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Lord of the Flies(film/redux idea)
(02-18-2010 11:23 AM)Wisemon Wrote: I'm feeling generous, and you're not being a jerk here, so I'm not going to bash your idea for the many reasons I could.

Then I will.

First, digest this little bit of info.

Ideas are like assholes. Everybody's got one. Just because you can put pencil to paper doesn't make you James Cameron. Producers will only like a movie that's guaranteed to double their investments, and this will almost always not come from a student just entering college, unless John Hughes' spirit is possessing your body. With the laws today, however, I doubt you'd be able to make a movie with a bunch of half-naked preteens, anyway.

A third remake of a movie based on a novel isn't such a great idea. It's been done before, with usually disastrous results.

And before you say anyone is under qualified or whatever, Uwe Boll holds a doctorate in literature. He's a Doctor of Literature. DOCTOR. It doesn't matter how shitty his movies are, he holds the title of DOCTOR BOLL. That's a strong title. He also has a resume to refer to.

Sorry to kill your dreams, but that's what I am; a dream-killer. And if you were at me college, there is a teacher here (Who is actually talking to the class as I type this) who will utterly destroy your dreams. He knows what he's talking about.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lord of the Flies(film/redux idea) - by Lost - 02-19-2010, 03:40 AM