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Blackwargreymon's Desires Part 3 (Contains dirty areas)
(04-25-2011 04:28 AM)Ninja_Kharlan Wrote: "You can't just take care of him yourself! You need to find someone to hel you!" Rika was lecturing Renamon about not being able to take care of the baby herself.
I think that was obvious by the dialogue...... also, use spellcheck; in all three there are massive spelling errors.

I read on, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the change of writing style. I really enjoyed the style this time and your improvement is intense, to say the least, between works.
I'd say you still need to work on Renamon's dialogue, but the overall story was average, in comparison to the other fanfic and internet writers, this time around.
Also, don't worry too much about my harshness, I simply expect a lot.
(Also, the way your style is vastly different between the first two makes me wonder how you pulled that off...if I didn't know better, I'd even say somebody else wrote it. I'd prefer to believe you simply improved just that much)

I'm gonna worry about harshness. I simply cannot handle it. I was very close to deleting all of these stories because of your nasty comment on the first part. I don't like it when people expect a lot, because if people do, I simply will not comply with them. Sorry if I seem to hate you, it's just that I am a little pissed off. Or maybe really pissed off.

I will no longer talk.

I also can't type.
Mah Citeh.
[Image: 216801_198660990172916_100000870481236_4...7313_n.jpg]
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Blackwargreymon's Desires Part 7 is the last story of the series, regardless of what it says in the post. I will not be making anymore parts to it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Blackwargreymon's Desires Part 3 ***NOT DONE*** - by Flo-Flo Chique - 04-25-2011, 09:45 AM