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The 'Verse (Serenity RP 4 Ray Frank, Cowboy, Altima)
Sylphie sighed softly, as she felt her way towards the cockpit entryway, pausing for a moment. "I sure hope it ain't serious..." The captain muttered, as she passed through the beaded entrance, and continued her way down towards the hallway, until she reached the emergency generator console, and activated it. All throught the ship several bright red lights activated, bathing every single hallway, room, and including parts of the exterior a dull red. Several ventilation fans reactivated, and only the cockpit, the engine room, and medical bay were granted limited access to the power within the backup generator. Sylphie then headed over towards the engine room, about to have an interesting conversation with ehr mechanic.

"What in the yā zhǎng Is going on with my ship?!" the captain asked furiously, once she entered the engine room.

"One of the core fuses blew when I was trying to reroute power, to keep us afloat a little longer." Marle replied, as she wiped some grease off her paws, against her pants.

"I thought you said those fuses'd hold for another week."

"Yeah, that was 4 months ago..."

"Then what the hell's been keeping us afloat?"

"Dumb luck, ma'am? Iunno, but if we don't get a replacement soon, we'll be hóng shǔ for the Reavers..."

"Goram!" sylphie groaned, as she headed for te nearest comm, and slammed her paw against the transmission button. "Frank, dock us into the nearest port, ASAP"
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[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

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RE: The 'Verse (Serenity RP 4 Ray Frank, Cowboy, Altima) - by Altima - 12-09-2009, 07:59 AM