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Digimon World 4/X
Still playing it having a so-so time enjoying myself. I'm up to the part where you have to board a train and hit the direction signs with a hammer. How far are the rest of you?
I've been playing multiplayer with my brother with him 'hosting,' him an Agumon and me a Veemon, we just got past the part where you unlock the protection system and Seraphimon goes to the command center.

Since my brother was hosting I had to go back and do all quests by myself, as the Guilmon I unlocked with Veemon and I was just about to go fight Apokarimon.

Anyway What's with the magic techs? Half the time they seem to intentionally curve away from the enemies unless they're less than a foot away from you.

For the most part even with the problems the game has I
YAY I FINALY GOT IT IM SO HAPPY ^^ well i havent played it just wanted to announce it... hehe im so happy after waiting 6 days after it came out YAY IM SO HAPPY!!! stupid mall, none of the places even had it gah i had to go out of my way to get it but im still happy

Oh i gotta say this, isnt it sorta embarrising that you go up for this game and have to ask for it. because it isnt on the shelves... and even though im still a teen its sorta strange going up and asking them for it but im still happy i got over it and bought it ^^
I bought mine today, but my birthday's in a week, so I'll open it then. Yep, I'm at that age where I buy my own presents, and I've only had a couple of birthday "parties" in my life...oh well.

I'm not completely satisfied with my completion of Digimon World 3 yet anyway (I want Paladin Mode), and I just got over a point where I can call Digimon World 1 done, by beating the Beetle Tournament.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I am still in persuit of the game. I will go to an video game store to buy it or atleast order it to buy. I hope I get it soon.
well like the res of you im having a so so time with it as well, the load times are... shall i say annoying but i guess sorta worth it, i hate the raise thing thats an announce, i wish they would atleast add an online mutliplayer but hell i wasnt expecting it anyway, all in all its still good to see a digimon
In case anyone wanted to know or didn't know yet the order in which you unlock the other rookies are as follows:

Starting with Veemon:
Veemon Lv. 16 Unlocks Guilmon
Guilmon Lv. 16 Unlocks Agumon
Agumon Lv. 16 Unlocks Dorumon
Dorumon Lv. 16 Unlocks Veemon (I'd Assume)

I'm pretty anal about leveling up all my digimon at the same rate so I'm not making too much progress but I was wondering if anyone had unlocked any of the ultimate/mega forms yet? The requirements for them seem a little ridiculous since you have to be at a pretty advanced level to be able to beat the side quests. The sad thing being that the digimon in the side quest areas aren
Wow im not even up to the side quests yet :cry: yout so fast at this...
Actually I probably just have more free time to play than you do.

Anyway did anyone else buy the guide with the game? If you didn't then don't. I think this guide could actually give FFIX's guide a run for it's money on the crap-o-meter. There's so many glaring omissions and even the explanations of some of the side quest stuff is half assed.

For example for the quest Undead Yard the guide tells you there are a couple breakable walls into hidden room where you need to get to kill all the enemies and it has directions to them. However it doesn't tell you how many enemies you actually have to kill on the first floor. There's 270 enemies on normal mode, 156 of which are on the first floor. You'd think that's be essential information so you would know weather or not you had finished with that floor.

Other than that Some stuff that wasn't done very well was:

Not having a rundown of what digimon learned what MP tech and when they learn it.
In the Bestiary not telling you which stats were for which enemy that shows up in multiple areas.
Not telling you which stat was for which rare enemy. (The different colored crowns.)
No fully detailed list of how to get which unlockable form, only a small table on the final page.

Hmm how bout that. I usally get a guide for some games and the problem is you may have got an inferior guide. There's a few for almost every game.