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Beyblade XXX
OOC: Probably, yeah!


"Max? Is that you?" Kai said disorientedly. "Sexual Intercourse? I... yes. I do."

"Don't even think about it." Dranzer squawked.
OOC: cool. My character's name will be Willium (Will for sort) and his bit beast is called Helios, the dragon of healing. He Red shirt blue pand and a white clowk.

BIC: Will was in the most snowy part of Russa trying to train to become the best when suddenly his bit best started to talk to him. "Master will, I feel someone who needs healing." "Is it far?" asked Will. "Yes you must hurry on the east before it's too late." replied Helios. Will starts to run to the direction his bit beast told him to go.
Kai suddenly got a burst of energy. "My Bitbeast sense is tingling!" He said with confidence.

"What- the hell- is wrong with KAI!?" Dranzer squawked.
The wind were fearce and the cold was rough, but that didn't stop Will from stopping.
Max looked at Kai, and then looked at the floor and finally looked away. "I-I think I should go Kai" he said sadly and slowly opened the door, walking out quickly but still walking, his mind buzzing with confusion.
"Master, we are almost there." said Helios. "Good." replied Willium as he got closer to where Max was at.
"No- don't go-" Kai said suddenly, grabbing hold of one of Max's hands. "I... I have these- strange feelings for you- I don't understand- I- please, I want you to help me understand. I... want to be close to you- and I don't know why..."

"Yep. Kai's gone Cuckoo." Dranzer sighed.

"DIEPIGGYPIGGYDIEDIE!!!!" Black Dranzer squawked above Dranzer.
Max stared at Kai, his cheeks turning a rather deep shade of pink as he stared at the older boy. As the older boy held his hand, he suddenly felt very nervous and his heart was pounding away, not sure whether to run and hug the male, his heart was torn between the two.

"Kai...." was all Max could say as his big blue innocent eyes stared at the older teenager.
Will finally got to the building where Max and Kai are and asked "Is this the place Helios?" "Yes it is,b ut don't go in yet!" replied Helios. "Why?" asked Willium. "Because it'll be rude, besides, it'll be more fun if they come to use for help even if we bump into them." said his betbeast. "Alright, and besides I need a rest for all that running I did. What is good is helping someone if you are tiered." said Will as he sat at the wall of the building.