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Merry Mischief (Contains M to F transformation, and F/F) - Printable Version

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Merry Mischief (Contains M to F transformation, and F/F) - Crimson Fox - 10-06-2010

Heya folks, still working on new stuff, but in the meantime, here's another old story I wrote last Christmas for Yoosei/Matt Ishida. Without further ado, this story contains M to F transformation, Yuri, and some mild Domination/Submission.

Crimson belongs to me.

Shiva belongs to Yoosei.

Merry Mischief by Crimson Fox

Standing up on a high balcony, a cheery looking girl looked up at the winter morning and smiled happily. Chill winds and snow blew against her, but the blue haired girl was unfazed and even seemed to embrace the bitter weather as she hummed softly. Her blue eyes then peered downwards towards the snowy fields surrounding her tower before she noticed a small red dot approaching her house. “Oh, he’s almost here, yay!” She then ran into her tower, eager to greet her soon to be guest.

The red furred fox endured the blizzard blowing through the field and walked up to the tower’s door and reached out to knock. He then tripped over himself when the door opened suddenly, revealing a blue haired maiden. The vulpine shook his head and looked up with embarrassment. “Heya Shiva, Merry Christmas!”

Shiva giggled softly before she offered a helping hand to the fox. “Merry Christmas, Crimsy. You really ought to be more careful though, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Crimson chuckled softly and took her smooth hand as he arose from the ground. “Aw, I’m fine. Just a little stumble.” He then shivered a little as the blizzard kicked up again, freezing the fox even with his fur and winter clothes. “Mind if I come in?”

“Oh, of course!” Shiva blushed a little and moved aside to let the fox inside of her tower. The ice human giggled to herself, forgetting that fox couldn’t thrive from the cold like her. “Sorry, foxie.”

“It’s okay, cutie.” Crimson sighed in relief and started to recover once the doors to the bitter outside were closed. He then looked around and grinned, finding she had already prepared a healthy flame in her fireplace for his arrival. “Ah, it’s really nice in here, cutie.” The fox then noted all of the festive decorations around Shiva’s tower including a proud evergreen tree standing the corner, fully adorned with lights and trinkets. “You really did a nice job getting ready for Christmas.”

“Hehe, thankies!” Shiva then hugged the fox happily from behind and kissed the back of his neck softly.

Crimson blushed a little from the kiss and hug, especially once he felt her lovely breasts pressing against his back. His tail began to swish softly as he answered with, “You’re welcome.” The fox then thought for a moment and asked her, “So what’s up, Shiva? I thought your X-Mas party was tomorrow, how come you called me here tonight?”

“Oh, I wanted to spend sometime with you, handsome.” Shiva then giggled softly and kissed his neck again before she let go of the fox and smiled towards him.

Crimson turned around and grinned back towards her with his cheeks still blushing lightly. “Aw, really? That’s really sweet.” His tail wagged softly before he asked her, “So what shall we do, hmmm?” He then embraced the ice human, hugging her happily with his furry arms.

Shiva then giggled a little before announcing to him, “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t have any ideas right now, foxie.” Her cheeks then crimsoned slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed that she didn’t think things out ahead of time.

The fox then thought for a moment before he smirked slightly and asked her, “Well, how about we play a game?”

“I love games! Which one, Crimsy?” The snow girl then held her hands together and beamed happily.

The fox then smirked slightly and told her, “How about some poker?”

“Oh, I haven’t played that in a long time. Sure!” Shiva then blushed a little before telling him, “Awie, I don’t have any money to bet.”

“Heh, we don’t have to play for money, cutie.” Crimson then wagged his fluffy tail faster before telling her, “We could play the naughty kind of poker you know.”

“The naughty kind?” Shiva thought for a second before her milky white cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. “Oh, my. …Well, I guess it’s just a two of us. Hehe, okay. What happens once one of us loses everything, huh?”

A soft chuckle escaped the fox’s mouth before he answered with, “Well, how about the loser has to do anything the other says, eh?”

“Anything, huh.” Grinning cutely, she nodded in agreement. “Okay, sure. Now let’s play!”

Crimson smirked a little wider and replied with, “Alrighty. Let’s do it, cutie.”

They soon relocated to her bedroom and lay on her comfortable blue bed before Crimson started to shuffle the deck. The fox chuckled a little before telling the ice girl, “Good luck, cutie.”

Shiva took her cards and stuck her tongue out playfully at the fox, “Hehe, good luck to you too.”

Crimson nodded before he looked at his cards with a grimace and looked over at the ice girl and noticed she still was wearing that blissful expression. It wasn’t long before the fox was muttering, “Not my lucky day.” He then stripped off his shirt, revealing his creamy furred chest for Shiva.

The blue haired maiden blushed a little before giggling, “Aw, I’m sure your luck will turn around.”

They played a few more hands of strip poker, but it seemed no matter how good of a hand Crimson had, Shiva was just one step ahead of him. Soon, almost all of Crimson’s clothes were collected in a folded pile in the corner with the fox left in just a pair of blue boxers. He dealt the cards and looked at his hand before sighing in relief. “Four 9s, guess I win this one, cutie.”

“Awie, all I could get was this.” Shiva then stuck her tongue out playfully and showed off her hand.

Crimson’s green eyes widened before he sulked and dropped his hand. “Y-You…you got a Royal Flush. The odds of that are almost impossible.” He was stunned for a few moments before then started laughing. “Heh heh, you’re a sneaky girl, Shiva. You used your magic, didn’t you?”

“You can’t prove that, silly foxie. Now I won, get those undies off.” She smirked playfully as she watched the fox remove his last article of clothing. The ice human marveled at his lean, furry body as she licked her blue lips. “Mmmm, such a cutie.”

“Hey, I’m not cute!” The fox blushed a little as he felt Shiva’s eyes surveying his bare body. He then gasped when she suddenly pounced on him. “Wha?”

“Rawr.” Shiva smirked as she latched a collar around Crimson’s neck before telling him, “I won, foxie, and for my prize, you get to be my pet for the rest of the day, hehe.”

“You’ve got to be joking.” Crimson tugged at his blue collar before realizing it was attached magically. “Damn, you sneaky girl.”

“Oh, you’d better be a nice pet or I’ll have to punish you, foxie.” The ice girl then giggled softly as she stroked him softly beneath the chin.

Grunting stubbornly, the fox told her, “Humph, you’re not going to tame me this easily.” He then crossed his red furry arms and gave a defiant look.

“Hehe, bad, bad foxie. I tried to warn you.” She then giggled softly before she muttered a small incantation beneath her breath.

Crimson then gasped as his body started to fill with a fiery sensation. The fox groaned and grasped at the sheets before his body began to undergo some changes. His lean muscles gave way to some soft, womanly curves while his muzzle became short and cute. His black hair above then grew a few inches longer before his chest grew out with a pair of lovely, creamy furred breasts. Finally, his pouch was replaced with a rosy pair of pussy lips. The newly formed vixen then widened her eyes as she looked in the nearby mirror. “S-Shiva…w-what did you do?” Crimson then placed a paw over her muzzle once she heard her feminine sounding voice.

“Hehe, I made my pet extra cutie ish all.” The ice girl then hugged the vixen happily, wrapping her arms softly around the vulpine’s neck.

“Well change me back! I feel weird like this.” Crimson blushed very brightly, feeling unused to all the new sensations running through her new female body.

Shiva then cutely shook her head at her and told the vixen, “Nuh-uh, not until you prove you’re obedient, my naughty vixie.”

The red vixen whimpered a little before she nodded her head. “I guess I don’t have a choice…Mistress.”

“Hehe, I knew you could do it, pet.” Shiva hugged her tighter, giving a light purr as their breasts pushed together. “Mmhh…now be a good vixie and please your Mistress, Crimsy.”

She blushed deeply once more before nodding, not objecting to that idea even after her transformation. Crimson slowly undressed the ice human, revealing her curvy, creamy skinned body. The vixen started to get wet below as she observed the sorceress’s lovely form before she got to work pleasing Shiva. Her muzzle leaned up and started to playfully nibble and kiss her neck while her paws caressed her bare back. “I-Is this good, Mistress?”

“Mmhh…v-very good.” Shiva murred softly from the vixen’s teases as her hands start to caress her red fur and happily snuggled against it, loving the soft feel against her smooth skin.

Crimson nodded as she continued to play with the ice girl’s tender neck before she left a trail of kisses down her body before she made contact with her lovely breasts. The vixen then slid her tongue out and began to play with the supple mounds, slurping them roughly and teasing the rosy nipples. “Mmmm, you’re so tasty.”

“Weally?” The blue haired girl’s cheeks crimsoned brighter from the playful licks as her nipples became aroused from the soft grazes of the fox’s tongue. “Nnhhh, more pwease, pet.”

She followed her Mistress’s command and started to open her mouth to suckle firmly on her left breast while her paw squeezed the right mound firmly. “Mmmm…yes.”

Shiva moaned lightly, loving the feel of the vixen’s warm mouth around her tender flesh. Down below, her folds began to slicken with her oils thanks to the pleasure circulating through her body. Once she felt the moistness, she murmured softly, “L-Lower...vixie…”

Crimson nodded softly before she let go of the human’s tender mound and began to slurp down her lovely body, happily tasting the smooth skin before she drifted below her waist. The vixen took a whiff of Shiva’s sweet aroma before she gave the ice girl’s lower lips a light lick with her canine tongue. “Hehe…”

“Nnhhh…such a teaser…” She gasped and moaned some more before gripping the sheets below her, while her folds released some more sweet juices.

The vixen smirked a little before she slurped Shiva’s pussy harder, happily tasting the pre juices flowing out with her thick tongue. “Mmmm…” Her soft paws then grabbed the ice girl’s buns tightly before she thrust her tongue inside of the mage’s folds.

“Ahhhh…oooh Crimsy…” Shiva cried out softly from the mounting pleasure once she felt her tongue filling her snug insides. Her dainty hands gripped the sheets below harder while her folds gripped at the thick muscle.

Crimson soon thrusted her entire tongue of the ice human’s canal and swirled her rosy organ around, happily tasting Shiva’s sweet juices while grazing her sensitive walls.

“Nnhhhh…m-more, pwease, pet…” Shiva softly caressed the vixen behind her ears while her body slowly became overwhelmed by the growing pleasure.

The vixen nodded before she started bobbing her head back and forth, and thrust her tongue inside of the ice girl’s juicy canal. She purred softly from the taste as she ravaged her insides and stroked her deepest reaches.

Shiva blushed heavily and looked down at Crimson as she moaned deeply, while her orgasm began to build up. “Oooh, just a little more, Crimsy.”

Crimson understood and started to rock her tongue faster while slurping harder against Shiva’s juicy insides. Her paws squeezed the ice girl’s buns even tighter while her cool nose started to rub up against her sensitive clit. “Nnhhh…”

Overwhelmed by all of the pleasure, Shiva quickly bucked her hips forward and cried out, “Ahhhh…Crimsy…oohhhh!” Her cold essence then gushed forth from her slick depths, coating the vixen’s tongue and muzzle.

She took a moment to savor the sweet flavor she was rewarded with before she started to clean the mage’s rosy folds of her juices. Crimson then licked her lips before looking up cutely towards the blue haired girl. “Is my Mistress satisfied?”

Shiva then giggled softly as she breathed lightly. “Yesh, I am, hehe.” She then relaxed happily and enjoyed the blissful afterglow.

A pleasant smile crossed over her creamy muzzle before she thought of something. “Will you return me to normal then, Shiva?” Crimson blushed a little, still feeling awkward in her vixen form.

The blue haired maiden then suddenly arose and pounced the fox farther down on the bed. “Hehe, later tonight. Let’s enjoy this for now.” Shiva then leaned down and kissed the surprised Crimson across the lips while snuggling happily with the fluffy vixen.

“Mmhhh?” Crimson gasped, before she accepted the kiss, smiling a little as she accepted her Mistress’s plan for now. It was Christmas, why not have a little fun?

The End

RE: Merry Mischief (Contains M to F transformation, and F/F) - Yoosei - 10-06-2010

I must say. I loved this xmas gift. It has one of the pairings I like, Crimson/Shiva. and further more, Yuri. yaay