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Fox Fire - Part 1: Target of Affection - Printable Version

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Fox Fire - Part 1: Target of Affection - Adym - 07-20-2010

Hey guys,

This is the first of my Three fic set, And I have a title for it before I start! So now I give you, the first part of the first story! Sit Back and Enjoy, Fox Fire!


Part 1 – Target of Affection

A steady breath out, the squeeze of a single finger, and the end of a life. Such was the job of Kitsune. She lay out on a roof top, a block from her target. The man was an influential movie star on the surface, saving the environment. But beneath the guise, he was an illegal slave fighter. He had purchased countless teenagers from the black market and forced them to fight others to the death.

She stared through the scope at the line of limousines, waiting for her target to step out of one. Suddenly, she saw the ears of the tiger she had been hired to kill. He stood, his trophy girlfriend wrapped around his arm, and began to walk down the red carpet. She had been given a specific time to murder him. He was the star of a new action movie, in which one of the main scenes featured his character forming a play gun with his hand and bringing his thumb down. This was the timing that her client wanted.

She slowed her breathing as the paparazzi approached him; she knew her timing had to be precise. Training the crosshairs on his head, she watched as he began to strike the pose. His arm lifted up as he shifted his weight to his heels. Every finger on his right hand curled into a fist, excluding his index finger. His thumb began to bend as time moved in slow motion for the vixen on the rooftop. Just as his thumb touched the index finger, her own digit folded in and squeezed the trigger. In her sights, a blood bomb had been set off. Each camera was splattered with the gore of the tiger’s head as it was disassembled by the small flying piece of metal. His form crumpled, and Kitsune knew it was time to move.

She expertly took the rifle to pieces, packing it all into a metal case, which she then strapped to her back over the ninja-to she used for close quarters combat. Standing up, she pulled a black cloth up over her snout, covering her face. She took one last look at her work, then flicked her hood up and took off. She ran across the roof she was on, then took a flying leap. Her form was silhouetted against the city lights for a moment, then she disappeared into the darkness.


The vixen awoke the next morning, dressed in simple white pajama bottoms along with a training bra. She stood and stretched, giving a large yawn. Glad that nobody could see her in the mornings, she slowly moved to the kitchen of her apartment. She reached into the fridge and pulled a jug of orange juice from the chilled box. She removed a glass from the cupboard and pored herself a generous glass of the citrus. Sipping the tangy liquid, she made her way to the front door. She opened the door to find a plain cardboard box, stamped with the FedEx overnight logo. She picked it up, already knowing the contents. She set the heavy box on the table and finished her drink, enjoying the tingle that the taste gave her.

Smiling, she opened the box to find her money. One hundred thousand dollars in cash as well as a preloaded bank card containing the other nine hundred thousand dollars she was owed. On top of the money was a manilla envelope that contained a flash drive. She took the small device and strolled over to her computer. She sat down and plugged it in.

“Another job,” she thought to herself, waiting for her computer to open the files, “That’ll be the eighth one this month.”

She blinked as the information popped onto her screen. She had been given a grudge killing. She charged fifty million dollars for these jobs, as they had no purpose, and were usually because the person had humiliated the client. She charged one million to kill criminals, ten million to kill corrupt political figures, but this was the one type of job that charged the most.

Her target was a fellow fox, a male by the name of Renard. She laughed at his name, for he was in the same situation that she was in. Both of their parents had been very un-original and had simply decided to name them what they were. Her name, Kitsune, was the Japanese word for fox, while his was the French word for fox. Focusing once more on the business of it. She had to kill him and take his bead as proof of the kill. She questioned this last part, wondering what the client meant by bead. There was no deadline, but she prided herself on punctuality. She would stalk the target for several days, and then make the kill. This situation would be particularly easy, as the information included the fox’s address.

Deciding that it was time to start, she printed the address and directions to it from her apartment. She took a quick shower and put on clean clothes. She was soon wearing jeans (with a hole in the seat to let her tail through, of course), and a t-shirt. She then set out, moving at a brisk walk towards the apartment. Once she reached the building, she stood in front of it, knowing that she would have to find a place to hide while she waited to see him. She turned around to see a single story building with a flat roof across the street. Soon enough she was on top of the roof, leaning against a swamp cooler.

After half an hour, her target emerged from the building across the street. She climbed down and made her way across the street, then took to following the male through the street. She soon knew what the information meant by “bead”. The male was carrying a glass bead, about the size of a nickel, attached to a ball chain. The bead was tied to his middle and ring finger, and he was repeatedly spinning it around his hand with flicks of his wrist. He was casually walking down the street, smiling and humming. About a hundred meters from his building door, a homeless man approached him.

“Let’s see how you handle this,” Kitsune said, watching the male’s reaction. Expecting him to be some kind of jerk worth killing, she was surprised when he fished a five dollar bill from the pocket of his jeans and handed it to the bum. He shook the man’s hand then kept walking. She continued following him, ignoring the same hobo when he approached her.

Walking about twenty feet behind him, she viewed this guy as the opposite of every other grudge job she had done. Most people worth killing were total dicks, scum that did nothing illegal, but just made the world an unpleasant place. This guy seemed to be one of the nicest guys in the city. During the length of his walk, he helped an elderly person with their groceries, returned dropped money to other pedestrians, and did other generally good deeds. At the end of his walk, he reached a movie theater. He looked at his wrist, checking the time. He then approached the box office and bought a ticket, then went in to the theater. She stepped up to the box office herself and spoke to the employee.

“Hi,” she said cheerfully, resting her hands on the small shelf outside the window, “Can I get one ticket to the same movie that that other fox is going to see?”

The girl working the box office smiled and spoke.

“Of course, ma’am,” she said, printing out the ticket, “Does somebody have a crush?”

“Not quite,” the vixen answered, sliding fifteen dollars through the slot. She took the ticket and went inside, following Renard through the snack line, purchasing a small drink and finally going into the theater. She sat in the row behind him, watching the movie, but glancing down at the back of his seat, just to make sure he was still there. After two and a half hours, she followed him back out into the light. She continued to follow him as he walked back to his apartment. Still walking, she turned down to look at her phone, checking the time but was interrupted when she collided with a large, furry mass. She slowly looked up to see her target, Renard.

“E-excuse me,” she said, attempting to walk around him. His arm lifted and blocked her path.

“You have been following me since I left this morning,” he said, flicking his bead around his hand, “Haven’t you?”

Her hand slowly slid into her purse, wrapping itself around the derringer inside.

“Yes,” she said, ready to make the kill, “How did you know?”

“I couldn’t help but notice a cute girl walking behind me,” he said with a smile, “Care to get some lunch? My treat.”

She looked up at her target, only now noticing that he was rather attractive, and apparently he felt the same way about her.

“Sure,” she said without thinking, then cursing herself for her female instincts. It was too late to go back, however, “I would love to get lunch.”

She released the gun back into her purse, slinging the bag over her shoulder.

“Come on,” he said, smiling and flicking his bead about, “Let’s hit up an Applebees.”

She followed him, swearing in her mind. How could she have been so stupid as to be seen, then go on a date with the target? They soon arrived at the restaurant and climbed into a booth. Sure enough, he engaged in small talk.

“So what’s your name?” he asked, tying his bead around his hand so it wouldn’t get in the way of his eating.

“I’m Kitsune,” she replied, setting her purse next to her, “And you are?”

“I’m Renard,” he said, “You can call me Rey, if you want to.”

“Aww,” she joked, “Can I call you Renny?”

Her hand clenched, the involuntary action awakening her to her actions. What was she thinking, flirting like that? Whenever she tried to fake attraction to this guy she couldn’t, but instead was truly attracted to him.

“Only if you want to,” Rey replied, laughing, “So Kitsune, what do you do for a living?”

This time she had to lie, this one she got off due to the habit.

“I work online,” she lied, “I run a website.”

“Do I dare ask what an attractive girl like yourself would do with a website?” he said, choking back laughter.

She smiled and delivered a gentle push to his shoulder.

“Shut up,” she said, giggling at the thought he had implanted in her mind, “It’s nothing dirty! I sell collectables.”

“Ah, nice,” Renard said, accepting a drink from the waiter, “So tell me about yourself,”

She engaged in small talk with the other fox, as their lunch stretched on. It soon occurred to them that they had been sitting there for four hours and it was nearly time for dinner. Renard simply laughed and ordered two new entrees. After their lunch/dinner, they stepped out side into the sunset.

“Would you like to see a movie?” the male asked, looking down at his watch.

“Didn’t we already see one, though?” she asked, still feeling a bit full from the meal.

“No,” Renard replied, “I saw a movie, and you saw the same movie at the same time. We haven’t gone to a movie together.”

The vixen smiled.

“Then I would love to go to a movie with you,” she said, her brain completely ignoring the fact that this was the man she was hired to kill.

They walked to the theater and purchased tickets, the girl in the box office winking at Kitsune as they entered. Renard purchased them drinks and they entered the theater. About halfway through the movie, the male leaned over and whispered into Kitsune’s ear.

“You wanna see the lamest move ever?” he said, smiling.

Kitsune smiled and nodded. Rey then sat back into his seat and stretched, yawning as he did so. She couldn’t help but notice how similar his yawn was to hers as one of his extended arms moved behind her and wrapped around her shoulder.

“And that is the stupidest move ever,” he said with a smile. Kitsune couldn’t help but giggle. She leaned in and placed her head on Renard’s shoulder, wrapping her own slender arms around his chest.

“But it works,” she said. They didn’t move for the rest of the movie. When it ended, Renard walked her back to her apartment building, his arm still around her. They stood at the door to her apartment.

“Alright,” he said, removing his arm and turning to face her, “Here we are.”

“I had a great time,” she said, stepping closer to him, she reached into her purse for a slip of paper and a pen. She scribbled her phone number down on the paper then turned back to Rey. She rose herself up and kissed him, gently locking lips for a few seconds. When she pulled back, she slid the piece of paper into his hand.

“Call me tomorrow, Renny,” she said. She then unlocked her door and stepped inside leaving the male outside. She half skipped to her room throwing herself down on the bed with a sigh, She smiled and sat up to grab a book when she saw her rifle and sword laying in her closet. Her mind snapped back to work and she realized that her target of affection was supposed to be the target of her rifle. She collapsed onto the bed and placed her furry hands over her eyes.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she said as a tear slipped from her right eye.

And that is the first Part of “Fox Fire”!

So what did you all think? Good, Bad, Terrible?

Please comment!