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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Printable Version

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RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - DrakeZero - 06-28-2010

Kou shrugged, he didn't imagine himself to be on a sort of investigate team when he left his home, but it was better then shooting hoops or staying at home.

'Whatever you say boss." he said with sarcastic in his voice as stood near the door waiting for Kaido to open the door.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Crimson Fox - 06-28-2010

Ayami nodded, staying close to the group while keeping a firm eye on the door. "Okay. We have your backs."

Shirou groaned, getting annoyed with Kaido calling so many of the shots, but he did have to admit that it was nice having some muscle in this case. "Fine, just be careful in there."

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Kurtz - 06-28-2010

Standing beside Ayami and Myojin, Samui paused. Behind the door could be all their answers, or just another dead end, he wouldn't be able to tell unless they opened the door. At the time, he didn't want to make any enemies, so he stood back with the two girls, thinking quietly to himself. So let's see what's behind door number one, huh. He thought, before then turning to the two girls. "You two alright?"

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Masquerade - 06-29-2010

Hakatsu wondered who would be in the computer lab at this time. Could it actually be the culprit behind the brutal murder? Well, if it was, he would be outnumbered, so Hakatsu didn't worry about it. He just remained silent. Who cares who called the shots? Who said anyone had to listen? Of course, everyone did listen, although reluctantly, for it was better to cooperate at a time as grave as this. Besides, Hakatsu doubted that anyone here wanted to spend the night at this accursed school. So far, this was turning out to be a rather horrible day, though he did admit that it was pretty exciting compared to other days. He wasn't scared of the murder or of whoever could be in the room they were about to burst into. It would make for a great conversation starter. Oh yeah. I remember that time I got locked in the school with some other students, came across a brutal murder scene, and burst into the computer lab to be met by only the gods know what. Hakatsu prepared himself physically and mentally for whatever lied ahead.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Yoosei - 06-29-2010

Myojin looked up at Samui and nodded while murmuring just loud enough for him to hear. "Yes I'm alright" She didn't want to admit she was scared by all of that but it was hard not to notice either since her legs were shivering.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Soma Cruz - 06-30-2010

Hei recognized the most famous delinquent in the school "Ok, let's do it" He nodded, his muscles tensed as he approached the door, "As the senpai here I've got to protect my juniors" he said forcing a smile on his face trying to appear reassuring "I'm ready Ikazuchi" this ain't gonna be easy. The killer is strong, not just everybody can kill someone like that

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Sacchi - 06-30-2010

Who the hell does he think he is? Ordering us around like that...But I suppose it's good to actually have some muscles in the team, if the killer could do something like that, he should be strong. Sacchi Sighs Well, whatever happens in there, I got their backs... Sacchi puts his hand on his pocket, ready to draw his faithful magnum if nescessary. Come on killer, we are more than ready for you...

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Mute Point - 06-30-2010

Hoshi nodded slightly and stood a little away from the door. While she could be very useful in coming up with some kind of plan, she would be the first to admit that she wouldn't be a very good leader, and was just as happy letting someone else take over. She did however take her bag down from her shoulder, and grip the handle tightly. As heavy as it was from the number of books she always carried, it could be a very useful improvised weapon if she needed it. She opened her mouth, about to tell them to be careful, but realizing that chasing after a serial killer while trapped inside the building with them was the exact opposite of careful, so instead she whispered "Good luck..."

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Shadowknight - 06-30-2010

Hori stood back with the others, standing in a direct line with the door, if anyone got past the initial he wanted to make sure they didn't get far, "Alright, let's get this over with."

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - DragonMasterX - 07-01-2010

"GO!" Kaido shouted as he kicked the door open, expecting to startle whoever was inside, allowing for Kou and Soma to rush in with an ambushing advantage and would run inside after both to assist them.

Inside however, there wasn't anything out of the world. It was quite dark in fact, the lights appeared to be out, yet, there was a single computer monitor on, even if the power of the room wasn't on. The screen was flashing a hue of blue with a message typed in a typical BSOD; it wasn't just any coding though.

Kaido was the one to stand in front of the screen and read the message out loud: "Gotcha."

"What the heck...?"