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Rules of the House
Heed These Rules. Without them there is Anarchy.

1) ALL ORIGINAL MATERIALS ONLY - I.E. no fanfics here. Just stories that you thought up yourself with all original characters.

2) IF YOU WISH TO GIVE CRITICISM, GIVE ONLY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. - We're here to help writers build up their creative skills to venture out on their own. Telling them their story sucks and that they should stop writing is not the best way to go about that. Also, no "This story's cool!", one-liner type reviews. If you're going to say something about a person's story, give them IN-DEPTH reasons why you enjoyed it.

3) NO FLAMING. - If you are found writing hurtful comments and baiting people with flames, YOU WILL SUFFER.

Word Is Law. Those Who Do Not Abide By Them Will Be Banned.

Also, if you have any questions, please PM me or send me an email. Do not respond to this sticky.

Enjoy the forums.

Edited: This is a non-reply sticky, so the other posts in this thread have been deleted.

Messages In This Thread
Rules of the House - by The Infamous Boss Reo - 10-25-2005, 07:14 AM
RE: Rules of the House - by UnknownH - 09-21-2016, 01:21 PM