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Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Printable Version

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RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Shadowknight - 11-04-2009

couple more from me.


Prototype: This is a prime example of why people need to give new licenses a try, I absolutely love this game. I'll admit the main character is kinda forgettable at first but the amazing part is that you don't get a story right from the beginning, kinda like in bioshock you're just thrown into this world and you discover the story as you go. Best part is that's it isn't simple missions and then people tell you something, you actually have to hunt people down and 'consume' them in order to fill the web of intrique which is basically the story. Plus the controls are just fun, I spend tons of time just running around the city, not doing any missions or looking for anything, just running around.


Final fantasy 2: Ever played a survival horror game without guns? No. Ever play a driving game without cars? No. Ever play an RPG without levels? Well that's what final fantasy 2 is, it's an RPG without experience or levels, the way you get stronger is insane. The more damage you take the more likely you're HP will increase, more you attack more strength, more you use magic more MP, etc, etc. Only reason I still own this game is because it's attached to FF1, otherwise I don't think anyone would own it. And the retarded thing is even if you do the right thing you might not get the stat increases, so you can spend the whole fight being a giant punching bag for the enemy and get nothing for it.

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Crimson Fox - 11-06-2009

Okay, round 2.


Dragon Warrior III: This game is quite possibly the greatest of all the 8-bit RPGs (or at least matches up closely to FF1). This was a surprise to me because I found the first Dragon Warrior to largely be a boring grind fest. While there is some leveling that has to be done in this game, I didn't find it nearly as bad. It also offers more job classes than FF1, is one of the first games to have a night and day mechanic, and offers two worlds to explore with plenty of secrets in between.

EarthBound: I found out about this game like most people from Ness's inclusion in the Super Smash Bros. games. It's truly an awesome experience and RPG that does something few video games do, parody. With its wacky humor, memorable enemies, and spectacular end boss, I highly recommend it to everyone.


Final Fantasy III DS: When this came out, I had played all of the other FF games. I loved many of them like 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 and didn't quite like the others so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I expected more than I what I got though. The 3-D graphics and music are fine enough, but I found the job system irritating. I can safely say that they handled it a lot better in FF5. Besides the fact that equipment for each job is sold unevenly across stores, if you want to switch jobs, you have to undergo a certain amount of battles with reduced stats. And then there's the story which is just boring and unmemorable just like the characters. I realize it's a remake of an NES game, but come on. FF1 gave us Garland and the four Fiends. FF3 continued the tradition of naming a character after Cid from FF2, but that's about it. All in all, pass on this one.

Twisted Metal 3: I was young and foolish back in the day. After playing the awesomeness that was Twisted Metal 2, I assumed it's sequel would be awesome. This game fails in just about every regard compared to its older brother. The graphics look better, but that's about the only upside. The music is unmemorable, the enemies are really cheap when it comes to grabbing health, and the level design is terrible (especially Washington D.C. which is basically a big rectangle). Oh, and then there's the physics. I think they were trying to make them more realistic for the cars, but it just ends up making the controls feel awkward compared to TW2. Avoid this game at all costs, it is an embarrassment to an otherwise wonderful franchise.

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - DragonMasterX - 11-06-2009

I hate FF III DS. I dislike having to exceedingly grind to fight insanely hard bosses. I like it more when you at least can guarantee leveling up without any tedious side-effects nor prolonged battles!

Oh, another awshm game I realized I played after buying it and found it was god-like:

Legend of Legaia, Play Station. Imagine your world depends on a bunch of creatures that help you by attaching to your body and granting you super-human abilities. Comfortable and awesome. One day, however, a strange mist starts spreading out everywhere, and all of a sudden, the most dependable things in the world became the worst nightmare of humanity by turning everybody who wears a Seru into a mindless zombie. Only the three chosen ones with anti-mist Serus, the Ra-Seru, can fight back the threat and discover the truth behind the Mist.

Sure, sounds pretty basic, the character animations while in the field are actually pretty lame, but when you turn the things over to the plot of the game and the battle system... It all becomes pretty different. You're playing Tekken with people that can control elements and abuse martial arts' visual sweetness to bring ever lasting joy everytime you get to hear "HISATSU!", the simply magnificient japanese voice acting full of that spunk which makes half-baked US dubs laughable! Other than that, ever feel irritated how your RPG characters' apparience hardly changed even though you were equipping finely described gear you took time and effort to acquire? Legend of Legaia shows even more graphic promise by giving every character their own sets of armor types, dressing their default getups with different pieces of armor you collect around in the game.

Legend of Legaia is a LONG game, but it doesn't require you to brutalize yourself grinding for hours just to be able to scratch a boss. Getting used to the Magic System and the Art Combat, all there is to it is to dish out more and more increasingly amounts of insane damage! Plus the more you advance into the game, the plot starts turning from a basic story of a troubled kingdom, to a much, much bigger thing including all those lovely plot twists you instantly hate and then love.

LoL. (<- Intentional) Seriously. Play it! :3

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Shadowknight - 11-06-2009

I do, love the game. Chaining together ridiculously long attacks is fun as hell. And Noa is hot. Plus, TORNADO FLAME!

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - DragonMasterX - 11-06-2009

NO! BUUUUUURNINGEEE... FLAREAAAAAAA! *Insides of someone burn up and explode*

I think I over-did that. Oh well, nobody's going to miss their liver. Or lungs. Or heart. Well, maybe they'll miss their liver.

By the way, I'm extremely disappointed at how, no matter if Noa was the sexiest chick in the game or not, Gala and Vahn weren't given exclusive, new finishing blows for their Miracle Arts. I mean, Vahn and Gala finish with their level one Hyper Arts, and Noa has Jurassic Bite D: Not fair!

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Shadowknight - 11-06-2009

Probably because Vahn and Gala are stronger and do more damage so they just gave Noa a bunch of moves to compensate. I love watching her wail on whatever helpless opponent is on the recieving end of her miracle arts. You ever play Legaia 2? The mystic arts in that one are pretty sweet.

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - DragonMasterX - 11-07-2009

As a matter of fact, I beat it yesterday.

I also learned how to measure bust sizes in inches thanks to that game, two days ago.

And to be honest, Lang's US dub sucks, he sounds like a power ranger. Maya seems like she has an indenfinite cough every time she talks. Sharon sounds like a nasal bitch, although that's probably well-intentioned and well, I never really played Ayne in the whole game, except when I needed to push things around. Kazan's voice actor is the only good one, plus it was fun hearing him say: "Next." each time a foe would fall! But Lang saying: "We can't afford... *Pause* To lose." It's like they really had to put effort into training the guy and failed miserably at it.

On the plus side, this was another sweet plot, although much more predictable than Legend of Legaia. You know from the beggining after hearing this one guy has the Supreme Origin that he's gonna go god-mode or something until you smash him down to bits. Not exactly something thrilling to grasp on while playing, but definately cool in the end. Also, I loved the extensive variety of items and the Combining system, the Cooking system was fun too. Mystic Arts are obviously overpowered and cool, but their requirements were bogus. 100 AP, 100 MP 50% HP. That's just excessive. It coulda been done without having to be under 50% HP.

I'm a bit sad to admit I only unlocked one Variable Art, too. The one the game gives you with Kazan and Lang. But I never found out how to unlock the other ones. o.รด

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Shadowknight - 11-07-2009

LRDULR is Maya's closing art, can't remember it's name but I just call it the kamehameha, it's what it looks like. And yeah the requirements were a little extreme but the attacks are awesome and powerful as hell, activate double power or something on Kazan and use his Mystic and he'll pound a boss for like 100K damage.

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - DragonMasterX - 11-07-2009

Lang did about 170-180k with Flaming Sword to the Infinite Being. Though I think by then he had Gospel from Maya and I'm sure he had Art Attack Up equipped.

Oh, another thing I remember about the voice acting: Sleeping Dragon.

Oh, my, god. What the heck? "Sleeping... Dra... GAAAAAAN!" <- That's completely gay, the way he says it he sounds like he's crying.

RE: Biggest surprise/dissapointment. - Shadowknight - 11-07-2009

Yeah Lang made my ears bleed. Kazan I liked, *Kills an enemy* Hahaha, you made me thirsty, *Takes a swig*