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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Looks like we'll be off shortly then." Kyosan grinned, cracking his knuckles with his claws before then approaching Zorro, looking onto him before asking shortly. "Say Zorro, I heard there was something else on one of the floors, something like a training thing or virtual thing... mind if I go test it out for myself?"

"So, any clues on what to do, Crimsy? Maybe you can teach me some stuff, since you seem to know a lot!" Lurea giggled happily, snuggling back up to the fox's side once more as her tail wagged energetically to and fro, finding herself enjoying the simplicity of the situation they were in at least for the moment.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sure, you can use it. It's downstairs across from the hall to the kitchen. ...Hmmm, you should probably bring someone along to run the console though on the outside since you don't know any of the commands inside the computer world." Zorromon then looked down and gently caressed his sister's paw, "Monnie, I have to go drive this rig, but I'll check on you in a little bit, okay."

Monica nodded softly and told them, "Okay then." She then looked towards the whole group and told them, "Thank you for all of your help. I'm going to rest a little more, but once I'm up, I'll try to figure out a way to help you guys."

"'Kay, but take it easy, cutie. We got things under control." Demidevimon then landed gently on Kotana's shoulder.

Zorromon smiled, happy once he saw his sister's old personality returning. He then turned to Kotana and told her, "You ready, Blue? I'd hate to takeoff without my co-pilot."

Ada grinned towards Kyo and told him, "Hehe, let's go, dragon boy. I'll get ya all set up. So what should we have you fight?"

Crimson beamed proudly from her compliment and told Lurea, "Sure, sounds like a good idea." The fox thinks for a moment, "Hmmm, well I can't really teach you to play an instrument or anything like that with the tools needed. Oh, I know." He then pulls what appears to be a Nintendo DS out of his lab coat pocket. "Maybe you'd like to learn how to play a video game? It's one of my world's favorite forms of entertainment. Well, unless you had something else in mind."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, I'll give it a try. If there's any manual there, I could probably pick it up fast." Kyosan murmured, looking onto Ada before then smiling and then folding his arms. "I want to practice, if there's anything we can fight, I have a very good idea who I would like to fight."

"I guess... it'd be interesting!" Lurea giggled, looking at the stange block before then gently looking at it, tapping it softly. "So how do you use it, Crimsy? Come on, teach me!"

"I'm all ready, still trying to think. Is there anything else interesting on this ship to do while we're flying?" Kotana asked curiously, thinking to herself as she looked onto Monica. "I want to try thinking of a way to cure her amnesia while also trying other stuff."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Steven..." uttered Ada, speaking her mind for a moment before frowning in regret. "Sorry. Anyways, sure, I'm sure there's a manual. Let's just get down there." The feline digimon quietly walked with her tamer towards the elevator.

Meanwhile, Crimson led Lurea towards the back part of the bridge to where there was a table with some chairs. "Alrighty, cutie. Let's begin." The fox opened the silver colored box up for her, reveal twin screens and some buttons. "We'll try something simple, something that doesn't take too many buttons or what not." He put in a copy of Super Mario World in the GBA slot, before telling her about the various buttons, "Okay, well, as you just saw, you first have to put a little box, a game cartridge in for the machine. Next, you hit the little power button here, and..." The fox went over the controls movement, running, and about the general premise of the game he put in for her. "...Anyways, that's about it. Do you have any questions?"

Zorromon thought for a moment before telling her, "Well, we don't really have much of a medical bay. I'm sure we can find a doctor in Mainframe that can help." The red fox then thought about her other question. "Well, unless you feel like training with Kyo, you can always play around with the ship's on-board computer. There's some games and stuff on there."

Demidevimon suddenly spoke up as he gently caressed Kotana's shoulders with her red claws. "Hey, babe, how about you and me play "doctor"?"

Zorromon was quick to give Demidevimon a complimentary knuckle sandwich before telling Kotana, "We do have an actual gym on board too, and I think Steven stashed some of his video things on here somewhere. Beats me if he has any good taste though."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Noticing her silence, Kyosan thought it was an awkward topic and so left himself silent as well for a brief moment, approaching the lift before entering along with Ada. "Ada... I haven't really told you about myself, have I?" He asked lightly.

"Hmm... so basically, don't touch enemies, jump on their heads by pressing that button... pick up mushrooms and stars where I can, jump up into bricks to find items... " Lurea murmured as she came up to the first level, looking onto the little screen before then focusing herself on the human plumber sprite. "I'll just have to try!"

"Hmm, the videos would be interesting to watch, and the gym wouldn't be too bad either." Kotana smirked a little from the sound of the gym, having the faintest idea that she might be able to spar with the fox before looking to Demidevimon before then walking over to him. "Oh come off it, Demi. I'll be my own doctor before anyone else is my doctor."

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You've mentioned a few things, but I guess not in any heavy detail." Ada started to get curious and promptly asked, "What did you want to talk about in particular?"

"Yup, that's right. Just give it your best shot, Lu!" Crimson eagerly watched the screen with Lurea, cheering her on as she started playing.

"Well, okay. How about we workout and then we can look through the videos?" Zorromon wagged his tail a little as he though about Kotana getting hot and sweaty.

Demidevimon groaned as he struggled to arise, telling Kotana weakly, "S-Sorry, babe...I'll just go hang out in the bridge."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I just wanted someone to talk to about things, that's all. We've been busy and what not, so it's hard to tell you a lot about me." Kyosan sighed and rested against the wall as he thought for a moment, closing his strained eyes before re-opening them. He tried to paraphrase as much as he wanted to let out of his experiences, disregarding very small details before the elevator doors winded open. "...At least maybe you can understand why this all seems too strange."

Licking her lips cautiously and beginning, Lurea began playing through the opening level, remembering Crimson's advice and words as she managed her way slowly through the level. Seeing as how it was still her first few tries, she misjudged her jumps and died, but soon picked up the hang of it. "Alright, I think I'm getting somewhere at least~!"

"Sounds alright. Besides," Kotana gave a curious little smirk, picturing the slightly buff fox himself covered in sweat before shaking the tantalizing idea away, before heading towards the elevator. "I'd like to see how good you really are, Red."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, Steven was dead, but somehow came back in our world." Ada tried to absorb all the knowledge Kyo gave her, before telling him, "Someone must have intentionally created this digital duplicate. If digital copies of people from your world could just spontaneous appear, then we should have seen others by now, right?" The feline sighed, not really having an answer to her own question as she walked off the elevator with Kyo. She tried to offer a small smile and hugged him. "Well, let's just focus on the task ahead. I know you've had it rough, but you have me by your side."

"That's good, looks like you're starting to get it." Crimson smiled, enjoying watching Lurea slowly learn the finer points of playing the game. "Oh, it's the first castle. Be careful of the traps, cutie." The fox wagged his tail anxiously as he wondered how the dragoness would deal with the Koopaling.

"Oh, a challenge, eh?" Zorromon smirked as he joined Kotana on the elevator, telling her, "You're on, Blue. So what did you want to do exactly?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I don't honestly know, neither do I know what's going on." Kyosan sighed, though began to smile warmly once more once Ada had offered the hug to him, taking it warmly and embracing her lightly before following the path down into the room, noticing the complicated machinery and then murmuring to himself. "Now where's that manual."

"The traps?" Lurea quizzed, before then noticing one of the fire traps a little too late as she got caught out, wagging her tail and giving a small cute whine before then attempting once more from where she last picked up, continuing to try. "Uhm, the Koopaling, right... I'll see if I can get up to it first..."

"I wanted to do a little spar match, but spice it up a little. I don't like it just being all "Win or Lose and That's All". How about... first person who pins the other down three times wins, and the loser has to obey for the rest of the day?" Kotana suggested, giving a small cute smirk across her lips as her crystal eyes seemed to shine, delighted at the idea she had come up with.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Right here!" The feline held up the manual proudly and started working the nearby console. "Okay, it seems like it's pretty easy to operate. All you need to do is take a seat and I can input one of the basic training programs in for you."

"It's okay, you still have plenty of lives, Lurrie." Crimson hugged the dragoness gently with his fluffy tail, while he watches eagerly. "Okay, there he is. You just have to knock him into the lava. Good luck, cutie."

"Alrighty, sure." Zorromon smirks, liking the possibilities of her challenge. "I don't know though, Blue. I am a digimon, how are you going to pin me?" The fox then playfully flexed his arm, showing off his huge furry bicep for her.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions