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Wind and Fire FlamedramonxWindragon
Disclaimer: None of the digimon that is mention is copyrighted by me. Those rights belong to Bandai and Bandai only. The Windragon Legendz is copyrighted is from Bandai; the characters that are named are mine with some difference. Please enjoy reading my first yaoi crossover fanfic.

Wind and Fire: Blue Dragons

It was early dawn when I heard the shrill dependent cry. As a vaccine digimon, I jumped my way towards the sound. It came from the grey mass rocks of Login Mountain. Rushing towards the source, I found two small data huddling together as the Monochromon coming in closer in a threatening position. The Koromon and the Kapurimon were invading his territory. Seemingly, that I didn’t want the youngsters get hurt; I lunched myself to grab hold of them, and place them safely far from his reach.

“You kids stay here; I’ll handle the ultimate digimon myself.” I told them. They were shivering as they are scared. I gave them a reassuring smile that they know I would not harm them. I turned myself, and the dinosaur dragon came rushing towards the rocks. Breaking up the minerals down that seemed to crumble itself towards the little ones! I found myself carrying them again to a different set of the mountain.

I jump myself at the Monochromon, not willing to risk the children get hurt by its own temper. My knuckles formed a flaming burst of fire and ram my arm aiming at his head. “Flame fist!” I shouted out my move. It groaned in massive pain, I threw another fiery punch at him. He can’t get to me no matter how hard he tries. Feeling defeated he turned himself away from the youngsters, and I got off him as he won’t bother the little data again.

Placing them on the ground they jumped excitedly at my feet. “Wow that was amazing, mister!” cried the Kapurimon.

His pink friend, Koromon nodded at him in agreement. “Yea! I wished I could be a strong digimon like him!”

I found myself flattered by their compliments. “Thanks, just be careful when you’re playing in someone’s home. You could endanger yourselves if you’re not cautious.” The two data shake their heads understanding the consequences. “Now run along to your home. Your friends might be worried about you.”

They waddled off leaving me alone. Seeing those two so close as friends, there are times where I also wanted a companion. I usually shake those feelings off, but seeing them together brings me back memories of how I used to have friends of my own. Like all data; they are in a huge group. Sometimes they came in varieties, sometimes they are the same species, and very rarely are they alone.

Drifting myself off I began to wonder, roaming down whatever it takes me. Like a vagabond Leomon, saving off little rookies or smaller youngsters from getting themselves hurt. I do have a home, so I don’t pace myself far from where I was going. I could not afford myself being at a place I’m not comfortable at. Namely just more around the rocky lands and the clear plains is a perfect environment to be stayed.

Even though it’s considered to be peaceful, it doesn’t mean I don’t have enemies every now and then. I had been bothered sometimes by Vilemon, Apemon, Mushroommon, and plenty more others around my area. Boy does it get complicated…

After rescuing a couple other digimon, I decided to head straight home for a nice long slumber. That’s when something started to came at me roughly and nearly slashing my arm. A bullet horned digimon, Giromon, welding a small chainsaw. Startled, I backed away slowly as possible. This machine is considered to be deadly even though it is small. It is an ultimate digimon that behaves like a ticking time bomb.

It began to crackle devilishly by my tenseness around it. Giromon then dive itself down steering his devastating weapon directly at me. I dodge my body trying to avoid myself from getting injured. He was too fast for me before I can even attack him! I ended up having my skin being cut, but luckily not butchered of having to lose my limbs from him. Though, risking that thought of it isn’t as pleasant. I soon found myself trapped behind a huge wall from the same mountain that I had rescued the two data.

The evil puny thing had tormented me to my very end…

I prayed the digigods that I wished I had lived through this. This is the first time that I bound to have my life ended by a small creature. Without anything near me, I caught a glimpse of what appears to be a tiny figure behind me. Small enough to fit through my hands, I didn’t turned my head back at the Giromon. It seemed like something has calling me to touch it. And I did.

Suddenly before my eyes, a blue and white dragon like me; became appearing from the wind that has bought forth of him. He is handsome with a muscular physique, with blue fur that ended at his tail. He wore a huge golden necklace with cloud patterns around his neck along with red ruby like rings attached to it. There were two pairs of golden rings pierced through his wings like earrings and his hand covered by gloves. A head ornament of what appears to be a goggle had his blue feathered ears through it. His eyes were completely blue like a deep sea, different from my red crimson ones.

My eyes were completely glued by that dragon. Never had I seen anything like him, he almost look closely resembled of Xveemon, though his wings were more like a bird. Strangely, he has long blond hair like human tresses, and his white skin covers most of his body with exception of his blue mammal fur. There isn’t any pattern on his body either, just his six-pack muscles.

He cracked his neck, seeing that floating machine as if it were nuisance. “What the heck is that thing?” He mumbled to himself rather me behind him.

I quickly lean my back against a rock, shaking my head at him. “Don’t be fooled by his size. He looks weak but he’s very strong.”

Turning around, the other dragon chuckled as if I was telling a joke, “Well, I could tell you had trouble with this little guy. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of him.” He act so well confident; the dragon didn’t feel at least worried.

“You don’t understand; you shouldn’t underestimate him by the way he looks.” I tried to warn him. The blue and white reptile didn’t budge. Why is he willing to risk himself to save me!? I’m just a normal evolution of Veemon for crying out loud! Is he doing this so he could boast himself that he is stronger than me? What could I do to make myself feel weak and vulnerable?

Giromon began to have his menacing laugh again, driving his chainsaw at him. With one swift motion he manages to dodge it without hurting himself. The winged dragon then flew up into the air folding his huge feathers, and creating a tremendous wind that shaped like a tornado. The blue fur and white dragon called out its name. “Wind tornado!” The gust of wind came and hit the metal; like it was powerful enough to rip through the bomb.

It was enough to stop him, though he continued his move over the second time. With his finishing strike he punched the robot to the ground. Where its data disappeared like dust evaporating of its existence.

I was awe by his amazing strength. There were no digimon heroic enough to save me. I was usually doing that, until he showed up. A feeling mixture of anger and my sense of pride had ruined me. I don’t want to be saved by a strange dragon; let alone that he looks almost just like me. Pulling myself together, I took off my gauntlet and hit my boney fist at his face.

“Why did you do that!? You almost got yourself killed!”

I didn’t know what I was saying; it was the first sentence that came out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him to let me died rather than being embarrassed from my ass saved by the likes of him. It was as if my mind has made up words into my mouth; therefore, it wasn’t my intention to say the exact phase.

He frowned at my behavior. “What, I don’t even get a thank you?”

I growled in frustration, “Argh! Just leave me alone!” Grabbing my gauntlet, and walking my way out of his sight, the wounds that the midget devil had made my feet trembled. It was causing me to tumble towards the ground. The huge white reptile went over to me in concern.

“Are you alright? You’re going to keep losing blood like that if you don’t get it tended.”

“I feel fine, and I don’t want your pity! I’m a guy damn it!”

In spite of my efforts, he took hold of me and carrying me like I’m his girl. I continued to struggle, his strength able to hold my frantic movements. “You sure act more like baby if you keep complaining; besides I’m not letting you off the hook.”

Beating his bird like wings; he started to lift him and me off the ground. My head was starting to feel dizzy from the loss of blood, yet I am conscious enough that I could see the background as he flew. “I have first aid at my house which is only five-minutes north from here.” I said as he is still carrying me. He nodded as he kept going, then I halt him as I saw the familiar building. “Stop, that’s my place.”

Dropping down, my feet touched the grass; the goggled hat dragon secured my arm. He opened the door and placed me onto my sofa. I pointed at one of the smaller cabinet drawers, there were a couple pulling and pushing until he finally found the first aid. Grabbing a couple of towels and a bowl of water, he soaked my skin cleaning the blood off it. We haven’t spoke, not counting how many times I yelped by the burning ointment that was dabbed onto my wounds. When he finally finished bandaging me, he gave me a weird look. I can’t figure out what he’s trying to propose. Maybe he’s not a house creature.

I didn’t contain myself to ask. “What is it?”

The strange dragon was particularly quiet for a moment. At last, he said something. “Do you live with someone, a human perhaps?”

“No.” I said. I was puzzled by that question. More than half of the digimon live in buildings, and the other half live just about almost everywhere. It was awkward, and I know he’s different from any digimon that I known. No-much different, that he is. I don’t think he’s from this world, nor is he a digital monster. That dragon could be in a different world from ours. If I wasn’t too stubborn, maybe I could learn something more about him.

He cocked his head, “Really?”

I nodded and explained. “There are creatures that live in houses like this. We have cities and towns full of digital monsters.”

That’s when it started to become clear to me; he really wasn’t from this world. His eyes widen, yet retained a serious outlook. “Monsters?”

“Digimon, for short.”

“Do you creatures have names?”

“Yes, me I’m Flamedramon.”

His eye began to twitch unusually by that word. “That’s a weird name…”

I growled at him. “All of us have the word ‘mon’ at the end of our name.”

He chuckled, finding it highly amusing. “So does that mean I’m called Windragonmon?”

For the first time, I laughed at him for trying. “Actually the word dra is a shorter word for dragon. So the correct term for you would be Windramon.”

The ‘Windramon’ rolled his eyes. “Still, it is a weird name. I rather call you a Flamedragon, not the extra mon and minus the gon from dragon.”

Shrugging I lacked any words to his point. “This is how our world goes.”

He grunted, “Well, do you have an actual name besides Flamedramon?”

There are some digimon that had other names. Though most of them had chosen to stick to what they are called. It has been a long since; I’ve always been called Flamedramon more than my real name. I guess he’s not closely comfortable with what I really am. “Niles.”

“Sasuno.” The Windramon said, or what the windragon said.

I gave a light smile at him. “Nice meeting you Sasuno.”


I didn’t know what happened last night. I was soon fallen asleep when I felt somebody is carrying me. When I woke up, I found myself in my bed. Was it all but, a dream? My body still wore the bandages that the windragon has tended. He was probably gone, though I was mistaken as I nearly looked over to the side of my bed. Sasuno was sleeping on the floor!

For a mere second, I thought he was gone. There was a huge anxiety building up in me that I didn’t know how to react. He was so close to my bed; I almost thought he had feelings for me. I wasn’t so sure. If he cared so much about me, why is he in my room? I wouldn’t mind if he slept on my sofa; unless, he really does love me.

Again for the first time, I found the heat rising within me. My cheeks began to blush-wait blush!? Furiously, keeping my head in track; I pressed my face against my pillow. No way, I don’t like him! I mean, we only met yesterday. So, why is it that my heart is set out for him? I’m not usually interested in anybody. Sasuno only saved my life that’s all he did. There is nothing about him that he is considered to be attractive. He is handsome, with a bare broad chest…and his sweet blue sapphire eyes. UGH!!! No! I will not let myself gone astray with him barging into it! Why is it that he matters to me? He’s not from this digital world, he’s a total alien who don’t know he is actually in it.

So why do I let him interfere my life?

I turned my blue and white face at him. Letting my eyes draw a longing glance over his figure. My tormenting emotions were screwed by a lot of mixed ones. Deeply ashamed, yet overall felt complete need, was he there so he could be there for me? Replace my desperate loneliness with his comfort and care? Am I truly letting my courage down to that windragon? Maybe he is the reason why he helped me.

Because he love me.

Gripping my blankets away from myself, I slowly walked down the kitchen fixing us some breakfast. The windragon woke himself up, and he walked over to me. His tender smile made my body melts, nearly burning our meal with my flames. He chuckled as he walked over to me like I’m his delicate flower. My eyes set innocently at him, when he cooled it off even when it isn’t badly burnt.

“Do you have a good sleep?” I asked.

“Not really.” He muttered.

I bit my lip, perhaps he wasn’t really thinking about me. It was too soon to think of that way. I don’t blame him if I was wrong to judge the way he behaves around me. I should let my feelings go to being just friends. “I see.”

Sasuno again looked at me strangely before letting out another grunt, “Did you have a good night sleep?”

I nodded.

Then he gave me another chuckle, “Thought so, I was worried you wouldn’t be okay.”

My eyes lowered by his response. “What do you mean?”

Startled, he gave me a terrifying glare. I leaned against the cabinet afraid of what he might do to me. Closing my eyes, I feared for the worst. Oh digigods, why must I draw conclusions about him and me? Of course, there is nothing in his mind that he cares; why should he? Did he really give a damn, wither he had a choice of letting me die or save me from my peril? Where is the sense of courage that used to be in me when I started growing up!? I could really be a digimon that is worth being look up to. I want to forget the feeling of being like crap when I already feel happy being alone…

All over myself, I noticed a pair of lips pressing against mines. Before I can react, he was kissing me. Why? I’m just an ordinary digimon; how could my wishful thinking of feeling myself whole is being with this creature? My selfishness cannot be rewarded by something that can’t be comprehended. I have to do something to get out of it.

I pushed him away from me. “Stop it; I don’t think I can handle this relationship.”

His face softened, yet I could tell he was hurt. “You don’t?”

“The truth is, I really don’t know.” Then I came closer to him, giving him my sincere smile. Yet he turned around, rejecting them as if it didn’t matter.

He moved away from me and he silently cursed his breath before looking at me with his serious eyes. “I’m sorry.”

I shook my head. “Don’t be sorry.”

Sasuno opened the door, but I stopped him. Again, he drawed me closer to his body, and his strong arms rubbing against my scaly back. This intense feeling was overwhelming, and I couldn’t face myself to let him go. He was indeed passionate. And we kissed; soon it was more than just a kiss. Our tongue intertwined and we were making out. Slamming the door behind him, he carried me forth towards my bed. I was desperate for him. I am in love with my darling windragon.

The windragon’s long white tail wrapped around my blue and white tail. My gauntlets, helm, and my foot cover were luckily taken off from yesterday. My arms gently wrapped around his long neck as he became affectionate with desire. His extended serpent tongue draped over my neck. My red vest was taken off, exposing my naked body. Both of us were feeling ourselves getting hard. My pink prick wasn’t nearly as massive as his. It was deep red, and I blushed by the engaging the sight of his dragonhood

A finger turned my face directly at him. Not getting myself distracted by his lean muscle, I watched Sasuno continued to taste me down to where my nipple. He suckled vigorously and I moaned by his behalf. I kept telling him that I am not a female, yet he continued teasing me with his tongue expecting I would produce milk. His other hand waning in to my penis, stroking it, and pleasuring me to have me spill him of my seeds.

Ceasing over my manly tit; Sasuno lowered himself down, and his whole mouth swallowed easily of my dick. I was breathing heavily when all of a sudden; he let out a rumbling sound. He was murring. I feel content when hearing that happy satisfied sound beaming from my ears. My juices leaked, causing a bit of a mess over my mattress.

I murred along with him; his mouth still filled with semen. The windragon greedily suckled, and I soon found myself almost towards my limit. Then I came, spilling the seeds to his quenched throat. I breathed in heavily; somehow letting me taste my sourly juices that I made as he kissed me again.

He touched my prick, and letting myself went in his ass. He was also doing the same for himself to me. I was a little afraid; it seems impossible for his dick to enter my small stout. Yet Sasuno managed as he shoved gently at me. His tight arms held both my sides as his huge penis squeeze inside of me. I gapped, “Ah! Sasuno, it’s too big!”

Sasuno chuckled, one of his eyes closed enduring the tightness. “Relax; you’re just not used to my size for the first time.”

Who is he kidding? That thing is enormous; it’s as twice as bigger than my prick!

Calming me gently, his tongue eases my tenseness; the windragon started to fuck me. His body pulls back and forth in a repeated rhythm. My fingers still latched upon his muscular neck and I moan out of ecstasy. I embraced myself as he came into me harder. Faster, than he appears when his balls slapped my butt cheeks. He jammed himself in me. I did the same; I want him more as he wanted me. I came to realized that this is what I had wanted.

This windragon isn’t just my companion. He was chosen to be my lover, my courage; my very own inner strength.

Feeling I came close of feeling orgasm I cried out for him, “Sasuno, I’m-I’m cumming!”

The windragon menacingly roared, “Then cum to me my Niles!”

I did, we both came. His throbbing dragonhood let out a harsh burst; I could feel most of his semen going inside of me as we came. I cum nearly as much as he did, but I felt myself feeling satisfied. Sasuno kissed my lips again, til we finally parted for just a few minutes. Greedily tasting the air that is around us, there is a thought of wondering why he loves me. It did not occur to mind of any specific reason.

“Why? Why did you kiss me?” I asked.

“Specific reason?”

I replied. “Yes.”

My mate chuckled, “It was you who got me out of my dormant state. When I saw your condition; it became clear to me that I wanted to protect you. I usually think I would end up being with a human. My ancestors usually are called out by them; yet I noticed I wasn’t even in the same world that I was living in.”

I nodded; understanding Sasuno’s difference. “We also had children that came to our world. We became partners, though they are called our tamers.”

“We creatures call them sagas.”

Again, I shook my head at him.

He smiled. “Your words didn’t exactly make sense to me at first. Until you mention yourself; I can’t rely on my instincts of exploring this-world of yours, Niles. I could’ve take heed of your advice, though I did save your life.”

“I’ll teach you everything I know about this world.” I exclaimed.

Sasuno chuckled. “That will better.”

He kissed me, and I kissed him back. My stomach growled due to a skipped breakfast. I could tell that he wouldn’t dare to have sex during our supper. “Guess I have to microwave my cold food.” I grumbled.

“I thought I was your snack.” The huge reptile joked.

“Ha-ha, c’mon Windramon, I bet your hungry as well.” I got off my bed heading towards the kitchen again. That is, when he continued to grab my butt again. “Hey! Stop touching me you pervert!”

“Oh I’m a pervert now am I?”

“Don’t make me burn you to crisp!” I threatened.

“Aww is my widdle girl crying over his baked sausage?” Sasuno continued with his teasing voice.

“Okay, you could forget about having your breakfast then!” I gave him a final warning and this time he felt defeated.

“You win Niles, you win.” He grumbled, not even stopping himself from giving me kisses on the cheek. What can I say? I can’t stay mad at him long, I, myself fall over my Windramon. He falls over his Flamedragon. We didn’t separated from each other since the day we met. It’s all thanks of him that he is my coursing wind that caresses my fire.
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Messages In This Thread
Wind and Fire FlamedramonxWindragon - by tigerlily - 03-28-2010, 05:56 AM