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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Printable Version

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RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Kurtz - 05-17-2010

(First Floor: Halls)

Throughout the commotion and rumours of the Phantom, Samui observed the scene quietly and thought to himself about it. He puzzled himself on where the origins of the rumour could possibly have come from, while doubting it's validity. Afterall, rumours were rumours - spread by tongue and sometimes deceitful. Though he couldn't help but chuckle lightly to Kaido's involvement as always - rueful and childish. He ruffled back his jet black hair for a moment from it's slightly untidy position before then shifting over to him, chuckling dryly and patting him on the shoulder. "Hey, Kaido-san, still loving to stir things up?" He asked with a small grin.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - DrakeZero - 05-17-2010

"Now what's this rumor about some ghost?" Kou spoke smiling as he looked at Daisy and Yui. "I imagine two beautiful looking girls like you wouldn't fall for some story that scares freshmens right? Oh pardon me. My name is Kou. I'm a new transfer student from 3-A class."

He bowed slightly smiling at the two ladies. "Might I inquire as your names are?"

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Masquerade - 05-17-2010

Name: Hakatsu Inugawa

Age: 16

Gender: Male.

Physical Description: His skin is a very fair white and his shoulder-length hair is the color of snow. His eyes are a crystalline blue, only further complimenting his icy gaze. He's about 5' 8" tall even and is very slim, light, and agile. His school uniform is different from the others in the way that the color scheme is white and blue instead of the grey standard, making him stand out in a crowd of his peers. His jacket is pure white and the shirt underneath is finely sewn and a cerulean blue in color. His shoes are fancy and are the only really dark color in his wardrobe, seeing as how they are a lusterous black. No matter where he goes, he always has his violin with him in its case on a strap that he wears around his shoulder.

Psychological Description: The coolest of the cool. Though sometimes his personality comes off as cold and makes him seem to have an attitude, people who know him well enough know different. He has a kind heart, and those who happen to become friends with him know that the light that shines from within him can guide many through the problems they are facing. He's a great person to talk to, in other words, but one has to manage to rip off his facade of indifference in order to get to know him. When not around friends, he is uncomfortable around people, but doesn't let it show. He constantly wears a mask of disinterest complete with a perpetual frown and icy stare. Surprisingly, when he does happen to make a new friend, he gets really excited, yet doesn't let it show. He's an expert of hiding his emotions and keeping them a secret from everyone. That typically causes him to have a mysterious appeal about him.

Arcana: Moon.

Weaponry of Choice: Violin.

(C.D. High: Class 2-C)

The bell had rung, yet Hakatsu did not move an inch. He merely remained in his seat, gazing out the window at the horrid weather. Somehow, he received much satisfaction from the rain; it was soothing and the soul could seek freezing solace in it. It almost made his heart shiver in delight. The iciness in his gaze never faltered as some thunder crashed in the sky above. It was nothing but sound; it could not frighten him. Others remained in the classroom, too, for they were not eager to go out in the bad weather. In the hallway, he could clearly hear many yelling loudly about Phantom and the mysterious murders that had been wreaking havoc on the small town for a while now.


That single word caught Hakatsu's interest more than anything. He wasn't like those idiots who swarmed over the topic and performed imaginary research to manufacture rumors to keep their classmates on edge. It was as if a killer on the loose targeting high school students wasn't enough. People were terrified. How could anyone laugh about such a thing? Or get cheap thrills from it? He shook his head and started to put his stuff back into his school bag. The truth. Oh, what an evasive concept. Where was it hiding in this town? This school? These rumors? The bad weather? It had to be somewhere. Was anyone even looking for it? The cops. Yes, the cops. They were on the case. Yet, it has been so long and they have failed time and time again. Hakatsu sighed. Perhaps it would take a bright and revolutionary mind to dispel the veil of deceit that lay so gently over the community? If so, then he would be up to the task.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Shadowknight - 05-17-2010

Hori stood up from his desk as soon the bell rang, grabbing his back and chucking it over his shoulder as he pulled a set of headphones up, close enough to his ears to hear the music but off enough that he was still able to hear if someone started talking to him or if there was some other noise that would require his attention.

He glanced over at the group of students, picking up small bits of their conversations. Absurd superstitions and wild speculation. A few mysterious deaths and suddenly there's some magical ghost assassin. she shook his head a bit, How do they come up with these things? he wondered, stopping despite himself to listen a bit more, slightly curious about the random ideas others had.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Crimson Fox - 05-17-2010

(2nd Floor Halls)

The door to classroom 2-A opened up, revealing a red haired girl with some lovely green eyes. Ayami quietly walked out of the room and moved towards her locker. After switching out the books she needed in her backpack, she locked it up before noticing another Sophomore standing near her locker. Working up a little courage, the transfer student spoke up and told Myojin, "Hi there. Looking for someone?"

(1st Floor Halls)

Walking down the stairs, Shirou looked at the group of gossipers speaking about the phantom, the slightly gaunt man sneering as he joined the group. "Humph, a phantom? It's probably just some attention whore with a costume. What a load." As he started to walk away, he thought to himself, Stupid gossip. I ought to find this "phantom" so they don't have anything to talk about. He then coughed a bit, feeling his sickness pull at him a little before he regained his composure.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Mute Point - 05-17-2010

Name: Hoshi Nakamura
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Hoshi stands at five feet three inches tall and has a slender build. She has bright blue eyes, long brown hair, and very pale skin. 28 inch chest with C cup breasts, 27 inch waist, and a nice round ass. When not in her school uniform she tends toward loose fitting clothing that hides her figure, instead of showing it off like most have urged her to do on many occasions.
Psychological Description: In most situations Hoshi is quiet and reserved, hesitating to offer her opinion on anything outside of academics. In class however, she tends to be the first one with the answer to any but the most difficult questions. She would prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible, but when necessary, she would fight to the death to protect another.
Arcana: Strength (XII)
Weaponry of Choice: Books
Classroom 1-A

<1st floor hallway>

Hoshi had lingered a few moments after the last bell to put her books away. Which caused her to come out just at the end of the upperclassman's story about the Phantom. An internet ghost mercenary..? Who in their right mind would believe that? she thought as she listened intently.

Apparently more than I thought... she shrugged and walked away from the group. "There has to be a logical explaination for the murders.." she muttered to herself, not expecting a response, but as she was passing by another student she could easily have been overheard.

((Hori was the student I'm talking about, but others could overhear as well))

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - DragonMasterX - 05-17-2010

Kaido Ikazuchi had kept his gaze fixed on the story-telling senior, the sophomore not having a pleased look on his face. It was enough to make most of the people around him step away as it was like staring at a dangerous volcano spewing sparks, about to erupt anytime soon. His right hand flew to his left shoulder as it was tapped, seizing Samui by his wrist and violently tugging him towards his front. He briefly looked down to see who it was before he let go and continued listening to the senior, "I don't know what you're talking about," he simply said to the student, dismissive as always.

Yui grabbed Daisy's hands out of fear as she walked away from Kaido, as she whispered to her friend, "Ikazuchi-senpai gives me the creeps... Daisy, do you think we'll ever be safe from the Phantom?" she softly said, apparently engrossed as anybody else was with the story as she turned his attention to her friend, only to bump with someone else in the way. Someone was asking them if they believed the story, and from the looks of his uniform it was a senior, "Senpai! My apologies, uhm... we believe Phantom is real! It's like... we can't prove it, but the murders aren't happening at random, the murderer is targeting people here..." she whimpered, holding her arms together as she tried to keep her eyes away from Kou. She shook her head as during all the quick talk, plus the added nerves she got around upperclassmen, had made her forget to introduce herself, "Oh yes! My name's Yui Matsumoto, and she is..." Yui cranked her neck to Daisy, as if urging her to come out with it.

The rumor telling continued, the upper-classman taking a notepad out that seemed to be ready to hold a long list, "So, for all you believers and non-believers," he looked left and right with a small smirk, "We're going to make you an offer of a lifetime! Maybe two," he chuckled, briefly patting a pencil on his empty notepad, "What I have here is a note pad which I'll use to write down all the names of those who want the Phantom to spare them. My team and I will come at night and summon It, leave the list of everyone who wishes It to leave them alone and... the monetary tribute needed for him to hear us all. We don't want to be victims at night, do we?" he creepily smiled.

Kaido had had about enough of this abusive student's games. He pushed people off his way almost violently, got to the center of the circle and pulled the senior with the notepad off-ground by the collar of his uniform with both hands. Kaido wasn't much taller than the senior but he was definately physically stronger.

"Ah! Kaido, what the hell are you trying to do?!" The senior panicked, his notepad and pencil having slid down to the ground, the tip of his shoes hovering mere inches from the floor, "Let go, man! This isn't about you!"

"What's your excuse, chump?" Kaido retorted, "You scare everyone into giving you their money so you can go back home happy; everyone believes you and then what? Murders aren't stopped by giving money to another filthy scumbag. I shouldn't let you live for this!" he snapped, his pupils shrinking as he stared the very hell into his senior's eyes, a vein popping beneath his head. Surprised gasps and whispers started to be heard about Kaido after his claim; he had always been known to be short tempered and never really was known for applying a low profile in C.D. High, but this time he seemed beyond pissed off. The senior would've been shaking in his boots if he had any on, Kaido was preparing to deck him in the face, when suddenly one of the teachers showed up. "Feh, I can't kill someone so pathetic, but I'll be sure to enjoy putting you in your place!"

"Fight!" was heard once.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the chorus followed. The circle began roaring as fists, mostly male, pumped in the air, inciting Kaido to finish the job.

Pushing past the circle of students that had formed, one of the school teachers for seniors appeared. Sighing as they saw Kaido holding someone up and ready to hit them, the teacher attempted to seize Ikazuchi by his arm. "You will stop right this instant!"

Kaido looked to his side, his stare could've made a fully grown hungry alligator turn around and run with its tail between its legs.

"Please?" the teacher added.

Giving a low grunt, but complying to the teacher, the sophomore let go of his senior, but returned his gaze at the boy, which made him fall to his butt and really start shaking. "Please! Don't hurt me...!" he sighed. The Fight chorus died down, and slowly, the circle began breaking apart. Some students left, but many remained around, most of them had their eyes fixed on the notepad.

Thanks to Kaido's interruption, nobody had heard about the list's real purpose, the amount of people who could sign it or how much someone would have to pay to be forgiven by the Phantom. Few weren't the ones considering to stay around to ask. Fear was still consuming them after the unsurmountable kinds of rumors the Phantom had manifested into. All of them lead to all but one thing: Death. Nobody wanted Death.

Kaido sighed and spat on the ground next to a dumped plastic glass next to a locker, he hunched over slightly and placed his hands on his pockets, ready to leave before the teacher would start lecturing him. Fortunately for him, the teacher had decided to stay and check up on the still stunned senior with the notepad. One of the senior's helpers had already taken the notepad and pencil, receiving questions left and right from a few onlookers. Names started to be written down, money collected.

Ikazuchi groaned a small insult to the teacher and then thought: "Idiots." As he slowly walked off to somewhere.

"KAIDO-SAMAAAAAA...!" Tomichika Udo ran up to follow after his idol, almost kicking dust with his legs, "SUPERB way of dealing with that trouble maker, sir! It was incredible, oh the fear in his eyes! I could almost sit down and write an entire novel about it!" his eyes began glowing behind his glasses, "OH YES! I'd name it..." he suddenly brought his arms up and formed a rectangle with his index and thumb fingers to proyect " "Justice in the School-Grounds!" End Quote!" " Tomichika giggled almost like a girl. A small gust of wind blowing by him as all his talk wasn't answered to.

Kaido had just disappered into the boy's restroom, several paces away from where Tomichika was standing at.

"AHHHHH!" The fanboy fell to his knees, holding by his head as he trashed left and right "Ignored agaaaaaaain!" he cried out with an awfully irritating and extremely treble voice.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Masquerade - 05-17-2010

Suddenly, there was a commotion downstairs that broke the serenity of the second floor. Hakatsu sighed unhappily. What in the world is going on down there? he thought, slightly irritated. He was enjoying the quiet of the classroom along with the gloomy scenery he was gazing at through the window. However, it wasn't long before the commotion seemed to die down. Good. I didn't have to get up. A boy ran into the class and rushed right over to Hakatsu.

"Hey! Are you nuts or something?!" he exclaimed, his face slightly dripping with sweat and his hair a mess. "You missed a fight!"

Hakatsu scoffed at the boy. "Natazuki-san, I would appreciate you not shouting at me," he replied coldly and stared into Natazuki's eyes. "It's just a primitive clash between to idiotic barbarians. I do not need to know, nor do I care to know what it was about." His attention turned back to the window. It was meant to end the conversation, but the kid refused to let down.

"It was about Phantom," Natazuki stated simply, hoping to catch Hakatsu's attention. He did.

"Phantom, you say?" Hakatsu asked, curiosity creeping in with his standard grimace. "I don't care about that illusion. The cops cannot find who did it, so people created Phantom to place the blame on. He isn't real."

Natazuki seemed crushed. "Y-yeah. You're right." With that, he turned around slowly and walked away. He wouldn't be bothering Hakatsu for a while, but Hakatsu knew he'd be back. But was the deal with this Phantom? How could something that didn't even exist cause this much chaos?

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - DrakeZero - 05-17-2010

Kou smiled and bowed once more. "Ah Yui, that's a very nice name, and please do not call me Senpai. I've never been one to like those titles the younger students always give me. Just calling me Kou is find." He glanced to Yui's friend, "And you must be a friend of Yui's Miss?"

Suddenly, Kou's attention was drawn away as a scuffle started between a senior and a sophomore. He watched with slight amusement as the terror filled the senior's eyes. Kou had seen him before in class, when he was awake, and his ideas about scamming the younger students over the phantom. It was rewarding to see that he was going to pay for it, but as soon as the teacher came in, Kou figured it would end and it did as the younger student let go of the senior and made his way to the washroom.

"Excuse me for a moment, Yui and uhm...Daisy was it? I will be sure to rectify my early departure from your gentle company soon." he winked and bowing once more as he walked to the washroom and by a seemingly crying fan. The boy seem to be busy whining about being ignored again to not notice Kou as he walked into the restroom and spotted the student. He waited a moment to see if he would notice the tattooed student, but after a few seconds, Kou decided to take the first step.

"Not bad, taking on a senior I mean." he smiled with his arms folded across his chest.

RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - Shadowknight - 05-17-2010

"Figures, anywhere there's a crisis there's someone ready to cash in on it." Hori noted at the end of the scuffle, "You're wasting your money, the murders aren't made by some supernatural entity, just some nutcase. Giving your money to these guys won't protect you from anything." he said as he walked past them, ready to head back to his dorm.