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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Name: Kou Brazkiad

Age: 17 (Senior)
Class: 3-A

Gender: Male

Physical Description: 6'2" with an athletic build. He has shoulder length hair with tattoos marked along his cheeks and eyes. Wears a loose school uniform coat with a black tank top underneath and cargo pants.

Psychological Description: Though being a senior, Kou is a new transfer student from an elite academy in Tokyo, but due to some issues with fellow students there Kou was moved. He is the heir to a large corporation in the city, but Kou isn't keen on the idea. Even to the point he goes out of his way to cause issues for his parents. First it being the tattoos, and then secretly going to karate

lessons. He is very laid back only doing enough in school to pass his classes and pursuing the young woman in the school. He has heard of the rumors of the phantom but thinks it's just a story to scare freshman.

Weapon Specialty: Portable night stick

Arcanna: Hanged Man

(Classroom 3-A)

The bell rang in the senior classroom as the other students stood up and made their way to the doors. Left behind was a young man sleeping at his desk quietly in the back of the room. His medium length hair draped over the desk as he snored soundly till he felt someone poke him in the arm.

"Mr. Brazkaid, class is over." the sensei spoke sternly.
"Oh really?" Kou yawned stretching out his arms with a grin across his tattoo covered face. "Maybe we should have longer lessons, sensei?"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because a growing boy needs his nap time." he chuckled as he stood up from his desk.

"I do not find this funny, Mr. Brazkaid. I'm concerned your not taking your education career seriously."

"Oh? Did I fail my last test?"

The sensei sighed and pulled out a sheet of paper handing it to Kou. "No, you got 70%. It's not a fail, but I think you could put more into your work."

"Now why would I do that, sensei?" he spoke as he rolled up his test and placed it in his pants. "If I'm passing, there is no sense in going for higher marks."

"That's not a very positive attitude. Especially after your parents placed a generous donation towards our science department for you to attend this school in the middle of the year."

Kou's grin faded for a moment, "My parents have their own agenda's for me Sensei. One that I'm not interested in to be honest."

"Mr. Brazkaid! You need to take your education seriously. Without it, how can you ever hope to be ready to take over your responsible as an adult?"

Kou slung his backpack over his shoulder and glanced to his teacher. "You want to know something Sensei?"

"And what is that?"

"I like you. You're a good teacher, but my responsibilities for an adult were picked by my parents. I rather pick my own choices as I know most of my fellow students have. " he made his way to the door and looked over his shoulder to the teacher once more.

"See you tomorrow Sensei." he smiled while walking down the hallway to the stairs.

The sensei sighed softly as he took a set at his desk to ponder on his newest student.

(1st floor Hallway)

Kou made his way down the stairs entering into the first floor hallway where he saw the freshman girls. "Hmmm perhaps I won't head home so soon." he thought to himself.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by DrakeZero - 05-17-2010, 06:41 AM