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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Suddenly Mickal flickered into existence, appearing before her and smiling. "I can save you from your pain, but in exchange, you must become my pet." He smirked, keeping the pain down just enough to avoid a black out, but not enough to make her feel any better. "Become my slave or die in agony, it is your choice."


"It will be hard for her, but there is no one best suited to heal her than me! I will not let you rape her, use her like an item! She is more than a slave, more than an Item! She helped you find Silvia, she is a person, a person in pain! How can I let you take her Alex?! How?!" Angy did not back away even an inch, she was ready for him. "Did you intend on raping me to Alex? Why did you even tell me?!" Tears spilled from her eyes, her heart was breaking from this. She was torn and her heart hurt for Alex, Serenity and even Silvia, who would either be raped the rest of her life or rescued only to have the same fate.


"My mistake." Mike said with a disarming smile. "Im just here to get some eats and leave anyways, but I can wait until you are all done." He began to leave but then looked back at Grace. "See you later cutie." And he was gone. Grace blushed a little but said nothing more than "What an odd human...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I don't trust me....He looked at you Grace, looked at ou in a way only a husband, or lover should...You should be careful, Princess. We don't know anyone else in this tavern, so we should stick to just trusting each other," Hunter suggested.


"I love Silvia!" Alex screamed loudly. "I love her, Serenity, and you! I cannot help having lust! I cannot hel that my love is black! I cannot help that I am Alex Hunter, but I accept! Do not make me hurt you Angy....Choose your words carefully. All I want, are my lovers back..." he said. "I told you, I'm not like Mike! I am kinder, more honorable, and a better person than he is!"


"W-wha?" Rain whimpered, but then groaned in pain. The horrible...horrible pain... "Yes! YES! Fine! Whatever, just make it stop! Please, make it stop!" she cried out.
Grace didnt answer and ate her fruit silently. She was not used to this situation, not one bit and she did not know if she could trust only Hunter. "You didnt meet anyone else in this place? No one we can trust?" She asked softly as she picked up another fruit.


"You told me that you raped women, that you hurt them! So you had me heal her so you could fuck her?! None of us are lovers! We hardly know each other, and I didnt know you at all Alex! Leave right now! I never want to see you again, and if you have any respect for the life I gave you, then you will leave us in peace!" She drew her bow back a little more and power sparked, Alex had little time left.


Mickal smiled and raised her up with his magic and kissed the nape of her neck where the new symbol was. The pain eased almost right away. "Come with me pet." She said as he laid her back on the ground. "On all fours, you need to earn two legs if you want to use them."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"There is Mickal..." Hunter began. "He is a loyal servant to the Saxon Kingdom, and I owe him for...past deeds. Other than that, I once met two young girls while I was looking for you. They seemed nice and trustworthy, but I do not know..."


Alex squeezed hsi fist and looked at the ground. He was arguing with himself on what to do. He could not let this beauty and Serenity go. But Angy did save him...No...She no longer trusted, no longer worried for him, no longer cared. Plus, she had made a horrible insult towards him. She insulted his lover towards Silvia.

"I am not like that! I am not evil! Serenity has lived her whole life as a slave, and without a Master you will condem her to her own damnation! Look at the world, and you will find I am most good hearted rapist you can find! I will not leave, without her! Atleast give her to me, before you kill her Angy!" he screamed, before calming down. "Angy, you saved my life...Don't force me to take yours. Please, Angy, I am begging you. Submit, before you or anyone else is hurt..."


Rain was in too much pain to argue, her mind injured and tortured as she fell on all fours and followed the man, her Master.
Grace nodded slowly and finished her food. "OK, I suppose thats all good. What should we do now? Should we look for the key?" she asked softly, already looking around the kitchen.


Angy fired her missile and curved it so it blasted into Alex's left leg above his knee. the wound was deep and blood as the holy projectile sliced into sinner's flesh. "Dont make me take back what I gave you Alex." she said almost Darkly. "Leave now or die. I am a warrior, I will not shy from battle and I will not fail to protect her. I dont want to kill you, but I will if you force me to!" she already had another arrow Drawn, Alex had only a few moments before it was also loosed upon him. Angy did not want to fight, she really didnt want to kill Alex, but she would if he absolutely forced her to!


(Dont make her break so easily, Mickal has hardly gotten to the fun stuff yet!)

He walked her back to his tower and told her to it in the middle of the room. He then began to look for something, something he found rather quickly. A collar and leash.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Well she did just get bitten by a snake three times. Give her a night sleep and I'm sure she'll come back to her senses!))

Rain laid in the center of the room, trying to gather herself and heal from the horrors of the snake bites. It would be clear to Mickal that she had a new fear of the slithering demons, and she barely even noticed him when he came to her with the collar and leash.


Alex hissed in pain as he felt the arrow cut into his leg and he made his choice. He limped to the exit, taking one last glance at Angy and Serenity as he opened the door. "May I atleast say goodbye to her?" he asked, looking at Serenity.


"Lets, though Mickal has already told me he has not found any signs of the key yet. Perhaps it is not taking the shape of a normal key? Or perhaps the key is a password and not a physical thing?" Hunter suggested as he walked over to Grace.
Mickal clipped it on and tied the leash to the bed and smiled. "Now then, my new pet. What will your name be? I rather like Sarah, or Leena, or maybe Cassandra." He mused as he stroked her head and back. "Such a cute and obedient pet, It hardly took any effort to tame you."


"No." Angy said flatly. "I will tell her you died in a contest, you are not allowed in my room any longer, leave now." Angy was not joking around, she would shot him again if he did not leave.


Grace scratched her head. "That makes things far more complicated. Can he not simply teleport us away or used some kind of portal? I thought Warlocks were good at those kinds of things." She sighed and looked around. A non physical Key? But they had no clues as to what it could be!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
" name is Rain. It's Rain," the blue girl slowly said, still horribly scarred from her agony and suffering the snake gave her.


"Mickal mentioned he could possibly make a portal home, but we are too far from our own dimension to just go there. He will need time, a week at the least. Until then, it is best if you and I searched ourselves," Hunter said. "There must be some kind of clue to where they key is."


Alex stared at Angy, and then at Serenity. Finally, he left through the door, limping back to his room. Though some part of him felt and understood Angy, most of him wanted revenge. He felt betrayed, and he promised when Silvia was his again, he would regain his Serenity, and young Angy.
"No, I dont like Rain. Im going to name you something different." Mickal said, still thinking and looking as though her comment was more or less of a small opinion rather than a statement. "How about Nina? If not then Sarah is fine, I cant seem to choose between the two." He said at last.


"Alright then. Do you want to go back to the door and see if there was anything we missed?" Grace asked, still looking around the kitchen. "I think we both agree that a week is too long."


In his room he would find another letter. This one simply had the place written on it.

"Game Room"

Alex had yet to visit there so he would not know where it was, but he would have to find it quickly. It would be much easier to do with more than just himself in the search though...
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex sighed and thought about Angy and Serenity. Like they would help him. Mike....of course not. Silvia...he sighed once more before turning down the hallway, and began walking around this damned and hellish tavern, looking for the Game Room.


"No...No....M-my name is Rain. I'm Rain," the Ranamon said. "Rain...Not Nina, not Sarah, I'm Rain!" she argued.


"Let's," Hunter said, and held out his hand, unwilling to go unless Grace was safe in his hands. He trusted no one else with her. A perfect beauty he loved, no one else deserved her body. He wasn't even sure if he did.