Superior In Every Way
By: Togashi

Alright, boys and girls, listen up
This one contains rape and underage sex.
Hey, it does have a happy ending, though
Well, sort of. Anyway, don't read it unless
you don't mind this stuff, cause it's in there,
trust me…

"<groan>…come on, it's too early for this. Go away." Izzy mumbled
Yolei persisted. "Come on, already! We need you to get over to the school right now. The Digimon Emperor is up to something; the charts are off the scales in terms of activity."
"Man, you people wouldn't even be able to get on the internet without me!" Izzy said groggily as he fished around for his shoes. He poked at Tentomon, who was sleeping below Izzy's bed. All the digidestined had agreed: It was too dangerous to leave their digimon in the Digital World ever since The Emperor took control of Agumon a while ago. "Come on Tentomon, looks like we have to save the world again…now where are my socks?"

The digimon Emperor reclined in his thone.
"So, Wormon, what are those fools up to?" he asked quietly. 
"Our scouts report that they are planning on entering here, in sector 35." The small worm digimon answered.
"Sector 35….ahh yes. The Quicksand Mires. That should do perfectly." He effortlessly typed a few commands, his evil presence already focusing on the task before him. He would not be defeated by these….children. He would destroy them. No. That would be a waste. They insulted him. Defeated his plans. Made him look foolish. They did not deserve the luxury of death. They deserved to suffer.

Izzy arrived, his haphazard hair looking even more out of place than usual. Yolei, Cody, And Davis were there, as well as T.K. and Kari. They all had their digimon, which seemed to yawn occasionally to show there dislike at being woken up this early. "Can we wrap this up tonight? I've got a test to take tomorrow!" Davis complained.
"Look, Davis, none of us want to be here, but we are, so just make the best of it!" T.K. grumbled at the kid. Davis glared at him, but didn't say anything. They were too tired to do anything at the moment.
"Well, if you two are done, take a look at this." Yolei interrupted. "I was working at night to finish a project, and all of a sudden the computer monitoring the Digiworld lit up like a christmas tree. See! Almost all of the Digiworld is being taken over. We need to stop the Emperor now, or else there won't be anywhere left to warp back to the Digiworld safely."
"I hate that guy! Doesn't he ever sleep?" Kari yawned.
"I guess not." Biyomon said.
"Yeah, well we're going to give him a nice nap tonight! Let's do this." Davis loved a good fight. 
"Alright." Said Izzy. "I'm sending you into Sector 35, there's the least enemy activity there, and I'll stay here for now to keep an eye on things. And remember, this guy's smart. I played his video games and even I couldn't beat them. He almost got you last time with that Bakemon-in-disguise-as-your-friends trick. So watch out!" 
Kari, T.K., Davis, Yolei, Cody, and their digimon warped out of the room and into the screen. Right into a trap….

Sand whipped aimlessly along the ground in small tornadoes, spinning awkwardly until they collided with something. The five digidestined looked around, searching for some clue as to their location. Gatomon spoke up. "I remember this place. I walked through it before running into Myotismon. It's the Quicksand Mire. It's not as dangerous as it sounds, though. Most of the quicksand is too slow to pose any real threat. We'll just keep moving." The group headed off in the direction Izzy told them to go, mildly aware of a slight tug on their feet occasionally. 

"Emperor, the children have entered Sector 35. Shall I activate the program?" Wormon asked.
"By all means, Wormon. Don't keep our guests waiting!" the evil Emperor sat back in his throne as he watched the Digidestined walk through the sandy wastes. He watched T.K. and Davis, then Yolei and Cody. Last he let the screen focus on Kari. He watched her move gracefully, now her hair whipped gently in the desert wind. "Wormon…"
"Yes, my Lord?"
"There's been a change of plans. Cancel that lest program and switch control over to me." 
"As you say, Emperor."
The Emperor smiled as he typed a few commands, altering the data in Sector 35. It was all too easy for him. And soon he would have what he wanted.

Kari noticed the change immediately.
"Uhh, guys…..does it seem like it's harder to move all of a sudden?"
"Yeah, it does. I can hardly move!" said T.K. "Patamon, Biyomon, and Hawkmon, quick, get off the ground!" 
"I'm sorry, T.K.! We're stuck!" Patamon struggled to move. The properties of the sand changed until it was almost as hard as cement. Everyone was hopelessly stuck as they sank further into the hopeless situation. 
"Hey, Gatomon, great idea! Hey guys, this quicksand is perfectly safe! What could possibly go wrong? Man, what a great idea!" Davis yelled at the feline.
"Oh shut up!" yelled Gatomon, as she tried to keep her fur clean. 
T.K. saw that Kari was sinking faster than everybody else. "Kari, your sinking faster! Here, take my hand!" T.K. reached out to the young girl. "Just a little farther…." T.K. reached out to grab her hand. Kari's head started to disappear into the thick sand. 
"T.K.! Davis! Help me!" T.K. grasped her fingers, but the slimy sand just slipped through his fingers. He watched as she was dragged below the surface. 
"How could you let her go!" Davis shouted at T.K.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure I did it on purpose! What was that test you were taking tomorrow? One to see how much of an idiot you are?" T.K. yelled back. "I'd never let her go. She was a…good friend." T.K. spoke silently to himself. "She was like a sister to me." He tried to hold back the tears.
Davis wanted to say something, to apologize, but it was too late. All the kids and their digimon sank into the sand. The surface shifted after they were gone, covering the recent event. The sand seemed to dry suddenly, and moments later, small tornadoes blew across the area, leaving eerie, wavelike patterns on the surface.

Davis, T.K., Yolei, and Cody all woke up in the same room. It was dimly lit in a strange blue glow. They were immediately started to think of what happened to Kari. "Kari, are you here?" yelled T.K. "KARI!!! Come on! This isn't funny! Kari…." But T.K. knew she wasn't there.
"What's the matter, T.A.?" Davis mispronounced his name again, only this time on purpose. "You couldn't save her this time, could you? Maybe you should just let the real men handle it next time, O.K.?"
T.K. burst into rage and tears at the same time. "I've had enough of you!" T.K. jumped on Davis and easily pinned the other boy under him. "You'll just never believe that I'm not interested in Kari like that. The only reason she doesn't like you much lately isn't me! You just keep making an ass of yourself! I don't care what you do to yourself, but don't blame me for your problems." T.K. got to his feet and looked around. "Now let's just get out of here." Davis slowly got to his feet, looking a little lower than usual.

"Ha! Those fools! I could leave them alone in a room for a day or two and they'd probably just destroy themselves!" the Emperor chuckled. "It would save me some time, too!" He looked in at the small group through a large screen. "And the digimon, Wormon…have they been contained?"
"Yes, master. They have all been properly restrained, and presented no trouble, except for the cat. She is not a Rookie as we thought, but rather a Champion form. She is being subdued as we speak, though."
"Good. And the Digivices?
"I'm sorry master. We were unable to retrieve them due to the sand. We ran into complications, and they were presumably lost in the sand."
"No matter. I doubt that they will be going anywhere. Well, not alive, that is…" The Emperor smiled. "And Wormon…is the girl I requested separated from the others? She will be the first to go."
"Yes, Emperor. She is still unconscious, however. The experience was a little much for her."
"She hasn't seen anything yet…" The Emperor rose from his obsidian throne, his dark cape obscuring him as he melted in to the shadows.

Kari shivered in the cold, empty room as she tried to fight the darkness that threatened to overtake everything. By what she could gather, she was in a large room, completely dark, and with no way of getting out. She had lost her digivice. She was also alone. She tried crying out for her friends until she couldn't anymore, and still nobody came. Not even Gatomon. Kari always tried to keep up her spirits, but she slowly felt herself slumping to the ground as she lost what hope remained. She felt as though she had been imprisoned forever, but in reality only a day had passed. She fell into a dreamless sleep.
As Kari awoke, she licked her parched lips as she gathered in her surroundings. The room was better lit now. She felt hands cradle her head from behind, startling her at first, but then reassuring as they gently lifted her head up to a glass of water. She drank briefly to quench her thirst. "T.K.? Davis? I knew that you'd rescue me! It's just a good thing that the Digimon Emperor didn't capture you too!" Kari said, feeling safe in her rescuers' arms. 
Ken leaned in close to the young girl's ear, and whispered to her. "I'm afraid your friends were captured, Kari. But I'm afraid it gets worse than that…"
Kari immediately snapped to attention. She lashed out at the Emperor, but he only laughed as he seemed to disappear into the shadows. "Foolish girl! You still don't realize who you're up against! But soon you will. Everyone will realize the true power of the Digimon Emperor!"
"Don't you ever shut up!?" 
"Well, rebellious to the last, aren't you Kari? I would expect nothing less from the digidestined that holds the crest of Light. I knew that you would be the most difficult to destroy. That's why I have something special planned for you…" the evil Emperor sneered at the girl. "Wormon, please show our guest the surprise I have for her!"
A panel opened in the wall nearby, and white light streamed in through the cracks. Kari squinted into the light, and could make out a form hanging weakly from the wall, shackled securely to the stony surface. It was Gatomon, but she hung unconscious, her eyes closed. Kari gasped as she saw the cruel injuries inflicted on the feline digimon. Blood spattered her white coat, and still more streamed from Gatomon's mouth. She was covered with large bruises, and her tail, which normally stood proudly in the air, was bent and broken. Gatomon no longer was armed with her claws, and now resembled an ordinary cat more than ever. Kari began sobbing. 
"Now, now, Kari. Don't you like her this way? She certainly is a lot less troublesome! But not very entertaining. Let's see what we can do about that, shall we? Gaurds!" Several large Redvegimon came at Gatomon from the sides of the other room. They lashed out at Gatomon's lifeless form with their barbed tentacles. The digimon snapped awake at the sudden pain, squinting to try to deaden all the sensations she was feeling. Gatomon looked out into the room and saw Kari there. "Kari!" she shouted weakly. 
"That's enough!" yelled the Emperor.
"Gatomon! What have they done to you?" Kari whimpered quietly, tears streaming down her face. She looked at the Emperor. "You bastard! I'm going to get you for this!"
"So she does have a wicked side after all. My, my, Kari, such wicked words. And especially coming from someone who is in no position to back them up! Well, that's OK, because bad girls are always more fun!" Ken walked towards her menacingly.
"I swear, if you come closer, I'll make you sorry for ever hurting Gatomon!" Kari assumed a makeshift fighting stance she had picked up from watching Cody. 
"And what are you going to do? Fight me? Well, as much as that frightens me I suggest you reconsider, or my lackeys over there are going to give your little kitty cat a few more lessons in humility…" Ken stood right next to Kari now, and started admiring the young girl. The feeling of his dominance over her was pushing him way over the edge.
Kari fell to her knees before the Emperor. She stared down at the cold stone floor, her rage barely contained. She knew she had to resist the urge to just grab the evil Emperor, and twist his head until it snapped. She had to do it for Gatomon. "What do you want?" she asked through clenched teeth.
"You want to know what I want?" the Emperor raised his voice. " I wanted all of you to just leave things alone as soon as you got here! The Digital World is mine, and I'm not going to let a bunch of….children take it from me!" he slapped Kari with the back of his hand. Her head jerked suddenly to the side from the blow, but Kari immediately shook it off and glared directly into Kan's dead blue eyes. "You'll always just be a child, too, no matter how tough you act and how many people you push around, you're just kidding yourself. You're just a kid like us!" 
Ken's eyes burned with rage. "I'm nothing like you! People of the world are lazy, and stupid, content with their meaningless lives. You digidestined may be amusing, but you will never be my better. I will destroy all of you, one by one, and rule this world unopposed!"
Kari still was staring at Ken. "You're one sick monkey."
"Hahaha, a sense of humor to the last! This is going to be more fun than expected." Ken looked down at Kari, staring defiantly up at him. It would be a pleasure to break her spirits. "Get up, Kari." The girl rose to her feet. Ken reached out his hand and ran it through her hair. "It's a pity that such beauty was wasted on a such a foolish girl." Kari shuddered under his touch. Ken moved his gloved hand down her face and caressed her neck, eventually reaching the neck of her pink shirt. Ken reached down and traced a finger down to Kari's hardening nipple. Kari tried to twist away from his grip, but Ken looked at her with a sly look and waved his finger back and forth, motioning at Gatomon. Immediately the two guards wrapped their tentacles around her, one on her neck and another around body. They constricted around the feline, causing an immediate look of distress as Gatomon struggled to breathe. Kari stopped struggling, choking back tears for her friend. "That's better. We wouldn't want anything to happen to your friend, now would we?" Ken laughed a bit as he resumed exploring the trembling girl's body.
Ken let his hand cup Kari's breast, massaging it through the thin fabric. She instinctively tried to back away, but his other hand gripped her neck and held her firmly. Kari tried to look away from him, but Ken moved his free hand up to the back of her head, forcing her to look him in the face. He loved the defeated look in her eyes, the way that he could tell she hated him as much as she could hat anything right now. He leaned forward and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth, and forcing her to accept it. Kari just closed her eyes and tried to hold herself together. Ken broke the kiss, and smiled at Kari. "Not bad." 
Kari was wiping her face with her sleeve, trying to get rid of the taste of Ken. Meanwhile, he had inched one hand up under her shirt and was rubbing her breast, pinching her nipple carefully between his fingers. She gasped a little, and then stopped struggling. Ken smiled and then produced a short, narrow blade from his belt, holding it in front of Kari's face, trying to judge the fear she would show. She still looked defiantly at him, oblivious to the blade and what Ken might do to her. Ken just got more annoyed at this. Humiliating this young girl wasn't going as well as he had hoped, and she was supposed to be the weakest of the group. 'This doesn't change anything.' Thought Ken. 'I'll just have to try a little harder!' 
Ken jabbed at Kari's stomach with the dagger, causing the girl to gasp as the cold steel touched her smooth skin. Ken ran the blade up her chest, neatly cutting the pink material and the girl's training bra off in one quick motion. Kari grabbed at the cut garments, trying not to let them fall. "Come on Kari, you know what will happen if you give me any trouble…" Ken quickly glanced over at Gatomon. "So lets be a good girl and put those hands at your sides." Kari slowly did as she was told, letting the cut clothes slide off her young body. Ken smiled at the cuteness of the girl, her soft, skin meeting her slightly mounded breasts. He flicked a glove off one hand and ran a finger up from her waist to her nipple, savoring the feel of her. Kari could do nothing but stand there with her hands at her sides, trying to act bravely, trying to fight off the Emperor. Ken got on his knees and reached out to kiss her young chest, tasting every inch of her breasts. He alternated sucking on one nipple, then the other, causing Kari to squirm. Kari inadvertently let out a short moan. Ken looked up from his work, surprised. "What was that Kari? Are you enjoying this? Would you like me to go farther?" he asked.
"No. I'd like you to take that dagger and shove it through your chest." Kari shouted at him. 
"Well, I could think of other uses for it." The Emperor picked up the dagger once more and ran it down to Kari's khaki shorts. He pushed the point in a bit at the girl's waist, causing her to draw in her breath, seeking relief from the blade. Ken quickly slashed down, cutting the waistband of the pants. Grabbing a hold of either side, he slowly ripped the pants off of Kari, revealing a cute pair of Staryu panties. (Hey, it's Japan) The girl only wore her pink gloves, shoes, and panties now. Ken felt his member hardening as he looked at the little girls panties closing covering Kari's womanhood. He could clearly see her tight slit through the thin material. He ran the dagger along her crotch, the cold steel making Kari gasp. Ken carefully cut through the crotch of the undergarment, then cut it completely away. He didn't want to hurt Kari. Well, not yet, at least, he thought.
Kari instinctively tried to cover up her naked body, but Ken brandished the dagger and he thought better of it. She covered up her young breasts, and clenched her legs together, trying to forget about her predicament. "Now Kari, that just won't do!" Ken poked her right thigh causing her to open her legs suddenly. Ken grasped one of her smooth thighs in each hand, savoring the sight of her hairless pussy. He leaned down, burying his head in Kari's crotch, and started eating her out. Kari tried to resist her urges and still fight the Emperor, but neither T.K. or Davis ever had done this for her, and she was feeling things she never felt before. She started wriggling under Ken's treatment, and Ken could taste her nectar begin flowing from her. He plunged his tongue in deeper, knowing that she would soon cum. Kari shut her eyes tightly and arched her back on the cold stone floor, shooting her liquid in 4 strong jets onto Ken's face. She lay back and started sobbing; she was so ashamed she had cum. It was like she betrayed T.K. and Davis. 
"My, my Kari, I never knew you'd be this good!" Ken commented as he wiped her cum from his face with his gloved hand. "I almost feel sorry that I'm going to have to destroy you later." Ken got to his feet in front of the girl. Kari had curled up slightly, and was still sobbing quietly. Ken started to unbuckle his belt. "But first I have some business to attend to." He chuckled to himself. 
Ken leaned down to flip Kari onto her back and pin her arms. Kari wasn't putting up much of a fight anymore, but as soon as she saw Ken's 6 inch cock, she started struggling against him. Ken forced her to the ground hard. "Now listen up Kari. I told you I was better than you. I'm not just some kid to be trifled with. I'm more clever, smarter, and more powerful than all of you and your pathetic digimon. Never forget that." Ken lined up his member with her wet pussy, and drove all 6 inches into the girl at once. Kari cried out as she felt herself being violated by the Emperor. She had had sex many times before, so it wasn't physically painful, but it was a different kind of pain.
"Ha, I knew you wouldn't be a virgin! Who was it, Kari? T.K.? Davis? Or maybe you slept with your own brother, you little slut!" Ken increased his pace. He had kidnapped girls and brought them to the Digital World before. No one could ever find them there, and they were forced to become his slaves. But this was a different sensation, a feeling of power he had never felt before. He felt his orgasm coming quickly.
Kari was getting no pleasure at all from Ken. She tried to blot out his constant humping, shaking her whole body and pounding her young cunt. She desperately looked for a way out, struggling against the strong hand of the Emperor. She looked around desperately, then saw light shine off an object near her clothes. Her digivice! It must have fallen out of her pocket in the sand, and gotten stuck in her shirt. If she could only reach it…
Ken could feel Kari pussy tighten as she tried to keep him from entering her, but it only increased his pleasure. He drove deep into her, feeling her smooth walls grip his shaft. He shuddered as he shot his cum deep into her, flooding the back of her womb with his hot seed. He held his dick in her until is softened, and then pulled out, letting a small trickle flow out of her hole and onto the floor. Kari was disgusted as she felt the warm liquid fill her. She had to think about getting out of there. She pretended to be crying as she slowly inched towards her shredded clothes. 
Ken got up to put his pants back on, and slowly started to buckle his belt with his back to Kari. "You digidestined are so pathetic. You're slaves of your emotions. To survive in this world, you have to not feel anything. Will abmit out time together was fun, Kari. But now it's time for you to go…" Ken grasped the knife and turned to the girl. 
Kari held her digivice out at him, light shining off it and hitting Ken in the face. "No, Emperor. It's time for you to go! Gatomon, are you ready?" 
Gatomon drew in new strength from the digivice as she started to digivolve. She snapped her bonds easily, sending the Redvegimon scattering. GATOMON DIGIVOLVE TO….NEFERTIMON! 
In the confusion Kari jumped the Emperor, and much to his dismay, kneed him right in the family jewels. He dropped the dagger, and doubled over in pain. Kari just stared at him, her hatred growing every minute for him. She saw the knife and how helpless he was. She could just take it and….no, she wouldn't. She would never become what he was. "Nefertimon, let's go save the others! We need to get out of here soon, before the Emperor comes to." 
Nefertimon looked at the crippled form on the ground. "I don't think he'll be coming out of that anytime soon." Nefertimon wrapped her wings around Kari's nude body, keeping her warm as she bounded down the hall, her feline speed carrying her. "Kari, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I should have done something."
"Don't worry about it, Nefertimon." Kari snuggled into the warm body of her digimon. "This time we both weren't there for each other. Let's never let it happen again."


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