This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations involving characters from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

The continuation of my on-going epic lemon. It takes place during season 2, after my END GAME epic lemon and before the Chimeramon saga.


Chapter 29

Setting the Trap

Sora was checking on all the patients. Biyomon was by her side, handing her bandages and blankets. In the short time she knew this pink-feathered digimon, she had become a close friend. Sora had told Biyomon feelings she kept from Gabumon, and Biyomon had confided in her all that has happened to her over her life, especially the last few rocky days. Sora didn't understand what a digidestined was, or how she was supposed to me one, but she believed this bird digimon.
Gabumon tried to help Sora, but the humans recoiled in horror. The other patients barely tolerated Biyomon and Gomamon; they would not stand for a new digimon face. Sora felt so sorry for Gabumon, who tried not to take it personally. She didn't know of a gentler, kinder creature. Gabumon just took to the corner with Gomamon, trying not scare anybody else.
Gabumon's attention turned to the door when they came flying open. "Lillymon, welcome…" The greeting died in his throat when he saw she was holding the slumped forms of Davis and TK.
"What happened?" Biyomon cried. "Who attacked you?"
Lillymon smiled as she dropped the two forms to the ground. Her flower cannon formed in her hands as she pointed it straight up. She fired a blast straight up into the ceiling. Rubble came down as a hole opened up. "Everybody out!"
"Lillymon what's going on?" Gomamon's eyes were wide in surprise.
"Clearing out the riff raft." Lillymon moved her cannon down pointing to the sick patients. "Now everybody leave!"
"But most of these people can't walk! They're sick and injured!" Sora was almost in tears.
"And anyone who's left in two minutes won't be able to breathe, let alone walk." Lillymon answered coldly. She stared down at her three former friends from File Island looked up at her in horror. Sick and injured people ran and hobbled out in terror, supporting the ones whom could not move on their own; running was second nature to all of them by now. Lillymon grabbed Sora's by the shoulder as she began to leave, and threw her to the ground. "Not you. You stay."
Biyomon finally regained her senses. "Lillymon, why are you doing this?"
"She's not your friend anymore." TK slowly got up, fighting off the effects of Lillymon's sleep pollen.
"Far from it as a matter a fact." Davis got up unsteadily with TK.
"Quite right." Lillymon bowed. "You can call me Epsilon now."
Horror filled Sora, Gabumon, Gomamon, and Biyomon as they realized she was a Council of Five member. "But you are our friend!" Biyomon choked out.
Lillymon shook her finger left and right. "Uh-uh. Former friend. I hang out with much more influential digimon now." She pointed to the lock down room, used for people when the spires take over. "Everyone in except TK and Davis."
Gomamon bit his lip and walked in front of Lillymon. "You won't hurt us."
Lillymon bent down. "And how do you know that?"
"Lillymon listen to me!" Gomamon begged, holding her hand with his flippers. "You were are friend on File Island. I know our pal Palmon is still in there, and we're still here for you no matter what you have done. We all love you Lillymon."
Lillymon stood up slowly. She seemed speechless. "Oh my…What have I done?" Everybody looked at Lillymon. Gomamon let a smile cross his face. Lillymon looked down at him. Then she laughed. "Was that the reaction you were hoping for?" She kicked out with her foot, catching Gomamon under the jaw. He flew into the room, the padded wall saving him from more serious injury. "Anybody else want to try?"
"Blue Blaster!" Blue fire shot from Gabumon's mouth.
"Spiral Twister!" Biyomon flapped her wings, and a tornado of green energy sailed forth.
Lillymon moved gracefully out of the way, almost if she was dancing. "Oh come on now. I thought you'd try harder to talk to me before attacking." Lillymon grabbed Biyomon's leg, and threw her into Gabumon. The two sailed into the room, landing on Gomamon who was just starting to get up.
Sora turned to run, but Lillymon grabbed her by her hair. Lillymon held her mouth close to Sora's ear. She whispered quietly so no one could hear but Sora, "I think you need a better class of a boyfriend. Yours isn't a very good judge of character. But at least he's a great lover. That ice cold dick of his is a real turn on."
Lillymon chuckled as she saw Sora face grimace with anger. The spires quickly took over, just before she shoved Sora into the sound proof room. Lillymon shut it and smiled to herself. "Just to keep it interesting in there." Lillymon placed her finger on her chin. "But I just can't help feel like I'm forgetting something…" Her wings flapped suddenly, and she shot straight up into the air. TK and Davis sailed under her when they tried to group tackle her from behind. Both boys flew into the door roughly. Lillymon smiled evilly. "Now I remember!" She grabbed TK and Davis by the throat. "Now maybe I can have a little fun while I'm waiting."

Veemon woke up on the roof. He tried to move, but couldn't. He opened his eyes, his vision partly obscured by flowers. He was completely shrouded in Lillymon's flowers, which tied him to the roof. How many times am I going to fall for the same trick? Veemon thought to himself. You'd think after Lillymon shot you the first time you'd realize she was one of the bad guys. How could I forget that? Veemon sighed. At least things can't get any worse. A blast of energy sailed from the floor underneath him just a little to the right. A little closer it would have surely deleted him. As it was it was enough to toss him like a limp rag. The first thing Veemon thought when he regained his senses was NEVER EVER SAY THINGS CAN'T GET WORSE! Veemon continued lecturing himself as he weakly stood up. He realized he was free, the blast disintegrated his bonds. He looked down the hole several stories down, and could just see Lillymon's form. She currently held TK by the neck, and seemed to be stringing him up by flowers. Veemon breathed in and out. You're badly hurt. She's an ultimate digimon. You can only digivolve to armored champions, and that was if Davis was here. A smart and sensible digimon would run and get help. Veemon jumped down the hole to the next floor. Too bad I'm not a smart or sensible digimon. Veemon continued jumping from floor to floor as quietly as possible.
Lillymon had Davis and TK strung up by flower boas. Their hands were attached to the ceiling and their feet to the floor. "Bring back memories Davis?" Lillymon ran a finger over Davis chin. Davis tried to answer, but Lillymon slapped him across the face.
"Why don't you go kiss a Sukamon!" TK answered for him.
Lillymon floated over to TK. "Now I am a bit of a nympho, but even he's too ugly for me." She began tracing a figure eight over TK's chest.
"Don't you mean slut?" Davis retaliated.
"Po-ta-to, Po-tah-to. Same thing, except nympho sounds a little more classy." Lillymon kissed TK on the lips. She pulled her mouth away, as TK spit on the ground. "What's the matter? You liked it when we were alone together before."
"TP!" Davis screamed. "Why her of all people? Wasn't Kari and my sister enough?"
"Calm down Davis. I didn't know she turned into this." TK growled.
Lillymon flew back over to Davis. "He's right. He thought I was just like that goody two shoes Lillymon from your world. You should be careful who you trust." Lillymon was right under the hole in the roof she made, right under Veemon.
"BANAZI!!" Veemon yelled as he jumped down from the hole, aiming his feet at Lillymon's head. Lillymon's hand shot out, nailing Veemon right between the legs with a palm strike. Veemon's eyes doubled in size. TK and Davis looked away as Veemon fell of the ground and clutched between his legs, both boys just hurting from seeing that display. Lillymon bent over Veemon's jackknifed form. "Not too swift. Shouldn't have called out like that." Veemon tried to say something, but was in too much pain. "Want me to kiss it better? I know you like that."
"Not you to!" Davis shouted. "Who haven't you slept with Lillymon?"
"Jealous?" Lillymon stood up and blew Davis a kiss.
"Sorry Davis." Veemon got to his feet, fighting the pain in between his legs. "But she won't get me again. Now that you're here Davis, I have a fighting chance."
"Get him Veemon. Digi-armor energize!" Davis shouted.
"Veemon armor digivolve to… RAIDRAMON!" Veemon shouted. "Huh?" He looked down at himself, still in his rookie form. "All right then lets try Veemon armor digivolve to… FLAMEDRAMON!" Veemon opened his eyes and looked up at Lillymon, who stood a good three feet taller than him. "What's going on? Why can't I armor digivolve?"
Lillymon slowly waved a device back and forth in her hand, showing it to Veemon. It was Davis' organizer with his digi eggs in it. "Did you think I'd let Davis keep this with you tied on the roof?" Lillymon kick Veemon under the jaw, just enough to send him stumbling back. "I wasn't made a Council of Five member just because I'm unbelievably beautiful."
"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon charged forward. Lillymon moved swiftly to the right, forming a flower rope with her hand. She caught Veemon around the feet as he continued his trajectory. Veemon snapped back, and Lillymon threw him into a wall. Veemon grunted in pain as Lillymon quickly tied him to the roof so he was hanging upside down up his feet.
"Now then…" Lillymon tied Veemon hands together. "We were about to have some fun, and I am so glad you decide to join us Veemon."
"Leave him alone!" Davis shouted, growing angry. The spires took over him as he thrashed at his bonds. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
"My my, such harsh words." Lillymon hovered back to Davis and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Maybe I'll rape you in front of Veemon, just for spite…." Lillymon traced a finger down Davis' chest.
"NO!" Veemon screamed. His body turned white with light as he felt his body changing like his armor transformations, but it was different now. "Veemon digivolve to…XVEEMON!" The flowers that held him down burst apart as a tall muscular blue dragon with an X on his chest landed on the floor. He stood over three feet taller then Lillymon, but Lillymon didn't appear the least bit concern. Far from it, in fact.
"Oh la la. How many forms do you have?" Lillymon smiled as she placed her hand on her heart. "And are they all cute?"
"It's Veemon's champion form! Way to go!" TK cheered.
"KILL HER!" Davis shouted, filled with rage.
"Oh do be quiet." Lillymon picked two large handful of pollen from her flower on her head, and threw them in Davis and TK's face. Both boys quickly fell asleep. "Take five. I have a new sparring partner."
"Surrender Lillymon." Xveemon struck a fighting pose. "Or fall before me."
"Does anybody ever say yes to that?" Lillymon gestured to Xveemon with a finger as she floated out the window. "Let's get a little space. I don't want your friends to get hurt. Ladydevimon has that pleasure reserved for herself."
Xveemon growled as he raced out after her on to the street. Lillymon hovered on the median, just a few inches off the ground. "Xvee punch!" Xveemon began throwing punches at rapid speed. 
Lillymon dodged left and right, smiling as she did so. "You can do better than that."
Trying to cross her up, Xveemon shouted "Xvee kick!" And came at her with a roundhouse kick. Lillymon pulled up her legs and did a backwards somersault over the attack, catching Xveemon under the jaw with her boots. Xveemon went flying into an old move theater. An ancient popcorn maker burst apart as he collided with it.
Lillymon flew in after him. "Why are we fighting? Can't we try out this new form of yours? I mean, I thought your Flamedramon form was cute, but the muscles on you now; I get wet just thinking about it."
Xveemon got up out of the smashed concession stand. "I won't fall for that a third time. How could I forget what a heartless creature you've become?"
"I always was into body more than brains." Lillymon shook her head. "Isn't it obvious by now? Who were you going to tell about me?"
"Kari and Gatomon, why?" Xveemon growled. He was going to tell Gatomon, and her eyes flashed…and he forgot. "Gatomon, she used Cat's Eye hypnotism on me. That's why I forgot." Xveemon choked out. "But why?"
"Think hard blue boy." Lillymon hovered in the theater's entrance.
Xveemon couldn't believe that Gatomon would betray them. She'd defend Kari with her life, even after she lost her gold ring and most of her power, she fought for Kari. The gold ring… Gatomon had a gold ring on her, although Gatomon told him she had lost it. But how could she get it back? Unless… "She's not Gatomon."
Lillymon clapped her hands. "I knew you'd get it. But to be more specific, she'd not your Gatomon, she's ours. Beta's loyal servant."
Xveemon growled and advanced. "What did you do to Gatomon?!"
"I did nothing." Lillymon walked forward. "Our Gatomon though beat her halfway to deletion. And all this time, you treated her like she was your best friend. Funny isn't it? I wonder if your Gatomon's still alive?"
Xveemon growled with rage. The dark spires hit him full force as the X charged with energy. "X beam!" And a blast of energy soared from his chest.
"Flower Cannon!" Lillymon fired a blast from her cannon, and it connected with Xveemon's attack. Her attacked cancelled out Xveemon's, and continued forth. It struck Xveemon in the chest, sending him flying back into the theater as Lillymon cried, "X marks the spot!" Xveemon lay weakly in smashed aisle seats as Lillymon walked down the aisle. "Lost out temper now, did we?" Xveemon began to get up, but Lillymon quickly jumped on his chest, pinning him down and knocking the wind out of him. "You knew you didn't really have a chance. I mean seriously; a novice champion versus an experience ultimate? But you always were the spunky one. I like spunk." Lillymon removed her gloves and threw them to the side. She dragged her hand over Xveemon's pectorals as she knelt down. "I like it a lot."
Xveemon was still quite groggy. He didn't really notice Lillymon start kissing the massive muscles on his chest. Lillymon dragged her hands over is chest and belly as she dragged his tongue over his body, working her way so she was between Xveemon's massive legs. She began licking his crotch and rubbing it at the same time, quickly prodding Xveemon's dick out of his hidden pouch. An enormous blue prick began to harden as Lillymon wrapped both hands around the shaft. It was so big she could barely wrap her hand around the base of the shaft. "I am so sorry for hitting you here. But I as I said before," Lillymon kissed the top of Xveemon's prick. "I'll kiss it and make it all better." She took the first five inches of the mouth inside her mouth, stretching her lips to the limit. She licked the head of his prick inside. Now Xveemon was now well aware of what was going on now. The spires had taken over now, making him succumb to his primal instincts. He grabbed two seats beside him, crushing them under his massive grip as the beginnings of an orgasm shot through his blue body. Xveemon bucked his hip forward, driving even more of his dick inside Lillymon's mouth. Lillymon choked, her lips hurting as Xveemon began shooting his load inside Lillymon's mouth. There was so much that Lillymon was choking as she tried to remove the massive member from her mouth. She finally pulled it out; coughing up Xveemon's cum back on to him.
Xveemon looked up as his orgasm passed. "You should take more than you can eat." He joked.
Lillymon licked a big wad of cum of his dick's head. "I never take more than I can handle." Lillymon began licking the spunk off his bright blue dick, cleaning him to another erection.
Xveemon got up suddenly, throwing Lillymon to the ground. Lillymon was caught off guard, as she landed on the ground. Xveemon grabbed her from behind and around her stomach. Lillymon was surprised, was Xveemon attacking her? That never happened when someone was under the control of the spires. Then she fell a massive clawed hand reach under her dress. She felt the claw reach up her cunt, and began wiggling around. "You like that huh?" Xveemon asked as he pumped a claw finger in and out of her pussy.
"Oh yeah…" Lillymon moaned as she felt the start of her own climax. She lifted her dress half way up, giving Xveemon a view of what he was doing. Lillymon was quickly claw fucked to an orgasm. Lillymon let out a little squeal as she came on Xveemon's hand. Strawberry smelling love juice coated his blue hands. Xveemon pulled out, sucking his finger once. "That felt sooo good…" Lillymon moaned.
Xveemon grabbed her pink ass with both claw hands. "It isn't over."
"Now wait a minute!" Lillymon had never taken a dick that size before.
"You said you wanted a challenge, so here it is!" Xveemon thrust his hips forwards, burying half the length of his shaft inside Lillymon's pussy.
"Eyaugh!" Lillymon screamed out of pain and pleasure, mostly pain, as she felt her cunt filled like it never was before.
"You'll get used to it." Xveemon grunted as he began humping her pussy. Lillymon grunted in discomfort and tried to get up, but Xveemon was physical stronger than her, and he held her down. He was in a complete sexual frenzy, and nothing would stop him now. Xveemon pulled her on and off her pussy, Grunting as he did so. His wings flapped behind him every time he thrusted froward. Lillymon still felt some pain, but not nearly as much as her cunt got used to the enormous size. She began groaning in pleasure as she was taken from behind, gripping the carpet under her finger. Xveemon let out a roar as he came, shooting a massive amount of cum inside Lillymon. It felt like someone stuck a hose up Lillymon's pussy and turned on full force. She let out her own orgasmic scream as tremendous amounts of semen filled her and dripped down her legs. It was nearly thirty seconds before Xveemon finished cumming, humping slowly as he did.
"MMmmmmm" Lillymon groaned as Xveemon pulled out, giving Lillymon a sudden empty feeling. "I have never been filled up like that."
Xveemon stuck a clawed finger up her ass. "I think we'll try it in here next." Xveemon rubbed his own dick with one hand, getting another erection started.
Lillymon shook her head; "I don't think so." As she shook her head, she began dousing the entire area with sleep pollen. She was immune to her own effects, but Xveemon wasn't. She wasn't sure how much pollen to use, so she used a lot. Xveemon fell asleep in the broken theater seats, snoring loud even for a digimon of his side as he lost his erection, his dick shriveling into his pouch. Lillymon moved her dress back down her hips. She wiped the cum off her legs, and licked her hands clean before reapplying her gloves. Lillymon then grabbed his tail and began dragging him out of the theater. "Come on you, I have to get back to Joe's Church. I have to get ready for the rest of your friends when they get back from the underground. They'll be so happy to see me!" Lillymon laughed as she head back to Joe's Church, Xveemon in tow.

That was the next chapter of DESTINY'S END. If you have any ideas for the plot, predictions on what will happen, request for a lemon, writing tips, spot any mistakes, etc, post at this site or e-mail me at