This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations involving characters from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

The continuation of my on-going epic lemon. It takes place during season 2, after my END GAME epic lemon and before the Chimeramon saga. This chapter is a prologue to Destiny's End.



Chapter 56


2 years ago…

Matt had fit in nicely in the Council of Five. He wasn't a completely willing partner yet, but in time he would be, Izzy was sure. Izzy was working on his newest project, DNA digivolving. Ladydevimon had mentioned this was possible, when she merged with this world's Ladydevimon. Surprisingly, only four out of the eight digivices had this ability. Izzy was curious why only four would have this process buried deep in their code. Two that had the DNA digivolving process were Matt's and Tai's, obviously. He had began working on this process when he first saw Omnimon, the DNA merged from of Metalgurumon and Wargreymon, in the first time line. Izzy saw that the power DNA digivolving could bestow onto him, and he now desired it. The other two were Kari's and TK's. Izzy was trying to figure out their secret when Lillymon soared into his Earth office in the center of his base, which was in the final steps of construction on Mount Fuji. "What brings you here?" Izzy asked.
"You would not believe who's sneaking outside our base." Lillymon smiled. "Somebody you were mentioning and an old friend of mine."
Izzy turned on the external monitors as per Lillymon's advice. A few seconds of searching various cameras brought up an expected guest on one of the screens. Izzy's eyes widened with recognition. "Well I'll be the son of a devil."
"Shall I go give him an invite?" Lillymon asked.
"Please do." Izzy replied as he watched Tentomon sneak from building to building. 

Tentomon flew low in Ladydevimon's main base. He had come to earth through one of the portals she made to transport her digimon army. There was a rumor that that a human boy was captured and being held here. Tentomon knew it was a long shot, but he had to try. After all, why else would a human child be held here unless he was a digidestined? So far, he had managed to avoid detection. "Now, where would they be keeping Izzy?"
"Try that building over there yet?"
"No, good idea." Tentomon realized someone else was behind him. He turned around in mid air. "Who are you?"
"Lillymon, at your service." Lillymon landed lightly on the ground. "Boy, you are cute, for a bug."
Tentomon couldn't help but shake the feeling he had met her before. "What are you doing here?"
"Ladydevimon asked me to invite you inside." Lillymon took a step forward.
"I don't think so!" Tentomon's wings beat fast. "Super Shocker!"
Lillymon quickly dodged the blast, although it wouldn't have hurt her much anyway. She grabbed Tentomon's talons pulling them apart, and delivered a quick headbutt. Tentomon's wings stopped flapping as he fell limp. "Sweet dreams Tentomon."

Tentomon woke up in a cell a little while later. He ran a talon over his head. "That could have gone better."
"Tentomon?" Tentomon looked beside him as he realized he wasn't alone.
"PALMON! You're alive!" Tentomon hugged the green plant digimon. "Did you get caught by that Lillymon to?"
Palmon held down a snicker. Little did Tentomon know Lillymon and her were one in the same. "I've been captured so long, I don't even know what's going on or who anybody is. What about you? How did you get here, and what about all our friends?"
Tentomon bowed his head. "I'm…sorry Palmon. Ladydevimon deleted Patamon, and Primary Village is gone so there's no way to get him back. I'm so sorry."
"That's terrible." Palmon answered. She already knew this, Izzy told her a while ago. Palmon was upset, but not as upset as she expected to be. Patamon was another life. She had a new one now. "What about everybody else?"
"We all came to this world in one of the portals Ladydevimon made, in order to find our digidestined. It's worse than we imagined. Agumon's digidestined is mad with grief, and Agumon can't even go near him, but he still follows him around. Gomamon found his digidestined, and Biyomon's with Gomamon. They became sort of an item back on File Island. Gabumon and me went searching for our digidestined together. He found his, but it was even worse than Agumon." Tentomon sighed.
"How so?" Palmon asked, already knowing the answer.
"His digidestined turned out to be Gamma." Tentomon answered as if he was betraying a deep secret.
"You're kidding!" Palmon answered in mock surprise. She knew this fact well, which is why she avoided Gamma's base. She didn't really see any reason to show her old friends her power.
"Gabumon stays with him, despite all the things he does. I tried talking to him, but he refuses to leave. He says it's his destiny to stay." Tentomon replied.
"Wouldn't you?" Palmon asked suddenly.
"Huh?" Tentomon didn't know what she was talking about.
"If it was your digidestined instead of Gabumon, would you stay?" Palmon asked point blank. "I mean, that was our only purpose in life, to find and help our digidestined. Wouldn't you have to serve him, no matter what?"
Tentomon thought about this. It could have easily been Izzy, his digidestined, which was Gamma. This question disturbed Tentomon more than he cared to admit. He finally answered after mulling it over for a while. "No."
"No?" Palmon replied. "Just like that, no? How can you be so sure?"
"Our destiny was more than to serve our digidestined." Tentomon answered. "We're supposed to be good, and help save the digital world and this world as well. Our digidestined are supposed to help us. If my digidestined turned out to be Alpha, Beta, or one of the other Council of Five members, I'd just fight to save both worlds myself. Although I know he isn't, all the other Council of Five members are digimon. I'm here because I heard a human boy was being kept here. It's a long shot, but it might just be my digidestined."
Palmon sighed. Izzy was right. Tentomon was much too noble to see that he was fighting a lost battle. But Izzy did tell her to try and convince him to join his side. Perhaps she should try the more…subtle approach. "That's very honorable Tentomon." Palmon moved close to Tentomon and placed a hand on his back. "You always were the virtuous digimon. I always admired that about you."
Tentomon sighed. "At least I found you, that's some comfort. We were all so worried something happened to you. I was worried."
Palmon ran her hands up Tentomon's back. "That's so sweet. I never knew you felt that way about me." Palmon vines slowly began to extend rubbing more of Tentomon's back.
"Um Palmon?" Tentomon nervously asked. 
"Yes?" Palmon replied with a smile. 
"Ah, what are you doing?" Tentomon was beginning to feel very uncomfortable.
"What does it feel like?" Palmon vines moved under his chest.
Tentomon stuttered as he began to feel the vines rub under his chest. "Um…Um…Um…Um…."
"You are the eloquent one, aren't you Tentomon?" Palmon's vines moved between his legs. "I've just been stuck in this lonely cell for years, and I finally have some companionship. And you've apparently had a crush on me since File Island, and I did have one on you, to tell you the truth. So why not make the most of it?"
Tentomon tried to stutter out a reply, but Palmon's vines rubbed all over his crotch. Tentomon could hardly believe this was the same digimon. Palmon had become so distant on File Island, all off a sudden disappearing one day. They had been together only a few minutes, and already she was all over him. Tentomon couldn't help feel a little uncomfortable, after all, she had just found out Patamon was gone! But Tentomon guessed she had been through even more than he had, and he did feel sorry for her. And she was cute, Tentomon had to admit.
Palmon's vines coaxed Tentomon's dick out of his pouch. Palmon felt the organ growing and hardening. It kept getting bigger much to Palmon's surprise, she wondered if it would ever stop. Tentomon was moaning, slightly embarrassed. Truth be told, Tentomon was still a virgin, and never experienced anything like this before. Admittedly, he had tried jacking off, but his talons proved ill suited to the task. And as for female companionship, Biyomon and Palmon were the only two girls in the group, and Biyomon and Gomamon were an item.
"Whoa…" Palmon mentioned as Tentomon's dick fully extended. "How can such a small digimon be so well hung?"
"Ah…Thank you." Tentomon said as Palmon flipped him on his back. It occurred to Tentomon that she wasn't a virgin like he was. This made him more nervous. Tentomon shuddered as Palmon began licking his dick. Palmon was completely different from the last time they were together on File Island. She was so distant, so sad, so…alone back then. You couldn't even talk to her she was so depressed. Now it was a complete 180-degree personality flip. She was aggressive, confidant, and all over him. Tentomon began shivering as Palmon continued oralling him, swallowing the first couple inches inside her mouth. She fondled his balls with her fingertips with one hand and with the other ran her hand up and down the lower base of Tentomon's shaft. Tentomon was moaning when suddenly a jolt of electricity went shooting through his prick. Palmon pulled her mouth back in surprise. "What was that?"
"Um...sorry." Tentomon apologized, a little disappointed that Palmon stopped. "My digimon species send little jolts of electricity when we're…excited." Tentomon blushed.
Palmon smiled as she slowly crawled on to Tentomon's chest. "I wonder how that will feel inside." Palmon reached down with her vine fingertips, positioning the dick at her exposed cunt. She plunged her hips down, taking the first half of Tentomon inside of her cunt. Tentomon let out a gasp as Palmon's tight walls hugged all over his prick. He involuntarily let out another shock; Palmon's entire body shuddered with voltage. Tentomon was about to apologize again when Palmon squealed in delight. "That was great!" Palmon began humping; getting more jolts every time Tentomon was brought closer to a climax. Tentomon placed his talons on Palmon's shoulders and arched his head back. Palmon had her hands on Tentomon's shoulders, squeezing her hips together tightly. She came as a large steady shock stimulated every fiber of her vagina. Tentomon came a second later, shooting what seemed to be a lifetime's worth of bug cum into Palmon's belly. Palmon moaned the whole time, coating Tentomon's prick with her mint smelling cum.
Palmon slid off his dick, licking Tentomon's face. "If I had known you could do that, I would have done this back on File Island."
Palmon slid off Tentomon as he flew back on to his stomach. Palmon was already on her hands and knees. Her hot box was still cum soaked and wide exposed. Palmon reached back, opening herself wide. "You aren't done yet, are you?"
Tentomon's dick was still hard as rock and obviously Palmon wanted more. He flew up, his dick bobbing against his chest. He aimed at her cunt and thrusted himself forward, burying three quarters of his cock in this time. Palmon placed her hands back on the ground for support moaning as the big bug rod began to work its magic on her. A tiny jolt filled her body as Tentomon worked himself in to a frenzy. He wrapped his talons around Palmon's hips and beat his wings rapidly, so he could fuck Palmon at a rapid speed. Palmon could hardly tell when he left and entered, he moved so fast. Tentomon whined in pleasure, his dick sending increasingly powerful shocks to Palmon's privates. Palmon could not believe the sensation this produced, her whole body shuddered with the jolts. Plus the added fact having Tentomon's well-endowed cock plunging into her set her to another quick orgasm. Her whole body shivered in delight as she came, spurned on by the electricity. Tentomon felt Palmon's body quivering under him, but he kept on going, his body urging him to do so. He nearly got his entire cock inside her now, Palmon expanding to accommodate him. Palmon was moaning again as almost a steady stream of voltage filled her, meaning Tentomon's second climax was near. Tentomon was groaning as he felt the cum boiling in his balls. He buried himself one last time, sending a stream of electrified cum into Palmon. Palmon screamed in delight as she came hard for a third time, the cum filling her body and dripping down her legs. Tentomon just hung on tightly, squeezing Palmon's waist as he felt all of his cum leave his dick. He finally felt the last drip spurt out of his cock, and he pulled out. His spent dick already began to shrivel into his body.
"I never knew you were that good!" Palmon announced as she got up and made her way to the sink. She began to give her self a sponge bath to clean off the cum.
Tentomon blushed at the compliment. "But what now? We're stuck in this cell."
"I can think of worse fates then spending some time trapped with you." Palmon smiled. "But I guess we should try to escape now. Between the two of us, we should come up with something. (All right, by my best guess its been about one hour, which means our inept guard should be coming down the hall right about…now.) "Listen!" Palmon announced.
Tentomon listened, and sure enough heard approaching sounds. "Someone's coming."
"Fly up next to the ceiling." Palmon ordered. "The jailers might not be informed you were placed in my cell. We might be able to catch them off guard."
"I hope it's that Lillymon." Tentomon hovered over the doorway. "I owe her one."
Palmon snickered slightly. "I doubt it. She's apparently pretty high up on Ladydevimon's Council of Five."
(Didn't she say she never heard of Lillymon?) Tentomon thought as the door opened. (Maybe she heard me wrong the first time.)
The Tankmon rolled in, as per Palmon's instructions. He knew what would happen, but he followed orders anyway. Possible injury was certainly better than an execution. "Your meal prisoner. Hurry up, I have the human prisoner to feed."
"Super Shocker!" Tentomon poured as much energy as he could into the blast. The Tankmon rolled forward, pretending to be more hurt than he actually was.
"Poison Ivy!" Palmon's vines grabbed Tankmon's head, pulling it down and jamming his nose into the ground.
"Let's get out of here!" Tentomon flew out the door as Palmon ran out after him, slamming the door behind her.
Tankmon pulled his nose out of the ground, and took a place in the corner. "Bloody Council members." He mumbled as he waited for someone to come and release him, rubbing his sore nose.

Palmon and Tentomon snuck down the halls. "We've got to find my digidestined! That must be the prisoner the Tankmon was talking about!"
Two Bakemon floated down the halls in front of them. Palmon grabbed Tentomon with her poison ivy. "In here!"
Tentomon was pulled into the room. Palmon quickly shut the door behind her. "That was a close one." Tentomon breathed deeply.
"Welcome Tentomon, took you long enough." Tentomon turned around, and saw a child sitting on a chair. Tentomon's hopes picked up as he recognized the figure sitting in the chair.
"Izzy!" Tentomon flew up to Izzy. "I've been searching for you for years! You don't know me, but…" Tentomon stopped. "Why aren't you in a cell?"
"Think hard." Izzy smiled, then dismissed the question with a wave of his hand. "Never mind, you never where the brightest digimon. Ladydevimon isn't in charge Tentomon. I am."
Tentomon eyes blinked in disbelief. "That's impossible! You're my digidestined!"
"The digidestined of knowledge." Izzy got up off his chair. "We had courage, friendship, sincerity, reliability, love, light and hope. All positive and good emotions. But knowledge is not a positive emotion. Far from it. Knowledge is power; it destroys civilizations and topples empires. Knowledge is the single most destructive force on the planet. But enough rambling. Congratulations Tentomon, you found your digidestined, and now you can serve as my protector."
"Never!" Tentomon announced. "I don't know what happened to you, but I am no longer your digimon! No chosen digimon would ever hurt another living being!" Tentomon flew back to the door. "Come on Palmon, we've got to get out of here!"
"No." Palmon smiled, shaking a finger back and forth.
"No?" Tentomon choked out. "Palmon, what's wrong with you?"
"What you said about to chose digimon would ever serve Izzy?" Palmon glowed with light. "Palmon digivove to…TOGEMON!" Another split second and Togemon head burst open with a flower. "Togemon digivolve to…LILLYMON!" Tentomon's eyes grew wide as he recognized Lillymon as the one who attacked him earlier. Lillymon traced a finger over Tentomon's antenna. "You're wrong. You are right about the other Council of Five's members being digimon. And guess who was one of the very first Council members?" Lillymon bent her lips close to Tentomon's antenna. "Little old me."
Tentomon flew from Lillymon's touch as if it scalded him. His entire world shattered around him. "This can't be happening!"
Izzy walked up off his chair. "I'm afraid it is. Now, you now know that I am in charge. Your friend Palmon was smart enough to join me, and now she has everything she desires."
"Izzy speaks the truth." Lillymon gave Izzy a sly smile. "I'd be nothing without him. Now come on Tentomon, think about it. You'll have power, respect, and your digidestined. What more could you need?"
"So I'm giving you the choice again." Izzy looked squarely at Tentomon. "Be my protector."
"I'll delete myself first." Tentomon coldly replied.
"For some reason, I knew you wouldn't take the sensible idea." Izzy took another step. His eyes turned red further heightening Tentomon's fear.
"It's a shame Tentomon." Lillymon began hovering. "We could have had so much fun working together."
Tentomon tried to make a mad dash to the door, but didn't get past Lillymon, who caught his back leg. Lillymon threw Tentomon to Izzy, who grabbed Tentomon in his iron grip. "But there's always plan B."

Lillymon was leaning on Izzy's shoulder. "It's too bad we have to do this."
Izzy looked back and smiled as he typed on the computer in front. "We could always let him go."
"And risk having him alert my former friends, or that underground that's been defying you?" Lillymon stared at Tentomon through the glass into the next room. Tentomon was tied to the table, diodes running from his body. He had been pumped full of drugs and had tons of humiliating tests performed on him. "I enjoy my new lifestyle. I am not giving it up that easily."
Izzy tapped on his own crest and digivice, in front of him and hooked up to the computer. Izzy talked into the microphone. "Last chance Tentomon."
Tentomon weakly moved his head towards the window, and fought a wave of nausea from the chemicals. "I said I'd die first. And I meant it."
"Can't say we didn't try." Lillymon shrugged her shoulders.
"His loss." Izzy activated the computer. Tentomon screamed as raw energy was pumped through his body, channeled through Izzy's crest and digivice. This was more difficult then Lillymon's digivolving process, since Tentomon was an unwilling subject. But Izzy enjoyed a challenge. Plus the fact Izzy was going for utter power.
Tentomon's body began to thrash as his bonds broke. His body burst with light as words formed on his lips. "Tentomon warp digivolve to…CYBERKABUTERIMON!" Cyberkabuterimon's gigantic form filled the lab. He looked like Kabuterimon, except larger, with two left metallic arms and a metallic torso. Cyberkabuterimon turned and faced the window. His face was a mess of flesh and wires.
Lillymon backed away from the window instinctively. "Izzy?" She replied nervously.
Izzy just dismissed Lillymon's fear and spoke through the microphone. "Cyberkabuterimon?"
Cyberkabuterimon looked down through the window with a blank stare. He spoke in a broken voice. "-kzzt- Yes master? -pzzt-"
Izzy laughed. "What are your orders?"
"-kzzt- To serve Izzy. -kxxt-" Cyberkabuterimon answered, his voice devoid of intelligence.
"Welcome back, my protector." Izzy smiled at the enormous creature in the next room. "Welcome back."

That was the next chapter of DESTINY'S END, part of the in story CHILD OF SHADOWS mini-series. If you have any ideas for the plot, predictions on what will happen, request for a lemon, writing tips, spot any mistakes, etc, post at this site or e-mail me at
Proofread by: Madman