This lemon by Red Rover contains adult concepts from the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or the material is illegal in you jurisdiction.


A comedy spin-off inspired by Digistar DBZ. Thanks to SonimodB, Christine, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Canius, Hellravenmon, Jodan, DigimonSH, Gabumatic, and Boss Reo for letting me write it. This one takes places after we all watch Polaris 'Dream Confusion.’ This lemon was picked by DigimonSH, the second contest winner.


The Critics Series #15


Red Rover’s End Game Chapter 25 Apologies Commentary



(Back in Madman’s lab.)


JODAN- What happened? (Still hung upside down over a pool of boiling piranhas.)

MADAMAN- What do you mean?

JODAN- We all just stopped moving for a bit.

MADMAN- Oh, that. Red Rover and the others were doing another critic lemon.

DIIGIMONSH- You can see that?

MADMAN- Oh yeah. All-powerful proofreader. Anyway- time to kill you now.

DIGIMONSH- Um, don’t we get last requests?

MADMAN- Why? Whenever an evil overlord does that, it’s only to show his power, in which case it backfires, and he dies anyway.

JODAN- He’s got a point.

DIGIMONSH- Yeah, but this is a lemon. You can’t die; you proofread. You therefore have complete control, and it gives you a chance to use your evil laugh more.

MADMAN- I knew that already. However, you are quite right.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

JODAN- Can I just chose death now? That laugh is giving me a migraine. That and all the blood rushing to my head.

MADMAN- No. Your end will be at my discretion, not your own. Anyway, what is your last request?

DIGIMONSH- Something with Lillymon of course. Maybe with Agumon or Gomamon?

MADMAN- Easily done by someone of my immense power. (Turns to the computer.) Let’s just pick a digimon/digimon lemon with Lillymon at random. Here we go. One by Red Rover. How... fittingly ironic. (Lemon starts playing.)


This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

MADMAN- I still think he needs a better opening. "ALL FLAMERS MUST DIE!!!" or something.

JODAN- True. That opening just doesn’t grab my attention.

This is the next instalment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with plot a lot more, but still retains the lemon aspects. It takes place after the defeat of the final dark master Piedmon.

MADMAN- Okay, enough intro. Let’s start the bloody thing.


DIGIMONSH- I must admit, catchy title.

Chapter 25


JODAN- Red Rover’s been busy.



DIGIMONSH- Sounds like the classic make up lemon.

MADMAN- Or, a clever way of hiding the fact that you are a bad writer- subliminally, of course.

JODAN- You're a very bitter person, aren't you.

MADMAN- Part of the job description.

"Well, here we are!" Puppetmon announced as he and Mimi walked through Gatomon's lair.


DIGIMONSH- Gatomon’s lair? Boy, we really missed something.

MADMAN- Perhaps 24 previous chapters? Dumb ass.

"Now will you let me go?!" Mimi asked, annoyed.


MADMAN- Does she really think he’ll say yes?

"No, I don't think so just yet. We have to have a little talk before I turn you over to Gatomon." Puppetmon brought her close to his face with the strings he had attached to her. "I don't want Gatomon to know I let Agumon escape. I am a big fan of pain, but only when I'm the one inflicting it. Receiving it is a completely different matter. Now can you keep our little secret?"


DIGIMONSH- Gatomon’s in charge. Big promotion from Myotismon’s servant.

"Why should I?" Mimi asked defiantly.


MADMAN- Absolutely wrong thing to say.

JODAN- Especially to a powerful mega digimon.

"As I said before, I'm a fan of inflicting pain." Puppetmon grabbed her wrist and squeezed hard, forcing Mimi to the ground. Mimi was crying now.
A lasso of flowers wrapped around Puppetmon's neck. Puppetmon let go of Mimi in surprise. He was yanked off his feet and tossed in a heap against the wall. "But not receiving it. We got that part." Lillymon stood next to Izzy.


DIGIMONSH- Come on, shoot him! No one liners!

MADMAN- Unfortunatly, that is also part of the job description, for both the hero and the villain. Haven't you noticed yet?

JODAN- Well, uh... we... shut up.

MADMAN- Thought so.


The two had heard voices when they had awakened from the cell. Palmon saw Puppetmon threatening Mimi, and she quickly and quietly digivolved to her Ultimate Lillymon form.


DIGIMONSH- All right, Lillymon! Here we go.

Puppetmon jumped to his feet. "Well, look who's here. I was looking for a rematch." Puppetmon held his hand out, and his strings shot out. Lillymon tried to dodge, but they merely followed her and quickly latched on. Izzy didn't even move as strings connected to his body as well.


JODAN- That ended quickly.


"This time, Lillymon, I attached my strings to your skin. No more stripping, or at least not at this moment, cutie." Puppetmon winked at Lillymon. "Don't expect me to fall for the same trick twice."


JODAN- Lillymon fought Puppetmon naked?

DIGIMONSH- They should tape that fight and play it back every Christmas, or New Years, or- well, just about any time is good.

"Well then, how about a new trick?" Lillymon announced and looked to her left at Izzy. Mimi looked at Izzy as well, and she nearly screamed in surprise when she saw his eyes were deep red.


DIGIMONSH- We really missed something.


An aura of dark energy wrapped around his persona, and the strings instantly came off. Izzy opened his palm and fired a blast of energy directly in front of Lillymon, freeing her as well.


JODAN- We really missed something big time.

Izzy turned his attention to Puppetmon. Puppetmon just smirked. "Nice trick. Here's one of mine. Puppet Pummel!" Puppetmon fired his mallet at Izzy. Pellets of energy came shooting towards Izzy. Izzy waved his hand and an arc of his dark energy shot forward, disintegrating Puppetmon's attack.


MADMAN- Now how come I don’t get powers like that? Oh wait. (Eyes turn red, and black aura wraps around him.) Cool.

JODAN- I really need to go into the proofreading biz.



Izzy's attack continued undeterred, striking Puppetmon on the chest. The wooden digimon sailed through the air and collided with the wall, cracking the stone. He fell to the ground with a whump, but rose unsteadily to his feet, his mallet still in his hands.


DIGIMONSH- Whoa. Izzy’s been taking his vitamins.


Izzy's computer, which he had stashed behind, fell to the ground and slid towards them.  Lillymon laughed. She walked over and picked up Izzy's computer. She walked back and handed to Izzy. "I believe this is yours." She turned her gaze back to Puppetmon. "I guess you weren't expecting that."


JODAN- Neither were we.

"I should have. Gatomon told us one of the digidestined had super powers. I thought it was that Matt kid." Puppetmon shook his head. "I really should pay more attention at meetings, but I always end up sleeping like a log."


JODAN- Bad pun.

MADMAN- Bud guys are required to use puns though, no matter how bad they are.

Lillymon heard this and her rage turned from Puppetmon to Izzy. "You mean, you knew you had these powers before?" Izzy turned to face Lillymon. "That means you used powers to save your lover, who wasn't me! YOU... YOU... MAN!"


MADMAN- Oh she’s pissed. When any chick calls you a man like that, you’re screwed. And not in the good way.

Izzy backed up, his eyes returned to normal and his aura disappeared. "What?"
"You slept with me!" Lillymon took a step forward, oblivious to Izzy's power. Mimi's eyes flew wide when she heard this.


JODAN- Man, Izzy’s been through a lot recently.

MADMAN- Apparently, he's been 'doing' a lot too.

DIGIMONSH- How original. A pun.

MADMAN- You know it, 'mon'.

BOTH- GRrrrrrrr...


"I thought that was just a dream." Izzy held his hands out. "This crest makes me imbecilic when I get angry."


JODAN- You had sex, and only though it was a dream?

MADMAN- He could try the I was drunk excuse.

"I am sick and tired of excuses from you men!" Lillymon interrupted.
Suddenly a ball of energy flew out at the ground at Izzy's feet. He lost his balance and fell, hitting his head on the ground. Izzy tried to get up, but his head was swimming from the minor concussion and from Puppetmon's attack and his subsequent fall.


JODAN- Bad time to have an argument.

"Are we forgetting about someone?" Puppetmon laughed. He was still unsteady on his feet. "You know what flower girl? You are a big help to our side."
Lillymon growled. "Mimi, help Izzy get out of here. Puppetmon's mine!"


MADMAN- You’d think she’d want the Mega powerful Izzy around once he recovers.

DIGIMONSH- Would you want someone who you just hurt, and who is probably royally pissed off at you- or will be when they wake, up anywhere near you?

JODAN- Good point.


Mimi ran to Izzy and helped him to his feet. Izzy put his arm around Mimi and the two quickly ran from the hall, leaving Lillymon and Puppetmon alone, or so they thought. A pair of eyes watched the two from a dark corner.


DIGIMONSH- Looks like company.

MADMAN- Looks like you're stating the obvious.

DIGIMONSH- Are you always this sarcastic?

MADMAN- No. Usually, I'm pleasent and non-evil.

DIGIMONSH- You're being sarcastic again, aren't you?

MADMAN- You're stating the obvious again, aren't you? Muhahaha!!!

DIGIMON- I hate you on SO many levels.

"Well, you are a brave one." Puppetmon was weakened, but he was trying to hide it. "But as I like to say, the brave are always the first to die." Puppetmon jumped into the air, fully intent on bringing the mallet down on Lillymon. Lillymon flew backwards as Puppetmon landed. Puppetmon landed on his feet and quickly shot out strings.


MADMAN- Oooh, fight seen. (Gestures and makes a bowl of popcorn.)

JODAN- Hey, do we get any?

MADMAN- Uhhhhhhmmm... No.

"I don't fall for the same trick twice either." Lillymon's body blossomed with flowers, and the strings attached to the buds. The flowers simply came off when Puppetmon pulled the strings. Puppetmon pointed his fist at Lillymon again, but this time he released a yarn ball to her surprise. The ball struck her in the chest, wrapping her arms and wings as she fell down.


DIGIMONSH- Oh, bondage!

Puppetmon stepped forward twirling his mallet. "It's a good things I never run out of tricks." He held his mallet over Lillymon's head.


DIGIMONSH- Oh, not Lillymon!

MADMAN- I did say this was a Lillymon lemon.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" Gomamon jumped out from his hiding place, and wrapped his arms around Puppetmon's face as he landed on the back of his head.


JODAN- Well, he’s dead.

MADMAN- He did take on Piedmon, remember.

JODAN- Yeah and Piedmon stepped on him and turned him into a key chain.


He dug claws into his eyes, filling Puppetmon with pain and fury. He grabbed Gomamon off his head and threw him on the ground. "Why you little punk. No fair sneaking up." He raised his mallet high over his head to deliver the coup-de-grace.


MADMAN- Well, Red Rover knows French, what a surprise.

"Flower Cannon!" Puppetmon's gaze shifted up from Gomamon to Lillymon, who had managed to free herself.


JODAN- You know villains should always finish of their victim quickly.

MADMAN-  Sure, if you want to be all "realistic" and "Efficient". (Eyes turn red.)

JODAN- Of course, something can be said about gloating and bragging!


A blast from her hands caught him under the jaw, and he was sent sailing into the same wall Izzy knocked him into before. This time, the force of the blast sent him through the weakened wall and out of the castle. His high pitched scream became silent as he sailed down the side of the tower.


DIGIMONSH- Well, he’s toast.

MADMAN- Nah, they’re never dead till you see the body break up. And even then it’s debatable.

Lillymon's hands went back to normal as she bent down next to Gomamon. "Are you all right?"
Gomamon grasped her hand. "I am so sorry. How can you ever forgive me?"


JODAN- Ah, I see the apology part coming up.

"Huh?" Lillymon replied confused.
Gomamon didn't even hear. "When I came to, I saw you and Metaletemon were gone. I looked all over, but you were gone. I was afraid you were deleted. It was all my fault. And not only that, I had sex with you before turning you over to him. I betrayed your trust, and you almost got destroyed over it."


MADMAN- Whoa, major back story needed. Fou you uninformed, anyway.

"Gomamon, stop!" Lillymon put her other hand under his chin. "I know what those black gears do to you. I nearly killed Tai because of one of them."


JODAN- Black gears?

MADMAN- You know those things that make digimon evil.

DIGIMONSH- Ah, that explains a lot.

"But I was turning you in to save my own worthless hide!" Gomamon's rant continued.
"You couldn't control yourself. I know you would never turn me in to Metaletemon, and I know you would never sleep with me." Lillymon comforted.
Gomamon blushed when she said the last line. "Well, you are beautiful. I can't think of any straight male digimon who wouldn't give their right paw, flipper, hand or tentacle to be in the same room as you."


DIGIMONSH- Smooth talking seal.

Lillymon smiled. "That was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me." She ran her hand though Gomamon's fire red hair.
"We'll, it's true." Replied Gomamon. He sighed softly as Lillymon's silk soft hand rubbed his scalp.


JODAN- Very smooth.

Lillymon blushed at the second compliment. Her face was only inches away from Gomamon's furry face. She couldn't get over how cute he looked. Suddenly an overwhelming urge hit her and she bent forward and kissed Gomamon on his lips.


MADMAN- Whoa Gomamon and Lillymon. 9.5 on the weird couple scale.


Gomamon immediately started kissing Lillymon, and stuck his tongue deep in her throat. Lillymon placed her hands on the side of Gomamon's head and slowly moved onto her back. Gomamon continued kissing as he rested on top of her breasts.


JODAN- You know, this probably isn’t the best place to do this.

MADMAN- Two things: 1) Do you think that would stop them, and 2) It's a lemon, expect the "unexpected".


Gomamon started to move down, kissing her strawberry skinned neck. He grabbed the top of Lillymon's green dress and pulled down as he kissed in between her breasts, while rubbing her tits with his flippers. He squeezed and twisted her nipples with his claws. Not too hard, but enough for Lillymon to feel spasms of pleasure as her nipples solidified under Gomamon's touch.


DIGIMONSH- I guess Gomamon doesn’t really get a chance to play with breasts.

MADMAN- Well, the only other know digimon right now with any cleavage were Angewomon and Ladydevimon.

JODAN- Right and Angewomon seems to be bad, and Ladydevimon’s dead.

MADMAN- Actually, Ladydevimon’s behind Gatomon’s betrayal. But I’ll keep it secret since it would ruin the foreshadowing



Gomamon's digihood was coming out thanks to the strawberry taste of Lillymon's skin. Lillymon could feel Gomamon's prick rubbing up and down her belly as Gomamon began licking her erect tits.


DIGIMONSH- What a lucky seal.

Lillymon grabbed Gomamon's butt and pulled him up. Gomamon never stopped licking, leaving a trail of saliva from her breasts to her face. He could feel his prick rubbing in between Lillymon's ample rack. Lillymon grabbed her breasts and squeezed them together tightly. Gomamon finally stopped his tongue bath long enough to groan as tightness hugged his dick. He immediately began humping as Lillymon kept her breasts shut firmly together. Gomamon's eyes glazed over with the effects of hormones as he held onto her tightly by her shoulders. Still licking Lillymon's face, he lifted his head up as he shot his load. A stream of cum shot straight out, covering his belly and her face with his seed. Gomamon continued humping.


DIGIMONSH- Like the energizer bunny. He keeps going and going.


His own cum acting as a lubricant enabled him to hump even faster. He was no longer licking Lillymon's face, since he was focusing all his energy into to continuing to tit-fuck Lillymon. Lillymon licked her lips, tasting the salty stray drops of cum that landed on her lips. A thin drop of spittle landed on her face. Gomamon was drooling from the sheer pleasure. The same endorphin wave sailed through Gomamon's body. Another load shot out of his dick, covering Lillymon's face with even more of his seed.  Gomamon panted loudly lying on top of Lillymon's chest.


JODAN- It would be hard to lie comfortably with those two mounds in the way.


Lillymon ran her hand across her face, wiping off Gomamon's seed. She began to lick each and every one of her ten fingers clean of Gomamon's cum. The taste drove her wild. She sat up and picked Gomamon under his armpits. Gomamon could barely breathe, as he was so exhausted. His dick was already beginning to shrivel back into his pouch.


MADMAN- Man, he gives up quickly. You’d think lying on a topless Lillymon would keep him turned on for another year or so.


Lillymon began to lick his cum off of his chest. She smiled slightly as Gomamon's dick snapped to attention once again. Lillymon seductively ran her tongue down Gomamon's furred lined chest.


JODAN- Would Gomamon even feel that through his fur?

DIGIMONSH- Would it matter?


She then slowly dragged her tongue up Gomamon's red shaft. Gomamon's whole body shuddered as Lillymon playfully ran her tongue in circles on the head of his dick. When Gomamon was fully erect a third time, Lillymon swallowed Gomamon's dick whole. Her face was brushed with his soft white fur, causing her to giggle slightly.


JODAN- I hope Gomamon doesn’t take the laughing the wrong way, say at his size.

MADMAN- DO you think he would even notice?


Gomamon hardly noticed as Lillymon continued to blow him off. Gomamon could feel Lillymon suck him at the same time wrapping her tongue all over his dick. Gomamon held his head back as he thrusted his hips forward once. Even more cum came out of his dick, completely filling Lillymon's mouth. The semen dripped out of the side of her mouth there was so much, but Lillymon greedily drank down all that remained in her mouth. Lillymon dropped Gomamon gently on the ground between her legs. She licked the small amount of escaped cum off her face, savoring every drop.


DIGIMONSH- Whoa,I admit the mammal’s got stamina.

Gomamon, completely spent, almost fell asleep. A strange strawberry smell woke him up. Lillymon's dress was pulled down over her knees, where the smell was coming from. "Well, let it never be said I left a lady waiting." Gomamon smiled. He buried himself between Lillymon's legs until he found the obvious source of the smell.


JODAN- What are the odds it will be a bushel of strawberries?

MADMAN- In a Red Rover Lemon? About 50,000,000,000,000,000,012 to 1. About.

JODAN- Your Mathematical knowledge of the universe and Red Rover frightens me.

DIGIMONSH- It frightens us all.

MADMAN- Indeed. But, they say know your enemy, and trust me... I know. *Shudders*


Lillymon watched, finding it incredibly cute as Gomamon was almost completely covered by her dress so only his tail stuck out.


DIGIMONSH- I must admit, that would make a cute pic.


A sudden wave of pleasure made her forget about Gomamon's cuteness as Gomamon flicked her bulb with his claw. Lillymon lay back down as Gomamon rubbed his flipper up and down her pussy lips. He took his flippers and arranged his claws so they where all tight together. He thrusted one flipper in as deep as he could. Lillymon screamed in pleasure.


DIGIMONSH- At least not in pain.

MADMAN- Hurting an ultimate female like that would be a bad idea.

JODAN- A very bad idea.


Gomamon pulled out his flipper, but immediately inserted his other flipper in. Gomamon started with a regular tempo at first. He steadily increased his pace. One two. One two. One two.


MADMAN- Sounds like he's marching in a parade.

JODAN- Hup two three four. Dunno how to count no more. (Another obscue Magic: The Gathering reference).


Lillymon moaned in absolute delight. Gomamon was now moving his flippers in and out of her as quickly as possible. Lillymon let out a large groan as she orgasmed. Gomamon felt his flippers become wet with her pussy juices. Gomamon stopped and pulled his flipper out of her damp pussy. He sniffed his claws, and licked them clean. He found her cum tasted like strawberries, making him very thirsty.


DIGIMONSH- Lillymon, now in strawberry flavour. Also try in blueberry, kiwi, and tropical splash.


Lillymon felt a new sensation. She realized it was Gomamon's furry face pressed against her vagina. Another wave of pleasure washed over her as Gomamon moved his tongue around her pussy lips, licking them clean of her pussy juice. Gomamon then thrusted his tongue deep inside her vagina. Lillymon wiggled in delight as Gomamon moved his tongue all around her sensitive insides. Another sensation filled her as she felt something long thin and hard move up her ass hole. Gomamon was fingering her ass hole with his hard claws. Gomamon continued to anal fuck her with his claws while at the same time oralling her. Lillymon felt a double wave of pleasure as Gomamon skilfully worked all her privates at once.


JODAN- Much better seal trick than balancing a ball on his nose.

MADMAN- Indeed.


Lillymon came with a gush of strawberry sweet pussy juice. Gomamon swore he almost drowned. All the fur on his face was completely matted with her sticky cum.


DIGIMONSH- I don’t think there is a conveniently placed washbasin near by for Gomamon?

MADMAN- Well, since it's a lemon, one of 2 things could happen: 1) He's perfectly clean in the next panel, or 2) She licks his face clean.


Gomamon greedily licked up as much as he could as Lillymon breathing slowed down.  Lillymon glowed brightly and shrunk back to her rookie form Palmon. She had used up every ounce of energy with Gomamon.


JODAN- Oh great idea, use up your energy in an enemy’s base with Mega digimon around.


Palmon fell to her butt on the stone floor, exhausted. Gomamon lay on his stomach to, panting in and out.


MADMAN- Are there other ways to pant?

"That was great." Gomamon said and nuzzled up close to Palmon.
"It was a nice show, I'll admit that." Puppetmon appeared from behind a stone pillar. He stood unsteadily on his feet, an obvious result of the recent attacks he suffered.


DIGIMONSH- Lillymon should have shot him a few more times.

JODAN- Or kept Mimi around so she could digivolve again.

MADMAN- Then there wouldn’t be a lemon.

DIGIMONSH- Or better yet, threesome! Gomamon, Lillymon, and Mimi. Oh yeah.

ALL- *Smile*


He smiled at Palmon,"You should have blasted me harder. I merely climbed up back through the hole. I saw you two screwing like animals and decided to wait till you finished."
"Pervert!" Palmon screamed.


DIGIMONSH- I think we figured that out already.

"Sticks and stones," Puppetmon took the wooden X from behind his back. "Will break your bones."


MADMAN- Catchy one liner.


Puppetmon hurled his boomerang. Gomamon and Palmon were both knocked unconscious and thrown against the wall. Puppetmon skilfully caught the projectile as it came back to him. He talked to the senseless pair on the ground. "You shouldn't have used up all of your energy, it makes for a boring fight scene."


JODAN- But if they hadn’t used up their energy it would have been a boring lemon scene.

MADMAN- Two roads diverged in a lemony wood, and I, I chose the one involving puntang pie. It's good to be the king!

That was the next chapter of my Epic lemons. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at


MADMAN- Well there is your last request DigimonSH.  Lillymon lemon.

DIGIMONSH Can I have one more?


DIGIMONSH- Don’t kill me?


JODAN- Wait, the lemon’s not over!

Edited by Bahamut X on 25/02/02.



JODAN- Bahamut X. 

DIGIMONSH- Seems to be another proofreader.

MADMAN- (Eyes turn red.) Excuse me a moment.  I have to go skin Red Rover alive now.  (Walks off.)

JODAN- You think he’s going to release us anytime soon? (Looks at vat of boiling piranhas under his head.)


JODAN- Up for a game of twenty questions?

NARRATOR- A new player seems to be in the game. Bahamut X! What is his story? Does he wield power sufficient to defeat Madman?  Tune in next time for The Critics Series!

MADMAN- I’d kill you again if I weren’t busy…  Ah hell. (Narrator explodes.) I admit it I feel better.




And that was the continuation of what is now called Madman's Critics series. Thanks to Dark Jester, SonimodB, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Hellravenmon, Darkmon, Lord Archive, Christine, Canius, Gabumatic, and Boss Reo. Any comments, requests, question, writing tips, etc, e-mail me at


Let that be a lesson, kids. Never drink and: Madman