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Soul Searchers
Chapter Four: A Lazy Day

Me, Nico and Vincent where sitting down waiting for our food for about fifth teen minutes. I have got myself a massive burger and chips. Nico had ordered chips, bacon and beans. And Vincent had ordered a massive omelet with chips on the side.
As we waited, Nico had already drunk three coffees’, I had had two teas and Vincent had a 3 huge mugs of hot chocolate. “Well, how long do you think the food is going to be?” Vincent asked me. I looked at him and looked back to my stomach as it started to rumble loudly. Nico got up of his chair and walked towards the counter. “Excuse me, but we have been waiting here for twenty minutes. How long is our food going to be?” asked Nico. The dragon walked up to Nico and replied, “Ok, we have had a problem in the kitchen. Your food is going to be done in a couple of minutes.” Nico walks quickly back to the table and sits on the chair with his arms crossed sleeping.
Nico started to laugh a little, walked up to him and there was a big bottle of Vodka in his hand half gone from the bottle. I slowly took the bottle from him hand put it on the kitchen counter. "Um... I think he's going to have a headache when he wakes up," I said as I looked at Vincent.
I looked at Nico and told him, “Nico calm down.” Nico looked at me and looked at his stomach as it started to rumble again. “Ok, I’ll calm down, when I get my food!” Nico replied in an angry tone.
Suddenly a dragon came up to us out of no where. He was holding all of our food and placed it onto the table. He looked at Nico and says, “Sorry that the food was late so we have let you have the meal free.” Nico looked at the dragon and replies, “Ok, thanks.” I got up and gave the man some money; he looks at me and asks, “What’s this?” “It’s a tip, you deserve it.” The dragon smiles at me and walks away, Nico looks at me and asks, “Why did you give him that?” I looked at Nico and replied, “Well he deserves it, he was nice, kind and he didn’t hold a grudge over food!”

I picked up my knife and fork and started to eat my meal. Nico looked at me and gave me a wink; I smiled and blushed a little. After eating the food we all headed to our room and started to already watch TV before we went to bed. Nico and me where sitting on the long sofa while Vincent was in the bathroom having a wash.
Nico looked at me and smile, I smiled back and gave him a soft kiss. Nico looked at me and asked, “Yumi, can I sleep in your bed with you tonight?” I giggled and replied, “Of course you are.” Vincent ran out of the bathroom in terror. “We have a problem. There is a massive spider in the bath!” Vincent shouted as he looked at me and Nico. I got up off the sofa and went into the bathroom. I grabbed the small spider and walked into the front room. I looked at Vincent, giggled and said, “You are such a baby. This spider is smaller than your hand and that’s saying something.”
After putting the spider outside, Vincent was in the corner of the room looking around for more spiders. I looked at him and asked Nico, “What’s wrong with him?” Nico looked at Vincent as he looked at every part of the room and replied, “Um… when he was little. His mum put him in a room with a lot of spiders. After that he can’t stand them in the room or where he is.” I looked back at Vincent and started to feel sorry for him. I walked up to him and asked, “Vincent, do you want to sit with me and Nico?” Vincent turned around and answer, “Ok.”

After sitting on the sofa, Vincent was watching a comedy called Crizzicals and he couldn't stop laughing! Me and Nico tired not to laugh with him but we couldn't help it. After a while we all got tired and headed to bed, I softly stroked Nico’s hair and asked, “Babes, want to go to bed?” Nico looked at me and smiled. He got up and helped me of the sofa. Vincent got up as well, he looked at us and said, “Ok, I’m going to bed know. See you two in the morning. Vincent slowly walked into his room, he shut the door and jumped onto the bed. Me and Nico walked into the room and started to get ready for bed. I picked up my silk pj’s and headed for the bathroom to get changed. Nico just took of his clothes and was left in his boxers. As I came out of the bathroom Nico said, “Wow, you look hot!” I quickly walked up to Nico and gave him a soft kiss before heading into the bed. Nico started to pull me closer to him as we kissed. I looked at him and said, “We’d better go to bed.” Nico smiled and replied, “Um…..
You’re right.” Suddenly he picks me up and puts me onto the bed softly. He puts the covers over me and goes into bed, I look at him and give him another kiss but much more deep. He started to move his hand lower, but I stopped him. Nico looked suprised as I grabbed his hand and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" he asked, I looked at him and answered, "If we are going to have a relationship we have to take it slow." Nico looked at me and agreed, "Ok, we can take it slow." Nico didn't look happy, but I put his hand back to where it was. "But I don't want it to go too slow," I replied. Nico smiled and started to kiss me even deeper than before.

It's now morning, me and Nico are still in bed as we have nothing to do until tomorrow. I'm close to falling of the bed if Nico even moves close to me. I turn around, I wake up and move Nico a little so I won’t fall of the bed. He wakes up and asks, "Um... morning." I move closer and give him a kiss on the lips, he looked back at me and heard my stomach rumble. "Do you want to make us two breakfast?" he asked, I heard my stomach make another big rumble and replied, "Ok, I think I need it."
Nico quickly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, he closed the door and closed the door. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the kitchen to find Vincent there sleeping, I walked back into the bedroom and knocked onto the bathroom door. "Who is it?" Nico asked, I replied, "I've got to show you something." He opened the door and asked, "What is it?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen. As we entered the kitchen, I showed him. Nico went up to Vincent and noticed there was a bottle of Vodka in his hand that was half empty. "Um... he's been drinking and the only time he does it is when he is depressed," he told me as he grabbed the bottle out of Vincent's hand. I went straight to the fridge and took three eggs and a packet of bacon out. "So what do you want for breakfast, plus what does he like for breakfast?" I asked him, Nico started to rub his cheek and replied, "Make me, you and Vincent bacon and egg."

I smiled back at Nico as he replies, I took out the eggs from the fridge and put them on the counter. I went back to the fridge and took out some milk before shutting the fridge door. Nico looked back at Vincent, he noticed he was waking up and Vincent was suprised where he was. "What am I doing in the kitchen?" he asked in a confused voice. I looked at him and replied, "We found you here and you had a bottle of Vodka on the your hand." I looked back at what I was cooking. Nico was a bit worried about Vincent as he was drinking again so he asks, "Um... Vincent your drinking again only points to one thing and that is your depressed about something." Vincent didn't know what to say as he knew that something was wrong and they would figure it out, he go up and looked at Nico. "Nico, why are you getting in to my business again? Its none of your concern!" Vincent shouted and started to walk away from Nico, Nico got up quickly and grabbed Vincents back pulling him back.
Vincent fist was tight and threw a punch at Nico and hit him hard in the face. Nico fell onto the floor as he was punched, as he fell I could see what just happened and turned off the gas before I could do anything. Quickly I kicked Vincent in the stomach before he could even hurt Vincent anymore and he knocked his head on the table so he was out cold. I picked Vincent up first and put him in his room on the bed. Quickly I ran towards Nico, making sure he was ok. He had a bloody nose and mouth, so I picked him up and put him in his room. I couldn't believe what had just happened, so I just clean Nico's face before I went back into Vincents room and made sure he was ok.

Walking into the room where Vincent was, he had just woken up. He was rubbing his head from the bump that he got from hitting his head. "What, do you want?" he asked in a loud voice. I walked by him and said, "Just wondering if your alright?" Vincenet was rubbing his head where he had bumped it looking at Yumi and shook his head. "No, not really. You see, my mum and dad have kicked my out of the house, after a couple of days I went back and they had gone for some reason. It's like they didn't even want me to be there son any more. Plus my head hurts."
I looked at Vincent, I started to feel really sad after what he had told me. "Um.... Vincent, do you want me to do anything for you?" I asked while getting out of the chair. "Yes, an ice pack would be nice to help my head please." I nodded my head and went out of the oom hading straight for the freezer, I took out a very cold ice pack and went back to Vincents room. "Here you go, It's very cold." I say as I handed the ice pack to Vincent. As Vincent grabbed the pack of ice he had to move the ice pack with his hand as it was that cold, and quickly placed it onto his head. "Aahh, that is better. Yumi, go and see Nico, I'm fine know." Vincent said while smiling at her. I smiled back, and started to leave the room, turning back at Vincent I said, "If you need anything just give me a shout." Vincent nodded, he then got off the chair and quickly jumped on the bed while holding the pack of ice on his head.

I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I walked towards the room Nico was in, hearing nothing but constent moan. I walked into to see what was wrong to see Nico lying on the bed holding his chest. Nico looked at me, he had tears in his eyes, it looked like he was in loads of pain. I walked quickly up to him, sitting right next to him and asked, "What's wrong?" Nico looked at me and bent his head down, tears where still streaming down his face. "When V-Vincent punched me, I-I landed on the floor. It hurt my back really bad." I looked at Nico and quickly took of his shirt and seen that his back was bleeding badly. "Stay there and dont move." I ran into the pathroom and opened a draw where the First-Aid kit was. I then got a boil of the top traw ontop of the mirror and filled it with hot water. I ran back into the bedroom and sat behind Nico. I opened the First-Aid kit and took out a cloth and wet it with the water. I started to softly dab the injuries that Nico had got. Nico started to make a groaning noise from the pain. "Nico, try to relax please?" I asked him while I was still dabbing his back with the cloth. "Ok, I'll try." Nico answered and closed his eyes as he tried to relax. I finished cleaning the blood from his back and took a plaster out of the box, I softly put the plaster on his cut and took the First-Aid box into the bathroom.

Nico started to smile as the pain started to fade, he slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom. He opened the door and walked towards Yumi and turned her around staring at me. He looked at Yumi and gave her a kiss. He slowly wrapped his arms around Yumi's body, he pressed his body against hers and started to lead her into the bedroom.
I broke the kiss looking deaply into Nico's eyes and smiled. "I see someone feels better," I say and sit on the bed. Nico sat next to me and put arm around me and gave me a very long kiss, he started to move one of his hand down to my skirt, he started to unbutton it and started to slowly slip it of my body. I started to moan a little from the feeling I was getting from this, starting to feel more turned on, I put my hand on his leg and my other hand started to unbuttton his trousers. Nico stopped and broke the kiss to get some air and took of his shirt before going giving me another kiss. I took of my top before he kissed, leaving me with my bra on. As we kissed again I started to take of my skirt and started to moan a little.

Nico slowly moved his hand down my body as he removed my skirt and moved his hands towards her back. He then took hold of the clips on my bra and undone them. I started to push his tousers down until they where of his body completely. I started to move my hands up to his boxers and slowly started to put my hand in them. Nico took of my and looked at my breasts, he started to sqeeze, stuck and even licked them. Nico then stopped stucking my breasts and looked up at me. I looked at Nico and gave him a soft kiss and by mear seconds turned into a very passionate kiss. Nico started to remove my thong and sneaked his hand towards my folds, He pushed two of his fingers into her inner fold as he started to kiss her more. I started to moan a bit as he put his hand by my folds and started to grab hold of his erect cock and started to wank, I then groaned out in pleasure as he put his two fingers into my folds making me want to put his cock in me instead. I then put my other hand by his boxers and started to pull them down so they werent covering his cock. Nico started to groan a bit as I started to wank him of, making him finger me more. He took out his fingers and took my hand of his cock and laid me down on the bed. He started to move his body down and his head was very close to my folds. He then entered his touge into my folds and started to enter two fingers as well. I started to moan, arching my back from all the pleasure I was getting from this sensation that was coming from my body.

Nico started to lick my folds more faster and removed his fingers. He took his mouth away from her folds and whipped his mouth. "Do you wanna have me in you now?" he asked as he wanted her so badly. I looked at Nico and smiled at him, "Do it now." I replied and opened by legs a bit waiting for him to enter me. Nico could tell what her responce was and smiled before going onto the bed. He slowly put his cock close to her folds and slowly started to enter her.
I started to feel a little bit of pain as he entered me, I started to slide down the bed making more of his cock entered me. "Nico, do it!" I say as looking at Nico with lust. Nico grabbed my hips and crawled onto the bed on top of me, he started into my eyes and said in a hot yet sexy voice, "Ok then beautiful."
Nico slowly entered her and started to thrust in and out and he did he started to moan more and more. I started to lift my legs up and started to thrust with Nico that
was making me sweat. I started to thrust faster as I was trying to catch up with Nico's thrusts and started to moan louder than ever. Nico started to thrust even faster and harder, he kept panting like crazy. "Yumi... I'm gonna.... ugh.... I'm about to go."

In the other room, Vincent woke up and started to hear noise from the other room. "What are they up to know?" Vincent asked himself and walked out of the room and headed for Yumi's and Nico's room. He opened the door a little and noticed what they where up to. His eyes nearly popped out of his head from what he had just seen and tried to look away. Nico kept on thrusting harder and was seconds before going, he then did one last thrust and went of in Yumi. Nico started to pant and then noticed some one was at the door. Nico's eyes widened and he covered Yumi's body and shouted, "What the fuck are you doing, Vincent go away! NOW!!"
Vincent shut the door and shock his head. "I wish I didn't do that know." Vincent says to his self and she tries to forget what he had seen.
Nico went to the door and locked the door, I looked at Nico and was blushing like crazy. Nico turned and looked at me. "I think we will have to lock the door from now on." Nico told me and walked up to the bed. I nodded and smiled as I took the bed sheet of me. "Well, why don't we do it again, right now?" I asked him. Nico got onto the bed and sat right next to me. He started to kiss me and started to squeeze my breast a little. He then broke the kiss and answered my question, "Yes." Nico laid my body on the bed and started to kiss it as he went up and down my body.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

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Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 02:34 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 08:37 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by AetherRose - 01-27-2010, 12:01 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-27-2010, 09:17 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-28-2010, 11:45 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 12:38 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-29-2010, 12:54 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 01:01 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 02-11-2010, 01:49 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 03-01-2010, 08:16 PM