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Bondage queens. - Printable Version

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RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 06-16-2011

Silvia backed away a step but didnt move from there. "I-I dont know what your talking about! Im them mistress here, there is no other!" She lied. She wasnt terrible at what she called 'the face game', she was quite and apt liar when she needed to be. Still, she was frightened of this huge dragoness, and that may have made her feel unconvincing. "Slave, go back to your room." she ordered, her eyes never leaving the dragoness.

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 06-16-2011

The dragoness growled, clearly frustrated, "Alright, let me try this again," Her tail lashed out and struck the ground near Kitt as the feline was getting up, causing her to yip and jump away as a large crack was left on the floor, "I know you aren't the mistress here, maybe her's," she motioned towards Kitt, "But not the top mistress. Where. Is. Mindy." she said, spitting out the name like it was a swear.

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 06-16-2011

"Sh-She moved! I own this house now!" Silvia lied again, trying desperately to hold up her facade. "She doesnt call here anymore, if you want to find her y-you are going to have to look somewhere e-else!" She backed away, hoping to lead her out of the room. "I-I will call the police! You are trespassing on private property!"

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 06-16-2011

"Private property? You mean the property she stole from my mother!?" The dragoness growled as she stomped closer towards Silvia, "I know she still comes here, you tell her, Onyxia wants to talk to her. Understand? I expect to hear from her soon." she growled again as she turned to leave, stopping at the door, "Next time, she'd better be home." she warned before leaving, slamming the door behind her with her tail.

Kitt slowly crawled towards Silvia, her tail wrapping around her mistress as she licked at her cheek slightly, trying to calm down her mistress and herself.

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 06-16-2011

Silvia released a sigh she had been holding the moment the Dragoness left. She hugged Kitt tightly as she licked her face and held her for a few moments before ordering her to lock all the doors and windows. Once that was done, she would sit down and rub her head. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...Did the mistress leave a contact number?"

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 06-17-2011

Kitt quickly obeyed and made sure the house was securely locked down, immediately returning to her mistress when she was done, trying to comfort her, "She, I think the number she called on is still on the phone. We could try that," She smiled up at Silvia, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt my mistress. Next time I won't be taken by surprise like that." she promised, though she was better at hiding her fear than Silvia was it was clear the dragoness had left a impression on her as her tail remained coiled tightly around the two of them.

RE: Bondage queens. - CaseyChimera - 06-18-2011

The outburst didn't faze Ximena. She knew Yumi still had hatred for being a slave and feared about getting the same treatment as with Mindy. "Never your choice. What ever happened to 'Look at my choices'." She softly whispered. "Still, I know how you feel. There are times that being a slave can be hell on earth. I was kept in a breeding center for six long years with the last few months pregnant. I was also branded as lowest of the low, hence the omega sign. By some miracle, I was able to escape and ran into Azula.

"However, even then I fought fang and claw with everything I had when she took me in, she never once harmed me. That includes the time we spent in here. All she did was weave, dodge, block, and finally pin me to the ground. Reluctantly, I acknowledged her authority over me, but that still stop me from not trusting her. It wasn't till one month later until I realized she is the real deal. Even her unorthodox punishments didn't seem as horrible as they sounded. Over time, I became her slave, pet, friend, and finally lover. We weren't on different sides of the spectrum anymore, we were equals. If it wasn't for her untimely heartattack, I would still be with her."

Ximena gave a sigh. "Little Snow White, that is what I'm offering you. A better life than one one you lived before as a slave. Yes, you'll still be considered one, but only in title. My word is final, but it won't be anything too extreme. I hope I can treat you as well as Azula did me, and as well as I treated Lilith before. Now, will you please say those two little words, so we can know each other better. If you still refuse, then I'll put the final act to the Lazerine Strategy into effect. When this accures, one, two, or both worse case scenarios will happen. So, what is it going to be?"

OOC: So, it looks like we are going to have a clash of the mistresses soon. Sweet!