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Began writing again: Death of the Digital World.
Thanks for helping with my spelling DMX, I have a tendency to mis-spell words. I wrote this rather rapidly so it needed a fair bit of mopping up to do.

"In a similar way" was kind of a lazy way to conclude that paragraph i'll admit, but I wasn't sure of my audience so I avoided going with an all out gore-fest of detail on what they did to the carers.

My idea for the plot was not exactly about children being miniature adults, it was sort of looking at the world around myself and relating this world to the digital world. I mean, how many children can you honestly say still care about Digimon? They're all interested in the newer things these days like Ben 10 and Yugioh etc, and the ones that were interested in Digimon have moved onto more "adult" things like reality TV, News, Horror movies, comedy shows etc.
The way I see it, Digimon fight because they inherited their nature from us, dispite never actually knowing we created them, because it was children that designed them in the first place, whereas the adults simply built them, and the children essentially put their own personality, their own self into these Digimon. That is why you find some that fight, and some that simply want to follow a role. Take for example Takato from season 3, you can see alot of his personality within his created partner, Guilmon. Also note Alice, the girl from the same season; both she and Dobermon are similar so there is a chance, seeing as she is one of the Monster Maker's children, that she created Dobermon.

Because they have our nature, I believe they are capable of doing things we are able to do, such as hunting defenseless Digimon to extinction for their data, as we did with many animals for the food or other petty reasons.
This is what leads to the extinction of many species of Digimon in the Digital World and because the children of the human world are too busy with newer toys or getting into more mature interests, there is noone to replace the lost Digimon.

I'm thinking, if i continue this, of having a group of digidestined discovering this catastrophe and learning of a league of powerful digimon that have gained so much power from data, they have become lazy and corrupt rulers of sections of the Digital World.
The digidestined decide they would beat the league by using their creative nature in coordination with the digignomes to create new species of Digimon to fight the tyrants and during the assault, and the digidestined and their partners finish them off or something.

I dunno though, this was just a means of getting back into writing and as i say, it was rushed so I haven't quite got it all collectively's like the ideas are swirling around in my head and I haven't the net to catch them all. It is probably going to end up just as a fanfiction if i was going to continue it, because I'm not great at RPGs.
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RE: Began writing again: Death of the Digital World. - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 06-13-2010, 11:49 AM