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The Spire.
OOC: Shadow, you forgot to post for Shadow D: Dummy. Eh, I'll just obviate his answer.


Relieved that Ereth had gone below to take care of things with Katt, and that their true enemy was very close to them by then, the dragon made Mastermune disappear and then proceeded to run upstairs at full speed, "Just a little while longer, Dot. I'll let hell LOOSE on the guy with or without his glasses on!" he growled in his mind, and continued reaching for the top of the tower with F'Nerah following closely behind.

(The Spire: Aerie platform)

"The ritual is nearly complete," Ryoji stood at the edge of The Spire, Dorothy standing next to him. The grey scaled intelectual dragon had his claws in his pockets, staring at the night sky which was storming with loud thunder and flashy lightening, "You should be honored to be the one to realize your true purpose, Yue Uzumaki," he smirked, not even turning around to the pole in the center of the platform, where a weakened Yue was tied to.

"'True purpose'? Has your delirium brought you up to speaking non-sense, Ryoji?!" Yue snarled, his fangs clenched as he continued to struggle in vain against his holdings, impressive magic force pinning him to the aerie's pillar, "You're mad!"

"I assure you, nothing would make me happier than be mad in a world where having our race tarnished by others' incompetence is considered normal," Ryoji growled, turned his head around and then smirked as he saw three silhouettes approaching. "We've company. Perfect."

"RYOJI!!" Mar roared as he jumped out of the entrance, slamming his paws on the rocky ground as he landed, "Give me back my sister!" he demanded. F'Nerah coming from behind and taking a spot next to the burly blue dragon.

"Ryoji, you've committed so many capital offenses during this festival that you'd be lucky if your soul would be even closely allowed to have any redemption," F'Nerah started, closing her gaze in on the grey dragon who seemed unfazed by her words, "Your intentions seem all clear to me, but I assure you, nothing good will come out of what you are attempting. You'll sacrifice the lives of others for an empty goal!" she shouted.

Ryoji laughed, "So what?" F'Nerah's eyes widened, "If annihilating a race of defectives will bring forth the true glory behind us, a few sacrifices will of course need to be attended to."

"You bastard!" Mar roared, clenching both his claws into fists, "Who made you so high and mighty to decide what's gonna happen?!"

"I think the answer's too obvious at this point to even force that brawny mind of yours," Ryoji laughed yet again, infuriating Mar even more which made him fume through his nostrils, although he was keeping from making a false move, worried about Dot's safety.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ooh, lunch, eh? Sounds good, what's on the menu?" Ereth chuckled, holding his claws up, an arc of lightning springing from his right claw to his left, before he threw his right arm out, a surge of lightning bursting from it, and hitting one of the shadows, before chaining to another, and then another, hitting at least five of them within a second.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Shadow took a position on Mar's other side, cracking his knuckles, "Don't claim to know much about the whole secretive way you dragons think, don't care either, no one fucks with my friends while I'm around. Or the incredibly sexy sister of one of my friends. Or the estranged uncle who never calls of one of my friends. The point is I'm gonna kick your ass." he shouted as he grabbed his swords.


"Well I was thinking we'd open with a healthy dose, OF LEAD!" Katt smiled, opening fire on Ereth, the bullets whizzing past his head and striking a shadow just about to pounce on him from behind, casually blowing at the two smoking guns, "These things are annoying, can barely hear them until they're practically on top of me."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh, are you sure of that you talking mutt?" Ryoji smirked, waving a paw which made Dorothy turn around and stand beside him, "I'm afraid you wouldn't dare."

"Let. Her. GO!" Mar roared again, his fury getting the better of him as he stamped the floor with a leg-paw, which would've cracked the stone were it not super sturdy as it were.

Ryoji's happiness couldn't be higher in that moment, "It's curious how I chose her to be my soul mate and you, her brother, is one of the few fools who hasn't decided to flee the island in a panic. I did, of course, count with the lovely prescence of lady F'Nerah with me, and maybe a few guards, but never a commoner from the public and his pet," he said as he looked at Shadow, then let out a loud laugh, Mar popped a vein behind his head as he clenched his fangs, but he just couldn't bring himself to let his inner rage take over. His relationship with his sister wasn't the tightest bond in the world, but she was his twin, and without mentioning his mother, she was his only family left.

"Ryoji," Nera suddenly exclaimed, abruptly interrupting his laughter as well as more bickering from Mar's part, "You and I both know this won't yield anything good, please desist right this instant."

"Oh? I thought this would be harder," a smile of victory drew itself on Ryoji's muzzle as he directed all his attention to F'Nerah, "The mighty ex-Aeon Dragon, begging me?" he grinned. F'Nerah, being the pride dragon she was, felt as her blood started boiling over his arrogant comments, but she closed her eyes and knelt over in a pleading position.

"Stop this madness, Ryoji, you mustn't carry out what you're planning. The Spire should only be erected in times of dire need for our people. Kohryu must not be bothered with selfish wishes and superflous demands," she explained. Mar's ears twitched as he saw and heard her; during the time he had known Nera, he had found her to be just like him in attitude and personality, yet she obviously showed a lot more maturity which he guessed could only come from her long lifespan. He didn't fully remember but he was sure she was older than a thousand or two years old. Her young appearance probably was due to her nature as a dragon much like his mother, but what had struck him more interesting at the time was what she was talking about. Kohryu? Where had he heard that before...?

"Don't waste your breath. No matter how much I enjoy your current pathetic situation, I won't back down. The essence of Kohryu will be mine, and with it, I shall cleanse this world of the filth our forefathers have been protecting ever since the dawn of that ludicrous contract between races," Ryoji barked, and finally looked over to the still struggling Yue up in The Spire's center pillar with his smile restored in his face.

"What is he gonna do?" Mar asked F'Nerah once he felt the wind changing and to gust around them. At the time, Mar felt obvious curiosity, but he soon wished he never had asked that question as his eyes met with Yue's writhing form.

The Aeon Dragon helplessly began screaming as if he was having his scales torn from his body one by one in the most cruel and painful way. He doubled over, exposing his nude back, where the Mark was. The ascending dragon tatoo on Uzumaki's back began glowing a sharp golden as Yue's scream began to turn more and more horrid. The male's throat clogged at some point with what everybody could see was blood as it began gushing out of his blood splatter by splatter. Yue's wings finally spread from the hidden pouches in his shoulders, the pain somehow having enabled him to free himself from his restraints via enormous amounts of stress being applied to his body and thus allowing him to employ inhuman strength.

Free from his bonds and with the raging pain that invaded him, Yue locked his vision on Ryoji as he fell to the ground, immediately morphing into a gigantic version of himself that impressed even Mar who couldn't stop watching in both awe and disgust. Yue was now a massive behemoth of thirty feet of height, standing on four paws and ready to crush Ryoji in his claws.

"YUE! No! You mustn't...!" F'Nerah nearly broke her usual collected demeanor as she stood back up and outstretched her arm as if trying to yank Yue's arm to bring him to her side like a worried mother would do to her child that's about to commit a serious mistake.

Ryoji had been smiling all the while, but now he was grinning. "I never would've expected this to go as smoothly as this. Thanks for doing the job for me, Aeon Dragon," he arrogantly said.

Yue was about to do as he intended the moment he morphed, but before his sharp talon could reach Ryoji's head, his stopped dead on the spot. The massive white colored dragon stumbled over. The tatoo on his back was glowing the brightest yet, and all of a sudden, the giant Aeon Dragon known as Yue Uzumaki felt like he was being torn in two. His back began bleeding massively, although nothing compared to the puddle he had made before by vomitting it and eventually, with many painful roars, Yue's back exploded as a golden apparition grew right out of his body.

Mar covered his front with his arms. He wasn't sure of what had just happened, but by the looks of it, Yue had just been killed, nobody had been able to do a thing, Ryoji had been the responsible one, and to top it all, Dorothy still was next to him.

OOC: Sorry for the long post, guys! It's just without Ray I gotta play F'Nerah too <.<
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow jumped back from the sudden growling, still at the ready for an assault, "Okay, someone wanna explain what the hell's happening to the non-immortals?" he asked, completely clueless to what anyone was talking about, not that it was too important, all he cared about was rescuing Dot. He glanced up at her, smiling a bit, "Come on Dot, this ain't like you, hope this isnt' about those panties I stole." he grinned a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"No!" F'Nerah hissed in fear, Uzumaki's feral dragon form's body suddenly being consumed in a flashing blast of light as only the large, golden apparition in the shape of a chinese dragon was left: It was at least three times larger than its previous host length-wise, its paws clutched four spears of varying brilliance and its head seemed to be decorated with a flowing golden mane. It didn't move, it just floated, and it never uttered a word.

Not that it needed to say anything, as Ryoji was telling it all with the wicked, victorious smile his face had put on.

Mar was confused, unable to decide what was necessary. Dorothy wasn't budging either, never speaking a word, nor leaving Ryoji's side for the matter.

"Martin, Shadow! He's just released Kohryu's essence by sacrificing Yue Uzumaki's body to the demon energies of this tower!" Nera explained by shouting, she seemed to be losing her cool as the inmutable possibilities of what someone could do with the powers of the corrupted essence of a sacred beast passed through her mind, "If we don't stop him soon, he will...!"

"You can't stop me!" Ryoji stepped forwards, spreading his arms and his wings together as if he was about to embrace, which was his honest intention at the time, "A god I shall be, the world I shall change, with the queen I've chosen I shall govern," he began to recite, Nera roaring as she watched Ryoji pull what seemed to be a metalic golden neck band and placing it on his neck, making it glow instantly as he talked. As he saw this, Mar finally got fed up and began pumping his legs as hard as he could to run in Ryoji's direction.

No, he didn't know what was going on. He didn't know more than his buddy Shadow next to him, but he knew it wasn't anything cool, his twin was in danger, and all that was in his mind at that time was the chance Ryoji had given him by producing some distance between each other. As a warrior, he considered that an opening. "Dot, come here!" he said, leaping past Ryoji to reach with his hand to grab Dorothy.

Ryoji didn't budge an inch and a discrete smirk drew itself on his muzzle, "And nobody shall stop me. Kohryu, faithful guardian appointed by Lord Infini, grant me your powers so I shall cleanse!" he finished, and finally closed his arms as the apparition suddenly came to life and wildly began whipping around him like a flying serpent. The grey dragon began levitating in air as this happened.

Mar yanked the robe Dorothy was wearing, and seeing the golden dragon circling Ryoji, he turned his back on it while holding Dorothy in front of him, "UWAA!" he groaned as the apparition of Kohryu charged him as it circled Ryoji in a spherical fashion, instantly and effortlessly sending him flying back to the others with Dorothy clutched tightly around his arms. The dragoness of course had not uttered a single word or made a move at all, "D-damn, what was that...?" Mar gasped in a daze.

"Dorothy! Thank goodness...!" F'Nerah made sure to thank her god but her happiness didn't last any longer as the cackle of lighting reminded her Kohryu's essence was being drained at the time, "N-no... We're too late...!" she then cursed her impotency, it would be fruitless to try to intervene the joint of two souls, the aftereffect of attempting to sever the connection now would be disastrous and would potentially destroy The Spire in the process, and everyone in it. All she could do at the time was ask herself where Ryoji had acquired that peculiar piece of jewelry, "I made sure to hide it well... Just... how...? When did he get his claws on it?! Damn it!" she thought.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
With a loud howl Shadow charged forward, leaping over the flying form of Mar, smiling down at him, "Good work getting Dot out of the way, let me handle the megalomaniac." he smiled, landing on the ground and continuing his charge, "Come down here and call me a mutt again ya overgrown lizard!" he growled, hurling one of his blades at Ryoji.

Suddenly there was a flash of sparks, shooting from the hilt of the sword, seeming to push it forward. Behind the group came the loud quick banging of a handgun, "I leave you guys alone for five minutes and what happens? A giant monster appears, can't trust you guys at all can I?" Katt smiled a bit, still firing at the sword, each bullet striking with frightening accuracy to push it forward towards Ryoji.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah, and what's with leaving me out, eh? You know I enjoy a good brawl!" Ereth chuckled with a grin as he came up behind Katt, and out onto the roof. "What exactly IS going on here, anyway?" he asked, looking up at Ryoji, his eyes twitching a bit as they caught sight of the necklace. Is that...?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
As the bladed weapon approached the revolving apparition of Kohryu, however, it suddenly was stopped in its tracks as if some sort of invisible hand had gripped its handle in air. All of a sudden there was a quick flash and the sword turned grey from top to bottom, promptly breaking off into dust that crumbled on the floor.

Mar was too busy shaking Dorothy, who wasn't even unconscious, in an attempt to get her to come back to pay attention to brawling, "Dot! Dot! Wake up, damnit! What's he done to you?!" he shouted to his emotionless sister, getting no kind of reaction back. "Nera! What the heck are we supposed to do?! She's not coming to!"

The twisting sprite of the sacred beast was now moving way too fast to catch up with and the levitating Ryoji would be impossible to be seen within the spherical motion, the sound of the fast revolutions the golden dragon was doing was so loud his incantations could not be heard anymore. But something was indeed happening, the demonic spirits left behind inside the tower weren't coming out now, and the storm was now becoming incontrollably wild, small gusts of wind turning into streaming tornados that began razing the island's surroundings.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"KITT!" Katt roared as she looked over the edge of the spire onto the island, watching as the tornados whipped around it.

"Don't worry, the others are there. Sure they've got some kind of plan incase anything bad happens." Shadow said, swinging around is remaining sword, "Well, I've tried everything I can think of, any idea how to stop this thing?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad