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Michael Jackson's This is it film - Printable Version

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Michael Jackson's This is it film - Lord Patamon - 11-13-2009

Like the title goes. Who did saw this awesome view of Michael's creative genius in action?

Not only that. It showed us the real Michael Jackson. One like we never knew. It did showed us how a good man he was. Never raising his voice at all when giving instructions. Letting musicians and dancers to have their time to shine and show what they can do. Showing his eternal worry about the environment and humanity with songs such like Earth Song, They Don't Really Care About US and Man in the Mirror, not to mention Beat it which between its rythm and bright dance movements also had a message about unnecesary violence represented with the fights between gangs to show which one is the best with the more macho men.

Indeed the world has been wrong about Michael Jackson in many ways. I'm just glad this film got released since it sure makes him a lot of justice in my opinion.

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Ryan - 11-13-2009

I will buy this movie and watch it. I wanna see the creative madness behind it all. Mwhahaha.

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Lord Patamon - 11-13-2009

Oh believe me I will buy it too, this one is a must have ^^

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Kurtz - 11-13-2009

And when I thought Smooth Criminal was the final pinnacle... HE ONE UPPED IT. I went to watch it in the cinema, and damn. Every new addition to a song, the actual "This Is It" song and Smooth Criminal- I really hope the CD has the new versions of the songs, including the Thriller update.

Although it's just the footage from that final, and few rehersals, it proved to us the Moonwalker still had it in him :P

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Lord Patamon - 11-13-2009

Damn right he still had it in him, there is no way you could think he was on his last days. They guy danced and sang in top shape, clear example is They Don't Really Care About US. Ever since he got in a circle with the dancers that will film that video that will make them look like if they were thousands dancing. Michael taught them the steps to make.

Really. It was such a shame he died.

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Ryan - 11-13-2009

Yeah. It happens though. All great things must come to an end at times. Basic law of life. lol

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Kurtz - 11-14-2009

The only shame is, for Smooth Criminal, the Anti-Gravity Lean sort of trademark was indicated (All of them walking off to a side for a moment), but never executed. Perhaps it was because they didn't have the clips in the floor to perform it, or it's just rehersals and that is only covered in the later rehersals. Plus, there wasn't much Moonwalking.

But when you think about it, he was damn fifty. And he was still able to sing song of his own songs when they were prime quite well, he knows his songs, he knows their rhythm, beat, every gap and chorus and break, the mood, the patterns... For a fifty year old, and to sing along with doing the dancing, that's one hell of a feat.

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Lord Patamon - 11-14-2009

Yeah, he really was in great shape. full of energy. Another amazing part was the Earth Song. When that tractor enters in the scenary was a great closing for that number, really awesome!

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-15-2009

I don't think i will go to see it, i think it's unfair to make money from someone's death...not that it's ever stopped anyone before. I enjoy Mr Jackson's music, but i'm not going out to buy every single bit of merchandise simply because his body's checked out.

Sorry if i've ruined the mood, but i really don't like it when someone brings out something like Beatles Rockband simply because another member's croaked...i wept for Heath Ledger, but only because he made me cry with laughter when i watched Dark Knight.

RE: Michael Jackson's This is it film - Lord Patamon - 11-15-2009

Hey it's okay man, everyone has their own thoughts and I really respect you for such thoughts you have on this matter :)

I went to watch it because when I saw the video on the news with the small part of They Don't Really Care About Us, I wanted to see all what he was planning for the concerts. By then I already had seen and know a lot about Michael thanks to the internet but yet I still didn't knew the real person Michael was in real life.

All those claims about that he abused of children were the most big bald lies I ever seen. Not to mention that the family who sued him on the second case already had a bad expedient with the police since the parents of the kids tried to use the kids to steal merchandise from a JCPenny (I think it was a JCPenny, I know it was one of those big chain dept stores) and even rehearsaled the kids on what they had to say at the court. Not to mention that the mother of the kids instead of going first to the police to press charges, she went first with an attorney, oddly enough the same one who managed to get Michael to give 20 Million to the father of the kid he supposedly abused from in the 90s. You know, the first child abuse case he got against him.

I know the film is giving Sony lots of money but at the same time it helped us to see that Michael wasn't like the media portrayed him. It is a real shame that we had to discover this now that he is dead.