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Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi)
Sky watched the boy remove his helmet, and was surprised at his appearance. He'd been expecting some sort of cyborg or otherwise robotically enhanced figure - but instead he was just a normal boy, and a cute one at that. "Good to know Cappell, glad to have you on board!" Sky turns to Johnson "Are we done here sergeant?"

Lance stayed silent, eyeing up Cappell, he was surprised at the boy's more timid nature. The only person he knew that could put on as hard a shell as Cappell had, was him! Shifting his eyes from the boy he turned to await Johnson's response.
Just cos' I'm an angel doesn't mean I play by the rules :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - by Shining Angel - 11-27-2008, 05:32 PM