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Began writing again: Death of the Digital World.
I've been playing around with this idea for a while and so far this is the Introduction i have. Please give me your honest opinions and any recommendations would be swell.

The Digital Plain is a giant world generated from the exchanged communication of the Internet. Among the many data streams and transfers of information live strange digital organisms called Digimon, a group of creatures that fight each other to the death to expand their living. Data is the one thing that drives them besides the social code of battle, the reason for two digimon to challenge one another...and for one to leave with the other’s data.

Digimon ultimately were generated by humans, who also gave life to the worlds the Digimon thrive in; the humans generated the creatures based on animals that their children created. After their introduction to the digital plain, the Digimon begin breeding with one another and soon Nurseries of children Digimon began cropping up all over the digital world. Digimon could only grow by absorbing data and as children they were fed data packets to grow strong enough to challenge an opponent. Digimon fed off the data of a defeated opponent to grow stronger and social traditions began to become distinct such as the idea that feeding on the data packets was a childish way of gaining strength.

This is where it all began falling to pieces; whilst blissfully unaware of what they had created, humans focused more on fighting each other to the death over petty matters such as land, physical features/preferences and honour. The human race’s children became obsessed with war also, turning their attention away from creation and toward the ‘cool’ side of killing.
Coincidentally Digimon began to adopt these ways themselves, copying their creators despite being innocently unaware of human existence. Resultantly, this has led to the decreasing population, enslavement and even the extinction of many defenceless species of the Digital world by the data-obsessed tyrannical Digimon that strive to be the best. The Nurseries were burned to the ground, the children Digimon were mercilessly slaughtered and their carers met a similar fate.
With no human children to replenish the world with new Digimon species, hope for a civilised and sustainable existence seemed dire.
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
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Began writing again: Death of the Digital World. - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 06-13-2010, 04:22 AM