon, and Izzy was safe since he didn't even exist. Izzy decided it was necessary to keep at least one mega digimon, just in case. When Izzy perfected his powers in the future, than it may become necessary to delete Piedmon, but until then, Piedmon was merely another servant.
Izzy sat in front of the computer, Ladydevimon's form on the screen. "You see mother? I told you you'd relish the power."
"All right, I admit it." Ladydevimon smiled on the screen. "Who needs a form when people fear you like a god?"
"Now, on to business. You are now considered the supreme being, and you will announce your council members. I don't want their identities revealed, so we will refer to them as Greek letters. It will decrease their risk." Izzy began typing into the computer.
"Just one little thing." Ladydevimon mentioned. "You have four digimon on your council. But I think you should put a human on your side."
"Why would I desire a human?" Izzy asked.
"You're human." Ladydevimon reminded Izzy.
"I was human." Izzy's eyes turned red briefly. "I got over it."
Ladydevimon chuckled. "I mean a human on the council would help keep the humans demoralized. If a human was helping me, it would help crush their spirits." Ladydevimon answered.
"I knew it was wise not to delete you, mother. You are indeed making an excellent advisor." Izzy smiled. "It's a premium idea, but what human would serve you?"
Ladydevimon called up a few mental commands. Ladydevimon had learned how to control computers. She could be transfer herself to any terminal, monitor calls, even change her memories into pictures on the screen, which was what she was doing now. Izzy watched at Wargreymon and Metalgurumon battled in the skies. Matt and Tai were on the ground, tearing at one another. Izzy remembered this battle, shortly before the defeat of Puppetmon in the first time line. "How about this child?"
"I never knew you witnessed that battle." Izzy replied, watching the battle unfold.
"Piedmon's telescope, it gives a good view." Ladydevimon answered.
"Matt may have a short fuse, but he's far from evil." Izzy considered Ladydevimon's proposal.
"So why is he forcing Metalgurumon to fight Wargreymon?" Ladydevimon asked.
"I never fully understood the circumstances. Something to do with TK, his little brother. He'd do anything for him." Izzy rubbed his chin.
"Anything?" Ladydevimon smiled.
"Anything." Izzy began to laugh.

Matt was huddled in his apartment with TK and his parents. His mother and father had gotten together shortly after the invasion, to try and find some manner of escape together. Sounds of battle filled the streets beneath him. Matt looked down from the balcony, watching digimon run through the streets below. TK was crying at the TV screen, which had Ladydevimon's face on it. TK kept saying, "It's that lady from the camp! Don't let her get me." His mom was trying to calm TK down, without much success.
Matt shut the drapes to the balcony. "I know it sounds odd, but we did see her before, at camp. I thought I was just seeing things."
"What did she want with you?" Matt's dad asked.
"I have no idea. She just flew down, attacked us, and disappeared." Matt walked over to TK. "Don't worry TK, I won't let anybody harm you."
There was a steady tapping at the window. Everyone turned to the shut drapes. No one moved at first, too petrified to breathe. Matt slowly got up, hands trembling, and opened the drapes. "Izzy?" Matt's jaw dropped.
Izzy opened the balcony doors and walked in. "I'm elated to see you remember me." Of course he would. According to Matt, he had seen Izzy a few days ago, while Izzy had spent close to a year in the digital world preparing his attack.
"How did you get on the balcony?" Matt looked back at the balcony. "We're several stories up!"
"Who's this?" Matt's mother asked as Izzy looked around the apartment.
"Izzy, someone from camp from a few days ago. He saw Ladydevimon too." Matt answered his mother.
"You don't need to worry about her anymore." Izzy walked over to TK.
"What are you talking about? And How did you get on the balcony?" Matt didn't like Izzy's carefree attitude.
"How are you TK?" Izzy got down on his knees.
"F-fine." TK whispered. This didn't seem like the same Izzy he saw at camp. He actually was a little frightening to TK.
"You should be. You have a big strong brother to protect you." Izzy got up off the ground and looked at Matt. "You'd do anything for TK, wouldn't you?" Izzy asked Matt.
"Of course I would, he's my brother." Matt answered. Matt didn't like the weird smirk on Izzy's face, as if he was the only one in on a private joke.
"I know." Izzy's eyes turned red as his black energy shield wrapped around him. His voice took a different tone as he spoke. "I'm counting on that."
Matt's mother screamed and held TK's crying form close to her body. Matt's dad grabbed a standing lamp, instinctively to protect his family. "What the hell are you?!"
The lamp was brought down hard on Izzy's head. Izzy didn't flinch as it bent over his skull. "Please Mr. Takailni. Me and Matt are trying to talk." Izzy flung out a ball of energy at Matt's dad. Matt's dad crumbled to ground, breathing steadily, but unconscious.
"STOP THIS!" Izzy turned around as Matt punched him in the face. Matt screamed as he nearly broke his fist on his aura.
"Matt, I'm trying to have a serious discussion." Matt threw another punch, but Izzy simply caught it, and threw Matt against the sofa. "If you insist on breaking your bones on my face, we'll never get anything accomplished."
"What do you want Izzy, or whatever the hell you are?!" Matt shouted.
"Simple, you're going to work for me. In case you haven't figured it out, Ladydevimon is just a figurehead. I'm in charge now." Izzy answered.
Matt's mom started to shake. "You're responsible for all this devastation?"
"Yes, it is quite impressive, isn't it." Izzy smiled at Matt's mom, who recoiled in horror from Izzy's red eyes. Izzy chuckled and turned back to Matt. "Back at camp, I was just your average boy super genius. Who knew that in a week I would be the ruler of this world? But back to business. Now, I'm offering you a job. I'm forming a council, and I'd like you to be on it Matt."
"You're mad!" Matt announced.
"I was, about you leaving me to die, but I got over it." Izzy replied.
Matt wanted to attack Izzy again, but realized it was hopeless. "There's no way I'd work for you."
"Oh, I think you will. You see, you four now know I'm in charge, not Ladydevimon. Now, if you were to work for me, that would be allowable. But if you don't, I'm afraid I'll have to do away with you all. Including TK." Izzy coldly said.
Matt's whole body began to shake. He could tell Izzy was telling the truth. Matt regained himself. "You have to promise me they won't get hurt."
"Matt, NO!" TK screamed, running up to his brother, holding his hands
"Sorry TK." Matt answered, holding his brother's head against his hip. "I'm doing this for you."
"Agreed." Izzy whistled, and a quartet of Mechanorimon flew through the window. Izzy used Mechanorimon because Ladydevimon could fly them without Bakemon pilots, so no one would know his plans. "Now, your family will be transported to a safe place in the digital world. It's an alternate dimension, quite beautiful." Izzy looked at Mrs. Yamato and TK. "You'll enjoy it, it is very peaceful, at least where you will be staying."
"How could you?" Mrs. Yamato whimpered.
"Because I can." Izzy turned to Matt. "I'm heading back. You'll be allowed one hour to say your farewells. Don't try to escape, my reach is infinite. Then these Mechanorimon will take you to your destination." Izzy walked to the balcony. " I hope you won't mind if I leave. I do so hate messy good-byes." Izzy flew off the balcony, leaving Matt and his family together for the last time.

Izzy was back in the digital world, the time line in both world's were now synchronous, so Matt arrived an hour later. Izzy was in Piedmon's throne as Matt walked in, Mechanorimon on either side. Lillymon was standing next to Izzy leaning on the throne. Myotismon was there, standing rigidly at attention. Demidevimon flew next to Myotismon, proud of his new role. He was little more than another hand of Myotismon, but he enjoyed his new title of Delta, Council Member. Izzy motioned to the Mechanorimon to leave. "I'm impressed you didn't try to escape. It shows you have some integrity." Myotismon told Matt.
"I do, you don't." Matt answered with a snark. "My parents wanted me to try to run, I refused. I would not put them in any danger from a monster."
"And you have a raw intelligence as well. Nothing that even closely resembles mine of course." Izzy answered, taking no notice of Matt's sarcasm.
"And he's a cute human as well." Lillymon smiled as Matt. Matt just scowled.
"So why me?" Matt asked.
"What do you mean?" Izzy questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Six billion humans on this Earth, and who knows how many of these…creatures." Matt looked Demidevimon and Myotismon.
"Digimon." Demidevimon corrected.
"Who cares?" Matt scowled before turning back to Izzy. "Now these …digimon," Matt emphasized the word as a racial slur. "Are much more powerful than me. And there are other humans, adults, that are much smarter and stronger than me. So why the hell do you come into my apartment, you freak?"
"Hey!" Demidevimon flew into Matt's face. "Watch your tongue!"
Matt instinctively batted Demidevimon away with a slap, Demidevimon doing a little somersault in mid air. Myotismon took a step forward, but Izzy held out his hand, stopping the ultimate digimon. "No Myotismon. He asked a valid question, and it shows he's observant." Izzy got up off his chair and walked to Matt. "You and I Matt, we're heroes. We're supposed to be the saviors of both world, the eight chosen ones, the digidestined."
"Are you completly insane?" Matt looked Izzy straight in the eye. "What are you rambling about?"
Lillymon, Demidevimon, and Myotismon looked at Izzy, expecting a burst of anger for being spoken to like that. But Izzy merely chuckled. "Something that once was, but never will be." Izzy shook his head. "But enough philosophical discussion. The basic idea is you were supposed to be a hero to these digimon. But fate intervened."
"I intervened." Ladydevimon's face appeared in the screen behind Izzy.
"How rude of me." Izzy turned and faced Ladydevimon. "This is Ladydevimon, my advisor. Everyone will believe she is in charge, but we will know better."
"How can you trust her?!" Matt looked at Ladydevimon. "She tried to kill us, including you!"
"I do remember, but she has been transformed into a sophisticated program now. And we have forgiven one another." Izzy looked at Ladydevimon. "I guess I just can't hold a grudge against my mother." Izzy looked at Matt's dumbfounded expression. "You didn't think I acquired my powers by taking multi-vitamins, did you?" Izzy laughed at his own joke, as did the digimon behind him. "Ladydevimon here changed our destiny, but you showed great promise. You want to be powerful, you want to show people you are nobody's equal. I know that better than you know yourself."
Matt was about to say something, but Izzy stopped him. "Don't say anything. Whether you appreciate it or not, you are now working for me. I am certain you will come to enjoy your position, eventually." Izzy turned to Lillymon. "Lillymon, please show our new Council of Five member, Gamma, around." Izzy looked back at Matt. "That's your title now Matt, get accustomed to it."
Lillymon flew next to Matt and grabbed his arm. "Come on now, blond and blue eyed, let me show you around."
Izzy gave Lillymon a brief smile. "Try and make him feel comfortable."
Matt tried to shrug off her grip, but Lillymon held on with surprising strength as she dragged Matt out the door. Myotismon turned to Izzy. "Are you sure he was a wise choice?"
"Absolutely. Ladydevimon was right." Izzy nodded at Ladydevimon's face on the screen. "He'll do anything for his brother, even if he has to sentence a thousand others to death. Matt will become desensitized, then accustomed to his role, as his family becomes a fading memory to him." Izzy looked towards the door. "Yes, I am certain of that."

"Come on Gamma, stop struggling." Lillymon pulled Matt down the hall.
"Let go of me digimon!" Matt tried to pull his arm free. "And I'm Matt!"
"Sure thing Matt, my title's Epsilon, but you can call me Lillymon if you want to be on a first name basis." Lillymon pulled Matt into a hug. "You can call me other things as well, cutie."
Matt tried to push away. "How about bitch or whore?"
"You like name calling?" Lillymon pulled Matt into a side room, kicking the door shut behind her. It was the same room Izzy and Palmon both first had had sex in, years ago. The room with the oriental rugs and leather couches. "That's such a turn on."
"Listen, I don't know what a digidestiend is or how I'm supposed to be one, but I'm not!" Matt complained.
"Oh, come on now Matt. Izzy's being very generous, he could have destroyed your family in a heartbeat." Lillymon smiled as she pushed Matt on a couch. Lillymon jumped on his lap. Matt tried to push her off, but Lillymon wrapped her arms around his neck. "Izzy could have done the same to me. I was a chosen digimon, there are good digimon you realize, and I was one of them. He could have deleted me, but like you, he saw my potential."
"I'm here because I have no choice!" Matt shifted uncomfortably.
"There's always a choice, you could have had your family killed, but you decided otherwise." Lillymon brought her face close to Matt's. "But just because you don't care for this choice doesn't mean you can't find some aspect you can't learn to enjoy." Lillymon replied as she brought her lips on to Matt's, shoving her tongue down his throat.
Matt sputtered and pushed her off him, Lillymon landing between his legs. "You're not even my species, let alone my type!"
"Oh, come on now Matt." Lillymon looked at his crotch. "Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy that."
Matt followed Lillymon's gaze, and saw his pants making a visible tent. Matt stuttered at his obvious embarrassment. He regained his composure and stared at Lillymon in anger, but then his face turned to surprise when Lillymon grabbed his crotch, sending an unexpected wave of pleasure through him. "Stop it!"
"Now Matt…" Lillymon smiled seductively as she began to fondle Matt even harder. "You may not want to be here, but who says you can't find something to enjoy, and besides, wouldn't you want a friend on the Council?" Lillymon slid a hand under his shirt. "A close friend?"
Matt was still trying to resist, but his efforts lacked the intensity they did before. "Izzy threatened my family!"
"Izzy saved you family." Lillymon countered and quickly slipped a hand under Matt's pants. "The rest of the world is conquered but your family has safety and a lavish lifestyle. And you can have anything you want to. Anybody you want."
Matt was halfway to an orgasm as Lillymon began jerking his cock up and down. Lillymon placed her lips on Matt's, this time Matt didn't pull away. Lillymon was beginning to make a bit of sense. TK and his family was safe, which is all that mattered. Izzy had spared them and himself from the invasion. And Izzy did give him power. Izzy didn't seem to be mad though, and he seemed to be in complete control. Maybe there was something to his logic. Of course, Matt's mind was not completely in the right place as Lillymon continued to fondle his cock, sending hormones through his young body. Lillymon pulled his pants down to his knees, so she could get better access to his cock. "My, you are big for a human your age." Lillymon quipped. It was true, he was bigger than Izzy, the only other human Lillymon had had sex with. Although there was always a special place for Izzy, this new human Matt was cute too.
"Th-thank you." Matt stuttered. He wasn't sure why he said this. He had just been ripped from his home just over an hour ago. Then Lillymon began tugging on his balls with one hand and rubbing her hand up and down his shaft with the other. Matt gasped as he came, shooting out a big spurt of cum straight up in to the air. Lillymon pulled her hands away, watching Matt groan as his dick continued shooting out jets of cum all over himself, each one a little less intense than the last.
"You see?" Lillymon smiled as she admired her handiwork. "It's nice to have a friend, especially one as seductive as me."
Matt tried to think of something to say, but he couldn't. His mind was jumbled with a thousand emotions and hormones. "Oh, don't pretend like you didn't like it. Just like you'll enjoy this." Lillymon bent her head between his legs, and ran her tongue up his penis shaft, slurping up a big piece of cum. Matt's whole body shuddered as her wet touch began working all over his privates. First she deep-throated his balls, sucking them clean of Matt's seed. After a few seconds she removed her mouth from his sack, and began licking all over his cock. Matt's dick began to get hard again as she then swallowed him whole. She reached around and grabbed Matt's bare ass, holding it tightly as she began to tongue massage the organ inside her mouth. Matt was in a state of bliss right now, he no longer cared who this was; he was enjoying himself too much.
Lillymon pulled her mouth away. "You like that, don't you?" Matt weakly nodded, disappointed he didn't get a second orgasm. Lillymon turned around and bent over, pulling her dress up. Matt was feeling even funnier as Lillymon slowly wiggled her ass back and forth. To be perfectly honest, Matt had to think about what to do next. "Come on now, pick a hole, any hole." Lillymon said. Matt walked forward, running a hand over her smooth ass. "Don't tease me, stick it in!" Lillymon ordered.
Matt complied, aiming his cock at her asshole. His dick was already moist from Lillymon's saliva. Matt grunted as he began wiggling his hard prick left and right. Lillymon grunted only slightly in pain. Matt may have been bigger than Izzy was, but he still wasn't too bad. He finally got the greater portion of himself inside Lillymon's ass. Matt's whole body was in bliss, as Lillymon's ass seemed to be sucking his dick. Lillymon clenched her butt cheeks tightly, and Matt's knees buckled. Matt regained his composure, and began humping. Each time he thrusted into Lillymon's tight back door, another wave of pleasure hit him. He bucked his hips forward rapidly as he held on to Lillymon's butt tightly. Lillymon was moaning as Matt rammed into her. She wasn't getting much pleasure, but Izzy did say to make Matt comfortable, and he sure looked like was enjoying himself now.
Matt had his eyes closed as a second orgasm was upon him. He squeezed each of Lillymon's butt cheeks tightly as he pumped with all his might. He came a second time, leaving his dick buried in Lillymon's ass as he let a second load of cum inside her back door. Lillymon could feel the warm seed coating her rectum, and it was a very pleasurable feeling. Matt pulled out and fell against the sofa. A small drop of cum ran down the inside of Lillymon's right leg. "You see?" Lillymon said as she stood up; her back turned to Matt. She began repositioning her dress. "It's the little things that make life so enjoyable." Lillymon turned around, finding Matt sitting on the sofa, asleep.
Lillymon chuckled as she pulled Matt's pants up. "I think you'll come to enjoy your role. No, I know you will." Lillymon smiled as she left the room.

That was the next chapter of DESTINY'S END, part of the in story CHILD OF SHADOWS mini-series. If you have any ideas for the plot, predictions on what will happen, request for a lemon, writing tips, spot any mistakes, etc, post at this site or e-mail me at
Proofread by: Madman