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Return of the Dark One
Salutations! The Dark One has returned and he has a new title for a new writing style. I have some new story ideas for past Seasons; however, after observing the latest season of Digimon, I must admit that it appears to be [weak] such that it lacks a certain "mood" that can be found in Seasons 1, 2, and 3. (That is my personal opinion, so feel free to argue with me about it.)

For now, I plan to release an ongoing series about my fictitious character Darkmon in the coming months, once this second semester concludes. By then, I should have at least one or two good introductory, in-depth lemons.

Until then, stay tuned and I will keep you posted on further updates about my writing projects. Also, I will return to updating the Dark DigiWorld (my little web-site dedicated to hosting a small handful of lemon writers here), once I receive submissions, and publish my newer works.

Messages In This Thread
Return of the Dark One - by Lord Darkmon - 02-27-2003, 01:32 PM