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life after life part 2
back. He grabbed another piece of meat and began cooking again. You know, perhaps you should just learn to eat burnt meat. Saphira said. It would certainly be faster. “I don’t think so Saphira. He said. I don’t like meat enough as it is. Burn it and it’s even worse.”

A few minutes passed without a word being spoken between them. “So Saphira, why is your….area so small?” Eragon asked suddenly. The question took her aback. Still wondering about that huh? She snapped. Isn’t it enough that it works? “I was only asking…” Eragon trailed off. I’m sorry. Saphira said. It’s just frustrating to be a dragon yet not know the simplest of things that relate to your species. “I understand. Said Eragon. But don’t you at least have a theory?” Saphira thought for a moment. I suppose it ensures that the action is mutual. She said. It would require complete cooperation from both partners for it to work correctly.

“I suppose. Eragon agreed. But how come you knew about your time? You said you didn’t know even the simplest things about dragons despite the fact that you are one.” I know about that because I experience it. She said. I assume it’s normal, though if you’ve noticed I haven’t had the opportunity to ask any other female dragons about it. Eragon nodded. “So do you know how dragons are supposed to mate? He asked. You know, what positions they’re supposed to be in and stuff?” Well I suppose it would have to be either in the air or lying down on the ground. She said. Though I don’t think I would be able to fly while experiencing that sort of pleasure.

“Am I really that good?” Eragon teased. Saphira looked at him with a shocked expression then smirked. No. She said. You’re better. She bent down and nuzzled him affectionately. Soon after they had separated, the meat was done. Eragon took it out of the pan and started eating it. He looked over at Saphira. What is it? She asked. Eragon smiled. “I just can’t stop admiring you. He said. You’re too attractive to look away.” Do you really mean that? She asked. Do you really find me attractive even though I’m a dragon? “Absolutely. He said. You’re more attractive than any woman I’ve ever seen.” She beamed at the compliment.

What about Arya? She asked. “Well she was quite a looker and very attractive… Eragon began. Saphira growled. He laughed. …But you’re much more attractive to me than she ever was.” Eragon studied her for a moment. “Wait a minute… He said. You were jealous of Arya, weren’t you? All those years…” Well can you blame me? Saphira asked indignantly. I loved you and you had eyes for another woman. Of course I was jealous. “I’m flattered.” Eragon said. He began stroking her head. “Well you have me now.” He said. We’re finally with who we’re supposed to be with. Saphira said. Both of us… Eragon took another bite of meat, thinking of the lives they had left behind. “I’ll never forget them…” He said in a melancholy tone. Neither will I. Saphira said. It’s a part of our lives that we can never forget…but that part of our lives is over now. We’re living a new chapter in life. But it is a better chapter, isn’t it Eragon? We did make the right decision, didn’t we? “Do you even have to ask me that? Eragon asked, looking into her eyes. No… She whispered. They nuzzled each other, relishing their time together as they looked up into the sky.


A long while had passed. Neither of them had kept track of the time as it melted away before them. They didn’t care. Although they had been together for several weeks now, they had only traveled for a few days. Still, it would take anyone who wished to follow them months to travel as far as they had in those few days. There was no way anyone would be able to catch up to them even if they stayed there for a week. Because of this, they decided to take it easy and enjoy their time together. It would be much more pleasurable to enjoy the trip and have fun then to act like they were being pursued.

Nevertheless, it was midday and they realized that they should get going. Shouldn’t we be going now Eragon? Saphira asked. He nodded. “Yes, I suppose we should. He said. Do you need anything before we go?” What do you… Saphira started. Oh, you mean…no I’m fine. I’ll let you know if I need your…assistance in advance. “Okay then, let’s go.” Eragon said. He packed up the remaining two boars and got on her back. She took off into the sky after he had indicated he was ready.

A few hours passed without a word being spoken between them. Eragon felt the need to break the silence. “Saphira, tell me…what would you have done if I told you I was going to marry Arya?” He asked. Saphira looked back at him in surprise. She thought for a moment. I…I don’t know. She finally said. I suppose I would have told you how I felt even though I knew you probably wouldn’t feel the same way… “But I thought you said you didn’t want to tell me how you felt because of how our lives were at the time. He said. You would have told me if you knew I was getting married?”

There were two reasons why I didn’t want to reveal my feelings for you Eragon. Saphira said. First off, I didn’t want you to have to worry about things such as romance when you had so many other things to worry about and second…I…to be honest I didn’t want to admit to myself that I had feelings for you. I would hate to fall in love with you and then have you lose me. After all, the possibility of me dying back then was very real. It would have been hard enough on you to lose me as a friend. If we were lovers…… I didn’t want you to take your own life if I died.

He looked at her with a serious face. He hadn’t realized she had put this much thought into their situation back then. “What about now?” He asked. What? Saphira asked. “If you died now, would you approve of me joining you before my time?” He elaborated. Eragon…I love you…and I want you to live on regardless of what happens to me. Saphira said. I want you to live a happy life. “I wouldn’t really be living if you weren’t with me. He said. I couldn’t live without you Saphira…not before and certainly not now.” She nodded. She had been afraid this would be his answer. Eragon…if you love me you’ll obey my wishes and continue to live if I die before you. She said. Promise me.

“If you loved me you wouldn’t ask that of me. Eragon said. You said you wanted me to be happy. I couldn’t be happy living on this earth without you.” Listen to me! Saphira growled with anger. You must live on for both of us! Don’t give in to your weaknesses! “What the hell’s the point!? Eragon screamed in anger. We’ve done our duty to the world! What would be the purpose of continuing on without you?! It wouldn’t help anybody!” If that’s really how you feel then why not kill yourself right now?! Saphira yelled. What would be the point of delaying the inevitable?!

As she looked back at him again, she could see the glistening tears in his eyes. Her anger quickly dissolved into guilt. E..Eragon… She started. I’m sorry… Eragon wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve. “You know I’m right Saphira. He said. There would be no point to me continuing to live without you.” Saphira nodded slowly. I know…I just don’t want you to die. She said. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll live forever. He said. I promise that when the time comes, we’ll go together. Neither of us will have to live without the other even for an instant.”

Saphira quickly looked forward to conceal her own tears and pretended to concentrate on her flying. She had hoped Eragon would have insisted on them going together. She would have been against the idea before they had run away but now….she didn’t want to admit it to herself but she actually approved of the idea. Do as you wish Eragon. She said softly. I won’t force you to swear not to take your own life if I die. You’re not a boy anymore. You can make your own decisions.

As she finished her sentence, she felt Eragon wrap his arms around her neck. She could feel the wetness of his tears as he embraced her and it made her cry even more. As she craned her neck back to look at him, Eragon saw her tears and looked at her with surprise. “I didn’t know dragons could cry.” He said. Neither did I… She whispered. With that, they rode off into the sunset and didn’t look back.


By the time they stopped, it was well into the dark hours. They decided not to make a fire until the next morning. As they settled down for the night, Saphira began to notice how attractive Eragon was again. She tried to quell her desires, but it didn’t work. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t pay attention to anything but him. He lay down next to her and started to fall asleep. She couldn’t let this go any longer.

Eragon… She said, gently nudging him. Eragon stirred. “What is it?” He asked groggily. I’m sorry but…I need you. Saphira said softly. Eragon sat up and looked into her eyes. “Okay Saphira. He said. Just a minute.” He stood up and began to strip off his clothes. By the time they were totally off, he was sporting quite an erection. Saphira looked at it with desire, knowing she couldn’t handle the stimulation for much longer. “Saphira?” Eragon asked. Yes? She responded. “You said that during their time females like to take a dominant role in sex right?” He asked. Yes. Saphira said again, getting impatient. Why was he asking this now?

“I don’t know exactly how to ask this but….would you like to be on top this time?” He asked. She looked at him in surprise. “I mean if you can control yourself and not accidentally crush me in the process…” He said. She had to admit…the idea did intrigue her. I suppose we could try it… She said. I really would like to be in control. “Are you sure you can control yourself?” He asked worriedly, having second thoughts about his offer. I’ll be careful. She said. I promise…

Nodding in agreement, Eragon laid on the ground. Saphira walked over him and started to lie down on top of him. Let me know if I hurt you. She said. Eragon nodded. Saphira lay down until she felt her belly come in contact with his. She supported the majority of her weight on her front legs and scooted forward so their areas would be in general vicinity of each other. She then lowered her back half until she could feel his erection against her. They adjusted themselves until they were in a relatively good position. Eragon felt around with his member until he hit her entrance. He then slowly pushed himself inside. Once he was fully in her, they adjusted themselves to a more comfortable position so that Saphira could be in total control of the situation.

“Go ahead Saphira. Eragon said. You’re fine.” Once he had given his approval Saphira began to move her hips, experimenting with how much she could move without him slipping out of her. Surprisingly she could move quite a bit. After a while she picked up speed and was going without pauses in between thrusts. Eragon looked down and watched as his erection disappeared inside her. He watched as it went in and out; slowly at first but then gradually picking up speed. He found this incredibly arousing and decided to stop watching so he wouldn’t finish too soon. Instead he looked up at her. He watched as she craned her neck backwards, bulging her chest forward.

After a few minutes, she noticed Eragon looking at her. She craned her neck down and put her face next to his so they were almost touching. Eragon reached up and started rubbing her head. The feeling was incredible. She bent her neck even more so they were touching. She felt his warm lips kiss her all over. She moaned in pleasure as he rubbed around her left eye.

As he watched her, Eragon resisted the urge to thrust. It was incredibly tempting, but he wanted her to be in control. He felt as hot fluids splashed against his thighs. Not being able to help himself, he looked down. Hot pasty fluids were gushing out of Saphira and onto his legs. He watched as the fluid stuck to both of them. There was so much fluid it was running down his legs and stomach and onto the ground. Eragon…help me… Saphira whispered. Realizing what she meant, Eragon began to take a more active role. It took a while, but they were soon matching each other’s thrusts. After her fourth release, Eragon couldn’t handle it anymore. He began thrusting violently.

Saphira’s whimpers went from soft and gentle to loud and passionate as she felt him go deeper inside her. She had never had him this deep before. Eragon felt as he hit the entrance to her cervix, but he didn’t stop there. He tried to thrust deeper. Saphira didn’t know if she was feeling more pleasure or pain, but she didn’t try to stop him. In fact, she helped him. Saphira could feel as he was about to release and pushed down on him as much as she dared to. It was then that he released. She felt as his hot fluids splashed inside her. The heat was incredible. She could feel her legs buckling as he released. As soon as the fluids stopped coming from both of them, she quickly grabbed him with her front leg and rolled. She was on her back in an instant with him on top of her.

I’m sorry Eragon… She breathed. If I hadn’t rolled…I would have collapsed from the pleasure…and hurt you… All he could do was nod. He couldn’t even look up at her. Neither of them could do much of anything at the moment. After a few minutes, Saphira was breathing normally. She looked down at Eragon. So how did you like that position? She asked. She looked at him curiously when he made no response. He had passed out. Since it was nighttime anyway, she didn’t wake him. Instead she gently wrapped her front legs around his body and drifted off to sleep…..


Saphira awoke to the feeling of cold water on her most sensitive of areas. Oh! She exclaimed in shock. She opened her eyes to find Eragon holding an empty bucket. He looked over to her and smiled. “Sorry Saphira. He said, trying to contain his laughter. A little too cold for you?” Talk about a way to wake up in the morning! She said in disbelief. What were you thinking?! “I’m sorry I’m sorry. Eragon said. We just really need to get clean.” Well couldn’t you at least have woken me up before you did that? Saphira asked, still in shock. “I didn’t think it would wake you up like that.” Eragon said plainly.

You didn’t think that splashing me with cold water, especially in that area, would wake me up?! She asked in bewilderment. “Well I didn’t know it was that cold. Eragon said defensively. I tried to heat it up first.” He indicated to the pan filled with water that was over the fire. Her eyes softened as she realized it had been an honest mistake. Okay, I understand. She said. Oh, but I’m so cold now! Eragon laughed. It’s not funny! She said. How would you like to be splashed with cold water on your sensitive areas? He laughed again. “That’s why it’s funny.” He said, giving her a smirk.

He warmed up his hands by rubbing them together then placed them where he had splashed the cold water. Oh that’s better… Saphira said. He started rubbing her, being careful not to touch her area and get her aroused. After a few minutes her normal feeling had returned. Thank you Eragon. She said. So…shall we go hunting? Eragon shook his head and took his hands away from her body. “No, I don’t think we need to hunt this morning. He said. We have two boars left. We’ll have to stop a little early and hunt before we settle down for the night though.”

She nodded in agreement and watched as he took the last remaining boars out of the sacks. Taking a small portion for himself to cook in the pan, he tossed the remainder of the two boars to Saphira. She started eating them greedily. She watched as he gathered more nearby sticks to increase the size of the existing fire so it could cook the meat faster. Once the fire had gotten to a more reasonable size, he put the meat in the pan and started to cook it. A few minutes had passed and Saphira couldn’t handle the silence anymore.

Are you okay Eragon? She asked. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked. Well…you haven’t said a word about last night. She said. “Well we did just get up. He pointed out. I’m pretty tired.” Am I working you too hard? She asked, grinning at him. He grinned back at her. “Maybe a little.” He teased. But how was it? Saphira asked eagerly. Did you like that position? “It depends. He said. Did you?” I want your honest opinion. Saphira said. You don’t need to know how I liked it to know if you liked it or not. Eragon thought for a moment. “Well it was more intimate that the other positions. He said. And it was also the most tiring…” Obviously. Saphira interjected smartly. You passed out. But how did you like it?

Eragon smiled at her. “Well let’s just say I’m not opposed to trying it again sometime.” He said. Saphira beamed at his response. I was hoping you’d say something like that. She said. I really liked it. “So did I.” Eragon said. He turned to watch the meat again. Saphira nuzzled him affectionately. He let go of the pan and grabbed it with his left hand. Using his free hand, he reached up and rubbed Saphira on the head.

I can’t wait to settle down. She said. “I thought you were enjoying traveling with me.” Eragon said indignantly. I am…it’s just that I don’t want to have to worry about anything anymore. Saphira said, raising her head. I don’t like having to get up and fly for hours on end. “Is it taking too much out of you?” Eragon asked with a hint of concern in his voice. No…I just want to be able to get up one day and just…have fun. She said. Forget about our responsibilities and the things we have to do. “That time is a long ways off. Eragon said. Remember that even when we find a place to live, we’ll probably have to at least get some supplies. We’ll most likely have to build a home as well.”

Do we really need to build a home? Saphira asked. “Regardless of what our circumstances are, we’re going to need shelter of some kind. Eragon said. We don’t have to build a full blown home, but we at least need some place to keep the rain out. And besides, we need a place to retreat to if we need to hide or if someone bothers us.” I was hoping to live somewhere where we wouldn’t have to worry about others bothering us. She said. “Yeah, me too but you never know…” He trailed off. I don’t want to live too close to other humans. Saphira said. “Why? Eragon asked, giving her a smirk. Is there something wrong with us?” Saphira snorted. No. She said. It’s just that if we live by humans and they find out about…us…they’ll undoubtedly disapprove.

“Speaking of which, that’s another reason why building a home would be a good idea. Eragon said. Privacy.” Saphira sighed. I suppose you’re right about this. She said. But let’s stay for a while and make sure it’s where we really want to live before we start building. “Of course.” Said Eragon. Realizing the meat was done, he pulled it from the fire and started eating. Saphira watched him as he ate. So Eragon...tell me again why you humans have to cook your meat. She said with interest. “We get sick if we don’t.” He replied simply. Why? She asked. “I don’t know. Eragon said. We just do.” Maybe we can change that somehow. Saphira said. “Oh no. He said. There’s no way I’m eating raw meat even if it doesn’t hurt me.”

Saphira continued watching him eat. She was puzzled by his attitude about the meat. Still it was his choice… Do you know how to build a home? She asked suddenly. Eragon looked up at her in surprise. “Uhhh…no actually. He admitted. I don’t.” Oh that’s just wonderful. Saphira said, rolling her eyes. “We’ll figure something out. He said. I do have some ideas.” Really? Saphira asked. Like what? “My ideas depend on where we want to build. He said. But to be honest I’m hoping there will be a human village of some kind within a day’s flight of us.” I don’t know if I want to live that close to other humans… Saphira said uncertainly. “Well think of it this way. Eragon said. If we were twenty hours away from them, it would take them about twenty days to get to us on horseback and two full months if they were walking.”

Saphira mulled over the idea. Well when you put it that way I suppose it would be okay. She said. Minutes passed without any words being spoken. Neither of them felt the need to break the silence. Soon afterwards they had both finished eating. Putting away the supplies, Eragon looked over to Saphira. “You ready?” He asked. Saphira nodded. She knelt down and allowed him to get on. As soon as he got on, he had expected her to take off right away. When she didn’t he looked at her in surprise. “What’s wrong Saphira?” He asked. What? She asked, confused. Oh, I’m sorry. That boar meat isn’t settling with me too well. “Do you want to wait a few hours before we leave?” He asked in a concerned voice.

Saphira shook her head, but he could tell she wasn’t feeling too well. She took off into the sky with her normal grace and precision, but he could tell she was having a difficult time. Once they were in steady flight and Eragon was sure he could move around without danger of falling off, he leaned forward and kissed her on the back of her neck. “I’m sorry you don’t feel good. He said sympathetically. Is there anything I can do?” Just continue to love me. She said softly. Eragon wrapped his arms around her neck, embracing her. He focused all his energy in an attempt to give her strength. “I love you Saphira.” He said. With that, they reveled in their bond they shared as they flew higher into the sky…


Nearly twelve hours had passed and both of them were getting tired. They were high above a forest. Over the course of several hours they had attempted to land, but there wasn’t even a break in the forest…not even a clearing so they were forced to keep going. Not that either of them disliked the other’s company, but they were well past due for a landing. Realizing they weren’t going to be able to land for a while and wanting to get a conversation going, Saphira decided it was time to break the silence.

Eragon…can I ask you a question? Saphira asked. He looked at her in surprise. “Of course.” He said. When we…mate…do you do it more out of love for me or lust? She asked. “Well love of course. He said. Though that doesn’t mean you can’t get me aroused in an instant. Why do you ask?” It’s just that…you aren’t usually the one who initiates or suggests that we…make love. She said. “Well I’m sure you recover a lot faster than I do.” Eragon said plainly. What do you mean? She asked. “Well let me put it this way. He said. I can go days between sex. I’m sure you can too, but you’re going through your time right now.”

You mean you don’t need to have sex every day? Saphira asked in surprise. “Of course not. Eragon said. That’s not unusual, is it?” Well we’ve been having sex at least once a night. Saphira said. “Just because I can doesn’t mean I want to.” Eragon said, instantly regretting his words. “Oh, I mean…I didn’t mean that Saphira. He said apologetically. What I meant was I don’t get aroused until you arouse me…unless it’s been a few days.” Saphira looked back at him with a look of confusion on her face. “I’m sorry. He said. I’m really tired and I can’t express my feelings very well right now. What I mean is I don’t get the urge to mate unless you initiate it. If it’s been a few days though, IÂ’ll get the urge by myself.”

I see… Saphira said. So what you’re saying is that if you were in total control of when we made love, we would only do it every few days? Eragon nodded. “Most likely. He said. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t do it every day. You just have to initiate it because I don’t get aroused by myself unless it’s been a few days.” Saphira nodded. Well that’s definitely something I didn’t know about you. She said. I’m glad you told me. “Don’t get the wrong idea. Eragon said. I love to mate with you. It’s just that I probably won’t initiate it unless it’s been a few days.” Saphira nodded again, showing she understood. “So what about you?” Eragon asked. I’ve always considered myself to be very sexual. Saphira said. Though it may have been because I never got any relief that I considered myself to be that way. I don’t really know for sure. I’ll know more once I’m through my time, but when I’m in my time, my sexual urges increase a hundred fold.

“Oh I’m so sorry Saphira. Eragon said. I never even thought about how hard it must have been for you to never get any relief. You should have discussed the issue with me.” Saphira looked at him in surprise. And what would you have done if I told you about it? She asked. Eragon thought for a moment. “Well I guess I would have offered to relieve you myself. He said. You know…with my hand or an object of some kind. I would have been embarrassed, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with caring for your needs…not matter what they are.” I don’t think I would have allowed you to do that. Saphira said. “Why not?” Eragon asked. Because I loved you but I didn’t want to admit that to myself. She said. If you had touched me like that, I would have been forced to admit how I felt about you to myself. I might have even admitted it to you. That’s the last thing I wanted back then.

Eragon nodded in understanding. “You would have given in eventually.” He said. No. Saphira insisted. I wouldn’t have. I loved you too much to hurt you for some personal pleasure. I didn’t want us to fall in love and then be separated if I died. “Well now we don’t have to worry about those kinds of things anymore. He said. Neither of us has to risk our lives or worry so much about the future now. It’s a wonderful feeling.” Yes it is. Saphira said in a somewhat sad tone. Perplexed by her tone, Eragon tried to figure out what the meaning was behind her words but he was soon interrupted when he saw a clearing.

“Look Saphira. He said. There’s a clearing up ahead.” Saphira looked and saw that there was indeed a small clearing. As they approached it, she realized that it was a village. We can’t land here. She said. There are people all over. “Just trust me Saphira. Eragon said. Land.” Saphira didn’t know why he had told her to land. They would most certainly be discovered and recognized, but she trusted him. As she descended, she felt a sharp pain on her back. Unable to take her attention from the landing, she ignored it and it soon went away. She landed in a small corn field and watched as Eragon got off her back. Eragon…there was a sharp pain – she started but was cut off by him. “I’m sorry Saphira. He said. That’s one of the side-effects of the spell.” Spell? She asked.

“We’re invisible right now. He explained. But I can’t keep this spell up for much longer. We’ve got to hide.” And how do you expect us to do that? Saphira asked smartly. I’m not exactly small you know. Ignoring her, Eragon started off in the direction of a nearby barn. What are you doing? Saphira asked. “We’ll stay in that barn tonight.” Eragon explained. How do you know we won’t be discovered? She asked. “Just look at the condition it’s in. He said. It’s obviously been abandoned. You couldn’t even keep hay dry in there.” Saphira rolled her eyes. I can tell this is going to be a fun night. She said sarcastically.

They had soon reached the barn. Eragon opened the rotting doors carefully. Maggots fell from the old wood and touched his hand. Swearing, he shook them off then stepped inside. Saphira followed eagerly. She too could feel Eragon weakening from the spell. As soon as they were both inside, Eragon hurried to the door and closed it. Then he released the spell and collapsed. Eragon! Saphira exclaimed. She caught him before he fell. He kept his ground shakily. “That spell took a lot out of me.” He said. As soon as he could stand on his own, Saphira went over to one side of the barn and lay down on the wet hay. Why don’t you come to bed? She asked with concern in her voice.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Eragon asked. Saphira nodded. “I’m going to go get some food and maybe a few supplies.” He said. How will you pay for them? She asked. “I’ve got more than enough for anything we’ll ever need.” He explained. He walked over to her and got into the pack of supplies she had on her back. He took out a small pouch and opened it. Saphira looked at it with wide eyes. You could buy half this town with that! She exclaimed. You stole that from the castle, didn’t you? “Of course not! Eragon said indignantly. It was a gift.” Oh really….a gift from whom? Saphira asked suspiciously. Eragon cleared his throat. “Arya.” He said.

Taking the pouch full of money, he left, leaving Saphira with a look of surprise and confusion. As he stepped out of the barn, he looked ahead. The marketplace wasn’t too far away. He started walking towards it at a brisk pace. The corn was quite low since it hadn’t matured yet and he was making good time. Soon enough, he reached the marketplace. Seeing a clothes vender, he walked up and began looking at the selection of fine cloaks and robes he had on display. The booth owner gave him an unfriendly look as he browsed his selection of clothing.

“What does a lad like yourself think he’s doing looking at such expensive wares?” The man asked suddenly. “My business is my own. Eragon said. I can pay.” “I sincerely doubt that.” The man said menacingly. Eragon ignored him and continued to browse. He soon found a cloak that suited him just fine. It was red with gold embroidery and sported a few hidden pockets. Eragon started taking it off the rack. “What do you think you’re doing?” The man asked, getting up. “I’m buying this.” Eragon said simply. “I don’t think so.” The man said, grabbing Eragon by the shoulder. Eragon quickly withdrew his hidden dagger and backed the man up against the wall.

“Why the hell do you think I’m buying a cloak, huh? Eragon asked angrily. I’m trying not to attract attention to myself, but you’re making it pretty damn hard for me. Don’t get in my way again, or you’ll pay for it. Now how much do you want for this?” Seeing he was serious about his position, the man quickly replied with a price. Eragon backed away from him and put his dagger away. He got out the money pouch and paid the asked amount without question. He quickly put the cloak on over his clothes and continued to browse the wares that the other vendors had on display.

He soon came to a vendor that sold custom fit necklaces. The small chain-link design that was used in all the necklaces was very fine. Seeing the old woman sleeping in the chair, he woke her. “What? She asked, dazed. What is it?” “I’d like to purchase a necklace.” Eragon said. “What?” The old woman asked again. “I’d like to get a necklace.” Eragon repeated. “Ah, what design would you like?” The woman asked. Eragon pointed to the largest and most expensive jewel. The old woman raised her eyebrows. “You want that one? She asked. It’s rather expensive lad.” Eragon nodded. “I know” he said.

“Getting a gift for the misses?” The old woman asked, smirking. “In a matter of speaking.” Eragon said. “Is she here now so I can do a custom fit?” The woman asked, looking around. “No. Eragon said. But I have the measurement.” “And how long is it? The old woman asked. You know I can’t return your money if it doesn’t fit.” Eragon nodded. “I know the exact measurement. He said. Five feet.” The old woman raised her eyebrows again. “Feet?” She asked. Eragon nodded. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t ask questions.” He said. The old woman nodded. “Whatever you say sir. She said. But before I cut the chain, I’ll need the money.”

“How much?” Eragon asked. She quickly told him a price. He was surprised by how low the amount was. He got out the money pouch and retrieved the money he needed. “It’s right here.” He said. The old woman nodded and cut the chain. Then she skillfully added the expensive jewel and bound the chain together. Eragon handed her the money and put the necklace in one of his hidden pockets. “Have a good day sir.” The old woman cooed. Eragon nodded and continued down the streets. He soon found what he had originally come looking for. A meat shop.

He stepped inside just in time to see the butcher chop the head off a deer. Eragon looked away and cringed. “What can I do for you?” The butcher asked as he walked in. Eragon looked towards the back of the shop and saw just what he expected to see. “How much is that cart?” He asked, indicating to the butchers cart near the back of the shop. “You come into my meat shop and ask for my cart? The butcher asked. What’s wrong with you?” “I’ll pay well.” Eragon said. “How well?” The butcher asked skeptically. Eragon named an amount. The butcher looked at him in surprise. “That’s more than I make in a week.” He said. “I know. Said Eragon. So, what do you say?”

The butcher smiled. “Well of course! He said. Take the cart. Would you like any meat to go with that?” Eragon nodded. “Five full deer please.” He said. The butcher nodded and went to the back of the shop. He took the deer from the hooks and started putting them onto the cart. “Can I pick the deer up later? Eragon asked. I’ll take the cart now because I’ve got more shopping to do. Then I’ll pick up the deer.” “Sure, sure. The butcher said. Just so long as you pay for them first.” Eragon nodded and paid the standard amount for the deer and the agreed price for the cart. Then he picked up the cart and wheeled it out of the store.

Continuing down the street with his cart, he soon found just what he was looking for. The pub wasn’t in the best of shape, but beer was beer right? He wheeled the large cart in through the double doors, attracting unwanted attention. The bartender walked over to him and slapped him on the back. “Hey friend. He yelled cheerfully. It looks like you’re here to buy me out.” The pub-goers laughed loudly at his comment. “Why don’t you keep that outside while you have a cold one?” He asked. “But I am here to buy you out. Eragon said. I want four large kegs of beer and six silver mugs.” The bartender’s demeanor changed to serious when he said that. “Do you have any idea how much that’ll cost my boy?” He asked.

Eragon nodded. “I can pay whatever you ask.” The bartender named a price. Eragon quickly removed the money from his pouch and gave it to him. Needless to say, the bartender was shocked. “You’ve just made my day lad. He yelled cheerfully. Scather! Get the boy four large kegs of beer and six silver mugs!” Eragon cringed. He was attracting way too much attention. He pulled the cloak over his head more to try to hide his identity. As soon as his cart was loaded by the pub worker, he made an expedient exit.

Making a quick stop at the butchers to get the deer he had paid for, he headed towards the old barn where Saphira was waiting for him. As soon as he reached it, he pulled the doors back and started wheeling his cart inside. Saphira snarled at him. “It’s me Saphira.” He said quickly. Oh, I’m sorry. She said. I thought you were someone else. You were gone for a long time. What’s with the cart? “I couldn’t carry all this so I bought it.” Eragon explained. And how do you expect to keep that? Saphira asked. “I don’t. Eragon said. We’ll leave it in the barn. Sort of like a thank you present for allowing us to stay here.”

Eragon quickly closed the door to the barn and started taking the deer off the cart. He dragged one over to Saphira. “Start eating.” He said. What about you? Saphira asked. How can you make a fire in here? “I’ll just make a small one. He explained. It’ll take a long time to cook the meat, but at least it won’t attract attention or smoke us out.” Is that beer? Saphira asked, indicating to the large barrels on the cart. Eragon nodded. “Yup. He said. I thought we deserved a little something for our troubles. Oh, and I got you something.” You did? Saphira asked with interest. Eragon pulled out the beautiful sapphire necklace, showing it to her. “I think it matches you nicely.” He said.

Oh Eragon! Saphira exclaimed. It’s so beautiful! It must’ve cost a fortune! “It did, but you’re worth it.” He said bashfully. Saphira reached over and nuzzled him affectionately. You’ve earned a very good night tonight. She teased. “Well that wasn’t the idea, but if you insist…” Eragon teased back. He reached up and put the necklace around her neck. It fit her perfectly. “Well that’s a relief. He said. I was just guessing on the measurement.” Eragon stepped back. She made a provocative pose. How do I look? She asked. “Beautiful...just…beautiful. He said. But you didn’t need a necklace to make you look that way.”

Oh stop it. Saphira said with glee. I can’t handle any more compliments. You treat me so well Eragon… “How else am I supposed to treat the love of my life?” He asked. He walked up to her and began massaging her back. Oh yeah…that feels so good… Saphira moaned. A little lower…near the base of my back where my tail connects. I’ve got cramps there from having to balance so much when flying. Eragon complied, massaging her for almost a half hour. He stopped when his hands started hurting and his hunger was getting to the point where he couldn’t handle it anymore.

Saphira was almost asleep when he stopped. The sounds of her shallow breathing were all that filled the barn. He rubbed her neck gently. “Wake up Saphira.” He said. She opened her eyes and looked at him. “We still have to eat remember.” He reminded her. Of course. She said, sighing. She reached down to the deer at her feet and tore a large amount of skin off. Eragon walked over to the cart and got another deer. He then walked over to the pile of wet firewood in the corner of the barn and got a few logs. Clearing a small area for the fire, he set the wet logs down in a pile and lit them on fire. They eventually kept up a small but steady flame.

Eragon took out the pan and put a small amount of meat on it. He placed the pan directly over the fire. He looked over at Saphira. What else did you get? She asked. “Lots of beer. He replied, smirking. We’ll have fun tonight.” Are you sure you can handle a drunk dragon? Saphira asked teasingly. “We’ll see.” He said. They laughed at his remark; each knowing exactly what was going to happen that night. The meat was soon done. When he was sure it was fully cooked, he took it out of the pan and set it on the cart. He then took a keg of beer off the cart and rolled it over to Saphira. He took the top off and peered inside.

“Well, here’s keg number one. He said teasingly. Sure you can handle it?” Saphira laughed slightly at his comment and shoved her snout into the barrel, drinking swiftly. As her snout emerged from the foamy fluid, she laughed ecstatically. I’m going to get so drunk tonight. She said, laughing again. Eragon grabbed a silver mug from the cart and dipped it inside. “Don’t mind if I do!” He exclaimed, taking a full swig of beer. They continued eating and drinking to their contentment and soon they were both drunk out of their wits.

Eragon was lying against Saphira’s stomach and drinking out of his mug. There was still a full keg of beer left on the cart. He swiftly finished the remainder of his beer. Moor beeer honnn? Saphira gurgled. Eragon tried to stand only to fall back onto her again. “I gotta peeeeee…” He wailed before passing out. Saphira looked down on his drunken form and laid her head down next to him. Realizing this wasn’t the best idea based on his last words before passing out, she turned her head and laid out straight. The haze soon started to affect her as well and the darkness took her…


Both Saphira and Eragon awoke simultaneously as a large amount of water splashed them. They both sat up quickly, instantly regretting their movements as their hangovers hit them. “Oh my head… Eragon moaned. What the hell was that?” They looked up at the ceiling of the barn to find a large gaping hole in it. Ow…Eragoooon… Saphira whined. My head feels like someone stabbed a spear in it… They both staggered to their feet while continuing to look up. It was raining heavily. They walked over to a portion of the barn that wasn’t affected by the hole in the ceiling and collapsed in pain.

Eragon looked over at Saphira. “How do you feel?” He asked. Like hell. She replied. “Me too.” He said. They lay there for nearly an hour trying to get over their horrible feelings. After a while, they started feeling a little better. They got up and looked around. It was daylight already. Eragon didn’t want to go out again, but he had to. “Saphira, I have to get more supplies. He said. Will you be okay waiting here for me?” Saphira nodded in response. He could tell her hangover was much worse than his was. He patted her on the neck and walked out of the barn.


Just as expected, almost all the venders were in different locations today. This pleased him since he hadn’t seen either a wood shop or a swordsmith on his travels the previous day. It wasn’t long before he found the wood shop. Knowing he would need the cart he had unloaded it and brought it with him. Walking into the wood shop, he quickly found exactly what he needed. “How much are these?” He asked the young woman who was at the counter. “The 16 footers?” She asked. Eragon nodded. She named a price. He got out the money and purchased twenty of them. He also purchased a large package of nails and a hammer. Wheeling his cart out of the shop, he continued to look for a swordsmith.

It wasn’t long until he found one. He wasn’t impressed by the selection, but one sword caught his eye. “How much is that one?” He asked. The man looked at him in surprise. “That one?” The man asked in surprised tone. Eragon nodded. “That’s quite an expensive blade son.” He said. He named a price. Eragon quickly took it out and paid for it. “You know, cutlass is by far the sharpest of all blades, but it’s also very brittle. The man said. If it’s not swung just right, it could seriously injure the wielder. Do you know how to swing a cutlass son?” Eragon nodded. “Thank you for your concern, but I’ll be fine.” He said. He took the blade from the man and continued on down the street, not really looking for anything in particular. It was then that one shop caught his attention.

Ancient healing potions and remedies was all the sign said. Curious, Eragon walked inside. He was greeted by the strong odor of incense. Looking around at all the vials, he soon found one of interest. It was slightly hidden behind a red cloth. He reached up and took it from the shelf. “Noooo!” Came a yell from the other side of the room. Almost instantly there was a middle-aged woman at his side. “Don’t touch that! She hissed. That’s dark magic! I’m just waiting for a chance to dispose of it.” “What does it do?” Eragon asked with interest. “It will turn whoever drinks it into whatever creature they choose for a short period of time.” She said. “How much time?” Eragon asked. “A few days, perhaps a little longer. The woman replied. That’s dark magic son…dark magic.”

Eragon looked at the vial in her hands. With that, he and Saphira could have a lot of fun… “How much do you want for it?” He asked, reaching for the bottle. “No! The woman exclaimed, slapping his hand away. I’ll hear nothing of it! There will be no dark magic running through this village!” Eragon thought of reaching for it again and then thought better of it. Wouldn’t Saphira get pregnant if they mated when he was a dragon? He didn’t know. It certainly wasn’t something he wanted to ask the woman, so he dropped the subject. Besides, what was wrong with the way his relationship with Saphira was now? “So uhh…what else do you have?” He asked, changing the subject.

“I make a remedy for just about any injury or illness. The woman said. What would you like?” Eragon thought for a moment. “Fever, headache, burns, cuts, scrapes, just about everything you have.” He replied. “Ah… The woman said. I’m guessing you’re going somewhere unexpected and you don’t know what sort of injury you’ll get?” “Well yeah…sort of.” Eragon said. “I have something I know you’ll love. The woman said, indicating to one of the back shelves. It’s expensive, but well worth it.” She grabbed a large bottle of pink glowing liquid and handed it to him. “What is this stuff?” Eragon asked. “Only my best potion. The woman said. This will cure just about any injury or illness.” “How much?” Eragon asked. The woman asked a figure and he quickly paid. Eragon started walking out of the store.

“Before I leave, I want to ask you something.” He said, turning back. The woman looked at him expectantly. “Yes, what is it?” She asked. “Do you make second life?” He asked, stepping forward and lowering his voice. This prompted a quick and violent response from the woman. She grabbed him by the arm and quickly led him to the back of the store behind a curtain. She let him go and backed him into a corner. “Show me how much money you’ve got.” She said nervously. Eragon took out the bag of money, showing her all of its contents. Her eyes grew wide with glee as she saw it. “Oh boy you really have tempted me. She said. I used to make second life a long time ago, but in recent years it has been labeled as contraband so I’ve stopped making it.”

“So will you make me some now?” He asked eagerly. “Normally I would but I just can’t…” The woman said, trailing off. “Do you know who I am?” Eragon asked, lowering his voice. He really didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t see any other way to get the potion. The woman looked up at him and shook her head. He swiftly removed his hood and stared at her. “Eragon! She exclaimed. What are you doing all the way out here?” “I’m trusting you not to tell anyone I was here.” He said in a stern voice. “Why? The woman asked. Are there people looking for you?” Eragon nodded. “What did you do?” The woman asked. “I…I ran away. He said, looking down. I didn’t want to live amongst humans anymore so I ran away with Saphira. We’ll live by ourselves from now on.”

The woman looked at him in understanding. “I understand why you did what you did. She said. I won’t tell anyone you were here.” “Thanks.” Eragon said quickly. “Wait a minute… The woman said, giving him a smirk. Now I know why you wanted that potion.” Eragon laughed. “Yeah…” He said. “I should have the second life potion done within the hour. The woman said, changing the subject. Is there anything else I can do for you Eragon?” “Just…don’t call me that anymore and don’t tell anyone I was here.” He said. The woman nodded. “Sure thing.” She said.


Saphira continued to watch the sky through the hole in the ceiling, hoping he would return soon. Her instincts were getting difficult to control. If he didn’t come back within a relatively short amount of time, her instincts would force her to go in search of him herself, regardless of the consequences. She wanted to relieve herself…she really did, but she didn’t dare try it. The last time she tried it, she had caused serious injury to herself. Please Eragon…please hurry… She thought to herself. Like an answer to her prayers, she saw the door to the barn open and Eragon wheel the cart inside.

I’m glad you’re back. Saphira said. What took so long? Eragon looked up at her, realizing she must be feeling better. “I had to get some supplies. He replied, indicating to the cart. Like this wood and such.” What’s the wood for? Saphira asked with interest. “I’m going to build a platform. He said. It will help us carry things when we begin construction on our home.” Saphira watched as he fumbled through the pack of supplies they had brought that were sitting in the corner of the barn. “Ah ha, here it is.” He said to himself. He brought out a long rope.

Saphira couldn’t handle it anymore. She had to say something. Eragon… She trailed off. He looked up at her. I…I need you…right now… Eragon continued staring at her as he began wrapping the wood up with the rope. “We can’t do it here. He said. If we’re discovered…” I don’t know what to tell you Eragon. Saphira said impatiently. I’m going to lose control soon if you don’t help me. “Okay okay, but I can’t afford to be drained right now. He said. I’ll just give you a massage this time. But keep quiet. We can’t afford to be discovered.” Saphira nodded and lay down on her side. Eragon put down the wood and slowly walked up to her. He knelt down and began carefully rubbing her area.

No Eragon. Saphira complained. What are you doing? “What you asked me to.” He said. No…massage me…tease me…like you did before… Saphira said softly. Make me want you…give me an insatiable desire for your touch… Eragon looked at her with soft eyes. “I’m sorry Saphira but we can’t spend an hour doing this. He said. If we get caught…” Please Eragon…for me. Saphira begged. I don’t just want a release. I want to feel your love… Eragon couldn’t deny her what she wanted. He knew it wasn’t a good idea, but he wanted to give her the pleasure she desired. Her needs became his own. He stopped rubbing her and walked up to her head which was lying on the ground. Getting on his hands and knees, he kissed her all over.

He made his way down her neck and rubbed her affectionately as he kissed. Using both hands he rubbed her upper stomach, slowly making his way down. With one hand he slowly rubbed down so he was almost touching her area, then quickly brought it back up again. He kept this up for a few minutes, teasing her as much as possible. Soon enough, he was rubbing on the outside of her area. He slipped one finger inside her and quickly withdrew it, teasing her. He continued rubbing on the outside for several more minutes until he could tell she couldn’t handle it anymore. Then he started to get serious.

Swiftly sliding his fingers over her area, he caught them on the outer folds of her skin and pushed inside at an angle; his hands never leaving her body. She whimpered softly as she felt his fingers fill her yearning emptiness. She lifted her head and watched as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of her. She lifted her leg more, trying to get more of him in her. Realizing she wasn’t getting as much pleasure as she needed, he picked up the pace. He was careful not to give her so much pleasure that she lost control, but he gave her just enough to keep her at the brink of a breakdown. Eragon…..faster….. She breathed loudly. “Shhhhh! Eragon said frantically. You’re making too much noise.”

I can’t help it! Saphira exclaimed. Oh Eragon! She wailed in ecstasy as she released. Eragon swore, realizing he had gotten too carried away in his pleasuring and had given her way too much. She was getting out of control. He drastically reduced his pleasuring. NO! Saphira exclaimed. Please …I need more…Oooh Eragoooon… Realizing she was already too far gone and wasn’t going to calm down until she was finished, he quickly redoubled his efforts. He quickened his pace and was soon going as fast as he could go. Saphira’s wailing had reached its peak and she finally began to calm down after her fourth release. As her final release hit her, she collapsed onto the floor as fluids gushed out of her at incredible speeds. Eragon was nearly covered in the rapidly hardening liquid.

He removed his hand from her and quickly got up. Using his shoe he made a deep indent in the ground and drew water up with the water spell. This created a small but usable puddle on the floor of the barn. He quickly washed his hands in the water and began smearing it all over his body, trying to get all of Saphira’s fluids off him. Thank you Eragon. Saphira said softly, raising her head from the ground. I’m sorry I couldn’t control myself. Eragon looked over at her, still splashing himself with water. “I understand Saphira. He said. Hopefully that’s the last time we’ll have to worry about someone hearing us when we express our more…intimate feelings.”

Just as he finished his sentence, he heard a voice outside. “I told you to never come back here you damned peasants.” The voice said. Eragon ran to Saphira’s side and frantically cast the invisibility spell just in time before the door to the barn opened and a man stepped inside. Knowing he was going to have to do something about this man, Eragon quietly grabbed a small piece of rope and cloth from the bag. Once the man had turned away, he ran up to him and tackled him to the ground. Using the rope, he skillfully tied the man up. To muffle his yells of surprise, he used the cloth to gag the man. Then he tied him to a post in the barn. Taking off his shirt, he threw it on the manÂ’s head, momentarily blinding him.

Knowing he didn’t have much time until the man threw the shirt off his head, he quickly slipped his cloak on and removed the invisibility from his form, leaving Saphira still invisible. As the man threw his shirt off, he looked at him with fear. “Who are you? He asked. You’re no peasant.” “What was your first clue? Eragon asked smartly. I can’t tell you who I am, but I’ll release you in a few minutes. You have nothing to fear from me.” Eragon ran over to the barn doors and opened them fully. He gestured to Saphira, who walked over quickly. He whispered his instructions into her ear. She quickly complied and ran into the nearby woods. Once she was away, Eragon released the invisibility he had on her and nearly collapsed onto the ground.

The man had been watching the entire time and thought he was dealing with an insane lunatic. Seeing Eragon’s strange behavior increased his fear. As Eragon moved towards him, he whimpered in fear and tried to get away. “Easy, easy. Eragon said. I’m going to untie you now. I mean you know harm.” As Eragon removed his gag, the man coughed violently. “Who are you?” He asked. “I wish I could tell you, but my own safety depends on my silence.” Eragon said. “So you’re a criminal?” The man asked with a hint of fear in his voice. “Far from it. Eragon said. Now I’m going to loosen the tie I have on your hands. It should take you a good twenty minutes or so to get free. By then I’ll be gone and you can continue with whatever you were doing. I’m sorry for my intrusion. I didn’t realize this barn was still in use.”

The man remained silent as Eragon loosened the tie. “Oh and you can have this cart and keg of beer. Eragon said. I can’t take it with me where I’m going.” He started walking away to get the long pieces of wood and other supplies. Seeing the pouch of money, he picked it up and walked over to the man. “Here’s some money. He said, tossing him some high value coins. You can either fix this barn up or build a new one. This should be enough for either of those projects.” The man showed a look of bewilderment as he watched Eragon pick up the packs, long pieces of wood, and other supplies he had. After several trips, he had gotten them all and the man was still struggling with his tie.

“Good day.” Eragon said to the man as he made his last trip. He ran into the woods and met up with Saphira, who was looking at him with a look of sorrow on her face. I’m sorry I almost got us caught. She said as he walked up. “It’s okay Saphira. He said. I knew we weren’t going to have an easy exit from there. I wasn’t expecting it to be that hard, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. At least he didn’t see you or discover my identity. Then I’d probably be singing a different tune.” Saphira watched as he tied up the long pieces of wood he had brought. What are you doing? She asked. “I’m tying these pieces of wood up. He replied. I can’t build the platform now that I’ve been seen. You’ll just have to carry them this way. Now hold still.” He slid the now tied up pieces of wood underneath her and slung the rope around her body. Then he tied a quick knot and started to get on.

I don’t know about this Eragon… Saphira said. I don’t feel comfortable carrying this… “I’m sorry but there’s no other choice. He said. You’ll just have to try it.” Saphira nodded in understanding. She flapped her wings as hard as she could and they gradually started to rise. After hovering for a few moments and getting used to the weight of the wood, she began to ascend carefully. Soon enough, they were high above the trees. Saphira flew forward with her regular speed and grace. After a few minutes of flying, Saphira couldn’t keep silent any longer.

Eragon…there’s something you should know… She said. Eragon looked over at her as she turned her head. “What is it?” He asked. As I released…….the necklace……it……….I think it increased my pleasure… Eragon looked at her in confusion. “What?” He asked. I mean the Sapphire jewel in it…not the necklace itself. Saphira said. I don’t know of any other explanation for my loss of control. She looked forward and continued to concentrate on her flying. “Well that would be a wonderful perk to your gift, but how do you really know it was that which made your experience so much more pleasurable?” Eragon asked. Saphira thought for a moment. Well I don’t know for sure if that’s why I lost control or not. She admitted. But I do know that there was something…unique about that experience. The only thing different was the necklace.

“Well that and the fact that we had to be quiet and we were sort of in danger of being discovered. Eragon pointed out. Maybe that’s what made it so much more exciting and pleasurable for you.” Perhaps… Saphira said softly. You’re very good though. You know just what to do to make me feel good… “Well I’m glad to hear I’m doing well enough for you. Eragon said. I try very hard to make sure you’re feeling as much pleasure as possible.” I know, and I appreciate your efforts very much. Saphira said. But…did you have a release? Eragon shook his head. “I was too worried to release, no matter how aroused I was.” He said. Oh I’m sorry. Saphira said. Do you want to land in a few minutes and take care of that? I can make you feel really good. You deserve it.

“No, I’ll be fine. He said. I’ll wait till tonight.” Whatever you want. Saphira said. It’s really no bother. Be selfish for once. Don’t worry about me and my pleasure. I just want you to feel good. I wouldn’t get much pleasure from it seeing as I just had several releases, but you would certainly have a good time. “Thank you for offering Saphira, but I couldn’t get any pleasure from a one-sided mating. Eragon said. Sure it might feel good, but what really makes the experience worthwhile is the love and mutual pleasuring more than the actual act of lovemaking.” Saphira closed her eyes. I knew I chose the right one. She said. From the moment our souls touched, I knew we were meant to be together.

Eragon looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean? He asked. You knew this would happen between us?” Well no of course not. Saphira said, opening her eyes. You know when I said we choose our riders because of their hearts? “Yeah.” Eragon said. I didn’t mean we chose the bravest and strongest people we could find. She said. What I meant was we chose the most selfless and loving of all the souls we had encountered. I don’t know why your selflessness keeps surprising me. It’s why I picked you to be my rider. “So you didn’t pick me because of my strength and bravery? Eragon asked. Wouldn’t it make more sense to pick a rider based on those qualities?” Of course not. Saphira said indignantly. Bravery can be acquired and it is usually instilled and encouraged by the dragon, but a person’s heart…their true nature cannot be changed so easily. It’s no wonder I fell in love with you. Your heart is so good…so pure…

“I’m not without fault or error.” Eragon said. Well no... Saphira admitted. But no one is Eragon. What matters most is the fact that your intentions are pure in nature. That’s much more important than your accomplishments and mistakes. “You really think so?” He asked. I know so. She said. I love you Eragon. “I love you too Saphira.” He said. He began rubbing her neck as they flew. “Do you like it when I rub you like this? He asked. I‘m guessing it feels good, but you haven’t said anything about it so I don’t know for sure.” I haven’t? Saphira asked in a surprised tone. It’s not like it’s a new thing though. You’ve been doing it for years. “I have? He asked in surprise. I didn’t realize it.” Yeah, you have. She said. You’ve always rubbed me like that even before our relationship changed and I’ve always loved it. I’m sorry if I seemed ungrateful. “No, it’s not that. Eragon said. I wasn’t upset because I thought you were ungrateful. I just wanted to make sure you liked it.”

Eragon…we’re lovers. She said. We’ve touched each other in every way and every place possible. We share each other’s thoughts. My body belongs to you, and yours belongs to me. We don’t have to be cautious about those things so much anymore. If you do something to me that I don’t like, I’ll tell you and you do the same. We’re more than friends. I’d think you would have realized this by now. “I do, it’s just that I want to make sure…” Eragon said, trailing off. You can do anything you want to me Eragon…anything. Saphira said. I give you that permission. I feel comfortable giving you that permission because I know you wouldn’t do anything to harm me. I trust you…I love you… I don’t want us to have to worry about such trivial things. “You’re right Saphira. He said. I give you the same permission. We don’t need to worry about such things anymore. There’s nothing we need to hide from each other.”

Saphira nodded and looked forward, concentrating on her flying. “Saphira?” Eragon said. She looked back at him again. “Let’s find a place close to here to settle down. He suggested. I really liked that village. Let’s look for a place around a day’s flight away from there. That should give us sufficient distance.” This is a very large forest. She commented. It would certainly have enough resources. But we’d need an area that’s been cleared so I can land and we can build a home. “It wouldn’t be that hard to clear a place. He said. You can always burn it down and I’ll put the fire out with the water spell.” I hadnÂ’t thought of that. She said. I suppose we’ll have to do that if we can’t find a cleared area, but there has to be one somewhere. It’s very strange not to be able to find an area that’s been cleared.

Eragon leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her neck. “Wake me up when it starts getting dark.” He said. Hey, no fair! Saphira exclaimed playfully. Why am I the one that’s doing all the work? “I’m kidding I’m kidding. He said, sitting up and laughing. I’m not really tired.” Saphira chuckled. You’re lucky you weren’t serious. She said. I would have had to wake your butt up. There’ll be no sleeping on my watch. “Oh yeah, and how would you have done that?” Eragon challenged. Almost instantly, he felt something tickling his ear. “Hey!” He yelled. He looked back just in time to see Saphira’s tail which was bent back all the way, tickling him. She stopped ticklin
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
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life after life part 2 - by acejt - 11-09-2011, 06:33 AM