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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"Yeah, don't pity yourself, Livian. We'll take care of the ones that are truly at fault." Jedrek tried to console the dragoness, hating to see her worry.

Hyouzen leaned against the wall, and sighed, realizing they were getting pulled into something really huge. He turned to Soljowl and Foria, and asked, "So, any idea how we can track these killers? I haven't had much experience with magicians...or magic killers, or whatever these things are."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Livian nodded, her ears lowered in a sadden state. Soljowl aruptly came over to her, "Don't let your pheromones come over you." He whispered. Livian blinked innocently as she became confused by what he means. "Trust me, once you two are alone your hormones might take over without you realizing it." he pkaced the key as she remained quiet at her place.

"Anyways, we won't know until they have something to use her as bait, that's all we can do to guarentee her safely. Finding out who's the culprit." Soljowl answered giving Foria, Hyouzen, and even Jedrek the keys while he has one leftover to himself. "I wish you all well rest."

Livian's huge eyes stared directly at Jadrek, her face flushing in a bit of crimson. red He wouldn't tbe taking advantage of her as she's helplessly giving off her dragons scent right? But she remembered during every March her mother told her males can't resist a females aroma unless the male(like a gay person) build a tolerance around it. Father seemed definite to take his rightful place at mom's side and go through the procedure with her leaving off with satisfaction grin on his face.

The black dragon reminded her father completely sauve, muscular, and intellect. And her behavior come off as well as just like her mother. Only, her mother smiles more often than she does which she needed to work on. But how can she when she's thinking about her and Jadrek? Again she quietly clung onto the dragon's arm.
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hyouzen nodded, taking the key, and telling Soljowl, "Thanks. I'll guess I'll hit the hey early. If we're starting our search early, I'd hate to slow us down." The bounty hunter headed off for his room, hoping that "that fancy pants" shadow dragon wouldn't try to take advantage of Livian.

Jedrek blushed a little as Livian held his beefy arm, and told her, "Aw, don't worry, I'll keep a good eye on you." You found the dragoness quite cute as she hung on to his arm before he smelled an odd aroma in the air. "Hmmm, are those fresh flowers or..." He then noticed where the odd odor was coming from and blushed brightly. Though he found Livian absolutely charming, he still wanted to be a gentleman. "Umm...perhaps I should go to my room. You probably want to get changed to go to bed I imagine."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The striped hyena merely waved a finger at the ebony reptile. "Hate to break it to you, Jadrek my friend, she's rooming with you. Better keep close to her if she's being taken by some hidden enemy if things went with a different situation that I be choosing separate rooms for each of us now. Her vulnerability should be knowledgable. She can defend herself, but if sleeping noone will closely watch other than yourself unless you don't mind switching keys."

Frowning upon that statement. Livian felt more comfortable with Jadrek even she knew Soljowl wouldn't harm a princess. But there are things she heard rumors about the scavager that are unpleasant as it seemed. "I-I-I really don't mind sharing a room with Jadrek." Her face froze upon saying it. "Where's Foria?"

"With Hyouzen." Soljowl replied with a nasty smile.

The canine is with Hyouzen; however, she quickly raced to the single bathroom. Her hands covering her mouth to muffled her giggles. Her furry body turned to face the blue dragon at their door. She smiled playfully at him. "Are you ready to prepare what's in store for you?"
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ah, very well. Well, I promise to respect your privacy while we share this room, Livian." Jedrek smiled and gently caressed her hand while she clung to her arm. He then looked towards Soljowl and asked him, "So, what time did you all want to begin our search tomorrow?"

Hyouzen blinked in confusion as he saw Foria in the doorway with her odd question. "Um, you mean protecting, Livian? Sure. I don't have these for nothing." He chuckled lightly and flexed one of his blue, scaly arms, showing off the muscle for a moment. "Or did you mean something else?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"As soon as you all wake up." The hyena smiled walking to his room leaving the two alone.

Livian went into their bathroom(the one Jedrek and Livian are sharing) to take a quick bath. Closing the door behind her, which she forgotten to lock. As she turned on the shower faucet cold, the freezing waters touch her skin. Enjoying the relaxing cold as if she was born from the north pole. She is a windragon afterall. Though her mind wouldn't get over of Jedrek. She never had sex with anyone.

"I mean something else silly." She chuckled as her finger pawed at the aquadragon's muzzle. "Like a little fun between us." her tail wagged playfully at him. Her hands on the knob and locking the door behind him as she leaned herself over at him.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jedrek waited impatiently for Livian, while he sat on the soft bed. Oh, wonderful. That blasted hyena roomed me with her, while she's in the middle of a heat. Okay...I can control myself. Just need to avoid thinking about her cute body. Umm...pudding! Yes, yes, I'll just think about pudding. The shadow dragon nervously wagged his tail as he tried to remain a gentleman, even as the lingering smell of Livian's heat drifted throughout the room.

Hyouzen blushed a little from the sudden advance, before he grinned. "Oooh, and what kind of fun would that be, huh?" The water dragon already knew what she was talking about, but he decided to have a little fun with her, while his beefy arms gently wrapped around Foria to embrace her against his studly chest. "Perhaps something involving this?" His tail then gently curled around and playfully slapped the dragoness' rump.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
After taking a shower Livian found herself a wearing a nearly see-through nightgown. It didn't fit on her well as her breasts getting in the way. Feeling agitated after trying to pull it without breaking it, she sighed as to wear wear a long cloth around her chest. She always had trouble finding the right clothes. The ones she got were custom made for her, so that was never a problem. Finally, when she finished the bathroom, she settled herself next to Jedrek. Her nipples seemingly peeping through as the knot she made was loosening. She smiled at him without noticing herself. "I finished."

Foria veered at Hyouzen's eyes for a moment, her smile playfully turning into a frown. "Aw I thought you knew." Her claw dangerously circled around his pants. "Unless you want me how it's done."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Umm...ummm...g-good," stuttered Jedrek, while almost nose-bleeding from the sight of Livian in her revealing gown and cloth. The shadow dragon was barely keeping himself in check as a fresh wave of her lovely, heated scent filled his nose. "S-So...ready for bed?"

"Heh, I know what you're talking about." Hyouzen chuckled a little, before he murred happily as her playful claw nearly caressed his crotch. "Mmrrr...teaser..." He smirked a little as he repaid the favor by having his claw gently slide down and playfully caress her inner thigh.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Livian nodded, though she started going over his body and sat down at his crotch. Her tail wagging slowly almost like a puppy gesture. "May I lay on top of you when you're done showering?" Livian's eyes innocently stare out him, though her hands are kept on held to herself.


The red dragon giggled, and despite being small she pushed him over to bed before hastly having herself on top of him. "Well, lucky for you. I'm not wearing any panties now." She had hands over her crotch and the sound of frabric tore underneath her and she placed over the huge dragon's head.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)