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life after life

Life After Life eragon/saphira fanfiction love story contains strong sexual refrences but is a very romantic story and took me forever to make so you better be gratefull

Both of them had done their duty to the world. They had given so much of themselves for others. Their selfless actions had brought the ultimate peace of Alagaesia and had given a better quality of life to all of its inhabitants. Both of them had realized this and had decided that they wanted to seek another purpose to life besides just fighting and killing. They would go out in the world and create their own purpose; decide their own destinies.

Yes, it was selfish. They knew that. In the back of their minds, they scorned themselves for it, but they had to go. The civilized, cultured life wasn’t for them anymore. They wanted to live by their own rules and make their own choices. Neither Eragon nor Saphira knew why they felt this way, but they did nonetheless. In the back of their minds, each of them had always wished this however their responsibilities had always held them back. Now neither of them felt obligated to stay any longer.

With their minds made up, they left, leaving behind nothing but a small piece of parchment which tried to explain their selfish actions. They only hoped that everyone would understand. Their first stop was in the nearby mountains. Spending several nights there made them realize how much they had wanted this. Now there wasn’t anything holding them back; nothing in the way. They could live their lives as they saw fit.

Over the course of several weeks, both of them had realized that their relationship had changed. The relationship between dragon and rider is a special one, but it isn’t love or friendship. It’s like loyalty based on common grounds and a general fondness for the other’s soul. Until now, their relationship had been a simple one of trust and admiration, but it was getting to be more complicated every moment they spent alone together…


Eragon looked into the fire, reflecting on what they had done and what had happened between them these past few weeks. He had never thought that his relationship with Saphira could have changed so much. Sure, he did consider her a companion in all respects, but he never consciously thought of her as a friend. It is true that if someone had asked him if he was friends with Saphira that his answer would have been yes, but his relationship with her wasn’t very comparable to his relationship with other kids his age that he labeled a “friend” when growing up. Both of them had duties and obligations that prevented such frivolous interpretations. Now, without those barriers that closed off their minds and solely invoked instinctual behavior, they were able to actually form a relationship that wasn’t based on mutual fondness and obligation to others.

He hadn’t realized it at the time, but he was always afraid to get too close to Saphira. His fear of losing her in battle was well justified, but he took it to extremes. He now realized that he had been unfair to her; that they could have been closer before now. For many years, their lives consisted of battle after battle, hardship after hardship. It had changed them in many ways. Now that they were finally allowed to let their wounds heal; both the emotional and physical ones, their relationship naturally started to change. What was happening between them was only natural. It’s just what happens when two individualÂ’s lives change so dramatically and so suddenly. At least, that’s what he told himself. He didn’t know what to make of Saphira’s behavior lately. Or his for that matter.

He felt Saphira adjust herself, which brought him back to reality. One thing he didn’t like about sleeping with her was the fact that she moved around in her sleep so much. It was then that he felt the feeling of Saphira’s warm tongue across his face. “Agh! He exclaimed. What are you doing?” I’m cleaning your face Eragon. Saphira replied simply. You’ve got dirt all over it. “I’ll go wash it in the river if it bothers you so much.” He replied. He didn’t really want her to lick him again. Nonsense. She said insistently. “I’m going to have to go anyway to get the saliva off me.” He said, a bit annoyed. With that, he got up and started walking towards the river.

He sure has gotten more irritable lately. Saphira thought, closing off her thoughts to Eragon. I suppose it’s because our situation has changed so much. This is what we wanted, so why is he acting this way? She got up and followed him as he walked towards the river. What’s wrong Eragon? She asked, opening her thoughts to him once more. What ails you as of late? Eragon stopped and looked back at her. “I just don’t like slimy things on my face. He responded. Besides that, you interrupted my thoughts.” Oh? Saphira asked in surprise. Is that so? What were you thinking about?

“I was just thinking about the rest of our lives.” Eragon replied. And? Saphira inquired. “Are we truly only going to have each other as company for the rest of our lives? He asked. Is that even practical?” Why not? Saphira asked. Who else do we need? “I – I….no one. Eragon replied. I guess this place is getting to me. I don’t like it here very much.” Well we’re not going to stay here much longer. Saphira said with an optimistic tone. We can live anywhere we want to Eragon…..anywhere. We have total freedom now.

Eragon smiled at her. “You’re right Saphira. He said. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to anymore. Let’s leave at daybreak.” With that, he started walking towards the river again. Saphira didn’t follow him. Instead, she turned and headed back to camp, awaiting his return.

That sure was strange. Saphira thought. He’s been acting a little abnormal lately. With those thoughts put aside, she drifted off into a slight hazy sleep while waiting for him to return. Soon enough, she felt his velvety soft clothing rubbing against her stomach and allowed herself to go to sleep fully.


Morning soon came. The sun came through the trees like a crystal light piercing through cloth. Saphira awoke to the sound of a crackling fire. Opening her eyes, she saw Eragon preparing a meal of deer. She saw the carcasses lying beside the fire. Three deer? Saphira asked, a bit surprised. Why so much? “Four actually. He replied. I thought we could store some in case the next place we go doesn’t have a lot of reliable food sources. Now come. Eat.” He indicated to a bed of leaves with a large pile of bloody deer meat on them.

Oh, you took the skin off for me. Saphira said happily. Just the way I like it. Thank you Eragon. She reached over and nuzzled him. “Okay, okay come on Saphira. He said. It’s not that big of a deal.” Hmmmmm…..he still seems to be irritated by everything I do. She thought to herself. What’s going on with him lately? Pushing her thoughts aside as she had been doing frequently those past few weeks, she began eating. So Eragon, where do you want to go? She asked inquisitively.

“I’m not entirely sure Saphira. He replied. I’m not used to having this kind of freedom. Is there anywhere you’d like to go?” Saphira thought for a moment. Well, I want to live somewhere safe. She said. A place where we wouldn’t have to deal with anyone if we didn’t want to. “Well the only place I can think of that’s like that is the desert. He said. I don’t think either of us would like to live there. Besides, it’s not exactly safe there.”

Are we going to build a place to live or are we just going to live out in the wilderness? Saphira asked. “You mean am I going to make us a home?” Eragon asked with surprise. Well, I’d help….. Saphira remarked dryly. “It’d have to be pretty big.” Eragon said, looking her over. It would also limit our freedom to go wherever we wanted. Saphira pointed out. “I guess we’ll just have to see when we get there. Said Eragon. Which brings us back to the question of where we want to live in the first place.”

All I know right now is that we can’t stay here anymore. Saphira said. We’re too close. They could find us quite easily. “Agreed. Said Eragon. Just let me put out this fire and pack up the meat. Then we can go.” Eragon put out the fire with the water he had gotten from the stream the night before and started putting the deer carcasses into the large sacks he had brought. After he had finished, he got onto Saphira and stroked her neck.

Which way do we go? Saphira asked. “Just head away from here in the same way we were traveling before we landed.” Eragon said. She nodded and took flight. They headed off into the distance, leaving behind the mountains and looking forward to the endless possibilities that awaited them.


After several hours, they stopped in the middle of a large open field. Being fall, the grass was dead and lifeless. “This isn’t going to work Saphira. Eragon said. We can’t build a fire here.” I can’t go any longer Eragon and this field goes on in all directions as far as even my eyes can see. She said. We have to stop. “All right. Eragon said reluctantly. I suppose we can stop for a while. How long do you need?” Not too long. Saphira replied.

“Fine.” Eragon said, getting off her. What’s been troubling you lately Eragon? Saphira asked. “What do you mean?” Eragon asked. You’ve been acting so strangely. You get annoyed with me very quickly. “I’m sorry Saphira.” Eragon said. Is there something you want to tell me? Saphira asked. “N-no. He stammered. Why do you ask?” I know it’s something Eragon. I’ve known you long enough to know when there’s something on your mind. “There is something I want to tell you but….” He trailed off. It’s all right. You can tell me. Saphira said. Several seconds passed before he replied. “No. He insisted. Not here. Not now.”

But Eragon….. “I’ll tell you one day Saphira. He promised. As of now, I can’t tell you. I don’t have the tongue for it.” Saphira toyed with the idea of reaching into his mind for the information she wanted, but she resisted the temptation. If he didn’t think he could tell her, what right did she have to take the information from him? Saphira met his gaze and looked at him softly. She could tell he was almost ready to burst with whatever information he had, but at the last moment he broke the connection and started opening the packs of deer meat he had brought with them from that morning.

Eragon cursed himself. He wanted to tell her. He really did, but even after all these years he still couldn’t. Even now that it was all over, he was still no stronger mentally than he had been only a little after their adventure had began.

Saphira looked at him with sympathy. She could tell he was having a difficult time wrestling with his morals and a large portion of his conscious memory was blocked from her view. What could he be keeping so secret? What had happened to him since they had run away? Her thoughts were pierced by the sound of the bloody carcass plopping out of the bag at her feet. We should save this Eragon. She said. “It’ll rot soon if we don’t eat it. He replied. It would be nice to have if we didn’t have anything else, but I have the feeling that won’t be the case. Besides, we have three of them. Let’s just eat one of them right now.”

But there’s no fire. Saphira said. “It’s okay. Eragon said. I can eat later. You need your strength to be able to fly.” I’m fine Eragon. Saphira said. Let’s go. Eragon shrugged and put the carcass back into the bag. He slung it over Saphira’s back and got on. After she was sure that he was safely secure, she took off once more.

Another five hours had passed since they stopped in the field and both of them were getting tired. They had agreed to stop at a small forest on the edge of another much smaller field in order to get some rest. It didn’t help matters that they had lost their meals. All three carcasses had fallen off of Saphira’s back and into a stream they had flown over earlier. They had tried to save them, but they had been totally mutilated by the jagged rocks at the bottom of the stream. At least they had saved the bags though.

They decided to go hunting the next morning. Since they had no food, they decided not to make a fire. The moonlight served them well enough and Saphira could see in the dark anyway. It was a strangely warm night so they probably wouldn’t have any issues with heat either. Nevertheless, they slept closer than usual that night. Saphira slept on her side and Eragon curled up next to her, leaning against her warm stomach. Saphira put her wing over him and they were both soon asleep.

Sometime after she had fallen asleep, she didn’t know when, Saphira awoke. She didn’t know how long it was until daybreak, but it was still dark. She lifted her wing a bit so she could see underneath it, expecting to see Eragon sleeping peacefully. To her surprise, he was awake. Oh, I’m sorry Eragon. Saphira apologized. Did I wake you up? Eragon stirred and turned to his other side, facing her. “No. He said. I just can’t sleep.” Why not? Saphira asked sympathetically. He put his entire body against her so they were stomach to stomach and clenched his fists, taking a large amount of her scaly skin into his hands. “You know that thing I wanted to tell you?” He asked. Saphira nodded in response. You can tell me Eragon. What’s the worst that could happen? “You don’t understand.” Eragon said.

Saphira lowered her head, putting it close to his so they were almost touching. Tell me. She whispered. Eragon summoned all his courage and felt a release of pressure as he whispered his thoughts; the only one’s he had kept secret from her all those years. “I….I love you Saphira.” He whispered softly. It was almost inaudible and a little choked up, but as he said it, his thoughts said it as well. His mind screamed it like the release of water after a great dam broke. Saphira reared her head back quickly as the realization of what he said hit her. You don’t mean a simple affection do you? She asked, almost breathless. Eragon shook his head and clenched his fists tighter, wrinkling her scales even more.

Her eyes portrayed a mixed look of surprise and sympathy. Oh Eragon…… She said, nuzzling him affectionately. How long have you had these feelings? “I….well I’ve always felt close to you, but these past few weeks….I guess I’ve come to terms with how I’ve always felt about you. He admitted. I didn’t even want to admit it to myself, but now…” He trailed off. So it has always been there? She asked, revealing a surprised expression. He nodded. “Yes, but I’ve been rejecting my feelings for you. I guess that’s how you never caught on to it. He said. I’m sorry Saphira. I just thought you should know. That’s why I’ve been acting strangely lately. I don’t expect you to return my feelings, but I had to tell you.” Saphira could feel him trembling against her. It’s okay Eragon. She whispered. I’m glad you told me.

Eragon looked up into her soft eyes. “You’re not mad at me? He asked. You don’t think I’m sick or there’s something wrong with me?” Of course not. Saphira whispered. I’ve always kind of known this too. And I do share your feelings Eragon. “You do?” Eragon asked. Yes I do. She whispered. I really do. She put her head close to his again and sighed. “I wish I was a dragon.” Eragon said after a few moments. Why would you want that? Saphira asked. “We could be together then.” Eragon replied simply. Who says we can’t be together just as we are? She asked quietly. “It would never work out.” Eragon said. Why not? She asked. “Because it’s wrong. Eragon said. It’s not natural.”

By whose standards, yours or your people’s? Saphira asked. No one has to know. We don’t have to be accountable to anyone anymore. “I don’t know….I….” Kiss me…. Saphira interrupted. She lifted her head so they were looking directly into each other’s eyes. Eragon couldn’t resist any longer. He leaned forward and kissed her with all of the pent up passion he had accumulated through the years. They separated, opening their eyes at the same time. Eragon embraced her, feeling the energy coursing through both their veins.

“I wish it could work.” He whispered. Why can’t it? Saphira asked. “We can’t pretend that it ever would. Eragon said. No matter how hard we try, this is as close as we can get to being together. Right here.” He indicated what he meant by embracing her tighter. “This is all we can do. He said. I don’t think this will satisfy either of us for very long. We should stop this now. It’ll be less painful not to be constantly reminded that we can never have….. a complete relationship.”

He unwrapped his arms from around her neck and leaned beside her. He felt tears in his eyes. He had told her how he felt and she had even reciprocated his feelings, but he now felt worse than he had before. He wished he hadn’t said anything. Eragon… Saphira said. In time I’m sure we could develop our relationship that far. “How…I…” Just listen. Have you ever seen my……well…….you know…..? Saphira asked. Eragon shook his head. “I haven’t intentionally tried looking there…” He said. Well take a look. She said. “What? Eragon asked, confused. Wh-?” Just take a look at it. She insisted.

Eragon rolled onto his hands and knees and crawled behind her. He was a little self conscious. It felt weird looking at her in that way. When he finally got back there, he was a bit surprised. She didnÂ’t even have a – no wait. Was that it? It was so small! Just about the size a human’s should be. Not that he really knew exactly what size a humans area would be since he’d never seen one, but it certainly wasn’t too large for him. No wonder he’d never noticed it before. He crawled back up to Saphira and lay against her again.

“How…?” He asked curiously. Dragons have small……personal areas. Saphira said. I don’t know why. “But…don’t you lay eggs?” Eragon asked. Yes, but we also rely on internal fertilization. She said. Dragons are strange creatures I guess. Eragon was dumbfounded. He had always wanted to be in this situation, but now that he was actually in it, he was having second thoughts. He had never actually considered being able to have this type of relationship with Saphira outside of his repressed fantasies.

“So….we could theoretically…” Eragon trailed off. Yes. Saphira whispered. We could. “No. Eragon said with certainty. I don’t want to ruin our existing relationship if something goes wrong.” Eragon…. She said softly. We share a special type of relationship. No amount of embarrassment or hard feelings could ever ruin it. “But…we can’t….” Eragon trailed off. Why can’t we Eragon? She asked. What law governs us now? Who is to tell us right from wrong or stand in the way of our desires?

As she finished her sentence, she felt his erection through his pants. Since they were stomach to stomach, she could feel as it increased in size. She looked down at him and smiled. That’s it Eragon. She cooed. You know I’m right. Who will judge us? She awaited a response. When none came, she answered her own question. No one can. She whispered. They have no right to. “I’m afraid it would feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” He said. I want this too Eragon. She said. It’s a mutual act. Besides, if I didn’t want to do this, I could easily overpower you. There’s no way this could be considered non-mutual.

“Have you ever…?” He asked. No. She replied. “Then I can’t take your virginity.” He said. Who else can except you? She asked. Besides, you haven’t done it either….have you? “Well no…” He said. Then we’ll take each other’s. She whispered. A fair trade, wouldn’t you say? “Oh Saphira…” He whispered. He embraced her again. After a few minutes of lying together, Saphira nudged him gently, indicating what she wanted. Giving in to her advances, he stood up and stripped himself of all his clothing. He just stood there for a few moments and allowed Saphira to look him over.

Realizing he must be waiting for her approval, she nodded at him and lay down, exposing herself to him fully. He lay down next to her so they were stomach to stomach again. She felt as his bare member rubbed against her and shuddered as he rubbed it down her front side all the way down to its final destination. She was now more aroused than ever. She released a long sigh as she felt his erection hit her entrance. He began to push inside, but suddenly stopped. She whimpered in anticipation. “Are you sure you want this?” He asked. Please… She breathed. Take me Eragon…..I need you…..

Nodding in approval, Eragon slid in further until he encountered a barrier. “You have a hymen? He asked aloud. I can’t do this to you. I can’t break your hymen. This is so wrong.” Please Eragon. She breathed. You’re the only one I want to be with. I know it’s wrong, but please…for me… By reading her thoughts, he realized that this was what she truly wanted. He couldn’t deny her deepest desires. Taking a deep breath, he pushed in with all his might, swiftly breaking her hymen.

“Saphira.” He whispered as her hymen broke. Despite the pain, it felt incredibly good. Knowing it would hurt her more if he stopped, Eragon continued thrusting slowly, trying to ignore the blood and soft whimpers coming from Saphira’s body. This was nothing like he envisioned his first time would be like. He thought that he would totally lose control with whoever he had shared this experience with and finish instantly, but this wasn’t the case at all. Much to his surprise, he was completely in control of himself. He concentrated on nothing more than giving Saphira pleasure.

He took slow deliberate strokes, making sure she was feeling as good as she possibly could for her first time. He didn’t even feel close to finishing as she had her release. He felt her enormous body shake as she released for the first time. The fact that he was able to give her so much pleasure filled him with pride. There were now so many fluids that he was having an easier time thrusting. By then, all of his thoughts about what they were doing and how it was wrong had disappeared. Who cared what others would think? They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted and they were simply exercising that freedom.

Saphira had never thought that she and Eragon would ever do this. Sure she knew it was possible, but she was certain that he would find a human mate and leave her behind. She had accepted that was going to happen and therefore didn’t give a romantic relationship with her rider any further consideration other than a slight admittance to herself about her feelings for him. I love you Eragon. She thought as she released for her very first time. I’m glad you were my first. I’m glad you waited for me. After her first release had subsided, she almost passed out from the pleasure. She never wanted this moment to end.

She could tell that Eragon was taking it slow and easy for her sake. It increased her pleasure exponentially and she had her second release. The feeling of him inside her was almost indescribable. She too had thought that her first time would be centered around personal pleasure and was glad that Eragon was thinking of her pleasure and comfort as much if not more than his own. He really was a caring and selfless person; one who she was not ashamed to claim as her mate.

As her third release came, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it anymore. It was then that Eragon stopped for a moment. She felt a stream of hot fluid inside her and realized that he must have just had his release. They groaned as they released together. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she felt his hot fluid shoot into her womb. After what seemed like a lifetime, he collapsed and lay still. She did the same. The nighttime air was filled with nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing.

After several long minutes, their breathing had slowed to almost normal. Eragon totally withdrew from her and collapsed again. He looked over at Saphira, who had wrapped her neck around him after their final mutual release. She opened her eyes and met his gaze. He thought this would be an awkward moment, but it wasn’t. He reached his arm over and stroked her head lightly. It was then that they both fell into a restful sleep. They didn’t awaken until late afternoon the next day.


Eragon opened his eyes and found that he was only inches from her face. It was then that the shocking revelation of what had happened the night before hit him. He had had sex with Saphira. They had taken each otherÂ’s virginity. His head was spinning. What have I done? He thought to himself. The instant the thought was formed in his mind, he saw Saphira open her eyes. Would she be mad at him? Had she truly been sane last night? He held his breath, waiting for the worst but he didn’t see anger, confusion, or regret in her eyes. All he saw was love.

You’ve made a woman happy, that’s what you did. Saphira said, nuzzling him affectionately. Good morning my love. Eragon was glad she wasn’t mad at him, but he had to know her true feelings. He began rubbing her affectionately as she nuzzled him. He leaned back against her and released any tension he had held before. She was obviously happy with what had happened the night before, but he had to make sure.

“Saphira?” He asked. Hmmmmmm? She responded, not really paying attention. “Do you regret what happened last night?” He asked seriously. Saphira stopped nuzzling him and raised her head. He looked up at her, maintaining eye contact. Eragon, the only thing I regret is the fact that we didn’t have the opportunity to do this years ago. She said. “Are you sure you didn’t agree to it just because I wanted it? He asked. Because you felt sorry that I wanted something I couldn’t have? You’ve always protected me and fulfilled my every want and desire. Sort of like the mother I never had.”

Saphira was flattered by the comment. She had never thought of it that way before. It depends Eragon. She said. Do you regret it? “I…I would only regret doing something to you that you didn’t want….or using guilt to persuade you into giving something you shouldn’t have. He responded. As long as it was something you truly wanted, I won’t feel guilty.” Eragon, you may have said I love you first, but I wanted it as much as you did. Saphira said.

“In that case I don’t regret anything that happened last night.” He said. He got up and started to dress himself. I’ve always loved you Eragon. She said. “Why didn’t you ever reveal your feelings to me?” He asked. I thought you would find a human mate and I’d be left in the dust. Saphira said plainly. I had no idea you had feelings for me and I didn’t want to trouble you with such matters at the time. You had so much to worry about. You had so many responsibilities. The time was never right. Why didn’t you ever reveal your feelings to me Eragon?

“I – I was too weak. He said sadly. I didn’t want to risk it and it just didn’t seem practical at the time.” You didn’t think it would work last night, but you told me anyway. Saphira pointed out. What changed your mind and convinced you to tell me? “I couldn’t hold it in any longer Saphira. He explained. We were constantly alone together and there was no way for me to get away from you to control my emotions.”

I’m afraid you’re troubled by what happened last night because you weren’t ready to take it to that level yet. Saphira said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I pushed you into it when you weren’t ready. “Well, it did go a lot faster than I expected it to. He said. I didn’t expect to reveal my feelings to you and then have sex so soon afterward. Heck, I didn’t even know we could have sex until last night.” I’m sorry I was so impatient with you Eragon. She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I just…really needed that and I gave you a little push, but that push wasn’t necessary. You would have come around in time. I should have waited until we were both truly ready and let you come to terms with what we were capable of doing before I made us jump in like that.

“DonÂ’t feel bad Saphira. He said. If you hadn’t done what you did last night, it probably would have never happened.” He reached up and cupped her head in his hand. “I truly love you Saphira. He said. I’m glad I never chose a human mate.” Let me ask you something Eragon. She said with interest. If we ever saw our friends again, would you tell them about what happened between us last night? Eragon thought for a moment. “I don’t think I could.” He finally said. So you think it was wrong then? Saphira asked. “No. He said. I just don’t think they would or even could understand what had happened. Only two beings can truly understand what happened between us last night; you and me.”

Just another thing that brings us closer I suppose. Saphira said mystically. She nuzzled him again. They laid out in the sunlight for several hours simply enjoying each other’s company. They discussed a variety of subjects including their friends, their past lives, and what they were going to do in the now and in the future. It was getting dark before they realized that they should go hunt and prepare for the night.

“We’d better hunt unless we want to go another night without food.” Eragon said. Yes. Saphira said softly. We haven’t eaten in over a day. I’ll go get the food since you did it the last time. “Oh no. Eragon said. We’re a team, more so now than we were before. We’ll go together.” Fine, but I don’t want to hear any complaining when I catch ten times the prey that you do. Saphira teased. “Well at least mine don’t come pre-roasted.” Eragon shot back. They both laughed and headed into the nearby field to see what they could find in the way of a meal.


It had been a successful hunt and like Saphira had said, Eragon didn’t complain about only catching two boars while she caught eight. After all, she had all the mental advantages of a human (and perhaps more) and all of the physical advantages of a dragon. As he cooked his meat, he looked over and marveled at her magnificent beauty. He couldn’t find a single flaw on her. She was his. His life, his love, his reason for being, his Saphira…

As his eyes met with hers, Saphira felt the warmth of love that was being generated by his being. It was intoxicating. She never knew that love was like this. He looked so funny sitting by the fire cooking such a small amount of meat in that metal pan. Of course, he needed different things than she did. They were different in every sense of the term. But they had overcome that, hadn’t they? They loved each other. No matter how many differences they had, their love for each other was their common ground. And that ground could never falter, could it? They had had sex. There’s no way it was out of nothing but desire for pleasure. He loved her and she loved him.

She watched as he got up and threw what little bit of his meat was left into the fire. “Ready for bed Saphira?” He asked. What was he expecting? Did he expect a repeat of the night before? Was his swift dinner the result of his eagerness to make love to her? She didn’t care if they physically expressed their feelings that night. She only wanted Eragon to be happy. She would go with whatever his decision was. Her only desire was to please him.

Her mind made up, she walked over near Eragon and lay down next to him. He laid down facing away from her and snuggled in. Her heart fluttered as he whispered to her. “I love you Saphira”. She felt as he rubbed her stomach affectionately. Realizing he must not be in the mood to make love that night, she wrapped her head around his body and closed her eyes. She kept her eyes closed as he kissed her. The warmth of his lips sent chills down her spine. I love you too Eragon. She whispered. They fell asleep together under the starless night, knowing they would always be there for each other and that no matter what happened, their love for each other would continue.


Morning came more quickly than either of them had wished. They both got up and stretched, breathing in the early morning dew. It was raining lightly and they were both slightly wet with its fine mist. “I like it here.” Eragon said. As do I, but we can’t live here. Saphira said. We’re too close. We must get at least a hundred hours away before we can even think of settling down. “We’re assuming that they’re actually looking for us. Eragon said. They might not be.” I don’t want to take the risk. Saphira said. I can’t face them after what we did.

“You’re right Saphira. Eragon said, letting out a deep sigh. We have to get much further away from here.” It’s not that good of a place anyway. Saphira said. There’s very little water here. “True, but it’s the place where we first…” Eragon trailed off. We can always come back and visit here Eragon. Saphira said. We’re only going a few days from here. I can travel up to 20 hours per day and remember; an hour of flying is like a day on horseback, or three days walking.

“Just don’t push yourself Saphira. Eragon said as he got on her. You don’t want to be too tired at the end of the day if you know what I mean.” He smiled at her as she looked at him in surprise. So you do want to do some… activities tonight? She asked, smirking at him. Then I’ll be sure to reserve some energy. Oh and Eragon…..can I have some water before we start off again? “Oh, of course Saphira.” Eragon said, getting off her. He cast the spell he had learned long ago, bringing water up from the depths of the earth and into a small indent in the ground that was nearby. Saphira lapped up the water greedily as he got back on her. After she had finished drinking, she made sure Eragon was ready and then took off into the sky, leaving behind the place where they had made love for the first time.

Saphira surprised Eragon by flying for nearly sixteen hours non-stop. Normally it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but with six dead boars on her back AND himself, it was quite an incredible feat. When they had finally stopped, they were in another forest, but this forest was different. All the trees were stripped of their leaves so it offered very little protection from the elements…and even less protection from prying eyes. Eragon didn’t really want to stop there, but he trusted Saphira and knew that she wouldn’t stop unless she needed to.

Saphira opened her mouth to let out a yawn. She walked over to an area that was relatively cleared of leaves and laid down. Come on Eragon. She said. Are you ready? Eragon studied her for a moment before responding. “You look tired Saphira. He said. You sure you want to do this tonight?” I just want to make you happy. Saphira said. “And I just want to make YOU happy Saphira.” Eragon replied. He walked over to her and scratched her under the chin. Ooooh…that feels good. Saphira said, closing her eyes. “How about just a massage tonight?” Eragon asked.

Saphira nodded, relenting to her own desires. She could tell Eragon really wanted her, but she was so tired and what he was doing felt so good….besides, he was the one who suggested it. Without responding, Eragon sat down next to her. He scratched her belly, her legs, her feet, her neck, her toes…anywhere she felt she needed it however he couldn’t help but notice that she kept moving her body so he would scratch lower. Finally getting a bit annoyed, he stopped.

“Saphira?” He asked, trying to get her attention. Yes? She asked, a bit disappointed that he had stopped. “I think we’re past the point of this.” Eragon said, putting his hands on his hips. What are you talking about? Saphira asked, confused. “If you want me to massage and scratch you…down there, just ask me to.” He said. I never asked – Saphira started, but she got cut off by Eragon. “You kept moving yourself so my hand would almost touch you down there as I was massaging you.” Eragon said. I did? Saphira asked. I didn’t realize. I did want you to massage me there, but I didn’t want to ask you tonight.

“Why not?” Eragon asked, a bit perplexed at her behavior. I was already selfish enough denying you tonight. I didn’t want to make it worse by asking you to give me pleasure while I gave you none. “Saphira… Eragon trailed off. I don’t want you to think you’re obligated to give me pleasure every night just because we’re together.” I don’t feel obligated, but isn’t it a little unfair if I get to release and experience pleasure while the one who is giving me that pleasure receives nothing? She asked. “Saphira, when I’m with youÂ…the last thing I worry about is my own pleasure. Eragon said. Besides, who said I wouldn’t receive any pleasure from massaging you like that?”

Saphira looked at him with surprise again. Everything he said lately surprised her. What do you mean? She asked. “How do I put this without sounding too…crass? Eragon asked, thinking to himself. Well, I don’t know how else to put this so I’ll just say it. Frankly, massaging you like that and seeing you in so much pleasure would be really hot.” Eragon! Saphira exclaimed, giving him a very provocative look. I’ve never heard you talk like that before. “Sorry I was so blunt, but I really couldn’t think of any other way to say it.” Eragon said, blushing slightly. He couldn’t believe he said that to her.

Are you sure you want to do this? Saphira asked. Are you sure you want to arouse yourself like that? I’m too tired to make love tonight so there will be no relief for you if you do this. “I’ll take care of it.” Eragon said. Saphira nodded, indicating her approval. She couldn’t believe how selfless Eragon was being. She thought that once she had given herself to him the first time that he would expect it from her and would want to make love every night, but it really wasn’t about the physical actions with him. Making love was really…making love. It wasn’t all about pleasure for him.

She laid down on the ground, sprawling herself out and making herself totally available to him. I’ll repay you a hundred fold Eragon. She thought to herself as he touched her. He started at the base of her neck and slowly made his way down, stopping several times to increase her anticipation and pleasure. He really did know how to make her feel good. She tensed as he reached her hot spot, hoping he wouldn’t unintentionally hurt her. After all, he had been a virgin only a few nights ago and he did have rather sharp fingernails. She wasnÂ’t worried about him when they made love because his member wasn’t capable of hurting her, but she knew that he could seriously injure her with his fingernails if he was careless.

His touch felt like a light breeze and her arousal level rose to almost unbearable levels. She couldn’t help but think he was teasing her. He kept rubbing and scratching over her area, but he never even tried to go inside her. It made her so crazy that she began bucking slightly as he rubbed at her entrance. Finally she felt as a very small part of his finger entered her, but he quickly withdrew it and started rubbing over her area again. She was getting angry. She felt like she was going to explode but he refused to give her what she needed to release.

After nearly ten minutes of this agonizing tease, Eragon finally started getting serious. He knew she really wanted him in her, but the longer he teased the more pleasurable her eventual release would be so he kept it up, taking her to the edge and back again over and over. She was relieved when he started getting serious. She felt him rub on the outside one more time, but instead of rubbing over her area, he wiggled his fingers, separating her longing lips and slipping inside her. She felt as his fingers slid down her inner walls.

Once he was fully inside her, he pulled out part of the way and slowly pushed his fingers back in. She breathed deeply, getting used to the feel of his fingers inside her. Looking over at her, he marveled at how majestic she was. Her chest raised and fell in rhythm as she experienced the pleasure of his touch. As he pushed his fingers back in again, fluid began to gush out of her as she had her release. She whimpered softly as he used his thumb to rub around the outside of her area.

Wanting to increase her pleasure even more, he gradually sped up his movements. Taking several minutes, he was eventually pumping his fingers in and out of her so fast that they were just a blur. She wreathed all over the place, turning and twisting in a fit of pleasure. She had a second release. Eragon could feel as fluid shot from her body once again. It squeezed past his fingers and shot out, getting all over him and his clothes. He didn’t stop or even slow down. Instead, he pumped faster. A high pitched squealing sound came from Saphira’s body as she released again. By then she was out of control and wreathing violently on the ground. Fluids were gushing everywhere. But still he continued.

Several minutes went by and just when he thought there couldn’t possibly be any more in her, she stopped wreathing and lay still. Eragon stopped moving his hand, thinking she was done. Just as he was about to take his hand out of her, he felt her tighten inside and she shook violently. Oh! Oh! Oh! Saphira wailed as she experienced an enormous release. Eragon couldn’t believe it. At least a liter of fluids gushed from her body; squeezing past his fingers and running onto the ground. When she was finally done, she loosened and he pulled his fingers out.

Eragon looked over at her. She had totally collapsed and was breathing in deep and fast. He wiped his hand which was totally wet on his clothes, but it didn’t help much seeing as they were drenched as well. He crawled over to her so he was close to her head. “How was that?” He asked. Saphira didn’t respond. She didn’t even open her eyes. She must have been too tired to do anything. Realizing this, Eragon lay down beside her, regardless of the mess that was all over the ground. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to be with her. He lie facing her and fell asleep while scratching her stomach.


Eragon awoke the next morning to Saphira nudging him urgently. He opened his eyes lazily and raised his arm to prop himself up. As he felt the cold sticky fluid on the ground, he remembered the night before. He gazed into her eyes. “What is it Saphira?” He asked sleepily. I’m sorry but I can’t lay here in this sticky mess any longer. She said. She stood up and looked down at him expectantly. He got up as well. “So how was last night Saphira?” He asked her. She closed her eyes and nuzzled him. It was indescribably good. She whispered.

She walked over to a nearby area that was clean and lay down. Now I must repay you. She said. You did so much for me and I felt guilty asking it of you. I’m sure you really need a release by now. “I already had my release.” Eragon said calmly. You…you …after I fell asleep you… Saphira stammered in disbelief and anger. Eragon how could you?! “Wait! Eragon exclaimed. It’s not what you think! I became so aroused by massaging you that I had my own release just by watching you.” Her eyes softened. Are you sure you didn’t do anything…regrettable to me after I fell asleep? She asked suspiciously.

“I would never do something like that to someone I loved.” Eragon said plainly. I really don’t see how you could possibly have a release just by watching me, but I trust you Eragon. She said. If you promise me you didn’t do anything after I passed out, I’ll believe you. “I swear I didn’t Saphira. Eragon said. And I’ll prove it to you.” With that, he took his pants off. “Look, there’s stuff all inside the pants. Eragon said. If I had released inside you, how could that be?” Saphira looked inside his pants and saw that they had indeed been completely soiled by his release.

I believe you Eragon, but…shouldn’t you go clean yourself and your clothes now? She asked, changing the subject. You’re covered in know… “I wish I could, but there doesn’t seem to be any stream around here and the ground is too hard to cast the water spell so I’m in a bit of a dilemma. He said. And I can’t keep wearing these clothes.” Well…I suppose you could keep them off until we can find somewhere to wash them. Saphira suggested. It’s not like it would be awkward or anything under the circumstances. “You’d like for me to be naked all the time, wouldn’t you?” He asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice. Yes. Saphira said simply and without emotion. They looked at each other, but neither of them could keep a straight face any longer. They burst out laughing.

“So you really think it would be okay if I rode you without any clothes on?” Eragon asked seriously. You already have. Saphira said, showing a toothy smile. “Saphira! He exclaimed indignantly. And I thought what I said was dirty…” Oh c’mon Eragon. Saphira teased. Don’t you like it when I talk dirty to you? “Well…maybe a little. Eragon confessed. But I don’t want to make it a habit of talking to each other like that.” WhatÂ’s wrong with talking dirty? Saphira snorted.

“Nothing – it’s just that I want our relationship to be based on mutual trust and admiration. Eragon explained. If we went around talking like that, it would be sort of hard to maintain that kind of relationship.” Well can’t we mix seriousness and playfulness? Saphira asked. It can be fun to joke around and talk dirty sometimes. “That’s the key word; sometimes. Eragon said. I’m just saying that it wouldn’t be a good idea for our relationship to go in that direction too much.” I understand your concerns Eragon… Saphira said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Don’t worry Saphira. Eragon said with optimism. We can still do it sometimes. I know its tempting to just throw away all our civilized behavior because we’re not living in civilized society anymore, but I really don’t want that. I don’t think you do either.” I guess you’re right Eragon. Saphira said. I just…..have such dirty thoughts sometimes. “I know. Eragon said. I’ve seen what you fantasize about in your mind.” Saphira raised an eyebrow. Impossible! She said. I’ve been shielding those thoughts from you. “Maybe you’re doing it now, but when we mated I could see it all. Eragon said. You had no mental barriers. It was…interesting.”

Oh my…I… Saphira turned from him and lowered her head, covering it with her wing. …I’m sorry you had to see those things Eragon. She said. You must be disgusted with me… “On the contrary. Eragon said. I don’t blame you for having such thoughts. It’s only natural to have those kinds of thoughts and I respect the fact that you tried to hide them for me.” You…you do? Saphira asked with a surprised tone. “Mmmm hmmm. Eragon said, nodding. But you don’t need to hide anything from me Saphira. I love you. I don’t want us to have any secrets.”

But you don’t have those kinds of thoughts… Saphira said, trailing off. “Says who? Eragon asked indignantly. I was just more careful to conceal mine even during our more...intimate moments.” But you said you didn’t want us to have any secrets. Saphira objected. Why did you conceal your thoughts? “Because I was afraid of what you’d think just like you were afraid of what I would think. Eragon said. But I don’t see any reason why we would have to hide thoughts from each other now, do you?”

Saphira looked at him. It was then that she realized that she didn’t have to worry about what he would think of her anymore. He loved her for who she was, not what he expected her to be. I agree Eragon. She said. Let’s not keep secrets. With that, she opened her mind to him fully. He did the same. She probed his thoughts without any barriers. It was quite interesting. They had many of the same dirty thoughts.

“So, what do you think?” Eragon asked, breaking through her thoughts. Your mind is as dirty as mine. Saphira said with a hint of laughter. I never knew you had such thoughts. They continued to share their thoughts that had been previously hidden from each other. After ten minutes or so, all their deep secrets were shared. There was nothing left that the other didn’t know. It deepened their respect for each other. They both awoke to find themselves huddled together on the ground.

How did we get like this? Saphira asked in a confused tone. “I guess we must have moved into this position without realizing it. Eragon said. We did have a very intense link.” I guess so. Saphira said, smiling at him. It was then she realized that he still didn’t have any pants on. She looked over and saw his pants lying about five yards away. Eragon. Saphira said. You still don’t have any pants on. “Oops. He said. Sorry.” It’s okay. She said. Eragon got up and walked over to his pants. He picked them up and looked inside. TheyÂ’re dry now. Saphira observed.

Eragon looked over to her and smiled. “I donÂ’t really need them, do I? He asked. Or this for that matter.” He took his shirt off and put them in the pile with his pants. Then he scooped them up and shoved them into the bag. Saphira giggled. You might get a bit cold. She said. “Then I’ll just have to ride a little closer than normal.” He responded. As Saphira got up, he slung the packs of boar meat and supplies onto her back. Then he himself got on. Saphira shivered as she felt their bare skin touch, realizing this was going to be a pleasant ride…at least for her. She hoped he wouldn’t get too cold. As soon as she could tell he was ready, she took off into the sky.


After a few minutes of riding, Eragon was quite cold. Sure it was a warm day, but he certainly wasn’t used to having winds go past his nude body at this speed. He leaned forward. Saphira felt a shiver go down her spine as she felt his erection on her back. He slung his hands around her neck and began stroking her. Despite how aroused she was getting and the fact that she couldnÂ’t get a release for some time, she really liked flying like this.

How are you doing Eragon? Saphira called back to him. Getting too cold? “I like riding like this. Eragon said. It feels really good.” Saphira looked back at him in surprise as she felt him rub himself on her several times. Her arousal level went through the roof. “How do you like that?” Eragon asked. Normally I would, but you’re really getting to me. Saphira said. If I get any more aroused, we’ll have to land. You almost pushed me over the edge there.

“Okay, I won’t do it anymore. Eragon said. But I’d like to land anyway.” I thought you said you weren’t too cold. Saphira said. “I’m not; it’s just that we forgot to eat.” He pointed out. Saphira then realized her own hunger. I guess we weren’t thinking too clearly. She said. Let’s land on that hill over there. “Agreed.” Eragon said. He buried his face in her soft scales and rubbed her neck. “I want to be with you forever Saphira.” He said. Saphira looked back at him. You will be. She said. We’ll be together forever. I promise.


After they landed, Eragon started taking the packs of boar meat off her back. Saphira couldn’t help but be drawn to him. She hadn’t realized it before, but she’d never really seen him as attractive until this moment. Even when they mated for the first time she did it out of love for him, not out of lust. Sure she had gotten aroused, but it was because of what they were doing, not because of how he looked to her. Now however, she was getting aroused just by looking at him. He noticed her observing him.

“What?” He asked. Y-you’re very attractive. Saphira breathed. Eragon looked at her softly. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Eragon said, smiling at her. No Eragon. Saphira breathed. You don’t understand. Please…either put your clothes back on or take me right now. “Huh?” Eragon asked, confused. You’ve pushed me over the edge. Saphira said. Even if you clothe yourself right now I don’t know if IÂ’ll be able to control myself. Realizing there was definitely something wrong, Eragon dressed himself quickly. “What’s wrong Saphira?” He asked, concerned. I…I believe I’m entering my time. She said. “Your time?” Eragon asked.

Yes. Saphira said. Once every year, dragons enter a certain time where they can’t control their…urges. The time differs slightly every year and I think mating with you has accelerated my time. It wasn’t due for another three or four months. “What can I do? Eragon asked. What does this mean to us?” I wondered why last night was so insanely pleasurable. Saphira said. Eragon…IÂ’m going to need you to help me. I’ve identified you as my mate. There’s only two ways my time will stop; either by waiting it out, in which case it lasts two weeks, or by me getting pregnant, which obviously can’t happen. Mating will make my uncontrollable urges dormant for a period of time.

”How much time?” Eragon asked. I wish I knew. Saphira said. I’ve never mated when I was going through my time. “I’ll be here for you when you need me.” Eragon said. There’s one more thing you need to know. Saphira said. “What is it?” Eragon asked. Saphira sighed. I really didn’t want to do this, but it looks like I have to tell you the spell which will allow you to subdue me without hurting me. She said. “Why would I need such a spell?” Eragon asked. You have the right to know the truth. Saphira said. In this time, I will not be thinking with my heart and mind. I’ll be thinking with my body. There’s a chance that I might try to….force myself on you.

“Well is that such a big deal? Eragon asked. I’ll willingly give in to you.” You don’t understand. Saphira said, getting impatient. We may have compatible…parts, but I’m a dragon! I could seriously injure you during sex if I’m not thinking clearly. Females are very aggressive during their time so I’ll most likely want to be in control of the situation. “Meaning…” Eragon asked, trailing off. That if I lose control, I’ll most likely be on top. Saphira said, finishing his sentence. “So you’re saying you’ll try to force yourself on me if you lose control and probably crush me in the process?!” Eragon asked frantically.

We dragons weren’t meant to mate with humans. Saphira said plainly. It’s not that big of a deal between us dragons if the female takes a dominant role in sex, but when the male is a human… “Oh no Saphira. Eragon said. This is bad.” That’s why I’m going to teach you the spell to subdue me. Saphira said. I don’t want to hurt you. Saphira lowered her head and whispered the spell into Eragon’s ear. “What will saying that do?” Eragon asked. It will totally freeze me so I can’t move. Saphira said. If I get out of control, just freeze me and……give me a release. I don’t care how you do it, just do it. “How do I unfreeze you?” Eragon asked. Just clap twice. Saphira said. Now try it.

Eragon stepped back a few steps then cast the spell. To his amazement, Saphira froze in place. He walked up and touched her. Her skin was still warm and she didn’t look any different. She just didnÂ’t move. He walked behind her and slipped a finger inside her. Her skin parted, allowing his finger to enter. She wasn’t frozen, but just unable to move. He removed his finger and clapped twice, unfreezing her.

Hey, I didn’t tell you to give me a release now. Saphira said. Now I’m so aroused I could burst and I had just gotten myself back in control. The least you could have done was finish. She looked down noticing the bulge in his pants. Oh. Saphira said. I guess this means you want to relieve both of us then? Eragon nodded. I suppose I can arrange that. Saphira said provocatively. She walked over to an area that seemed to have the most grass and lay down on her back. “What are you doing?” Eragon asked. I want you to lie on top of me this time. Saphira said. Eragon nodded, showing that he understood.

He took off his clothes and crawled onto her stomach. He scooted his way down until his member was at her entrance and pushed inside. As soon as his entire shaft was engulfed in her warmness, he slowly withdrew and pushed back in again. He kept this up for a few minutes. Please Eragon…go faster. Saphira whispered. Eragon increased his speed. He was now thrusting at a constant rate without any pauses between thrusts. Faster. Saphira begged. He sped up to almost half as fast as he could go. As he pumped faster, he heard Saphira’s moans. Oh…Oh…Oh… She wailed as her approaching release finally came.

In an attempt to increase her pleasure, Eragon alternated between fast thrusting and slowly pulling out until just the tip was in then jamming back in as fast as he could. Saphira began to lose control at that time. Every time he thrust back in after a slow, almost complete withdrawal she would slam her tail onto the ground, making dust fly into the air. She wrapped her front legs around his body as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Eragooooon! Saphira exclaimed as she had another release. She squeezed him tighter as her release hit her. He could feel her fluids gushing out everywhere.

Faster! Saphira wailed. It’s not enough! Eragon picked up the pace rapidly, quickly attaining full speed. The afternoon air was filled with nothing but the sound of their bodies slamming together. His thighs hurt, but he continued. His whole body hurt from her squeezing him, but he continued. Take me Eragoooon! Saphira screamed. I can’t get enough! “Ugh!” Eragon grunted as he thrust in for the final time. Saphira could feel as he emptied his contents inside her. Oh Eragon! She exclaimed, nearly passing out. She felt as her belly filled with warmth. “I love you so much Saphira!” Eragon yelled as her body eagerly took his offering.

They both collapsed. Eragon’s body raised and fell rapidly in sync with Saphira’s breathing. Saphira unwrapped her front legs from around him and looked down at his spent form. I’m sorry Eragon. She breathed. I’m sorry I lost control. Did I hurt you? Mustering all his strength, he looked up at her. “No…..I’m fine Saphira.” Eragon whispered between breaths. I’m so ashamed. Saphira said with a guilty tone. That wasn’t making love….that was just mindless lust. I’m supposed to be your protector…and I used you for my own selfish desires. “It’s okay Saphira… Eragon said. I understand…”

Saphira didn’t respond. They lay there for several minutes catching their breath. After a short time, their breathing had returned to almost normal. “Saphira.” Eragon said. She lifted her head and looked at him. He could see the guilt in her eyes. “Don’t worry Saphira. Eragon said. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed about. I know you’re not in the right frame of mind right now. I’m just glad I was able to help.” But I used you… Saphira said, trailing off. “I love you Saphira, and I know you love me. Eragon said. You needed me and I willingly helped you. That’s all that happened in my eyes.”

Saphira gently wrapped her front arms around his body again, embracing him. She could still feel his erection throbbing inside her. Are you done Eragon? She asked. “It depends. He said. Do you want me to be done Saphira?” No… She whispered after a short pause. She lost herself in the moment as he began slowly thrusting again.


After about a half hour, neither of them had a release. They had continued mainly for the experience rather than the final outcome. Eventually Eragon couldnÂ’t go any longer and stopped. He slowly withdrew and slipped off her. They were both quite a mess. He walked up to her front and rubbed her neck. “I’m here for you whenever you need me.” He said. Saphira looked at him. Thank you Eragon. She said. I love you… Eragon walked over to his clothes and got dressed. Then he went over to the packs of boar meat and took them out of their packaging. He looked around and found a few sticks.

Putting them in a pile, he lit them on fire and got the pan. Saphira watched as he cooked his meat. She got up and started eating the boar closest to her. I’ll tell you before it gets to that point again. She said suddenly. “What?” Eragon asked, paying close attention to the meat so it wouldn’t burn. I’ll make sure to let you know that I need you before I totally lose control like that again. Saphira elaborated. I want us to make love, not just have mindless lustful sex. “That would be a good idea. Eragon said. We were like wild animals back there…” I’m sorry Eragon. Saphira said.

“Please Saphira. Eragon said. Don’t apologize anymore. I know you couldn’t help it.” Eragon…are you all right? Saphira asked in a concerned tone. “I’m fine. Eragon said. It’s just that….this feels wrong enough as it is without us acting like wild animals.” Saphira studied him for a moment, trying to find another meaning to his words. When she found none she lowered her head and nuzzled him. Is our love really so wrong? She asked. Do you really believe that love should be bound by what species you are? He reached up and stroked her head. “No.” He whispered. With that he turned and kissed her passionately.

As they separated, Saphira looked into his eyes. What we’re doing isn’t wrong Eragon. She said. “I know. He replied. I just have to get over my pre-conceived notions of how love is supposed to be and who it’s supposed to be with.” I think you’re upset because you don’t feel you have a choice anymore. Saphira said. “A choice in what?” Eragon asked. I mean you don’t have the choice of stopping this anymore... Saphira said softly. Now that I actually need you instead of just want you, you’re not in control of the situation anymore. You feel like you have to do this. I’m sorry this difficult decision of ours has been turned into an obligation.

“I’m happy to help you Saphira. Eragon said. Don’t pay attention to me. I just have to get over my old values that say everything we’re doing is horribly wrong.” Those values were established by those who have no understanding of others. Saphira said. Because they don’t love another species and don’t understand, they think it’s wrong. “They also said that killing is wrong.” Eragon pointed out. Well killing is wrong! Saphira said passionately. Because you’re harming another being. But our love isn’t harming anyone.

Eragon looked into her eyes and saw that she really believed what she said. Her belief in what she said strengthened his belief in what they were doing. It wasn’t wrong. It was their choice. Who had the right to tell them they couldn’t love each other and show that love in physical ways? “Oh Saphira… Eragon said. I’m sorry I’ve been so resistant. I do love you and I truly believe in what we’re doing. Will you forgive me for being so foolish about my old morals and values?” No, I will not forgive you. Saphira said. You weren’t foolish. What you’ve been going through is completely understandable and you would have been a fool to throw away your current beliefs on a whim. He embraced her as she finished her sentence. “I love you Saphira.” He said. I love you too Eragon. She whispered.

The smell of burning meat brought them back to reality. “Oh damn.” He swore, realizing he had burnt the meat when he set the pan down too close to the flame. Eragon sighed. Well I could have done that. Saphira teased. “Oh shut up.” Eragon teased bac
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
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life after life - by acejt - 11-09-2011, 06:16 AM