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Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX)
OC: Normal American school please. :P

IC: Jess rolled her eyes as she passed the giggling cheerleaders. Why the hell are the sluts the ones who control this place? Jess was almost glad that free period was over, seeing as no one would be gossiping while the teacher was talking. I suppose she has to get as much talking done as possible right now though, seeing as her mouth is usually full of dick. Jess snickered at her own joke.

Jess wasn't ugly, but she wasn't the hottest thing around either. She had small breasts and wore glasses. Her hair was kind of messy and she always wore big sweatshirts that hid her figure. She had only had sex once and the kid had been paid to do it to humiliate her.

She sighed as she entered her chemistry class and slumped down in her seat. She picked up her bag and started to pull her books out. As she dropped her heavy textbook on the table, her elbow hit a test tube filled with some bubbly purple liquid, knocking it over.

She freaked as it spilled onto her chest, leaving her sweatshirt stained. She rushed to grab some paper towels to clean up the mess, but she could already hear the rest of the students coming toward the classroom.

Great, as if my life didn't suck enough. Suddenly, Jess felt a tingling sensation throughout her body.

OOC: So, you wanna describe the transformation from the perspective of the other students?
[Image: signature.png]

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RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - by CloneWarrior - 02-22-2011, 08:53 AM