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Lost Digidestined: Sora's Lost Love (WIP)
Part of my Lost Digidestined collection, this takes place in the series universe as the team searches for a power to defeat Myotismon...

Disclaimer: Digimon belongs to the TOEI Company, not to me. The place this chapter plays out in is part of my own series, 'Lost Digidestined'.

Title: Sora's Lost Love
By: Chaos Knight Matthew
Chapter 1: Ancient Ruins

-Inside Kesroth Ruins, near the first battlegrounds with Myotismon-

Sora walks through the dimly lit corridor of an old ruin, that the group belived was once a base for the evil Myotismon's henchmen. Matt, Tai, and Izzy with their partners were searching this particular ruin for clues about what Myotismon was planning. T.K., Mimi, Joe, and Sora were waiting outside as the other six were searching, but Sora had gotten worried after about an hour. While the other seven were taking a nap as they waited, she grabbed her hippouch and crept inside to search for the six that had went in.

"Brr... It's cold in here." Sora shuddered to herself as she continues down, slowly starting to regret leaving the campsite.

The corridor to the left of just entering the ruins, where Sora was heading through, were like a gathering of all the four seasons. One moment it was pleasant, another, cold and then hot again. Something flashed inside a door to the right as she passed it. The light startled her as she looked into the room, finding it dark again. Turning back, she started to continue when another flash came from the same room, more toward the floor.

"What.." She whispered as she slowly walked into the room. Taking three steps forward, she accidentally stepped on a tile which started to sink. Sora froze completely and instantly became alert as light flooded the room from the torches on the walls, reveling age-old tapestries of different creatures that resembled Dragons. Tall statues that resembled the same dragons on the tapestries were at each corner and center of the walls. Looking at the floor as she calmed down, the tiles cracked from time, she could see some sort of picture in them, but couldn't tell what it was.

"Izzy would have a field day with this." Sora said as she slowly looked forward, following what she could of the picture of the tiles, in the center of the room sat a bird-like creature, looking down at itself. From first glance, Sora thought that it was...

"Biyomon?" But after looking at it for a moment, she saw that it wasn't her Digimon. It's body was covered in dull golden feathers, but had the same attributes as any other Biyomon type. Barely visible inside the feathers it looked like there were some sort of strange markings on her, but Sora couldn't make them out. It responded by raising it's head sharply, making Sora jump again, spooked by the movement. Slowly, the bird Digimon turned her head to look at who had called her. Sora gasps at what she sees. A metal ring was wrapped around the Biyomon's beak, her silver eyes in fear of the person before her. She tried to get away from Sora, but her ring on her leg was shackled to the platform she was on with a light chain.

Sora slowly walks to the scared Biyomon. "It's ok. I'm here to help. Don't be afraid." Sora reaches out to the frightened Digimon and carefully pets the Biyomon's head. The golden Biyomon slowly stops shaking and looks to the one being kind to her and whines a little a look of hope in her eyes.

"There, there. It's going to be okay." Sora said in a soothing voice. A shadow slowly rose over both human and Digimon. The Biyomon panicked and tried to yell out to this kind person. Sora notices the shadow and turns to see a Knight Digimon behind her. It wasn't a pretty sight to see. It's black armor was very rusted and partially covered in web. Holes in the armor on his arms and torso reviled various bones that constructed it. Bright red eyes glared through the rusty helmet at the small frame of the human girl as it's body creaked to raise it's sword.

"You're friends send their regards for not being here." The Kightmon said as he made a downward slash. Sora and the Biyomon managed to move in time Sora to the right, to the wall, and the Biyomon to the left, away from them. The force of the attack pushed them further. The Knightmon was chuckling as Sora came into contact of something on the wall and grimaced as pain shot through her chest. Looking down in horror, a rusted metal spike from one of the statues pierced her chest, and went through her heart. Blood began to seep out of the wound. It had also tore through her spinal cord, and therefore she couldn't use her legs or arms, but she could still move her head. She spat blood out from the effect of the mortal blow. Looking back up, she sees the mortifying Knightmon in front of her, glaring down at her with his glowing red eyes.

"...hrlp?" She tried to shout for help, but it came out in a low, gurgled whisper as she coughed more blood out.

"Why... are you doing t... this?" Sora asked the beast as it walks toward her, blood dripping from her mouth.

"Seems to me thou hasn't figured it out yet. Then I shall explain." The Knightmon grabs her by the neck as he stops in front of her, forcing a groan out from the movement.

"You should have left when thou had the chance. You're 'friends' didn't seem to want you to come back, by leaving just mere moments ago."

"...No, it can't be..Ah.." Sora groaned as the metal spike did it's intended effect.

"If they were here... Would you be there?" The Knightmon said, pointing his sword at her. Realization hit Sora in the face. Tai was exploring this particular zone at the time, she remembered, but why didn't he find her? The Knightmon grabs her by the neck with his free hand, making it harder for her to breathe. She felt afraid now of what was about to happen. "For now the path is done, and destiny has thou in tow. The destiny of the Dark Phoenix!!"

The Knightmon said in a raspy voice as he sharply pulls her up, cutting her body in half from the chest down. She screamed as pain was all she knew. Some of her insides fell as he did this with a splat on the floor, little remained hooked on the stake, as well as her heart, sill slightly beating. As Sora's world began to disperse, she began to hear something, a soft, soothing, kind voice...


The voice grew louder as she grew weaker, the foul stench of the Knightmon's hand so close to her almost doing the job alone. He threw her to the floor, sliding across it back to the center of the room, her life fluid leaving a trail behind her, some sprayed onto the rusty armor of the attacker. Sora slowly closed her eyes and tried let the eternal sleep consume her.

"...Sora...Do you really want to die...?"

The undead Knightmon stomped slowly toward Sora's near-lifeless body, aiming his sword at her, a faint glow to it's blade.

"" Sora whispered, making weak attempts to move away from the approaching doom.

"Piercing BLA--Eh?" Knightmon stops in front of her, thinking that he heard something.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sora screams out with a newfound power. The Knightmon staggers back as a white light covered her body and began to expand...

End of Chapter 1....
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

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Lost Digidestined: Sora's Lost Love (WIP) - by Chaotic Phoenix - 10-10-2008, 11:50 PM